When watching a piece of kinography of which dialogue is delivered in a language that you are not well versed in...

When watching a piece of kinography of which dialogue is delivered in a language that you are not well versed in, are subtitles a sufficient method of appreciating the cinematographic experience?

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It helps if you can manually move the subtitles higher up the screen.



What do you mean? Won't they obstruct the action then?


You a meat gazer bro?

I understand Americans have trouble with them, but for people who don't require five minutes to read a single sentence (aka the rest of the world) they work perfectly.

This. I move the subtitles up to roughly the top third of the screen, increase the size by 150% and decrease opacity to 10% so I don't miss any visuals. Only way to watch foreigys imo.

Movies are dubbed all over the world, you incel lol

It takes like .3 seconds to read a subtitle. The only movies that are actioned packed enough for this to be a problem are the raid and some korean movies. Nonamericans can't even into action movies except our asian brethren so it's not even that big a deal.

why do americans have this much of an issue with subtitles? the negative intelligence is actually bind boggling

reading subtitles is a foreign concept to us because there are hardly any movies worth watching from other countries. Meanwhile 90% of the shit you watch comes from my glorious country so you've had a chance to develop the skill. Same reason why we don't have to learn foreign languages, there's no one here around to practice them with, so no way to develop the skill. But I assure you if it were necessary we would be the best in the world at speaking your shitty language or reading subtitles.

Watch once with subtitles. Then you understand the story and don't have to constantly read.

I mean you DO watch your kinos more than once, right?

i’m british you degen mongoloid. so basically you americans are too stupid to read subtitles at a fast pace like every normal person, and you resort to made up lore about anonymous posters and the language they speak to justify your retardation?

>not speaking 7 languages
lads you dissapoint me

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Movies are dubbed all over the world, you inbred kebab. Stop pretending otherwise.

If I have to choose between
>silly fag dubbing made by third generation of dubbers and losing every single word pun and way of saying

>some small boys onscreen

What do you think I would choose?

Subtitles are made specially so you don't spend too much time reading them, the industry standard are at 15 character per second (although it's moving to the 25cps, which is the standard for fansubs & netflix). This should leave the viewer enough time to watch what's happening on the screen. I mean they're even making subtitles longer to read because they felt too much was lost in translation.
You should be able to test it yourselves with subtitles for the hard of hearing, usually long sentences are shortened in the subtitles.

Of course. I can't stand watching a dub, so much of the acting goes into the voice that it's distracting when the voice is not natural.
I theorise that for those among us who read too slowly subtitles cause them to miss too much of what's happening on the screen, this hasn't been a problem for me.
I did once try to learn French so I could watch my favourite movies without subtitles but gave up because I am weak willed.


I watch English-language movies with English subs.

not true, you stupid inbred cuck.