Um, no thanks
Um, no thanks
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm that gorilla dick, baby.
Ever since I swagged myself out with some fresh Buuci sweatpants, I've been pulling prime pussy every single day.
is that porn?
Yes. Alina Li.
I'll take some
that's not her
Yes it is. She's younger there.
No, just a screenshot from the GOAT MDE:WP skit
>500 followers on IG
How the fuck does that happen, I personally know obscure girls in tiny ass towns in the third world who easily have 1k-10k
Pit game off the charts.
gib link
>Yo Trex, come help me swag this kid out
>alright you dumb fucking idiot
Don't forget to buy in a black person mall.
What did he mean by this?
how did MDE even find a woman this perfect?
robby go get that sneed
You can only pick two Yea Forums, who do you choose and why?
Please no bully. Nitro Dubs is Mr. Shit King Shit Pussy
I wouldn't dream of ever doing it anywhere else.
She looks like she fucks white guys
she looks kind of like Kalina Ryu.
Are westernized koreans the way to go?
>Secret name that only Trex will call Robbie is Moonman
>Secret name that neither Robbie nor Trex will use for Robbie is David Duke
Westernised east asians are some of the biggest whores on the fucking planet mate; if that's what you're looking for then go for it, but otherwise stay away unless you're just looking to smash.
They also way more shallow, vapid, cunty, superficial etc. than any other westernised girls, both white and non-white.
Nick and Sam.
One is the laid back funny guy, the other is the thinking machine. Charls is just batshit insane.
>No Erick Hayden
Poll invalidated.
what is it
Such a tough call
Nick and Charls. Sorry Sam but I think Nick is funniest on his own / most fun to hang out with, and Charls is wisest / most entertaining.
The actor irl was total shit, that’s why they blurred him out. Sam does not tolerate shitty acting
Could you do any better than Robbie, Yea Forums?
Is this approachable? She went to same church and uni
>you got ten seconds to show me that hole, and if you don’t blow me right I might just kill you.
>3 posts
this pasta was never funny
She deleted most of her pics
Actually this, I think nitro dubbz chimed in when r slash mde was still a thing. Said they blurred him out and dubbed ouver his voice. And sam always gives bad actors shit, in-character.
The skit continues. The rest was cut. Wheels gets the chink girl in the end. Have sex in limo. Nice
>Source: your ass
Honestly one of the funniest things that I've ever heard on an [as] show
>Here's how you get that GOOOHRL!
charls & nick easily
>shit man what's wrong with you man? You're micromachines!
no thanks
Yeah, he's test-tube gub-gub snail man. Lucky hor him, Trex knows literally everything there is about getting pusy
Who's the girl in the middle of that scene? She's gorgeous. She's the one that Sam is holding her arm in the beginning when Robbie is watching Trex on his laptop.
I'm not giving you money Sam
what about this chinese girl? would you?
Keep away from chinks & gooks bro
Still no IG.
>where’s your ramp
>what are your parents doing dude
Source: literally the on-set photos that Sam posted on the MDE subreddit showing additional scenes with those characters
>discord trannies don't flood MDE threads if you post screenshots from the show because they never watched it
I like the parallel between this sketch and the unreleased Anti-Bullying PSA sketch that dropped a few weeks ago
I'd love to have a personal sticky rice dispenser.
I just listened to "Billy and the clown" for the first time. What a masterpiece.
her eyes are squintier
Sam and Charles. They were both unhinged and I think that helped them go above and beyond.
agreed, I've listened to it more than once, one of sams best and most underrated works
I need the full story in writing, I never bought their book but supposedly it wasn't even in it....
Also Charls and Eric Hayden talked about it on Charls' twitch. They mentioned they shot for a whole day and Sam improved for hours. I remember them referring to it at least once as godlike.
>the actor who played robbie started a gofundme for a special wheelchair for dancing
>MDE fans donated $5k while ripping him in the comments
and that 5k? it went to dailystormer
*in reference to the video of George Bush in the classroom on 9/11*
>Sam: Okay, so as the kids are reading the book they're chanting 'kite', 'hit', 'steel', 'plane', 'must'...
>Charls: *dismissive* Nah, nope, nah
>Sam: ...
>Charls: What's that supposed to mean?
I liked the part where they discussed how the HRC we believe that she will win is essentially chaos magic
charls sam friendship was kino
notice how when NZ shooting happened nobody even bothered pinning it on Sam Hyde this time? I guess truly
>I am forgotten
Looks like she fucks guys
>Charles is the wisest
I know, i used to really love sam but he looks like a homeless person now
reminder that the jews shut this tweet down and made him delete it
lmao hydewars has been scrubbed from the internet by our jewish/indian techoncrat overlords I had to rewatch this on a internet archive.
>Sam: I realise that clitoral circumcision is a choice and it's the parents' right to choose to have their daughter's clitoris removed as an infant
>Charls: Oh no that, see that is a practice that was unduly abolished - it was abolished prematurely because there's a lot of women suffering a lot of ill health effects from having a fully uncircumcised clitoris
>Sam: Correct
>Charls: There's a lot of health stuff that's going around...
>Sam: A lot of STDs actually get passed specifically because the woman still has her clitoris intact
>Charls -intact, yeah
My nigga boolin