Why did she want such a weak man?

Why did she want such a weak man?

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he was pretty

Who wouldn't want to suck that guy's pretty dick?

Because she's young, and he seems strong enough, and being so young his pretty face really hits home.
And because afrodite.

He can kill Achilles

>Why would this blonde woman trade off a fat whitoid for a TÜRKBVLL prince
Do you really need to ask?

His brother was more handsome, and stronger

Turks hadn't arrived there yet for another 2000 years

His friend has a better jump shot

Didn't the gods make her want him? It's been a while since I've read that.

gre*koid lies


She was under a spell, it was never real.

reminder that her father was Zeus cause she turned into a duck and impregnated her mother the same day she was impregnated by her husband so she delivered two mortal sons and two eggs, Helena was born from one of this eggs, she was an inmortal duck hybrid
In the temple of sparta people visited the eggs she and her brother hatched

She probably wanted Hector afterwards but he was a one woman man.

He is good looking

Aphrodite made Helen love Paris. For goodness sake, didn't you read the book?!

You roaches hadn't infested the area yet, Mehmed.

Big circumcised penis.

He was a great shot.

who would want a mutilated dick?

1. It's magic!
2. He's handsome and also a prince.

If you were Hector would you have let him die? At first I thought I wouldn't but the way he crawls back to Hector and cries is just pathetic. Also I know it's not realistic but I really like the way Achilles used to his weapons, pretty good movie fight desu.


the judgement of Paris is not in the iliad but youre almost right.
He was promised the fairest woman of all by Aphrodite.

Why were the gods so fucking bored?

>didn't you read the book?!
which one?

Illiad and Odyssey bruh.

Judgement of Paris is in neither.

he wasn't a dick to her

The Illiad clearly states that Helen hates Paris though and wishes that Menelaus kills him during their duel so she can go back to her husband and gets butthurt, literally, when Aphrodite saves Paris and teleports him to her bedroom.

Treated her like a queen and not a cum rag.

The last thing Achilles did to the "love of his life" was turn her around, fuck her ass and ride away before she woke up.

>Why did she want such a weak man?
Question is, why would she want a strong man?
If you think about the power levels of all the characters, everyone's weak and the strongest one is Achilles.

So by your logic everyone would desire Achilles first and foremost, since literally every other man in existence is weaker than him canonically.

It's the same answer with every other trait. If you desire a rich man, that pretty much just leaves one option as only one person can be richest and everyone poorer in comparison (unless two people happen to have exactly the same net worth, which is unlikely).

In the vast majority of cases there is only one richest man, one strongest man, etc and it would be unfeasible to go after these people because first of all you'd have to find them, romance them, and even then you're competing with the rest of the world.

So a man only needs to be strong ENOUGH, powerful ENOUGH, rich ENOUGH and prestigious ENOUGH, and Paris more than enough satisfies all those qualities.

you can be strong but not the strongest, user.
Regardless Menalaos wins Helen through a combat tournament so technically was the strongest