They're creepy and they're kooky

They're creepy and they're kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They're altogether ooky
The Addams family

Attached: kor.jpg (397x437, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

negative hype

I dunno.

I dunno.

Yes, I see.

But what is "ooky"?

A last ditch effort by someone who was in the middle of writing a song and realized that there are no other words that rhyme with kooky and spooky.

Of course you dunno. Youre a fucking loser

> hyperspace rams your world building

Attached: IMG_20190328_134732.jpg (900x893, 86K)

Oh I bet they're gonna be really memorable and interesting

They will barely be in the film considering how small they are on the poster.

Why should I care what a Twitter neckbeard thinks?

Oh man, the characters that should have been the primary antagonists of the first and second movies. You guys are a bit late.

>The Chosen one is a tired narcissistic trope
jesus christ, this makes me upset on several different levels

literally who?

I dunno about that.

He's not just any Twitter neckbeard, he's a published author, responsible for some truly awful parts of the abortion that is Disney's new Star Wars canon.

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That "Twitter neckbeard" is Chuck Wendig. He writes the story for Star Wars.

Because they contribute extremely poor additions to existing series and insert their trashy politics in them as well.

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we went from James Luceno to this

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>Knights of Ren in the third movie of the trilogy
You just know they are going to job it to Marey sue.

They should have received more flack for presenting these guys in the climax of the first trailer and then not featuring them at all. Imagine if ESB only featured Vader for the scenes shown in the trailer and then just forgot about him entirely.

>jesus christ

Trailers are intentionally misleading these days. Thor Ragnarok trailer has a two second shot of Hulk attacking Surtur and then that's literally all there is of the "fight" in the movie.

>never talk about my wife's children again.

At this point I'll just be entertained to see how they make enough shit up to tie up all the loose ends. What a mess.

Still one of the greatest Twitter rants of all tme.

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>remember those guys that appeared for a second in the first movie?
>no? Well here they are!

holy shit is this real? my sides.

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And ? That's not antithetical.

Funny thing is because of TLJ it seems like the story is over
>Snoke is dead
>No one wants to fight for the resistance which is now 50 members
>Kylo Ren is now the Supreme Leader
>First Order expanding their influence even further
It's a First Order victory already decided in the second film of the trilogy. God damn Disney, this is why you plan it out. The reason why the OT worked is because George left enough wiggle room for sequel work, TLJ closes off too many plot lines.

they are in Rey's visions during first movie

If his goal was to anger me, he has succeeded. Goddamn I'm mad.

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Is there any part of Lucasfilm that hasn't turned to shit post Disney buyout?

What prompted this statement?


I can go on like this for days

George knew how to tell a story and planned the outline of his trilogy for years before making it

What kind of mental illness is this?

That's literally what I said

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The irony is that from what we've seen in the movies there's absolutely no reason why the First Order "rules the galaxy." Their massive superweapon was destroyed in the first movie, a hyperspace ram wiped out their flagship, and Snoke is dead. The Resistance may be in trouble but there's no way the First Order should have the forces remaining to do anything.

Tbh fucknecks is a pretty funny insult.

do you even speak english


How did this embarrassment to mankind get a writting career? This seems to be a thing with wannabe writers these days. They cant appreciate the time spent crafting an intricate world that people wish they could live in, they just want a cheap backdrop to stick their LGBT poc in front of and told they done good.

What even IS the First Order, lmao.

context for those who forgot

The quality of this writing is terrible.
>huge chunk of text describing what a tie fighter will do (literally telling the reader how much of a threat they're supposed to take them as)
>next paragraph begins by saying "he" to describe someone other than the tie fighter

Rey has also already tried to turn Kylo back to the light and he refused, even after betraying and killing Snoke to save her.

I can't even pretend to care about these guys when I know that they'll just be disposable cannon fodder for when Kylo Ren inevitably turns to the light side and has to kill them all in a "badass" fight scene
It's all so tiresome, particularly because Disney is going to shove this movie into every conceivable marketing venue known to man

Lord of the rings have three chosen ones though, and explores three sides to the messianic character.
If you just want kiosk pulp stick to Anne Rice and George Martin.

>should also make me wish someone made your book into an RPG
...Does he really not know?

this. literally who are they and what do they want.

The escalation of the First Order from TFA to TLJ was too massive of a leap. The First Order in general was a massive escalation. They should've been an underground organization instead of building shit bigger than the Galactic Empire.

Other than Not!Empire, I have no fucking clue what snoke's or even the First Order's goal is. Even just "re-establish the Galactic Empire" would've sufficed.

How the fuck does a rogue military junta establish their reign over galaxy in the minutes between the end of TFA and TLJ?

Frodo's isn't even a "chosen one" trope. He doesn't posses any special power beyond great determination and fortitude. Admirable traits that literally anyone can aspire to posses. Frodo's is literally an everyman whose stripped of his greatest protection and guidance and forced to traverse a grueling landscape with only the support of his best friend. Nothing is just granted to Frodo beyond more hardship. His tale is one of fighting tooth and nail to complete your goals in life no matter how hard it gets. But that's a message millenials eschew in favor of whining at capitalism and the patriarchy.

Something something nu-EU book saying the Republic demilitarized so when starkiller destroyed those planets the Republic just gave up.

>The Chosen one is a tired narcissistic trope
Who is Joseph Campbell?

Exactly. It feels like I'm actually getting genuinely hyped about doing the most boring stuff while EPIX will be in cinemas.
>Is it December already?
>Boy o boy I can't wait to vacuum the flat and work all day at my dead end wagecuck job!

Besides that, we all know Sam was the real hero of LoTR.

wasn't Lucas friends with Campbell?

The 2018 elections

You just made me realize episode IX abbreviates to EPIX.

The fact that basic questions like this still exist after 2 movies is proof (if you needed more) that their only plan was to parade around old characters to sell tickets and toys. They literally do not give a fuck about the legacy.

Ah. Well, he was right. It was a blue wave.

This stuff is from a real poster? I thought it was a joke?

Okay, this is EPIX

EPIX: WTF is literally the title.

Except when it's a white girl that is possibly a lesbian. He should have added that

Wendig is dreadful, but the fart wedding is on Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. Yes, that's their names, they work in tandem for NuWars.

Is James Luceno the one who did the insane novelization of RotS? I've never seen a book written like that. It's wild.

It's a leaked promotional poster for places like Walmart and Target, things like that. Not the movie poster.

> writes for Star Wars
> "the chosen one is TIIIIIIRED lmao"
Piss on this fucking turd

Jesus Christ, imagine the smell

I've noticed this becoming a thing for modern movies where they completely forget the world building aspect and focus solely on the character's story. It's not always a bad thing, but if you have a fantastical setting it is good to at least explain some base level shit, especially if it is a sequel in a franchise.

Frodo is the temptation of the messiah but if he fails. It’s one of the most interesting examination of a part of the messianic character that has so far been produced.

Well gosh user, of course. All narrative problems become moot as long as your story doesn't focus on white "dudes."

Even then there's only minutes of in-universe time between the two movies if you consider Rey handing the lightsaber to Luke. I thought the First Order lived in the unknown regions where they could hide and create Starkiller Base; Wouldn't they have to travel from their to systematically take charge of the various planets and systems though violence and treaties? That would take some time.

How could you not forget it? It appears for one second, and now is in the THIRD movie. Absolute retards that run this shit

Yeah, someone uploaded the other two promotional posters and they look weird and not like proper movie posters as well.

Campell was Lucas' mentor for the OT, he was part of the reason their stories feel timeless

To be fair to Disney they probably did not consider that a bunch of absolute autists would be paying attention to every minute detail and intended to make these movies to appeal to the casuals. Hence why they are shit.

Give George Lucas this: He knew to make a time skip between movies so any plot development isn't jarring as fuck.

Why does everything surrounding NuWars look like it's from a made for TV special?

I think so. He wrote the Darth Plagueis novel as well.

>Rose nowhere to be found on the poster

So is JJ just going to pretend Rians movie didn't exist? If Finn hooks up with Rey now he's gonna look like a real asshole for dumping the chubby Asian girl who nearly died for him

Jesus, this isn't even explainable by the "it's for kids" argument. This is for literal blathering retards.

Is he implying frodo was the "chosen one"

If you care about these literally whos you are beyond repair a bunch of B1 droids would be more interesting

But those are for TLJ.

Again, it's not the official poster. Don't get your hopes up. Presumably they left Rose out because nobody buys Rose merchandise. And Finn should hook up with Poe anyway.

If your world is a complete alien fantasy you have to build it up in the readers mind from the bottom up. The fact Wendig doesn't understand something this simple explains why his Star Wars stories are so hollow.

This guy is a published author who's written for Star Wars stuff.

Yes, they're meant to be compared to the IX poster. Holy crap, why do Star Wars threads attract so many literal brainlets? They're not good movies but you people are even worse.

>Chosen One
I mean, it has a hero like every story (actually multiple), but no one is a "chosen one." They're all just there by circumstance.

What a retard.

>Yeah, someone uploaded the other two promotional posters

Within the context this meant "...the other two posters [for Episode IX]." No one had mentioned TLJ.

In the old EU, whenever the Jedi beat the Sith, the Sith would hide in the Unknown Regions for about 1000 years before they were ready for another round

There are three messianic figures in Lotr.
Frodo is the aspect of the last temptation of Christ.
Gandalf is the resurrected Christ.
Aragorn is the Christ to take up his throne.

Some people really dislike this.


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>tfw based Rian tried to save us from the white womyn getting BBC'd in favor of an annoying fat asian but Schlomo Abrahams is gonna undo everything

I'm not talking about Cuck Wedding but the whos of Ren

It hasn't been a 1000 years and I am pretty sure the Sith organization as we know died with Sheev and Vader. They could've introduced a new Dark Side order but it's too late for it to make any impact.

the force has a will of its own?

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I don't know why this retard has a career. The whole point of LOTR is that the ordinary person can make a real difference in fighting evil.

Messianic Figures =/= Chosen One. Not necessarily, anyway.

The whole point of that was to show that Rey was a naive retard for thinking it would be that easy or that killing Snoke would undo years of damage done to Kylo psychologically and emotionally.


A time skip also doesn't make the opening crawl irrelevant. TLJs crawl was embarrassing

Holy crap, you weren't lying. I actually don't hate it on its own but they literally already used "The Force" in Episode 7's title. And then The Last Jedi used Jedi even though Return of the Jedi had already used Jedi. These titles are so fucking lazy.

>Force Awakens
>The Last Jedi
>Will of The Force

This is so embarrassingly bad it's hard to believe it's real. What is the theme? How did the force awaken? Who was the last jedi? Why does the force now do things like awaken and have a will? Jesus Christ.

This man is truly demented

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>It's a First Order victory already decided in the second film of the trilogy.
It seems like there's no possible way for the not-Rebellion to come back from this.
>Inb4 Ma-Rey Sue downloads all of her training into an army of force-sensitive children.

I ment in Old Republic stuff

It really was. One of THE most iconic thing about Star Wars, the opening crawl to explain what has happened between movies, was butchered because they didn't think to give it a larger time frame and hence more to write about.

I like how you're pretending Finn would ever get anywhere near Rey just because Rose isn't there.

Rey wants Kylo Ren's dick. Rose existing or not doesn't change that. It's a Reylo trilogy, get over it. You forget JJ Abrams was the guy who used Finn as a bait and switch, he doesn't give a fuck about him or think he's as important as you pathetic cucks do.

>frat-boy judge
lmao these people are so insecure

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Why is this writing better than the writing of his Star Wars books?

>They should've been an underground organization instead of building shit bigger than the Galactic Empire.
I always thought that a James Bond-type adventure would work. At the end, you suddenly learn that the person is working for the First Order, and it all makes sense.

I know about the Whills, but it's not spelled the same. I hope to god Disney doesn't shoehorn them into the last movie. George doesn't deserve that.

If it was spelled "Whill of the Force" people would think it was a typo. It's clearly some wordplay and they intend to bring the Whills in.

>tfw they are probably going to CGI Leia or use unused footage to keep Leia in instead of having an actual emotional scene

Attached: angery.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

They said they weren't going to, but I suppose they have lied before.

Chief are you ok?

I never managed to solidly pin down my disdain with millennials, this guy anchors it in the earths fucking core.

They are going to dig up her corpse and attach strings to it so they can move it around

JJ and Rian come from TV, it all make sense. All guys who come from TV can't write or direct movies for cinema and it shows.

They're trying to imitate the OT's "lack of worldbuilding" but they don't seem to understand what made it work back then. Thing is, the Star Wars universe has had ample worldbuilding since the OT. You can't just go back to no worldbuilding after that. People have questions.

The guy is 42 years old.

>dude lol the chosen one is so stupid haha
>SO here is this epic awesome mary sue female character she is so awesome and amazing because everyone says she is and she is so much better than everyone for no reason....

the absolute state of disney

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I guess if they do this then they weren't technically lying.

It never ceases to amaze me that Yea Forums spends all it's time and energy shitting on Disney and when a fake Star Wars poster drops, there's no less than 5 threads about it for days on end.

Now I know where your hate of Marvel comes from. You're just forever seething cause you blame Disney for ruining your precious Star Wars that you hate Marvel by association (while at the same time, consuming everything SW & Marvel related).

All you hypocritical fags are a fucking joke and I hope you die.

Thanks man, I hope we do too.

This is what happens when you let middle aged women make Star Wars. The titles of the OT and prequels are very subtle and meaningful, so much that you can only fully understand them only after watching the movie.

If they wanted to do that they could have started a new, very loosely connected story out in the rim worlds somewhere, started small in scope and got larger. Instead they just pretended VII was the first SW movie and started with an established villain which raised tons of questions immediately.


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do have something better to do?

>The titles of the OT and prequels are very subtle and meaningful, so much that you can only fully understand them only after watching the movie.
What did the Sith want revenge for?

Imagine if Rey had decided to join Kylo and establish a joint Jedi/Sith rulership.

>too stupid to get through lotr
That’s literally fifth grade level stuff (uh, no disraspect, T)

Yeah, that would have been smart, but they really wanted to make money off bringing back the old cast. At least they seem to be planning to go off and do something different with the new trilogies, but the question is will people want to see it after three movies of utter betrayal. Who knows though, I could be wrong and this could be another MCU, and in ten years Yea Forums will be saying "Okay, the actor who plays B.J. Dart is finally retiring. This will totally be the last one. I mean it this time. People are tired of Star Wars. It's not going to make anymore money."

It was setup for a homerun. Literally all they had to do was put them in the same frame.

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> 42
Jesus Fucking Christ! He has to be a literal fucking retard! I thought he was just another shift less 30 year old with rich parents in the industry. Though he just looked like shit because of poor diet and drugs. A 42 year-old hack acting like a 20 something that gets all his news from SNL because the Daily Show in on a more expensive cable package. How fucking sad! They keep saying they don't need to put effort into Star Wars because "It's for kids!" but it's more like the writers are the equivalent of spoiled children.

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>Imagine if Rey had decided to join Kylo and establish a joint Jedi/Sith rulership.
That would have been such an interesting thing to do. What the fuck was Rian thinking?

Trump and the GOP are cancer but this guy is an embarrassment and actually do a great favor to /poltards

Even after all this time, just seeing Holdo makes my blood boil from both a story and "military" perspective.

Honestly, I've gotten more entertainment shitting on Disney's Star Wars Based Products than any of the movies. It's like laughing at the Special Olympics but without the guilt because all the retards involved are downright shitty people with an axe to grind against the fans.

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aside of my raging erection and the last fuck you for the die hards who don't want to leave?


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Theres a phantom. Its menacing
There are clones. They attack.
A Revenge. By the sith.
A hope. Its new.
Theres an empire. They strike back
Theres a jedi. He returns.

Attached: 1546726925973.jpg (1000x517, 90K)

>SO MUCH DESCRIPTION, little substance
Ok, I'm beyond mad now.

>brainlets incapable to imagine scenery
every tiem

You know, actually reading Wendig's Star Wars books, I now know why he hates "worldbuilding". His writing is the definition of "telling but not showing".

>Some people really dislike this.
yeah because it's a reductive and inaccurate take on Tolkien
gtfo with your allegory shit

and the force wills all men to castrate themselves honk honk the force is female now

>What did the Sith want revenge for?
They were pretty much extinct in the Prequel time, all of a sudden Palpatine is leading the republic.

>They were pretty much extinct in the Prequel time, all of a sudden Palpatine is leading the republic.
Easy to extrapolate, but I think it would have added something to Based Sheev and Anakin if he actually said that the Jedi genocided his kind.

Nope that's Matthew Stover.

I dunno about primary antagonists, but it was a huge misstep not to have at least had them show up in the second. I dunno if they were scared of having another Dooku where they wanted him to be a recurring villain and it turned out nobody liked him, but it would have had a lot more impact if we at least saw them doing things in TLJ before showing up in this movie where they're obviously going to die. It's not like anything actually happened in TLJ, despite it being the longest movie in the franchise. The entire Canto Bight subplot could have been cut out and replaced with some Knights of Ren scenes. Same exact mistake they made with the Black Order in Infinity War, where they're supposed to be this badass group of characters that serves Thanos and yet they kill them off in the same movie they're introduced. And all we remember about them is that one of them was called Squidward.

And you know what else bugs me? This is Star Wars, so they have made plenty of books and comic books to supplement the universe for people who are interested. But I looked it up and the Knights of Ren have not been in any of those. At all. So for whatever reason they decided to keep these characters mysterious until the last movie where they are undoubtedly going to kill them off so if any stories are told with these characters it's going to be after they're dead. What the fuck is the point of this? It's not like anyone reads the books anyway, there's literally no reason not to pander to the hardcore fans and tell them a bit about the Knights of Ren.

ha ha?

What are some movies about me hating Twitter?

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yeah, laughing at that franchise that makes billions. real hilarious.

Fake news. The formula is indeed "real word + buzzword", but they already used the "force" buzzword in TFA, so it has to be some other one. Sith or Empire or Resistance or something.

we've got men on the inside, lads

What are some images about people who don't know how to make screencaps without massive artifacting?

Does the Special Olympics loose money?

I’m a phoneposter leave me alone you super retard

that sidenote is so tantalizing close to islamophobia

>Once more the Sith will ruuuuuuuuuule the galaxy, and, we shall, have, peeace
I mean, it is fairly easy to extrapolate from that.

>I’m a phoneposter
>you super retard
Glass houses...

It was such a blueballing move. I thought "holy shit, finally something new" only for Ryon to go lol jk

All it does is raise questions on what they were doing while Snoke and their group leader were hunting down the last of the resistance.

So they’re bringing back these idiots after they completely forgot about them in the last two films. LOL

But she died for our sins! Our sins being not blindly following the orders of a purple haired cunt. Quite a message for kids.

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Even pic related looks better

Attached: Zakuul_Knights_Concept.jpg (1920x1264, 484K)

It's like they used a random name generator with half a dozen Star Wars words

>JJ adams family
missed a trick there OP

Attached: chuck the cuck.png (640x449, 49K)

Attached: wending_canon.jpg (1440x1457, 554K)

>brings peace to the galaxy
good guy sheev

Literally none of those words rhyme with spooky or kooky

Is Chuckie an apprentice writer under JK Rowling?

This is a fanfic, right?

This. Why would "worse kylos" be interesting when kylo has already lost to rey?

leather night at the gay bar.

t. doesn't know cuck as a slur is centuries old
classic chuck. An unread author is perhaps the largest crime in this back and forth.
What a cunt. not surprised at all.

extremely generous

>Thinking Nu-Wars writers have developed Kylo Rens character this much.
We could have had Rey and Kylo join together, Kylo kill Rey or have literally anything else interesting happen. Instead Kylo refuses Reys offer and nothing comes of the confrontation. The status quo remains because they need more Rebels V Empire battles in IX. It's painfully boring storytelling.

Chuck being assblasted by the word Cuck
poor Cuck Wendig.

Attached: neinlol.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Why are they still using X-Wings when they have these?

>criticises the lack of nuance in literature that focuses on black and white good vs evil like LOTR
>sees reality as a war between cartoonish villains and righteous progressive heroes

Truly pagliacci-esque

>history is full of retcons
like how the delousing chambers at Auschwitz were retconned into being gas chambers?

>introducing a six-person miniboss crew in the last movie of the trilogy

Cool, none of them are going to have time to establish individual identities or build up credibility as a threat to Rey since we're also going to have to deal with Kylo

We're getting six Phasmas instead of just one this time

I miss him

Attached: ExarKun-SWGTCG.jpg (629x672, 60K)

of course you do, fag

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Attached: 1552911076049.gif (607x609, 514K)

so basically they're Boba Fetts

>you grotesque monsters
went a bit lovecraftian for a second there

They're probably still stuck in the past and will show up 15 seconds during a flashback recalling how much a coward was Luke. I can picture it. The KOR are inspecting the rubbles of the temple while Luke crawls away like rat

Jesus. I'm the same age. IF I even had a twitter account I couldnt imagine sperging out like that on it. These people really have no shame.

>you prolapsed assholes
imagine explaining this to you supervisor

nope it's legit and I don't recommend looking into it because it's completely terrible and I hate that it exists

>No one wants to fight for the resistance which is now 50 members

Yeah, they send a distress call and nobody arrives to planet Salt within 15 minutes and we're supposed to think that everybody abandoned them.
>why didn't people teleport to save out incompetent asses? Hope is lost, guys

Maybe those guys ran out of space-gas as well, Leia.

Rian is such a horrible writer.

KoR are in the movie for Kylo's benefit not Rey's. They will be a threat to Kylo and will betray him. While Rey does whatever with her Resistance pals.

Kylo is the main character/Luke in ST. That's why he's losing. He lost his first fight to Rey like Luke lost his first fight against Vader but won his second fight. Kylo will win his second fight too. Won't harm Rey.

They remind me of the Nazgul from Battle of the Five Armies

>they turned down the author of yurope for a star wars novel at the last possible second and used the guy from your sample instead after it came out that the author of yurope was only pretending to be black as a joke

Attached: 2 gays.jpg (1025x633, 294K)

LotR doesn't even do the "chosen one" trope. Unlike Harry Potter that woke twitter love so much

>woke twitter
i need a laugh. please share links.

>thought it was dumb that they hinted Poe and Finn as a possible couple
>see their failure of a "romance" with Rose
>suddenly the gay couple doesn't seem so bad

Attached: 458073717.png (512x384, 341K)

He's dead right here

Nah, it's better that she sort of gives him false hope by extending her hand and then quickly trying to get the lightsaber to presumably kill him. I mean such a noble Jedi thing to do.

Attached: sike.webm (500x208, 768K)

finn looked like he was going to beat her up after she kissed him

Cucked Poe is going to be put with Ma-Rey Sue.
>Based Poe would have fucked every girl in the cast.

He did say he didn't read the books. Maybe he was talking about that troupe in general?

>Ctrl+S faggots.jpg

It blows my mind that all of chucks published books are so low quality. It’s mostly simple text, but it’s so bad that it’s hard to read. Del Ray should be ashamed to publish that garbage, and they definitely know that it is trash

So in their attempt to be progressive, they just burned their entire homosexual audience for straight romances. I sure hope that doesn't turn out badly.

*click* *click*
negative hype
*click click*
negative hype
negative hype
negative hype
*click* *click*

Someone lynch this fucking faggot

Literally NPCs

Of course she did, Kylo's not going to make his turn in the second fucking movie. Why would it ever be that easy? The connection they made is going to matter going forward, though. There's a reason the very last shot of Kylo isn't him raging like a villain, but on his knees with Han's dice in his hand and looking up with puppy eyes at Rey.

he cute

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Herkily jerkily? Somebody needs to gas this fucker to death

They have developed his character that much. Kylo seems to be literally the only part of this trilogy they care about and put effort into and it shows. It's not a good thing when it comes to the overall storytelling success of the ST, but it is what it is.

I guess Aragorn Frodo and Gandalf

i'm only excited about the memes that will come out of this abortion. I'm glad I never saw any of the nu-wars trash.

pic related is what comes to mind for me

Attached: family-portrait[1].jpg (720x706, 114K)

They don't necessarily have to be worse. Vader answers to Palpatine and yet Vader was the one who beat Palpatine.

The titles of the OT and prequels are supposed to invoke Buck Rogers serials and be cheesy like a loud obnoxious voice over is announcing them at the beginning of every movie. Except “A New Hope” which is just fucking stupid because it was tacked on to a movie that was originally just called Star Wars. For that voiceover, think the announcer from
the Clone Wars at the beginning. Which is also exactly what it mimics, serials that inspired SW

Disney paid this guy so it is cannon

This truly is a *honk* world

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>His whole vocabulary consists of one word, "Hordor."

Gee, I wonder where the creator of this image got this unique and original idea.

>matt stover

i used to be sad he wasn't writing for star wars anymore because i loved his novels but now i'm glad he's not tied to this garbage

Doesn't seem to have benefited him, he hasn't written a single book since 2012.

The most recent thing I can find that he's had his hand in is something called "Star Wars on Trial: The Force Awakens Edition: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Debate the Most Popular Science Fiction Films of All Time" in 2015. Which obviously isn't a fiction novel.

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why is the font so big. its like 3 paragraphs per page

It's a hardcover book. They tend to have bigger pages and thus a bigger font.

i wonder where he went. he used to post on forums, talking about writing and stuff.

>As for future Star Wars novels, Stover has said that he would be interested in writing the final adventure of the heroic trio of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia.

we live in dark times

>Zigzags herkily-jerkily
Holy fuck this is bad.

Really only because he caught him off guard

Hell, in the trashfire of a book she was about to kill him when the planet started ripping apart. She's not a good person

The only meme I can think of that came out of any Disney Wars movie thus far is the thicc Kylo, and the only reason he looked so thicc is because the camrip was at an angle and made him look wider than he did in the movie. These movies just do not inspire memes the way the prequels did, where every single line of dialogue became a meme.

Vader fucking despises Palpatine, and only manages to kill him because Sheev's hateboner was getting the better of him in regards to Luke

Kylo fucking despises Snoke, and only manages to kill him because Snoke's hateboner was getting the better of him in regards to Rey

We got Jake Skywalker, which was pretty fun

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>Only manages to kill him because Rian didn't want to do anything in regards to Snoke
Plus, aside from his personality changing between movies, I don't think Kylo really hated Snoke in 7


When RJ said there was nothing planned past TFA and he was given a clean slate, he’s only telling a half truth. Kylo Ren, Rey, and Luke definitely has their stories planned out. Adam Driver literally said that about Kylo Ren recently. Daisy Ridley also said the same prior to episode 9 filming but she also added that she wasn’t sure if it would still go that way (something must have changed in that regard, saying her parents were nobody I presume). Luke was always supposed to die in the second movie, that was a Lucasfilm decision.

He’s telling the truth about Snoke though. And Poe and Finn. Poe and Finn were minor characters and Poe was supposed to die in TFA originally. Despite being mysterious and with an unexplained backstory, Snoke was always presented as a new character. He’s part of JJ’s mystery box. A new unexplained character. RJ said “Your Snoke theory sucks” because there was nothing there. And he killed him rather than explain him and that was that. He’s probably still alive in the next one and that was probably part of Kylo Ren’s training

>Luke was always supposed to die in the second movie, that was a Lucasfilm decision.

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>he’s probably still alive in the next one and that was probably part of Kylo Ren’s training
Is pic related Snoke?

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This is actually possible, TOR is one of the few pre-Disney Star Wars EU that's still considered canon.


>TOR is one of the few pre-Disney Star Wars EU that's still considered canon
>TOR is still canon
What. Are Revan & the Exile canon?

If not for Harrison Ford hating Star Wars so much I wouldn't put it past Disney to have had Han Solo survive somehow too. He got stabbed and fell in a hole, gee where have I seen that before. Oh right, Darth Maul, who lived. Any other actor as Han, they probably would have brought him back in IX.

No it's not. Its only still online because it makes bucks off dumb fans.

>a random girl he's know for a day vs a man's son
also Vader was 20 plus years in the Emperor's service and Palpatine was a sadist. How long has Kylo been working for Snoke?

Kylo is straight up 30-something so it actually is plausible he could have been working for Snoke for a decade or so.

he looks the exact same age in the flashback so...

>these people are allowed to exist

>Kylo Ren, Rey, and Luke definitely has their stories planned out.

Yeah. They have. Kylo's story is set in stone completely. Luke and Rey's changed a little. Nothing major though. Luke was always supposed to die early and Rey was always a nobody.

>Snoke was always presented as a new character. He’s part of JJ’s mystery box.

Which will open in IX. Snoke will be back.

Nah. Rey is after Kylo's dick. And she will get it because she's a Mary Sue. She gets everything anyway.

>Chosen One
I think it's a stupid trope and I hate seeing it appear everywhere but there was none of that in LotR.

I'm interested in how much of a clusterfuck it's going to be.

JJ is a hack. He doesn't give a shit about anything but money. That's why he fits so well with Disney.

Zero creativity. Only pushing agenda. That's their motto now.

JJ may suck but I wish they'd just kept him for the whole trilogy instead of Rian. At least it would have been consistent.

Like what the fuck else has JJ Abrams done since then? It's not like he was busy.

It’s another Rey and Kylo team up to take down guards in a slow motion scene episode

No it isn't.

click clock

negative hype

click clock

>Kylo Ren, Rey, and Luke definitely has their stories planned out.
>Source: My ass.

What is actually going on with these posts?

They probably wanted multiple directors so they wouldn't have a Prequel situation, but they shitcanned the Jurrasic World guy for no reason.

Considering how bad Jurassic World was, I have a feeling IX would have been even worse than The Last Jedi with Trevorrow at the helm.

>B-but Hamill liked him!
Hamill thought an evil clone of Luke was a good idea.

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Fuck you, Luuke is kino.

>Hamill thought an evil clone of Luke was a good idea.
Not that guy but it was more for a desire to face his own evil clone.

Why doesn't he Force Skype his frenemy Rey and ask her to beat them all?


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not even mad at the prequels. just the special editions, georgie boy.

Did he forget that he literally did that in Empire when he's on Dagobah and he's fighting Vader and he breaks the helmet and it's his face?

:brown hand clap emoji:
:brown hand clap emoji:
:brown hand clap emoji:
:brown hand clap emoji:

Emojis don't work on Yea Forums, newfag.

thats the yolk ya dingus

She will be busy lifting even bigger rocks to save her Resistance pals. And then everyone kneel to her like she's some kind of goddess. In the meantime Kylo will get betrayed and end up dead.

>Kylo will get betrayed and end up dead
Disney doesn't have the balls

i have read enough young adult romance novels to know that TLJ is structured like one

Sorry user, you don’t get to know anything about the potentially interesting characters or have them built up in any capacity because you needed to have a slot in the new trilogy subvert your expectations for 0 reason.

what game



They look so generic.

Surprisingly, Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice.

They do. JJ will do it.

The only thing Disney doesn't have the balls to do is make MaRey Sue and the diversity hires, interesting. That won't happen. You can bet on it.

Name one time JJ has had a twist like that in any of his movies.

thanks based sauce poster

Man just think, this man's career peaked when he was writing for a roleplaying game about playing gay traumatized faeries who are scared they're going to be dragged back to faerieland to be raped some more.

so glad this faggot got fired.

Well James Gunn just got rehired so don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Brian was such a selfish prick, we barley got any good light saber fights they fought like twice with sabers ffs

The only thing they care about is forcing storylines like Poe learning about toxic masculinity in 8. If they cared about developing Kylo's character he would have had consistency between films. He's a Vader worshiper trying to restore the Empire in TFA, then suddenly he only wants to 'destroy the past' in TLJ after getting teased by Snoke once in TLJ. He doesn't have any conviction in his actions because the writers didn't plan the trilogy and are just winging it. I feel sorry for Adam Driver. It's pathetic.

>I feel sorry for Adam Driver.
Why? This has led to him getting roles in tons of great movies. Silence was fucking awesome and he got it because of Star Wars.

I'm pretty sure the Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon serials never had voice over for their crawls.

The announcer for the Clone Wars series is a reference to wartime newsreels from the 40s and 50s

The reason Leia said nobody was coming to help was because nobody was even answering the calls

*Jake Skymilker

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I wonder what they made that liquid out of.

>nobody buys Rose merchandise.
Or anyone elses aside from masked kylo

That explains why they're bringing the mask back in IX. People must have been really mad that he got rid of it in TLJ.

Tolkien worshippers, your time is over.

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He's desperate. He's become self aware that people hate his Trek and Wars films for being hollow retreads. He also has a blank cheque to do whatever from Iger

I was hoping you'd be able to name something subversive from Mission Impossible 3 or whatever, the only Mission Impossible I never saw, but I guess not.

It really should have set off some alarm bells in Lucasfilm. When was the tweet made?

Two days ago. He hasn't worked for Disney since October of last year.

Looking at his tweets, he seems to be on a general anti-Tolkien kick lately.

That's pretty fucking stupid considering they had 6 movies worth of time to pick up on that little trend.

Why not? Rian ignored JJ, so he's fair game in return. Rose already played her part and there's nothing to her character besides my-way-or-the-highway moralism.

My unyielding anger at Rey of all people rebuilding/leading the Jedi order after Jakkuing it from Luke aside, that would be a neat idea.

Does Chuck not understand how point of view in writing works?


The prequel trilogy was raked over coals for years for having "too many little details." Disney's not to blame for this.


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Did that Marvel editor somehow fire him from all of Lucasfilm or what?

This. Plus its maybe one of the only times where "the power of friendship" isnt thrown around as some buzzword with an empty meaning, Frodo and Sam actually have a real friendship that ultimately saves the world. Sams loyalty and determination to help his friend complete his quest is crucial so unlike every saturday morning cartoon that threw out the idea of ummm "freindship" made them win, in LOTR it actually makes sense and that pure wholesome value of helping one another is shown to be powerful enough to save the world in a legitimate way.

Probably this.