

Attached: 01.jpg (950x534, 66K)

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he unironically looks like some alien villain more than a Doctor

Nicholson?! That baldy pussy?!

Yes Minister really deserves to be watched too

>he was homeless, only in the sense that he had no home

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You look like Dot Cotton licking piss off a nettle

>I categorically did not knowingly not tell the truth, even though unknowingly I might not have done.

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Does he take it up the chutney?

>describes soi wars in your path

Unironically we don't deserve Capaldi. Shame his dramatic career is now dead after Doctor Poo.

have you ever cleaned up your mothers piss?!

Attached: tfw you don't have to clean up your own mother's piss.jpg (624x352, 25K)

He's a fucking knitted scarf. He's a fucking balaclava.

Steve Fleming>All

Prove me wrong (Protip: you can't)

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>he doesnt think we should do away with computers
just free your mind bro

So much better with Hugh. Why did he leave?

he rather ironically turned out to be a registered nonce, darling

He was quite possibly a registered nonce and a social spastic.

Based Peter Man-Yum

Attached: this pleases mannion.gif (500x250, 998K)

Didn't mean to reply there

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>cucklord actor

>They're here, everyone! Team Cliff are here!


You've fucking cracked. Are you mad? Gone Glenntal.

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>oh Terri, me beauty, I like the heft of your jib. Oh dear, I'm going all boogie-woogie, downstairs.

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free tea bags
>yes and ho!

The Irrelephant man.

I don't want to fellate you.

More TTOI threads on Yea Forums
>Yes and ho!

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That's fucking mental!

>oh my god, everything's tiny
are you having a turn, Glenn?
>no, I mean the can is tiny, the kettle- the kettle is tiny

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>I feel I'm in a therapy group being run by my own rapist.