User, the kinoplex has shut down after all the shootings

>user, the kinoplex has shut down after all the shootings
>can I stay at yours for a few nights?

Attached: 1553667022832.jpg (612x868, 102K)

Of course, Robert. My wife is always happy to see you.

No Robert, I don't think that would be appropriate

I'm insulted you feel the need to ask.

yeah but my mom says I can't stay up after 9

You know I live in my mum’s basement Robert, you’ll have to ask her

Sorry, Robert, but we have a no niggers policy.

Uhm Rob we aren't really friends, you just worked at the kinoplex I went to.
Please leave

I have a confession to make. I've actually been squatting in the theater restroom, hiding from you this entire time. I don't have anywhere to stay now either.

Sure mate, don't forget to help a Slav bro out and get some ebony booty for me, I ain't selling your people AK's for nothing. Also I don't have a console but i can hook up another computer for you if you wanna play some good shit.

Sorry, the crab legs sucked the last time I was at the KinoPlex - I don't have time for you, boy

Go back to Africa, nigger!
You can stay in my dead nigger storage shed for the night. After that, you can either fuck off or join the pile.

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who's this dude? why is he memed so much?
i need a quick rundown asap

I'll have to ask my mom first

On one condition Robert
Will you become my dating coach and PUA mentor?
Please, I'm a 40 year old virgin and I'm having bad shakes now

Sorry boy, I only tolerated you for the kino.
That said, your a credit to you're kind, no doubt about that.

of course Robert, you can have my girlfriend too

Attached: robert.jpg (664x996, 67K)

It's a big lore

Yes Robert, we all gonna make it.


>I'm a 40 year old virgin and I'm having bad shakes now
lol how is that even possible, nigga

>having only one gf
>not having multiple bimbos, one for each night, neighborhood, city you hang out
>not passing one of them to your buddies when they have an involuntary celibacy phase
I want /r9k/ to leave





robert can't leave the kinoplex, he's the concessions and confectionery clerk, he's always been the concessions and confectionery clerk

Attached: kino.webm (1280x718, 2.94M)

>record scratch
>freeze frame
Yup, I'm a real 40 year old virgin, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation Robert

Attached: 1524770688244.png (646x595, 280K)

are you an uggie fattie?

hire a hooker ffs

Does this guy in the photos know about this? Somebody should inform him. Must be fucking surreal.

Get a fucking hobby faggot lmao.