Why was Captain Marvel targeted so hard?

Why was Captain Marvel targeted so hard?

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they came out strong anti-white from day one and then act like they're the victim

>a girl overshadowed by a cat takes credit for 10 years of success playing as a fictional character created by a white man

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because men just can't handle a strong women with the charisma of a plank.

This flop is still news? Honestly who cares.

Because the main actress wasnt good.

It wasn't

Joking aside
Never seen any one talk about this movie except for its box office.
Even normies didn't seem to like it

Stan "Lee" Leiber was a jew

they were ready to buy tickets to their own film?


"Troll raids" are compeltely over blown.

Look at rotten tomato, tell me one star wars or marvel movie Audience score that isnt completely fair.
(Except last jedi which i feel 41% is too high)

hollywood execs always scream out in pain as they hit you. slowly i grew to hate them.

We live in such a vacuum it was easy to believe doing the same shit over and over guaranteed success.

In fairness captain marvels score is too low, but its still in theaters so perhaps itll rise.

>Tolls spend a couple of minuts 'attacking' CM.
>Disney pays to rotten tomatoes to lift their score
>Disney buys lots of its own tickets just to appear to do well in the box office.

Oh no we incels lost hard.

the disney shills never left. the movie has been released, why are they still here?

Yeah, it's funny to make jokes about Captain Marvel, but I bet like 99% of Yea Forums have not seen the movie.

no shit, that was their plan. just stop talking about capeshit..

>I bet like 99% of Yea Forums have not seen the movie.

I think it was targeted by real incels, who were targeted by trolls, who were targeted by trolls who were targeted by trolls.

It was a bunch of retarded trolls trying to troll each other while everyone else actually enjoyed the movie and the movie enjoyed all the free press and became a huge hit.

Very ironic. It was like a boat someone tried to piss in to sink but everyone was pissing on everyone and ended up floating the boat up.

Unfortunately it's true. The trolls got trolled with this one. We have become too predictable in our tactics and patterns. It made it easy for Disney / Marvel to essentially 'brand' any criticism of this movie as coming from basement dwelling neckbeards and wizard-strength incels. There was no room for the moderate; i.e. if you didn't like this film, you must be an incel. If you liked this film, it therefore means you are a happy, well balanced human being. By the magic of twisted logic, Disney made it seem that all criticism of this movie was coming from incels. And no-one wants to be labelled as an incel.


This entire board was covered with anti CM threads for like 2 weeks, same with TFA and BP. Its not over blown there are tons of /pol/cels dedicated to trying to tank a movie with a pro PoC or women message.

no it's not
and it fell to 61% yesterday after weeks on 62%

meme answer.
real answer.
"right wing" vlogs/blogs spammed miss leading titles and half truths for views.

>don't make jokes about a new movie on a board that discusses movies

the only people who still talk about it are the people that have been obsessed with it "failing"

>a bunch of dorks reeing about muh white genocide while everyone tells them to fuck off back to /pol/

fpbp, talk shit get hit

watch alita, it's objectively better by every measure

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You faggots brought this on yourselves. If you didn't like what the movie was about you just have to not watch it ever. Never give it money. Never give it attention. Now people hate you more than ever.

"new" movie.
also you faggots have spent months spamming and talking about how much you hate it.

it was better than the first thor

how is posting threads an attempt at tanking the movie? i get it, disney want fans to be obsessed with mcu, but only in a positive sense. buy tickets, see the movie a 100 times, spend all your money on funko pop bullshit, but make threads shitting on the movie, and suddenly disney sends out its shills to insult the "incels."

Incels can't handle a strong woman

maybe normal shitposters and normies are tired of you faggot spamming this shit. you've done it for months before it came out. we get it, you dont like it. move the fuck on.

they can shit on a garbage capeshit movie all they want, and disney brought politics into it, not pol. you dumb fucking gaslighting faggot.

Why wasn't Alita targeted, or Wonder Woman?

>Didn't give Disney money
>Didn't waste my time watching it

Seems like a win-win to me

yeah, shills, you wouldn't say shit if they were positive threads, don't lie fucker.

I don't know, as far as I know, I had no special interest in the movie and would've simply watched it, like a prim and proper NPC, to get a complete picture in preparation for Avengers Endgame. Due to all the controversy though, I still haven't seen it.

>don't make fun of my amazing super hero movies

So, what about that 1b you promised, nigger?

Other guy, but you guys only raised the profile of the movie. I actually went to go see the movie. If you guys weren't ranting so much about it, I wouldn't even have know it was coming out. Most of us don't even watch tv anymore, we just stream shit.

So when a new movie comes out, the only way I know is Yea Forums. I keep seeing shit for a movie on Yea Forums i'm going to see it, just to see what everyone is ranting about.

And to be honest, it was a B+ movie. It wasn't Civil War level good but it still was pretty good and fun movie.

Thanks for the heads up to see it.

well, you think mcu movies are anything but mediocre, so you're a dumbass anyways.


Just you

Who gives a fuck?

Black panther got like an 86
So did the force awakens
Last jedi got a well deserved 40
Captan marvel will average out around 70 (which is a little low)

But who cares, its a box office success

Stop useless bitching

you may be surprised by this, but i'm not the only person who thinks disney marvel movies (well, actually MOST disney movies) are mediocre.

It's one of the final gasps of the "pro-white, pro masculinity" alt-right movement who somehow believe they can overthrow the new order and return America to the 1950s vision they desire, where their outdated ideals reigned supreme. They saw a comic book movie led by a woke af actress that was destined to be a success, and did their best to sabotage it to try to prove their "get woke, go broke" worldview, but their efforts, like their movement, was destined for failure from the start.

Deny this user any (You)'s. Do not engage, do not defend, do not decry. Do not acknowledge.

>countering online criticism
At least they're being honest about that

>It wasn't Civil War level good
>level good
hi, incel. get a life

Civil War was the worst marvel movie (that I've seen)
It's embarrassing to even watch

This 1000x
Audience scores have all been fair.
Trolls dont make much difference at all.
All said movies have been huge box offices successes.

Disney bots were an open secret, but I'm very surprised they admitted it. Like, really surprised.

Okay legit question. Are you guys disney shills?

>$900 million


just stop talking about this trash
if people want to see it then sure, but talking about trolls to stay relevant? pathethic, just like the movie
and shill dont respond, since i certainly will not

Disney likely bought most of those tickets

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>hates having fun on Yea Forums
Why come here ?

Disney bots care, user.


>countering criticism
outside of North Korea, that is also known as censorship

literally thought this was just where i lived
my dad went to see it opening night and said he was the only one in the theater and i didnt believe him

Stop and really think about it. THE most trolled and supposedly boycotted movie performs better than pretty much all the other ones....

Now. Something doesn't add up. Either the trolll thing was largely exaggerated and blown up, OR, tickets were 'bought' for empty seats.

If it wasn't you'd see the tickets be lower, if even by small margin, than the other movies... Not higher. It gained viewers, not lost viewers, but we are to believe there was a huge troll element and that not extra tickets were bought by Disney?

or both

>make controversial decision to genderswap a male character
>surprised and victimized when there's controversy
I wonder how many times Kikes can use the same trick before soibois wise up.

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You stupid fag
Always when new capeshit is about to come out hate threads pop out of nowhere to shill for this new film. It always triggers polfags and they create some kind of outrage, that is used to further advertise the capeshit.

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>Stanley Martin Lieber was born on December 28, 1922, in Manhattan, New York City, in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents
>whether he believed in God, he stated, "Well, let me put it this way... [Pauses.] No, I'm not going to try to be clever. I really don't know. I just don't know."
I don't think he practiced Judaism

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>Now. Something doesn't add up.
Oh gee, you think? Every fucking movie that comes out is "the highest rated movie in years" or "99% on rotten tomatoes" the entire film industry has become a fucking joke.

Jewish and Judaism are not the same thing any more than Anglo-Saxon and Christian are the same thing.

Nice! Shows empty theater with ticket, except the movie on the ticket DOESN'T START FOR 2 1/2 HOURS.

Who knows... I'm honestly curious about why nobody talks about the Movie. With Black Panther, there was the same trolling, but you heard a lot of opinions about BP. With Captain Marvel, nobody talks about.
Makes you wonder, honestly.

After captain marvel I'm convinced that all marvel has to do to make bank is to just put their logo on something. They could make a movie like this and it'd come close to a billion!
>marvel logo intro
>2 hour gootage of shit on the ground
>a post credit scene about another movie

he said JEW as in ''DA JUZZ'' but his parents were Europeans who practiced Judaism.
Jews are not a race

there are lots of people talking about captain marvel
it was your average marvel movie, which is to say it's well-made and entertaining but not anything exceptional
also, unlike black panther's overt discussion of racism, it doesn't directly address any feminist themes

Based mouse combatting wrongthink

>After captain marvel I'm convinced that all marvel has to do to make bank is to just put their logo on something
That is literally all they have to do. 90% of the time they can ruin a whole fucking movie, dub it in Chinese, and then make so much fucking money in the eastern market where they eat CGI bullshit up like you wouldn't believe.
I'm not invested in your dispute I'm just pointing out that the Jewish race, culture, and religion are not exactly the same thing even though they are very deeply tied.

He looks pretty damn white to me.

does nobody realise how stupid that sounds? since when do you just counter people who dislike something/someone by saying they're a troll?

That's because several generators of his ancestors interbred with Romanian eastern Europeans during the diaspora, like most Ashkenazi Jew families.

Jesus where's my head today? Generations.

the trolls didn't have legitimate criticism.
they took a soundbite of Brie Larson talking about a lack of black women in the entertainment press to mean that she hates all white men or some shit.

none of them even saw the movie. I had an argument with one of them who asserted that he didn't need to see the movie to know that it was bad because he didn't like the trailers or Larson's press interviews.

ITT /pol/ gives a legitimate unbiased history lesson about Jews throughout the ages.

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It was a fun flick, whets the appetite for MCU and serves as a great lead-in to Endgame. Was it great? No, but it was thoroughly enjoyable. Also. I just saw it Tuesday, and the theater was sold-out.

>the "pro-white, pro masculinity" alt-right movement
why is/was this even a thing? the world is already pro-white and pro-masculinity. that's why "sjws" and "feminists" and "TEH JOOS" bother people in the first place, because they're trying to gaslight the establishment.

"The Trolls" are controlled opposition created to attract attention and controversy and they literally planned for this to happen the moment they changed Captain Marvel into a woman. You bought it hook, line, and sinker.

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I haven't seen the movie as I have no intention of going to the theatre to see it but I think it's pretty easy to see that she was the wrong choice for the role purely based on her acting/how she carries herself in other roles/the trailer, her being a stuck up bitch is just the icing on the cake, granted her political opinions and attitude outside of the movie shouldn't really change peoples perception of the movie but I can't blame people for feeling that way about it. If the same movie was made 10 years ago you can bet it wouldn't be full of "muh female empowerment" like the trailers suggest.

please explain how a superhero movie about a mary sue white hero who saves the day is somehow not pro-white

>the same people who protested at Occupy Wall Street just seven years ago are now thanking a milti-billion dollar corporation for actively combating "undesirable" opinions

How did it come to this?

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and this
As usual, the ones with the power, money, and influence are able to buy the news and control the narrative. Captain Marvel had an aggressive, social justice marketing campaign that was deliberately intended to cause controversy to get people to talk about the film. Then, they write the story to dismiss the criticism as unprovoked actions by "trolls"

People are retarded and Dinsey is just taking advantage of the useful idiots for more attention/money.

"sold out captain marvel showings" is one of my favorite new Yea Forums memes.

>The ubermensch: must overcome personal difficulties and hurdles to fine tune yourself to be the best you can be
>The chose one a.k.a. Mary Sue: don't gotta do jack shit because everything happens to work in your favor

>How did it come to this?
It was inevitable. You were just too blinded by rhetoric to see the truth.

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>I think it's pretty easy to see that she was the wrong choice for the role purely based on her acting/how she carries herself in other roles/the trailer, her being a stuck up bitch is just the icing on the cake
I saw the movie and thought she did a great job as a brainwashed, traumatized ex-warrior
I don't get why people call her "wooden" when she's basically playing space bucky barnes

none of this psuedshit is remotely relevant to the movie not being pro-white.

Seriously, I mean the movie was a thinly veiled allegory for the middle east wars and refugee crisis, and their solution was to find SOMEWHERE ELSE FAR AWAY for the refugees to live

I like how "who cares" is tryna be the incel alt right response to "have sex" yet posting "who cares" shows how butt hurt you really are. maybe you wouldn't be so bitter if you hung out with girls more and if you were to ya know, just maybe, have sex.
>inb4 "who cares" is not the new misogynist go-to—it is

>theater was sold-out.
Fuckin' Disney bots don't even care about trolling with reasonable shit.

Nah I get that her character somewhat demands that, but you can't tell me you don't notice the feminist undertones in the trailers, maybe the movie isn't like that but I very much doubt it given what people are like these days and Brie's persona off screen, it's also very convenient they just decide to go this direction right before endgame in a franchise that's been building up for over a decade so pretty much everyone invested in the story has to see it at some point.

>pseudo shit
That's literally the definition of those things, you retard. Sorry your HURR IF WE CALL CAPTAIN FUNGAL INFECTION PRO-WHITE MAYBE WE CAN GET THIS SITE TO WATCH THIS shtick doesn't work.

>and their solution was to find SOMEWHERE ELSE FAR AWAY for the refugees to live
to be fair this is literally everyone's solution when asked on an individual level. even the people who are "accepting" of refugees in their country will flat out refuse to house those refugees and don't actually want them around where they live.

"welcoming refugees" is basically the left's version of pro-birthers who want all women to be forced to carry pregnancies to term then don't give two shits about the welfare of mother or the child afterward.

>pseudshit concepts have definitions durrrrrr
no shit, fucktwit. again, I ask you to please explain how a mary sue white superhero is somehow anti-white.

>it isn't us shills!
>its the haters!
Nice cope and damage control, bitch.