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Jussie should do one year at Sneed's.

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So what's the deal with this dude
I looked it up on wikipedia and it looks pretty clear cut

He did nothing wrong

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Normie people’s laws mean nothing to him, the lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of sheep. He’s Also known as the Gay Tupac

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He's going to get the Federal Cock™ for sending fake anthrax to himself.

It was a clear cut case, but someone put pressure on the Chicago prosecutor to drop the case. He's not getting out of those federal charges, though.

they wouldn't dismiss the charges if he were guilty.

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I’m thinking now that his fake attack was part of a larger plan to pivot into politics. Especially considering Harris’s anti-lynching thing. I wonder if he’d been promised a position in Kamala Harris’s administration in return for his stunt.

the feds are literally knocking on his door. I swear democrats (commies) are the most corrupt people on the earth, but they suck at it the most.

Like lol.

Realistically, what's the chance Kim Foxx loses her job and ends up suffering literally any consequence at all?

Is Jussie the secret mastermind behind american politics? Is his Bogda-tier powerful?

The best thing about this is it completely destroys the myth of white privilege.



>literal video evidence on fucking social media
>charges dropped

Looool america


Muslims get off scot free in your country for rape.

Why do people think federal investigators will do something if this is tied to Obama? Did you not just see how federal shit has been playing out the past couple years?

Also, Obama's aide literally contacted Kim Foxx to PUNT the case to the feds. That would have been a huge "victory" for "them" whoever they are and whatever that victory would be.

>t. maga country resident


Tupac was already the gay Tupac.

He's guilty as fuck. He wasn't going to end up in jail anyway for lying to the cops (might still for mail fraud/terroristic threats) but he got off completely free due to pic related.

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post that story in yurop about that child bride going into state custody because of being a child bride and the foster parent custody going to the man who married her so now he is getting paid by the government to foster parent his child bride

>Said he was attacked by two white male strangers
>video shows he was attacked by two black men he literally knows
>police now claim he never lied
If this isn't proof that the government aren't behind this whole thing then I don't know what is.

>t. Seething Fox News retard

>jews stick for each other
>nogs stick for each other
>whites happily tear each other apart
What the fuck is wrong with honkies?

More like a Chicagoan who thinks this is bad even for Chicago. And black people here aren't happy about him either. He is not good with the city.

>t. seething MSNBC r/politics tranny

the only reason it got this far is because Harris, Fox is gonna take the fall for the entire corrupt network.

Ironically, higher IQ (not "smart", just smarter) means less in group preference

It needs to be lynched, I hope if it happens that CPD just let's it without looking into it.

Oh and I should add that even black people here were calling him a bull shitter from the beginning because of his fake ass "maga country" line. lmaooo trump got ran out of chicago while campaigning the fucking empire retard.

Nah police knows and wants to say hes a lying nigger, but the DA is a corrupt negro shit and dropped chargesANDsealed it up. So everyone with 50+ IQ knows hes a lying nigger but he's free

>Yea Forums really thought I was going to jail and Black Panther would flop

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Because the whole stunt was to help push Kamala Harris' anti-lynching bill, she was in on it from the start, and she's helping her stooge get out of this jam she got him into.

It's comical. The DA is saying that he isn't innocent while Smollet is saying that he was released because he's innocent.

>due to pic related
While Obama probably had a small hand in the case being dropped, it's far more likely that it was Kamala Harris and Corey Booker that put the real pressure onto the prosecutors.

The fake lynching of Smollett perfectly coincided with the anti-lynching bill that Kamala and Booker were trying to push through Congress.

Idk but one thing is for sure, when we're gone minorities will realise that white men were the only thing that united them and gave them a scapegoat for all their problems. With whites gonna it will be either chinese or spics, neither of who will pander blacks like whites did

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Not even, hes not saying hes innocent hes saying that he has kept his story consistent. Which is true, but NOT innocence

see Michell Obama's chief of staff literally contacted Kim Foxx right after he got arrested, but before he was caught. It's not a conspiracy. It's been known for a minute already.

because it's "wealth privilege"

What are you his PR agent? That's the same shit, lol at defending it in any way.

rich nignogs are above the law. more at 11 *yawn*

> I would not be my mother’s son if I was capable of one drop of what I’ve been accused of.

>“This has been an incredibly difficult time. Honestly one of the worst of my entire life. But I am a man of faith and I am a man that has knowledge of my history and I would not bring my family, our lives or the movement through a fire like this. I just wouldn’t.”

MSNBC retard

Explain East Asians and Jews then.

Part of it is being progressive to a fault. We think the entire world is capable our grand civilization when it's really only white people. The other part is being too individualistic. Instead of being obsessed with bettering our clan/tribe, we think everyone should find their own path through life, even if it means total failure. I think this leads to being cold and critical to people and why we don't have real friendships anymore.

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??? Im calling Jussie a lying nigger. He just used semantics to seemingly claim innocence .