What did you guys think of this movie?
What did you guys think of this movie?
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it ganked burgess. he was such a good workaday author and now he's forever attached to this thing from beyond time and space. dreadful flick.
Kubrick literally cucked him and king by telling their stories better than them
Kubricks best work
It's one of the greatest films of all time
the most based post in this thread
Kubrick literally just made Alex a better and more sympathetic character
One of my favorite Kubrick movies, one of.
Weren’t the girls Alex fucked in the book much much younger?
The cinematography is weirdly terrible. Full Metal Jacket looks bad too. I thought Kubrick was a perfectionist so why do so many of his films look like ass.
yes they were
He also drugged them and raped them.
If Kubrick included that the film would've been fucked and no one would like or sympathise with Alex in any way
which one is your favourite then?
As a 17 year old I didn't understand the first time I saw it.
As a 26 year old it makes me sad.
The book was better.
how does it make you sad?
It was a different time
If I had to rank best kubrick kinos
>barry lyndon
>paths of glory
>everything else
I still don't really understand it.
Maybe The Shining or Barry Lyndon? I don't know it'll change everytime I think about it, such is Kubrick.
>barry lyndon
>paths of Glory
>the killing
>full metal jacket
>eyes wide shut
I watched it for the first time like one month ago. My thoughts as the credits were rolling were "that was alright. Not great, but good. If I'd seen it when I was 13, I would regard that as my favorite movie."
Why are there people ITT saying Alex was sympathetic?
He's quite clearly an evil fuck, hence the warped narrative.
The ending was suppose to be CHILLING you bozos!
>The Shining
I haven’t seen the rest
Because he is a victim of sexual abuse and his parents never really slid any attention to him
He’s also VRT honest and does what a lot of people wish they could do but can’t because of morality and the legality of all of it
he is a victim of circumstances, we was a psychopathic fuck who you'd love to see hanging from a noose IRL when you know nothing about him, but we as the viewers saw that he was pretty much fucked over by everyone in his life