Everyone who got away with a crime, please stand up

Everyone who got away with a crime, please stand up.


Attached: Untitled.png (615x379, 396K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump only likes rich white criminals that he can relate to

Hes gonna get mogged

Jussie looks like such a slimey little worm.

Definitely a bottom

This fag has such a punchable face

Yeah, serious wuss vibes.

His whole presence disgusts me, honestly. Just his weak energy, absolutely no surprise he behaves like such a weasely, wormy little coward who will throw anyone including his brother under the bus while spouting self-righteous, woke generalities on twitter.

Attached: 12.png (689x582, 152K)

It's pretty clear the evidence is circumstantial.

So what happened to the two brothas involved in this shit?

>Jussie says thing
>video shows the exact opposite
It's more than circumstantial

>muh states rights

Attached: jussie justice.png (2452x1178, 1.73M)

>trump will order the fbi or the doj to do anything
lmao as if they'll listen

>wormy little coward who will throw anyone including his brother under the bus while spouting self-righteous, woke generalities on twitter.
gotta get paid nigga

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is it possible that the underworld movies are in fact real?


It's obvious Trump has this vindictive hatred towards Jussie because he's a gay black man

There is no video of the attack. There is video of Co-worker rehearsing something. Since they all are actors one could argue it wasn't related. Also, two guys buying ski mask and gloves in the dead of winter isn't really odd.

And America has become a cartoon parody of itself
thank god I live in a sane country

>trusting anything amerimutt politicians say

>thank god I live in a sane country
for some reason I feel like you're being heavily biased based on the fact that you live in said country

This is making me so mad

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I love how morally bankrupt he clearly is while morally grandstanding as if he were the new MLK

Yeah because we let niggers and women be judges.

Remember that when the police picked up some two random dudes wearing maga hats this piece of said that it was them who attacked him. He would have put two innocent people in prison if he got his way.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that conservative americans act like 1990's cartoon villains.


Him getting away creates more racial tensions.

I really don't understand how americans put up with this clown show

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we're in a thread about someone faking a hate crime against himself to generate sympathy and smear his political opponents and then the people on his side pulling strings to get him off. who is the villain here?

Well, people who morally grandstand like that usually are frauds. Whereas actually decent people try to do the right thing, but don't toot their own horn about it.

The people who are the most self righteous and grandstanding publically always happen to be the Jussies and Amber Heards of the world, ever notice that? It's because they're just doing it to score points. There's nothing moral about it.

USA is such an embarrassment, jesus christ



Give sauce on that pic/vid.

Look at Captain planet. Modern day republicans want to roll back EPA environment protections. Thus allowing things like dumping toxic waste in the river or cutting down massive plots of Forrest.

Never said he wasn't a villain. Just replying to a comment. Also, this isn't a super hero action film. There can be more than one villain.

And those nigerian brothers. If he doesnt confess then they will get sentenced for assault


>Also, this isn't a super hero action film
kek, you're the one who thinks in terms of cartoons, not me. don't act as if i brought up that infantile comparison faggot.

And That's a Good Thing.

Luke was in exile in TLJ.

Batman was in exile in TDKR

Logan was in exile in Logan

and yet there is only one of the above that is bad. Lucas's idea of exile doesnt naturally conflate with all the other dumb shit

The guy has zero shame or empathy, despite all the righteous sounding shit he posts on twitter. I mean look at his twitter, and then compare that with the way he's acted here.

Dude is trolling against a dumbshit socialist swine and her G.I.B proposal.

>muh cartoons muh harry potter
why do trannies use metaphors for children so often?

Lmfao fucking based

No, Your the one who claim that Jussie is "the villain." Implying there can't be other villains at this time.

Can't wait for Obama to save his dumb ass again.

Why do conservatives act exactly like their parodies?

they'll be quietly let off and the story will be buried

because today's politcal satirists are such original comedic geniuses and theyll be remembered as such

Wait isnt that what justie and,his crew wanted in the first place? So the deep state could exonerate him on a national level?


Attached: trump goat.png (1200x1200, 1.17M)

Jussie is guilty... OF BEING INNOCENT!

This is what happened:
Corey Booker and Kamala Harris hatched this scheme to drum up support for their "Anti-Lynching Bill". The reason this case was dropped like this so overtly is because they are trying to hide these two Presidential candidates’ involvement. They put him up to it, and then when his bumbling got him caught, he threatened to squeal on them if they didn't get him off. US Attorneys need to pick this up right now. If Trump has any intelligence at all, he will order DOJ on this yesterday.

Attached: Hate Crime.jpg (1024x1825, 263K)

Oh please. He gonna walk. We all know he's gonna walk.

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next to walk is elizabeth holmes

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Why wont Trump ask the FBI to look at his pedophile friend's case.

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discord tranny, do you never get tired of being wrong
first you were trying to convince people this hate crime happened
then you were trying to convince people they have nothing to be worried about and that he'll be prosecuted and it's just muh poltards acting like victims
now that he's getting off, you're here, doing what exactly? whining about b-buh m-muh conservatives r bad too :(? how is it that you can be proven wrong nonstop and you still don't have a single moment of reflection or realization? how do you never think "holy shit maybe i'm fucking retarded"

What country is that?

I'm really hoping this guy gets hit with multiple felonies.

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Love how the niggers in the pic already have enough experience to know that they should raise their chins like that in the photo, but nigresses don't.

>discord tranny

why are these apes so susceptible to this kind of tactic? while this doesn't have oj's case's magnitude, the reaction is still very much the same
>muh innocent blackies

Errrr what's that about? They kidnapped that guy? Did they stole some shit or what?

4 niggers beat up a cunnyposter

idk why Yea Forums brings it up so much

>its an embarassment to our nation!
kek, not the big fat orange dude who gives 57bn to israel?

Because it would fuck up the Clintons even more

Probably has more to do with the fact that he said the attackers were his supporters

2017 Chicago torture incident

Kidnapped mentally retarded white guy, tortured and abused him for hours, put it on video where they explicitly stated that it was due to his race, put it on their Facebook for everyone to see, and then it wasn't investigated as a hate crimes, because leftshittism is one way street.

t. discord tranny

Attached: tranny discord.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

it's about this case

tl;dr the four negors kidnapped this retarded kid and livestreamed themselves slapping him around and cutting him with a knife. it's where the meme
>fuck trump. and fuck white people
comes from, they said that line in the fb livestream

*tips tinfoil hat*

definitely but sadly it's the hand they're dealt

no actually they did get convicted of a hate crime. let's be fair to the leftshits

t. tranny incel

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

None of them said Smollett was innocent. They're pointing out the disparity in response time, and sentencing.


>Errrr what's that about? They kidnapped that guy? Did they stole some shit or what?

4 blacks kidnapped a mentally handicapped white guy and kept him at an apartment for hours torturing him (cutting his scalp with a knife, forcing him to drink toilet water, random beatings) while screaming racial epithets and "fuck donal' trump!" over and over again.

Despite multiple felony charges one of the blacks got off with probation and community service. The other 3 all got less than 10 years.


Attached: Trump BTFO Jussie.jpg (750x376, 140K)

You slow nigga

holy shit you are dumb



Attached: Jussie still BTFO.jpg (1288x637, 239K)

Poor Tom Hanks

kek I love those

>thank god I live in a sane country
>doesn't name his country
Every time with you pussies

Mike Lee is based, go dilate on another site.

not him but montenegro

he's a jew so yeah

Don't you have a war with japan to lead?

Well done Jussie, well done. However.

They could always go back to Africa and away from the evil white man's system.

>clown show
>implying the pic in question is anything but base
come on user, you can't take the memes?


>shown direct evidence
>"lol nice tinfoil hat kiddo"
you will never ever be a real woman. don't forget that

After saying that I'm more concerned with your lack of self awareness.

to jussie smollett

>white men get away with crimes every day
>one black man does it
>massive outrage
>the president and the FBI have to get involved
Racism doesn't exist anymore btw

What are the chances you're not:
>have vestigial penis due to too much soidrink

I'd say zero

USA is a cesspit

>white men get away with crimes every day
>source: my ass

Attached: Look At This Graph Everytime I Do It Makes Me Laugh.png (738x669, 186K)

I agree luckily we don't have niggers in my country, you?

I really fucking hope this goes to trial eventually.

Smollet is (((white))).

Attached: smollett black jew.jpg (596x376, 43K)

Sure keep believing your fellow white man is squeaky clean. It'll be your un-doing.

You forget the signed check

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now that even normal people can see how fucked this whole situation is, you can be sure that from here on out he will be referred to as a half-white dude well before black, gay, or jewish.

what the fuck he's still asserting it happened AND trying to pin it on those two? this nigger is going to end up in a body bag, just stop talking and let the people smarter than you clean up your mess

But the FBI is compromised. Weren't they also supposed to lock up Hillary?

The FBI is a pretty big organization, user....

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Trump did not collude with Russia. Keep seething cuck.

and yet they still get fuck all done

>muh outdated damage control graphs will show em

>making crime graphs based on race

That's pretty racist user

Why? You know people are going to believe this shit. Those Nigerian dudes will probably be the ones to go down for this shit.

They solve tens of thousands of crimes each year. Don't get me wrong: the leadership at the top may be very political and entangled in Washington politics, but they aren't the sneaky bastards of the CIA; i.e. 99% of the FBI just solve various crimes day-to-day.

They are just published numbers - numbers aren't racist.

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LOL got em!

it clearly doesn't matter how much he runs his stupid fucking mouth, if he hasn't been disavowed by the dnc by now he never will be, he must have some mount everest sized dirt on somebody

You're absolutely right.
I don't need graphs to remind me that niggers are feral.

>Everything's changed in the last two years vs the last 4 decades!

Attached: yougottabekidding.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

care to show us how niggers have gotten better in 3 years because I need a laugh

Attached: crime-stats.jpg (545x623, 143K)

12% of the population commits 45% of murders? why are you niggers such animals

also you commit more than 50% your unsourced stats are wrong

Attached: blackmurder.jpg (769x542, 33K)

Nice citation =)

Good bait, someone will bite