3x3 Grids

These are the only threads I enjoy on this board now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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these threads make me feel like an idiot with no class

1.? *she cute*
2. Her 3. ?
5. The Searchers
6.? *looks kino tho*
7.? *looks kino tho*
9. elle fanning

3. A.N.
4. Jaws?
9. Walkabout

1. Andrei Rublev?
2. Stalker
3. the Kubrik film?
5. Let the Right One in?

>le good frame
>le good movie

top left?

You can make your own 3x3 here quite fast, though if you're particular about stills, photoshop is the best tool then.

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what's the point of this? jerking each off to the same 10 movies with good cine?

unironically go back to redd*t and kill yourselves, sn**dposters are better than you filth

Bottom left? Looks kino.

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Where'd you make these

big mclarge huge

w2c rectangular tiles

GTFO reddit

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Apocalypse now
Mulholland Drive ?
Taxi driver ??

Path of Glory
Barry Lindon
Rear Window
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Night of the Hunter

don't let the kitner kid spill out on the deck
mayor was the only interesting character in jaws

get some fucking taste

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Patrician coming through.

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why do fags do this
nobody knows your obscure movie where you pick the most arbitrary frame

Post titles you fucking retards, what's the point of random 9 images?

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>nobody knows your obscure movie where you pick the most arbitrary frame
I do

Good for you?


If a still looks interesting to you, ask away. Omitting titles is to keep the thread alive through giving and receiving of titles, bumps the thread nicely.

great shots. I don't think I recognize any of them except for You Were Never Really Here, so which of the rest would you recommend most? (also 2nd looks like Vampire's Kiss?? going by that abc clip I've seen on youtube)

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What are the movies under BvS and 300?

is our little sister your favorite koreeda? thats interesting. what did you think of shoplifters?

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based zack
what is top right?

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is top middle blade runner?
i hope not because i hated that movie even with its superior aesthetics. fucking origami

yes it is blade runner

Conan and Cigarette Burns.

>The Apartment
>After Hours
absolutely patrican taste

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>the apartment
I love you so much I can even get over Temple of Doom being on there. What's bottom right?

Middle right? I like the painting on the wall that's obscured by some guy on an archaic smart phone.

i think that's After Hours

Look harder dickhead, I make some bomb ass threads

After Hours (1985)

Temple of Doom is a bleb filter

Oh I saw that, it was horrible. The only cute part was when the bar guy trusted him. I don't recognize that at all, is that when a lady steps out and he makes a call while she's gone?

Apocalypse Now
The Wicker Man (?)
Cuckoo's Nest
Taxi Driver (?)

Attached: favs.png (913x913, 845K)

1. ?
2. LOA
3. ?
4. dumbass Cohen Bros. movie
6. ?
7. I'm guessing Annie Hall
8. Andrew Rublev
9. Watership Down

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