Is this the kinoest disney movie?
Is this the kinoest disney movie?
No, but it's pretty good.
Best Disney movie is Prince of Egypt.
Gypsies are not humans.
price of egypt is not a disney movie, tard
Best Disney movie by a long margin. Fuck furries and lion cucks.
Beata Maria...
gypsies entered Europe in the 12th century cause they had been kicked off from India, eight hundred years after they still have not adapted to civilization and still act like their host nation law doesn't really apply to them
On the other hand Mary was from judea and never traveled anywhere else, she wasn't a refugee or an outsider, she went from Natzaret to Jerusalem cause the emperor demanded a census and she had to stop at bethelem in wich she delivered Jesus, she never inmigrated, stop hijacking christian history for open borders propaganda
You know I am the whitest man.
You're racism is whack man, gyppos are people too even if they shave off your copper.
>proving the point of the movie
She's referring to the baby jesus in this scene although the image has it badly framed.
Jesus also was not a migrant or an outcast
Esmeralda wasn’t a gypsy, she was a french girl who got kidnapped by gypsies
Pulp fiction
Anyone who knows a gypsy know this
What? Jesus was a outcast that's the reason jews wanted to kill him
>blue eyes
>black hair
>not a gyppo
no, he had followers, jews wanted to kill him cause he was preaching against them, telling people to stop sacrifices cause she was the messiah wich went against the way of life of the Jewish clergy, he was not killed because he was a migrant, or a foreigner or looked from a diferent race or anything like that
he had lived in judea all his life working with his father and had faced no problem so in no way was he an outcast
There is no history of the catholic church treating gypsies as outcasts.
France has always been a black country
>t. Slobosevic
Frozen is the best one
on the other hand, gypsies treat everyone that's not a gypsy as an outcast underclass that deserves no respect and are open for theft
So basically he was a outcast jew? also is a reference to the christians being persecuted
let's post actual disney kino instead though
what about disney kino games
Nothing more Kino than watching a story like Frolo's about a man worried losing his faith because he's overcome with lust for a gypsy
Disney's most ambitious/adult cartoon?
The biggest message of the bible is that you should avoid fake news. Jesus was killed with fake news. He was executed on the ground that he was openly inciting rebellion when all his teachings are pacifist. Pilates condemned him and his words basically were "I will do my job and act upon the information I was given, but if all of you jews lied to me in your testimonies and evidence, then everyone knows and the blood is on your hand". If you're chistian the most christian thing you can do isn't opening borders or becoming socialists, it's to question jewish fake news. I mean all it did was kill the son of god, no big deal.
He had to spend his childhood in Egypt because Herodes wanted him dead. Neither the people of Kapernaum nor the people from Jerusalem wanted him to be around. How do you not consider him having been an outcast, you edgy contrarian?
Go wank in the corner, frollo
Of my pigment I am justly proud.
Esmerelda was a WHOOOOOAR that was executed her whoooorish acts.
Both Trons are pure kino. Atlantis is the most kino animated movie, Hunchback has the single most kino scene of any disney movie with Hellfire though