What a crock of shit

If my old man said this to me, I'd kill him in his sleep.

Attached: Jiro.jpg (1436x2436, 668K)

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You're mad because he's right

That's probably why you're a failure user.

600 dorra baka gaijin

Based old man

He's not wrong.

In the past families would live together indefinitely and it was considered retarded to move out and buy a new house for every single microcosm of the family tree. But I guess that doesn't align with the housing markets agenda, does it?

I have an uncle who is like this.

>best doctor in the business
>opened a private clinic
>made a fortune
>made his two daughters study medicine
>when they married he made them keep their last name to save his legacy
>considers them,their husbands hell his entire family failures and never lets us forget it at the family reunions

They would agree with your sentiment

Shit, I still live in a country where the only reason to move out of your family home is when you're starting your own family. I don't know a single person who lives alone here. It's completely normal to see people up to 30 years old still living with their parents, because they didn't get married yet.

This is what my family does. We own a massive piece of land with one large house and several other small little cottage like rooms built around the sides.
It's cheaper and because of this, we, despite being relatively middle class have such a huge piece of land that we can grow crops and raise animals on it.
As for food, power and what have you, it's strictly split through a contract so no one is paying more than anyone else and it's based on percentage of each family number.

I also feel like it's much better for the family. Everyone seems happy and since we're a large family, we all get along and everyone keeps more money in their pocket.
My cousin is a complete retard and a wage slave, but owns his own small boat, car and bike.

2 nukes was not enough

And he´d die happily knowing he didn´t raise his son to be some kinda queer.

what did they do wrong?

Sounds like a system that can fall apart with one bad apple

But he does employ his own son at his sushi joint right? This old gook is sending mixed signals here

I'm not renting your fucking apartments REEEEEE!

Japanese Father of the Century winner, ex-aequo with Miyazaki

Attached: hiyao-miyazaki.jpg (2880x1906, 1.3M)

the interview with Goro in Kingdom of Dreams and Madness is a portrait of an absolutely broken man
he's like talking about how he never wanted to be a director and he regrets it and he can't stand living in his father's shadow and his father doesn't respect him and never spends time with him and he wants to kill himself and he looks like he's about to cry the whole time

I even liked Up on Poppy Hill, although Ronja & Earthsea are both absolute garbage

Why are the Japanese so wise but so cold at the same time

Boomers are trash in Japan as well I see

To put it simply,they are not him. He is this weird guy,super helpful, aggressively so, but his help comes with a lifetime of holding that above your head. In the case of his son in laws,he found them jobs and he shits on them on family dinners and they have to take it as some gratitude. Also he will one up you on everything, I lost my parents aged 20 and he said it was nothing, he was working since he was 14.

They made the mistake of not being born a boomer like him I'm assuming

how so?

Knowledge and wisdom are two different things. The japanese lack the latter.

Remember when Miyazaki got pissed when animators started using shittier 3D animation for anime


this guy is a fucking fraud anyway

Old gook has no actual morals or beliefs he just spits shit that suits him

Legendary insult.

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so not really helpful

yes that's what I was refering too, Miyazaki is a total psycho.

Can't he use his Dark Medical Training to make his wife produce a son?

Not a lot of men make good fathers even though all kids turn fucked up if they grow up without their fathers love and attention

t. failure

No it's called growing up and becoming your own person. You are still a child if you depend on your parents for a home and food, no matter your age.

Of course if being mama's little boy is your ultimate life goal then you on your way.

I'd move out but I'm busy paying for my dad's medical bills via taxes and pure cash.

My dad who has dementia keeps shitting on me everyday, saying I'm a loser who can't move out. Part of me what's to let him just die, but I can't. I'm just stuck paying his medical bills. He blew it all on the stock market and lost it, social security can't cover it. He's always been a hard right conservative.

I just feel like my story basically represents america. A bunch of half brain dead old people leeching off who blew all their money to snake oil salesmen leeching off young people telling the young people they are losers.

I just want him to die naturally. Fuck

Destroy community desu. Shekelstein would rather you take out a mortgage in a city away from your friends and family.


You have to be a retarded cuckold to not usurp your father by 18. You're basically a woman at that point. When I was 14 I beat my dad so bad he almost died, now I bang my mom while he cries and he gives me his paycheck

based and Oedipuspilled

Technically,he is helpful because there is a noticeable result of his help but his reasoning is flawed because he does it to feed his ego because that makes him better than you.

Don't get him started on the wife, he doesn't like her either. This man is like more sociable Daniel Plainview.

I've met a few people like that in my short time, he's just a cunt, simple as. If they offer you any sort of help, politely decline, if they give you shit you call them on it immediately and they're unlikely to do it again anytime soon

Sounds like a tough situation mate. Was he this disrespectful to you before the dementia?

Can't you just physically humiliate him in front of the whole family, everyone should be put down a peg once in a while

Yikes you're actually indoctrinated.
You can work, have a life, be an individual, and whatever else while still living with and supporting your family. I don't live with my parents but growing up has nothing to do with who you live with. Anyone can sign a lease, it's not difficult.

Good goy, spend money on rent instead of saving or investing, daddy Schmooley needs a new meshugah!

is this uncle of yours chinese or asian by any chance because this sounds pretty fucking familiar, family reunions are for old people to jerk themselves off and "lecture" you while wagging their fingers at you from the other side of the table

Good wageslave. Don't form multigenerational households. Sell your house and buy an RV instead of giving your children it, don't have the wisdom of generations of your family in close proximity, just let the state raise your child. That way we can pump out more workers, not cultivate a happy people.

>kill him in his sleep
Like a woman. No wonder your father isn't proud of you.

To be honest,he is kinda humiliating himself lately because he entered IDGAF mode because he is 72 years old. What worries me is how he is raising his grandkids to be bossy and dominant and I am pretty sure in the future I will work for his oldest grandson. He told him that after he dies he is leaving him everything in the condition that he identifies himself as his surname and not his fathers and the boy is doing that right now and is subtly disrespecting his father and my uncle is encouraging it.

Nope, Balkans, but that is universal.

This is pretty much how it should be.

I see, well it's good to know that old people are cunts no matter the culture.


Miyazaki probably didn't even want children but in japanese culture it's obligate to procreate.
I feel bad for Goro, he should've just let go

The great leveler.

>Don't get him started on the wife, he doesn't like her either.

I live in Honcouver Iglooland. Second most expensive city in the world. And I laugh at stupid white people who do this shit. Its only white people culture that expect kids out at 18 or after university or kick them out at 18.

All of my Indian, Asian and other foreign friends live at home with their parents until they get married off and move or out to start their own families. My Indian friend is in his mid 20's and his brother is 30. They all pool their resources together and live a very above middle class lifestyle as a result. Family has 2 BMWs and a Mercedes SUV they all share. Vacation home up north they all pooled in for and take winters and summers at etc.

Compare this to my White friends in a similar age range. Broke as fuck. Pay check to pay check. Half of them cant afford to drive + insurance in this city. All of them rent and are not building equity towards anything. "OMG Im so independent since I've been on my own since 19. I cant afford shit nor will I ever be able to save up for a million dollar home here but fuck it. Better than mooching off my parents"

I remember that. What a sperg

this. japs are just like other asians but people jerk them off because they make video games and sexy cartoons.

>This stupid old asshole actually thinks slapping some fish on rice is an achievement and a legacy


Self hating NEET detected.

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One of my Japanese friends told me how different their family life is post-adolescent, in that it's very minimal and free-for-all. Once you're 18, you leave your parent's house and only come back to see them once in a while, but there's never much excitement in seeing each other, unlike Western families where everyone hugs and kisses. She told me how one of her friends went to school in the US, got a visa to work, and then came back to Japan to see her parents. Her parents were very unenthusiastic about her return, and expected her to leave soon after she showed up. Maybe it was just that family, but apparently this is the norm.
They don't hug or kiss eachother either once they become teenagers. My friend says her Dad asks for hugs and kisses all the time and she doesn't want to because it's weird and embarrassing.

Fucking this.

Why didn't this dude fight in WWII? What a fucking coward.

Individualism is a disease

>If you leave and fail, you can never return
>The children never leave
based Japan?

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Only dumb ass white people do that

This shit works for the privilaged, but ends up fucking over 3rd world countries. tl;dr its totally subjective on tons of factors that can't be discussed on Yea Forums Yea Forums

Though part of the reason whites move out and non-whites don't is to do with, for the most part, women of those cultures. Non-white women expect non-married non-white men to live at home still, because they don't have any reason to move out.
White women expect white men to have everything ready and waiting for them. A set life if you like because they're princesses who should have everything handed to them. It's the reason they'll fuck a man who still lives with his wife, but won't fuck a man who still lives with his mother. In their mind, only one of these two has their priorities in order. The priority being what they can usurp for themselves.
The incels were right all along.

nah, sex life suffers

you're as bluepilled as can be
i am definitely my own person and i, along with my brother and sister, live with my parents in our bigass house, at 24 years old

guess what? we all have jobs, we all have friends and we can all afford things by ourselves without needing to borrow money

good luck paying for your rent in your tworoom condo though

White people are funny af. Live with your Family until you start your own you dumb motherfuckers. You all are given everything and still can't make basic ass decisions. I sincerely hope those moving out for no reason are shitposting

In the west you have to have a lot of things going for you for an average women to consider you for dating.

>The incels were right
Yeah no shit. Hence the recent spread of the word "incel" as an insult; white wimmins are afraid of losing their meal tickets from desperate beta-males who deny their unlikability, so they stigmatize being an incel to taunt men into surrendering their resources and possessions under the pretense of "proving themselves."

Nut job starts making crazy demands once they being the patriarch/matriarch of the family or you get a falling out between family members and then their familes carry it on with a feud.

I've seen it happen with my ex's family. They were obsessed with a silver knife used for cutting birthday cakes and who ever retains it is a major point of contention in the family.

Why does this trigger you?

Your parents said that to you and you're still at home, arent you?

This doesn't make sense because Japan has the most incels per capita. So clearly Japanese women arent into that lifestyle either. So I think you need to go back to the drawing board.

Yeah, I should give up the fortune I save in rent every month because some random internet people think badly of me.

Poor dad

"Failure". Everyone who has said that to you is correct.

>you're not an adult until you're eating microwave dinners every night in your shitty apartment
You're part of the problem dumbass

>still live at home with 32
>don't have to pay for nothing
>occasionally help parents out with money
>don't have to fear being judged because unlike men you're not seen as a failure
Being a woman sure is great.

are you Indian?

I think that's the problem, those parents expect the son and his wife to care them of them when the got old, they don't go to their daughter's house to live with their husband.
It's kinda the opposite in the west, where the girls are the ones caring more of the father at elderly age than the sons

Japan has huge problem with elderly

And when I'm mean problem, I mean in Japan they have huge hard on seniority and respecting the elderly. "Respect him because he's old" "Respect him because he has the experience". I know you think this is how it is in US, but no, it isn't. Somebody like Jiro Ono, a 93 year old fuck, still working, still telling people what to do, that's fucking normal in japan. Not to mention, the old fucks number keeps increasing. Japan's population is aging. This is NOT normal. Japan zoomers need to wake the fuck up and rise up against these fucking boomer fucks, before it's too late

In the past children worked on farms and actually helped thier parents. Now kids are completely dependent until they have to move out. I don't buy for a second that all the neets on this board are making a strategic economic decision with your family. Maybe for YOU it saves money but you're leeching off your parents. Your parents gave 2 decades of thier life to take care of you, now they deserve a break.

Also in America we value INDEPENDENCE. Moving out is about learning to fend for yourself. I moved out when I was 19, fucked around and tried to go back home and my dad strait up said no. I had to sleep on friends couches, take shitty humiliating jobs to make enough to pay bills, had to use my computer to make phone calls because my phone bill was past due and learn to socialize and interact with the outside world. I also never got more pussy than when I was a bum. I would hit on girls just for a bed with nothing to lose.

Having a bachelor pad in yout early 20s is so much fun too. You can do whatever you want. Don't lose your wildest years in your fucking parents house.

>Pay 50% of my income to rent a 430sqft shoebox just so that I have the ability to live by myself

Heh, I'm loving it.

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japanese boomers make american boomers look like a fortnite dance

This is probably the kind of thinking that drives so many of them to suicide

Lol, seething incel

How do you have sex if you live in your parent's house until 30? Like do you just bring how girls and bang them with your parents sleeping on the other side of the wall?

He should have considered it logically

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I've never understood the taboo. I don't live with my parents, but I often bring my girlfriend home to my parents for dinner.

After dinner my girlfriend and I often head upstairs to my old room to "relax after dinner". Everyone knows we're going to fuck, but nobody gives a shit. My parents would be heaps more worried about me if I didn't fuck my girlfriend often.

I've dated an Egyptian girl. One time I complained to her about how I still live with my parents (I'm 23) and how much of a fucking failure I feel and she scolded me because 'they're your parents, they're there to take care of you'. I realised that this is the prominent view in the Middle East and it opened my perspective a bit. Still feel like shit though.

Yeah, being a degenerate hobo living paycheck to paycheck who isn't loved by their parents is WAY better than staying close to family and supporting each other out and having a decent quality of life.

this is why whites are being outbred and dying out.
Hispanics and asians have figured out that distributing the load evenly amongst core family members enables better them to progress faster.
It does mean you have to share more but it also enables for more financial risk taking since you have a trusted safety net in case of failure.

I know there is a lot of abuse amongst hispanics as far as government gibmedats but there are a lot of them that can afford things without any government handouts simply because their team strategy works better than being a loner.

My mom screams at me if I talk to loudly at night a floor below her, I couldn't imagine fucking a girl in the room next to her. Maybe this is why I'm a 22 year old virgin.

Poor and stupid people always breed more, because they can't grasp the morality of breeding. Sure it means the white race will die out, but it also means that the world is doomed.

Put your mom in her place. Bring back a girl and fuck her till she screams from pleasure.

When I still lived at home I'd sometimes bring thots home and make them scream to deliberately wake everyone up. It sends a message. I am the one who fucks.

>Miyazaki probably didn't even want children
I bet he wanted a little girl to diddle

I wonder if there's a condition that if he ever changes it back, he loses the money.
I would let some miserable old cunt die thinking I was on his side if I got all that cash, then I would shit talk him while laughing in my pile of money. I'd shit talk him at the damned funeral.

Thats what you don't understand, they aren't poor because they figure out that working together saves everyone money.

If you find a way to be able to breed more AND be able to be more successful than whites, then you aren't stupid.
Again, that goes for the ones who don't leech off the government which would probably surprise you how many of them are.

Kek (笑´・艸・) I definitely apologize on behalf of sushi, da Jedi master that he didn’t know cooling off period !!! But ya ain’t get any free sushi for THAT.

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It's the same way in a lot of countries. I think it's only really different in countries that did a lot of mass produced homes/apartments in cities. You end up with kids moving out on their own and wanting to have things be silent except for themselves who then get outraged at having to have any sort of roommate even if it was a relative.

I fucking hate living with my parents. The old man always needs some help with shit and I can't concentrate on my studies. Living alone is the best for non-brainlets. The only upside is that I can save up my earnings.

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>>when they married he made them keep their last name to save his legacy
Maybe he shouldn't have been a failure and had a son

Don't Italians live with their parents until they're like 30? What's that like.

>Miyazaki probably didn't even want children but in japanese culture it's obligate to procreate.
Then why are their birth rates tanking?

>le boomers are the reason I'm a failure meme

My parents would just kick me out and stop paying for some of my bills if I just disregarded the fact that it's their house, not mine. Are your parents like spineless or something? Mine wouldn't take that bullshit.

Yeah sure dude. This totally happened

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Only white people kick their kids out. They all are fucked in the head.

Most of the people I know who were kicked out if the house at 18 and told they must be successful now suck dick and are addicted to drugs with rare exceptions. There's a balance though, the coddled ones end up at home forever or doing the same thing. If you are a decent parent all along your kid will want to go out and make a future for themselves. This is just shit that lazy boomers say because they want to go into credit card debt by making their kid's bedroom into a shitty sex dungeon as soon as possible.

He was right.

A noxious work culture that keeps families apart and a high relative cost of living, with the internet acting as a band-aid on social withdrawal.

>her Dad asks for hugs and kisses all the time and she doesn't want to because it's weird and embarrassing
As a father this hurts me.

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those guys were just happy to show off new technology too. guy was an ass

in what country Italy because you're not talking about USA? Even back in the Wild west men in the USA even at age 16 were supposed to be able to make it on their own.

Its only been the past 20 years in the USA that NEETs have become a thing

Rich parents and the elite doesn't do that with their kids. It's slave parenting to create more slave people. Most junkies and uneducated swine I knew moved out pretty early.

Old people are assholes, they take the respect you show them as granted.You need to put them in their place so they can understand it's mutual.

why is Eddie Bravo hanging out with Jiro?

good bait

He fell off the edge of the flat Earth and found himself in Japan.

According to my Italian stepmom, they would have generations of a family all living in the same brownstone in Brooklyn. Sounds extremely comfy, if a little claustrophobic. But they're all really close. A caveat being that your entire life becomes run by family drama - there are people in her family she has vowed to never speak to again, and has burning resentment for. Pros and cons I guess. My blood family is too shattered to have any cohesive narrative like that.

This is the best system, the destruction of family shouldn't be celebrated and seen as "maturing"


why are asians emotionless cold socipaths

you seriously need a reality check, you fucking idiots

"it does mean you have to share" ooooooh, what a shameful concept, sharing, we don't want our hard earned money that only we deserve to be shared!

>morality of breeding

see how that contradicts with the morality of not sharing of the poster above.


I don't think the Pennsylvania Dutch or the Anabaptists really encouraged moving out from an ealy age. They may have inspired it, but they didn't consciously encourage it.

>No it's called growing up
stopped reading there. its non argument just like current year

My parents tossed me out at 18 to “make me a man” with nothing but my IDs and the clothes I had. I don’t talk to them.

Not when you get your monthly visit from Aunt Flo.

My grandad bought a condominium building when our extended family got too big for the main house. Shit was pretty cozy.

we're almost the same age and in the same predicament, I'm a man but I don't care

>now they deserve a break.

it's family you moron, who ever started this psycho coke0filled neoliberal fantasy about raising kids as a job?? Nobody chose to be born.

*hugs you*

you are the hardestcore motherfucker. I saulte you

Did they at least call you on codec to check on your progress?

how did you survive that? Genuinely curious

Sounds like my father

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I've been bringing girls to fuck ay our home since I was 16, and the only time I got warned was when I brought home the some older girl that looked like a whore. She did eventually became a whore lol, huge milkers though

Why do the Japanese have such high suicide rates, hmmmm

I can't even comprehend how sexuality in normies functions
it's all so tiresome

I'd heard about this movie for a really long time, but my interest is peaked now.
Holy fucking based

everyone i know who was actually kicked out by their parents were kicked out before they turned 18. and yea a few became drug addicts, and none of them were better off for it.

>My parents would be heaps more worried about me if I didn't fuck my girlfriend often.
haha, yea could you imagine having a son that doesn't have sex often

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>I also never got more pussy than when I was a bum.
>I would hit on girls just for a bed with nothing to lose.
Go on...

cringe and blue pilled

The comfiest larp I've read in a while. Thanks user

show bob

holy fucking BASED

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so you gon tell me.....this muhfucker....he go to sleep, and he DREAM about sushi

>Stop helping your kids take risks

>white people kick their kids out
>white countries become the most civilized and advanced societies on earth
really made me hmmm

There's only one thing I'm dreaming about when I go to sleep....and that's p-u-s-s-y

>white people kick their kids out
>white countries become the most civ-

Attached: hordeVSalliance.webm (480x480, 2.91M)

Sounds top comfy friend.

Just stop paying his bills and let the disease take him you cuckold.

I fell for the 'be independent' meme and moved out without needing to. I was on track to have saved a million by now but I just had to scratch that itch. Its really relaxing to have your own space to do whatever you absolutely the fuck want but sometimes when I go to bed I remember how much money I could have saved by now and nearly retire with the interest/annuities and my soul dies a little inside. At least I have yogurts and junk food in the fridge,Haha.

This, there were no nursing homes because the elders lived with their kids and raised their grandkids. In Meet Me In St Louis the implied-gay uncle almost certainly couldn't get a place of his own (did he have an income?), but he doesn't have to because he takes a room with his family.