Needful Things

>Needful Things
>Maximum Overdrive
>The Shining
>Pet Semetary
>The Running Man
>The Green Mile
>Dead Zone
>Gerald's Game
is everything this man touches pretty good?

Attached: Stephen_king.jpg (710x533, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the shawshak redemption

He is a good stortyteller but a horseshit writer

>He is a good stortyteller but a horseshit writer
This. I enjoy thinking about his settings much more than reading about his settings.

>The Shining

Needful Things is fucking ridiculous I loved it.

The movie is basically garbage though, just bordering on 'So bad it's good' but with the cast they had idk how they managed to fuck it up.

I'm not sure if he's horseshit yet. I'm knee deep in Carrie and so far it's just a lot of introspection. started with his first book because it was his first book.

That's the 90s remake OP meant the original

I understand losing the perimeter of your hair
but how do you lose these streaks, these indents

>Maximum Overdrive
>The Langoliers

>you lived in a universe where Arnold Schwarzenegger adapted a Stephen King story

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>Makes a film that's better than the novel.

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>"is everything this man touches pretty good?"
>had little to do with the Kubrick Shining and actively disliked it.

call me dumb but I even enjoy Tommyknockers, sleepwalkers and that one with the vampire pilot
the only problem with his movies is that they needlessly change some points and that they were made for tv with a subpar budget

look at his chimpanzee mouth, he's just not well made genetically speaking

I've seen Dead Zone. was it two separate books? The change from the immediacy of his powers to it becoming about immediately finding an evil he had to stop was jarring. It almost feels like three separate stories

>makes a film that's better than the author's entire oeuvre
>not even his best film

Tim (who is a professional writer) urinated in his pants as the gang of 1950s greasers closed in on him

stop this meme, the shining is pure cringe with le finger friend, le gay bear and le funny looking frozen face, fuck off

stop this meme, the shining is pure cringe with le finger friend, le gay bear and le funny looking frozen face, fuck off
he didn't maky any change for the best

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how is the bear gay? she could be a momma bear, a female.

It's still better than King

unlike Kubrick, king made original stories

King can't write endings for shit and his best novel is Thinner

Looks like they modeled the Planet of the Apes masks after him.

A genius writer. Michael Jackson of book writers

>I've seen Dead Zone. was it two separate books? The change from the immediacy of his powers to it becoming about immediately finding an evil he had to stop was jarring. It almost feels like three separate stories
The Dead Zone was a single book. It's pretty good, too.

you'll always have less

It's a dog, you retards. They called him a dog because he was always following the dude around hoping to get fucked. The dude and his wife were both rich bisexual bastards and enjoyed humiliating him.

Writes characters well. Except for his "cool" characters. King himself is painfully uncool and he tries to channel himself into his cool characters. They invariably end up prime cringe material. Eddie from the Dark Tower series is a good example. King is also very shitty at writing decent endings.
His stuff is good for teens to 20 somethings. Honest opinion. Young adult material that has some worth.

He has the running mouth of a swamp yokel when it come to politics though. Idiot.

The only nice ending I've seen was from the Netflix (I think) Gerald's Game. watched it because it was a "one room movie" and it was properly horrific

Only person ITT besides me that actually read the book. Also no Stand By Me in this entire thread? You guys are pathetic.


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Why is the dog gay? I don't watch Kubrick things because they all lead into how he faked 9/11 (never forget)

I remember reading The Stand and wondering when the climax takes place as I only had 2 pages left.

>so like... there are this bullies in maine... who... they bully a young writer wich is my self insert and they like grow up to be nobodies while my self insert is like a popular millionaire writer and he returns to his hometown and has to face some evil.. yeah
not the most original writer

>someone is actually going to reply to this seriously

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Indeed. The extended copy only helps a tiny bit.
It is why his short stories are better; they don't have to end.

will wheaton was really handsome for a kid in stand by me, I dont know what the hell happen, he grow up as a very average looking basedboy

How cute was Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone though? In his prime of 35.

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I liked the last chapter with Flagg on the beach. King actually got that ending right, just not the hand of god part. I was also pulling for Trashy, Flagg and Lloyd because the more King spent time in Boulder the more I wanted the good guys to die a gruesome death. Anyone else? Same for Mccammon's book, Swan Song.

Only one of those are good

cute? he looks like a pedophile pshyco killer

He was 40 and well past his "prime" in terms of looks

He just has a combover, he probably has a deep M shaped hairline

No arguments in this post. Sad!

what did he mean by this?

>Only person ITT besides me that actually read the book
I honestly couldn't remember if that scene was in The Shining, the short story about the Overlook, or the short story about Jack as a kid.

>Maximum Overdrive
Is the only one he wrote the screenplay and directed and is dogshit which is only entertaining for how bad it was

Stephen King on coke is when he wrote his most memorable stuff

t. Yea Forums

Stephen King's short stories from his early collections are among the best in horror fiction. He's just not great when given more than 50 pages at a time.


Finally figure out how to work a computer Stephen?

Nightshift is one of my favorite collections of short stories.

Just like Bowie. Well, Bowie AFTER coke.

>Name a string of absolutely shit films
>Is everything this man touches pretty good?
Honestly, if I were you, I'd just kill myself.

Kubrick produced the superior piece of art and King never forgave him for it.

Not after he saw that ravenged red VW

I would say Dark Tower series but the ending was shit and he had a warning to everyone who read it.

>I would say Dark Tower series but the ending was shit and he had a warning to everyone who read it.
Just read The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Wastelands, Wizard and Glass, then skip straight to Wind Through the Keyhole. You hardly miss anything except some can-toi stuff but you can get that from the other Tower-related books.

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>is everything this man touches pretty good?
Yes, that’s the whole point of molesting children, to sap the energy of the innocent and pure, because you’re empty and soulless.


>Kubrick is a filmmaker, king is a writer
Hmmm, really makes you think

Yeah and fucken CAT'S EYE

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is there anyway to watch the original broadcast version of Needful Things? seems a lot of time was cut on the home video version

>is everything this man touches pretty good?
Fuck no, and I'm a fan.


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No 'Christine'? REEEEE!!!!!

Is it Misery?

Shawshank, Apt Pupil and Stand By Me ALL come from Different Seasons. Novellas rather than shorts though, I suppose.
Does this show that shorter novels make the best movies?

This is pretty common thing.

Room 1408 movie was better. IT was better.

He lost his mind when he nearly died.
I mean I think he actually has neurological problems, not psychosis.

Based misleading OP skipping out on Silver Bullet

Sneedful Things

sir please thing the needful