You’re at the bar and this guy walks up and slaps your gf’s ass. What do you do?

You’re at the bar and this guy walks up and slaps your gf’s ass. What do you do?

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>Put effort into making an iconic helmet
>Use it for the first movie in your stupid soft reboot Star Wars trilogy
>Slap it onto all the merchandise because you know that shit looks cool and sells
>Sequel gets passed to some dumbfuck cuck director and he destroys the helmet you spent so long designing for literally no reason
>Get the ability to direct the final movie in the trilogy and literally glue the fucking thing back together to be used again

It's like poetry honestly. This trilogy is a gold mine of shit and you can see it plainly in how the movies have been made. Clearly there was no coordination and no plan.

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Mark fucking Hamill STILL shits on this movie on social media. He alluded to being pissed off that Luke and Han didn’t get to have a reunion, and implied he was disappointed with Rians direction of Luke. That was two weeks ago.
When the patriarch star of your franchise throws shade at your handling of said franchise, you know you fucked up.

>this guy walks up and slaps your gf’s ass.
And that's what happened to Brie's ass. Burned off with a lightsaber.

>let the past die. burn it if you have to
>oh shit, what made money was the past stuff, not the new bullshit
>put the past back together. glue it if you have to

I hate this outfit. Kylo Ren is a tank and his fighting skills are average at best. He should be wearing armor. He's not Darth Maul for fucks sake.

It's also like they dropped the whole wannabe Vader angle which I don't like at all. It could've made for a great character arc of him deciding whether he wants to be like Vader or Anakin.

Suck his dick.

jokes on him, I don't have a girlfriend

Destroying the helmet was one of the best things in TLJ, shill harder JJloser.

JJ bringing back the helmet is the most retarded thing he could do.

Kylo is very skilled though, your headcanon is wrong so you dumb opinion is wrong too. He wears the outfit to hide behind layers because he's larping. Dumbass.

Kylo Ren is absolutely the best part of the sequels and even that is totally fucked in its execution. The knights of ren are a good addition and I hope it goes well

>they dropped the whole wannabe Vader angle

No, they didn't "drop" it. They developed him out of it because it was fucking retarded and everyone knew it.

The point of his development was becoming his own person, not "durr like Anakin or Vader". He's not Anakin or Vader, he's Ben Solo. You understand jack shit about the character, you don't get to talk.

Mark Hamill ships Reylo.

Why are you guys replying to shill threads?

Maybe, but it still doesn't mean that the tonal whiplash from TFA to TLJ in terms of Kylo Ren wasn't forceful.

Boycott him

Wait for him to cut off his own fingers

Why does he need a hood if he wears a helmet?

>Sequel gets passed to some dumbfuck cuck director and he destroys the helmet you spent so long designing for literally no reason
There was a reason. The reason was that it looked fucking stupid. It didn't look "iconic" and it never will no matter how much Disney tries to force this shit.

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>glue it if you have to

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>thinking they put any effort into kylo ren

Attached: revan-and-kylo-renjpg.jpg (1920x1080, 398K)

>hey guys what if we combined malak and revans looks and made it black!

Attached: Malakconcept.jpg (322x720, 99K)

Even the name is stolen, it's from Kyle Katarn for fucks sake.

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>if i take that thing off will you die?

>very skilled
>looses to a random girl with no combat training
inb4 b-b-but he was hurt

He shouldn't have lost to Rey, agreed, but being shot by a bowcaster in the stomach is going to hinder you a bit.