Are you ready for Thanos’ demise at the hands of Captain Marvel?
Are you ready for Thanos’ demise at the hands of Captain Marvel?
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I'm ready for more qt.
*autistically clinches fist*
is this where she derives her power from?
Adorable would kiss
she looks so different
wtf I love captain brie now
she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen
i fucking love brie i dont know what all the hate is about. 90% of hollywood liberals have said something more offensive than the tsa comment
She can use her hands on me anytime
what a fucking mean bitch
>tfw someone saved your awesome work of censorship
Y-you're flattering me user
should have eaten less
do you?
That would explain why she's so angry all the time. Dating a n...I mean a black dude means she was treated like shit at some point, without any respect. That kind of stuff can make one salty and defensive.
At least it gives her an excuse for being what she is.
I made that though you retard
Why are lying on the internet? We both know what the truth is.
>before and after feminism
she's the perfect blend of cute, silly and jaw-droppingly gorgeous. i want her to be my wife
get a life incel.
have a wank
Sad that this is what entertains the plebeian mind. So easily entertained by something of literally no significance. It's no wonder the human race is degrading as we converse, given its propensity to spend egregious proportions of time to consume the lowest common denominator of entertainment.
ah yes the great intellectual is here, please enlighten my plebian mind, kind sir
spot on user
You'd be severely disappointed if you think Thanos will die or that CM will be the one to kill him if he does.
hideous shitcunt
She's a casting couch whore who's been taking kike cock since she was a child which is why (((they've))) been shilling her zero charisma ass to keep her from going public. No other reason why this non-entity has been pushed soo hard!!!FACT!!!
Why do the people here get so buttmad over things that haven't even happened yet?
>liking feet
off yourself
The only thing worse than a footfag is a fag who pretends to be into feet.
Man, that's her? She looks like shit now. The nose job tho
that's an incel, right there
>thinking a woman can be hot if parts of her have literal mushrooms growing on them
have sex, incels, jesus christ
I don't want to rub my dick on her feet you mong.
Feet are the ugliest part of the human body to begin with...
you dont realise how many types of fungi are all over your body at this moment
>defending some capeshit whore
Brie is such an unlikable cunt, that being said I would cum inside her in a heartbeat.
>No tits
>No ass
>Looks 50 yrstd old
>Shitty personality
>Will call you a rapist for looking at her too long
What's the appeal?
I don't like sex. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
You are are right in everything except for one thing.
>No tits.
Her tits are glorious.
Look her top lip and how it loses all definition and volume the closer you get to the edges. Look at how they're pursed as though she's looking at something she wants to report to management.
They're fake bolt ons
Based thesaurus poster
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!
And the so-called "men" who use the word are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!
>left part: shitty movies
>right part: patrician memes
what's your point?
imagine actually thinking that Brie Larson is attractive in any way whatsoever
also imagine posting footage of her during her absolute prime and obsessing about it despite her not looking anything like that anymore
and then imagine going on Yea Forums and posting said footage while being completely oblivious to the fact that she aged and became incredibly mediocre right after
imagine being this retarded and having such shit taste in women, and also ignoring her completely flat man ass
Based Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers bullied a young american into not turning into a landwhale in the future.
Why would she wear shoes that show her toes if they're like that?
I mean that shit is actually contagious. That's a health risk. When I had a toe fungus, my doctor made sure I knew this so not to spread it around.
>giving a shit about capeshit
I hope the superhero cancer dies with this movie.
This. But for real. I'd rather cuddle. It's warm and soft and you can get up and go away anytime.
Reddit is as much of a shithole as Yea Forums (even more sometimes. Some subreddits make /gif/ look tame with their scat/pee/trans/etc. threads).
I'm not sure if I should make a Homer SO Greasy joke or compare her face to Joey Pants. Nah, I'll go with Homer. Joey doesn't deserve the agravation.
>it's a male with no weaknesses gets defeated by female with no weaknesses episode
>>male with no weaknesses
Except his daughter, hubris, mental capacity, and sharp objects.
No weaknesses here, Doctor.
>hubris, mental capacity
those are marvels weakness though
at least it won't be woke chris evans
if you have to choose between captains Marvel >>>> America
Then I guess we've got a decent showdown coming, or not, I don't know, I didn't watch Captain Marvel.
I was kinda hoping the entire second film would be Thanos' own personal "The Inner Light" and he'd eventually be consumed by his own thoughts and guilt and reverse everything in an attempt to bring back Gaymora, but it wouldn't work for some inexplicable reason (maybe because the Soul Stone is required to reverse everything, but the Soul Stone can't reverse the soul tied to its current fate or some bootstrap like that).
Can't have that I guess.
Pew pew laser fists bad grapefuit lmao squidward 11/10 the greatest thing since gluten free unsliced bread
no, what we need is a WOMAN to beat up an EVIL MAN
Stop being an inhuman degenerate who thinks perfect people exist. They don't. Everybody poops.
Thanos' demise won't happen in his hands
>expecting real emotion from capeshit
We are here for the lasers and the fights. I don't think that they are going to entirely butcher Thanos, though. They hyped him up too much to give him a bitchboy ending in his own movie.
we all know how redpilled brie larson is.
>lasers and the fights
watch wwe then. oh, wait, even professional wrestling has more character development and depth than mcu trash.
>even professional wrestling has more character development and depth than mcu trash
Exactly why I don't expect anything other than some cool fights.
I unironically want Thanos to get a redemption arc in Endgame.
>"You're not going to do, right user?"