This is The Flash. Say something nice about him

This is The Flash. Say something nice about him.

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Looks like he loves sucking Jew cocks


>This is The Twink. Say something nice about him.

Yeah it's him.
Claiming "gender is pervasive only to the English language" is gay, where's all the transexual fucking fish or birds, you flaming faggot?

I don’t believe or subscribe to it either, I just meant calling this queermo a man is an insult to men everywhere.

i wish he were my friend

>English is just about the only non-gendered indo-european language
>"pervasive to"

Hitler was right about brainlets.

he's so handsome

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He's objectively attractive


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No he isn't

tranny faggot

How would we be able to tell if an animal was trans?

Yeah he is

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He looks like a vampire, he should play one

His eyes man, they stare into your soul
In Fantastic Beasts 2 there were times Credence would look at the camera and it was like staring into the darkest night

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More like The Bash the Fash

>This is The Flash
Not anymore