Its called "Dragged Across Concrete"

>Its called "Dragged Across Concrete"
>nobody gets dragged across concrete in the movie

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the hostage drags the corpse so suck a dick

>it’s called “Avengers: Endgame”
>MCU doesnt end

>vietnam war era movie
>it aint me starts playing

Vincent Vaughn's hairline is just fucking hilarious.
Great movie btw.

What? There's a lot of dragging across concrete in the last act.

>Black Lagoon
>his name is Rock and he isn't even the main character

/ourguy/ Armond liked the movie, wtf?

>>nobody gets dragged across concrete in the movie

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really? I haven't see the movie I just made this thread to piss zalfags I won't bother watching that trash effects lmao

The bank lady drags herself across concrete on her knees

>I'm going to piss people by making an erroneous statement
You got me :^)

I mean, how can you defend this shit?

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Looks fine to me, Satan. Better than the usual non-violence.

>smokes one pot
>go ask alice starts playing

Dragged or not it was fucking kino

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so this is a comedy?

Why does Vince make that face around Mel Gibson? The award show pic too. Is he disgruntled about "the niggers" or something?

Better than some 20 year olds I’ve seen he’s almost 50

>It's a movie based on 70's effects
>It's bad on purpose

So you didn't even watch the movie far enough to see them moving the bodies?


How come people that have never seen the movie hate it so much

Clickbait headlines told them to think it was a conservative movie and it has Mel so the trannies got triggered. Also Reddit has been having connection issues lately apparently.

Why even bother?
Zal makes the same Steven Seagal movies just more gore-ish

dry humor

That's not even true though, at least make a valid comparison. I like Zahler and a more accurate seething insult would be something like "Tarantino with shitty effects and without the hip dialogue"

it is the audience who is symbolically dragged across concrete

What she mean by this?

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>Portuguese (probably Brazilian)
>calling out trannies
The Iron E

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Only manchildren need top tier effects. It doesnt detract from the movie one bit.

this movie was like watching my grandpa take a shit with the door open

i can't read that shit. Please tell me it doesnt say 14million views in 2 days

its the capeshit genre and Hollywood that gets dragged across concrete

Based autistic robbers.

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Movie should have been 90 minutes, too many scenes took too long and made the movie boring, that scene with Carpenter's baby was totally pointless, etc. The only saving grace of this movie was the last 30 min in the exchange.

Whatever happened to Passion 2?

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It's Lynchian

It's called sitting in a car

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>take muh hand
Seriously though why the fuck would she so desperately want her baby to get that one sock all covered in her own blood/bits of finger?

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This, it seems like modern directors take a look at classic movies that have long run times like Lawrence of Arabia, and that’s all they take from it, that if I hold a 4 minute long shot of Vince Vaughn eating a breakfast that it’s somehow deep or building atmosphere/relationships between characters, old movies were long because of their scale/scope/and dramatic story telling. Stretching out your already thin as fuck plot to 2:40 minutes doesn’t make your movie deep or a classic

>I haven't see the movie
Not surprised at all, zoomy.

Spoilers faggot

>Not watching shit movies makes you a zoomer

The funniest part of the movie is Vince's character supposedly much younger than Mel and them having the whole old veteran-young hothead dynamic, only Vince looks like a bloated corpse and Mel like a virile bull ready for impregnating.

I can't believe I have to say this shit in every thread. None of you retards even paid attention to the movie.

Anthony: "Tell me we're not going to cross that line. That we're not going to execute anyone during a robbery"

Ridgeman: "No, we're not going to cross that line. That line is C O N C R E T E"

Being dragged across concrete is them crossing the line.

Are there really a higher percentage of guys in their 20s going bald now or is it just because we're taking a sample size from Yea Forums?

I thought the movie had tons of tonal shifts, really poor writing and motivational cues - would fit better as a comic. It has a ton of conviction though and I can appreciate the director dragging some scenes to get the desired effect. It's Peckinpah for zoomers but it's a movie that keeps you engaged and that's something I don't get from American movies anymore. You can tell that a human conceived it.

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This reminds me a bit of new hollywood - not the ending in particular but how it's some sort of societal commentary: the anguish of a working parent, role reversal etc. Easy Rider has that kind of atmosphere but with less gore.

Why did the masketta man kill the innocent shopper (I can understand why he killed the shopkeeper after he went for the shotgun) when the bystander did not see his face or anything?

Furthermore why did he rob both the Korean and the Mexican and the white dude for pennies and killed them all? I thought it was some kind of misdirection yet it turns out they were just increasing their body count for no reason. Also no roadblocks etc ... I think Zahler purposefully made that last section with Mel parlaying with nigger to put the movie into a more Romanticistic realm.

Still, I have no idea about that first masketta man part and him shooting at the armored truck and the other guy not wincing...Zahler reads too much Garth Ennis methinks.

what movie?

Do you even read OP's post?

This is definitely a comedy.

That looks like schlock. I thought Mel only made kino?

Because she obviously had mental issues as well as being in shock because she just got shot you absolute retard

like all his films it is pretty funny

Used to, they need to stop collaborating with Zal

breathing room is not always a bad thing and can add a lot to a film

i'm sorry your attention span has been destroyed


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why does she have baby shoes with her at work? Why are they special?

Stop surveilling my online activities you fucking creeps. I know you're reading this, so why dont you just come up to my face you bitches?

Sample size from Yea Forums

>Had a baby
>sacrifice her life for a black guy
I need context on this, I refuse to watch this

They clearly didn't want their voices to be heard.

>"If you alert the police, you will all be executed"
>Nigger tries to alert the police
>She tries to stop him
>They all get killed

>tries to alert the police

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She literally didn’t though, what’s with all these people posting about a movie they haven’t seen

badly written character

Watch the film moron

I'll ask about the ending so spoilers:
If black guy wasn't trying to kill Mel why did he do that? Couldn't he simply give him his phone?
I see why Mel couldn't trust him, because he has seen some shit, he is jaded etc.
But why black guy killed him?

Natural selection

I agree with all of this. The movie is deeply flawed, but it has enough soul to make up for it.

Zahler peaked with Bone Tomahawk. Weirdly, it has better special effects than any of his bigger budgeted flicks.

By design

>nobody gets dragged across concrete.
Considering how laughably terrible that exact thing looked in Brawl I'd say thats a positive

>You can tell that a human conceived it.

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I was excited for this movie and had been waiting months for it to get a release so that I could check it out. Coming off of Brawl in Cellblock 99 and the title being Dragged Across Concrete I had much higher expectations for how violent this movie would be. I found most of it pretty boring with the dialogue consisting mainly of poor comedy and ham fisted political viewpoints. I will try the movie again in a couple months probably and see if I enjoy it more then.

she's still retarded. Why does she think the dudes who just shot her hands off will help her, even if they somehow had the opportunity to meet her baby without killing it? Why doesn't she try to give the shoe to her coworker who was standing right there? Why was there only one shoe?

based zahler

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Almost fell for this bait user, real close

>Still reading this fanfic site

>I don't know man, sometimes I feel like I'm being Dragged Across Concrete ™

Yeah I really needed to soak in them sitting in a car for 20 minutes with ten lines of dialogue or an extra long shot of Mel walking through a mall to establish was a ten second shot could, I’m not arguing against silence or stillness when it’s deserved but most movies nowadays and including this one use long shots to pad run time and give the illusion of depth of plot/meaning, I enjoyed the first 2/3 of the film overall but it’s hard not to argue that it isn’t a drag in plenty of places

>the matrix
>isn't about mathematical arrays

It means how families and people are metaphorically dragged across the concrete by living in shitty dangerous cities with crime and drug culture.

Did they finally adapt Rainbow Six Siege to the big screen?

That scene is just like 300 where the guy has to call Fassbender "My son" seconds before he's killed, to make it more sad.

My only gripe with the movie. Just the welcome back party would have sufficed.

watch the film you cock juggling retard and the way she acted makes perfect sense for her character. also watch some sandnigger execution videos on liveleak. that's literally how easy it is to blow off fingers/hands and make heads pop with automatic weapons.
it might look goofy for you "aesthetic" hollywood kills used dick sniffers, but that's how gore looks like irl and not like in an Ahnuld Schwanzenlicker or John Woo action flick.

>t. /k/

i didn't get why they wore welding goggles at night.

That wasn't Fassbender, that was the dude who was treated as his son from the beginning.

thats mostly white men who go bald early in age

How old are you? He was nearly bald a decade ago he clearly had a transplant

God this board is so fucking dumb

And middle easterners

I wish I’m fucking Indian and so much of my people have terrible hairlines

>it's a bad film
>the writing and special effects suck
>it takes itself very seriously
>you will defend it because it's a conservative film that stars racist mel and based hollywood conservative vince vaughn

No he wasn’t he’s always had a shitty hairline

It looks so goofy but (based on my ogrish and liveleak escapades) it could be realistic.

This, why even bother ?

Oh well, you know what I meant. The whole begging to see the baby scene was a set up for tragedy anybody could see a mile away.

"mil" is "thousand" in portuguese

>I can't believe I have to say this shit in every thread.
>I have to say this shit in every thread.
>every thread.

Dude... get a fucking life. Loser.

They did. It's pretty based.