Why didn’t he just produce infinite resources? The universe is infinitely expanding, after all
Why didn’t he just produce infinite resources? The universe is infinitely expanding, after all
>be Thanatos
>get all gems
>click fingers
>half the resources even further
t. Guy not smart enough to Frodopost
Honestly his motivations are pretty dumb and its hard to really believe being so convinced of something so stupid to the point you sacrifice everything.
>kill half the people
>advanced society breaks down and regress
>fertility rates go up
>population back to where it was 30 years down the line
Nice plan Thanos, you dumb fuck
Without advanced society, you wouldnt have medicine to allow for such a big population boom.
In any case, I think his plan was to stick around as a god and do the "snap" everytime the universe went back to being overpopulated.
Worse yet, won't the universe repopulate itself again in due time? So does Thanos plan to repeat the whole painful process of reacquiring all stones + gauntlets again? His motives just falls apart for anyone with a brain and the common sense for long-term planning.
Funny enough how all the söyboys who claim to be intellectuals on Twatter just eat it up, and call it a masterpiece.
The Russos should have just stuck with the plot in the comics; at least Thanos trying to impress Death by wiping out half the universe was more fascinating as a motive, and it also sets up the cosmic entities and Galactus replaces Thanos as the next Big Baddie for future phases , and also Adam Warlock is based.
I don’t see the problem. If he snapped Earth in its current population, I’m very sure I’d be here. Frankly, this is the impetus our people need to rise up
Why would you be sure that you'd be remaining?
is thanos an accelerationist?
Because there would be infinity wars. ;^)
>When ur facefucking ur girl and u finally give her a second to breathe
>when u need to go back to facebook
Why do I find Thanos so funny? I chuckle whenever I see this dumb fucker's face.
Did Marvel seriously think he looked intimidating?
What's he going to do in 100 years when everyone has baby boomed back to the same numbers as before?
Why not just kill everyone?
>Without advanced society, you wouldnt have medicine to allow for such a big population boom.
nigger you're retarded. The poorer people are and the less they have to live for, the more likely they are to reproduce. The entire reason white losers are flipping about about birth rates is that poor brown people are reporducing at higher rates than well-to-do whites that have to spend most of their reproductive years grinding shitty educations and jobs. Having babies is pretty easy.
Yes he'd snap it again and again, there would be a religion around it and it would be like a big festivity that only happens once every few hundred years or so.
He says himself at the start or whatever of the movie that both the universe and it's resources are finite. Why do people still ask this stupid question?
Increase all the resources again.
Welcome to capeshit
I wish I could *snap* myself a gf.
Why not make infinite resources?
nobody remembers what happened in those movies for a reason.
forgettable movies
Because population would expand further.
Why didn't he just reduce the fertility rate to 1:10000?
why not just make it so women can only ever have 2 kids in their lifetime?
there, pop never increases
Because the entire point of obtaining the MacGuffin is to gain god-like powers that let you do nearly anything
I think if you're capable of destroying half of all living matter in the UNIVERSE in a millisecond, you're also capable of making it rain manna every Friday evening.
God you're autistic. The point is that Thanos' mind is twisted. He portrays himself as a saviour, but underlying his motivations there's a conflicting desire for destruction and control. He was never looking for the "best" outcome for the universe, but rather a justification for his actions and a saviour narrative, and finds that within a Malthusian trap.
>Why didnt he decreased the net amount of entropy of the universe?
why didnt he just make all humans extinct
problem solved
>infinite space in universe
>creating more resources would clog up the universe
Do you want people to live in the vaccum of space or on gas giants?
>Right in the infinity stones!
the third world hordes would starve without modern agriculture
the third world largely subsists without modern agriculture as it is. This makes no sense. The first world would be fucked by a collapse, but the third world would largely continue to operate exactly as it always has.
All us marshmellow faggots with no actual skills would be fucked sideways but niggers that have spent their whole life scrounging and subsistence farming would probably be better off than before.
And that drive to fuck is there for a reason, even with those birth rates, at pre-industrial mortality rates - they'd have a stable population instead of exploding out of control like vermin, if it weren't for us sending over humanitarian aid, mainly medicine and other gibs.
go look a population graph of africa or asia since european colonisation and tell me how increases of that scale are possible if the dumb niggers are using the same methods of food gathering that they were for 5 million years before that
pro tip: it isn't
Infinite resources=Non stop Warfare
>go look a population graph of africa or asia since european colonisation and tell me how increases of that scale are possible if the dumb niggers are using the same methods of food gathering that they were for 5 million years before that
doesn't matter. Time is entropy.
>pro tip: it isn't
the funny thing is you think you had anything to do with any of the infrastructure that makes your life so marshmellow. In a collapse situation, the people that were raised by computers are going to be way more fucked than the people that have historically been exploited by them.
Galactus isn't a bad guy.
It like saying earthquakes are bad guys
Why didn't he just adjust fertility rates?
Why didn’t thanos just kill all capeshitters
>the funny thing is you think you had anything to do with any of the infrastructure that makes your life so marshmellow. In a collapse situation, the people that were raised by computers are going to be way more fucked than the people that have historically been exploited by them.
Sure. Not denying any of that. But the fact of matter is still that virtually all of the world is reliant on modern agriculture to sustain current population levels.
Because the Jews have to promote their depopulation agenda somehow
real thanos wanted to get laid and killed half of the universe to impress some bitch, but that aint enough for the "woaaah comics are sooo deeep dudee" soibois so they created some half hassed reason for thanos genocide but the moment you think about it for 2 seconds you realize its retarded
Because they cant have actual thanos in the movies. Actual Thanos was in love with the personification of death and his goal was to kill everything, but Haus Maus can't milk his part into 2 movies if it's just 'stop the bad guy killing everything'. So half the universe has fake drama attatched and you can illicit an emotional response from morons who dont realise the snap isn't permanent.
half of the universe formerly alive
>being benevolent
Pick one
His full name is Brent Thanos, so yeah
They're not dragonballs. He didn't lose the stones
You can have a population boom with basic hygiene.
>kill everyone at random
>instead of prioritizing killing the most wasteful species or individuals
>instead of sharing technological and ecological advancements across worlds
>instead of using status as a literal god to implement population controls, ecological legislation or new educational policies
>instead of at the very least killing people in such a way that it minimizes accidents, social unrest and the resulting ecological damage those things would create (how many forest fires or oil spills did dusting half the world's pilots, campers, oil refinery workers, truck drivers and lumberjacks cause?)
It wouldn’t be sustainable under his current tax policy.
>He says himself at the start or whatever of the movie that both the universe and it's resources are finite.
Why didn't he just create more universes?
warfare for resources?
No because its COOL
Why didn’t he just wish for infinity rule then
If you read the series you will see that he did it for the pussy. It's always about the pussy. Everything we do, every motivation, progress, bettering ourselves it is subconsciously always about the pussy.
How can we take this power from women? Could someone snap their fingers and take it away?
Sounds pathetic desu.