It really hit me today Yea Forums, I have no affection for this series anymore

I don't even think I'll rewatch the Despecialized Edition of the OT in the next few years, TLJ killed all my enthusiasm for SW. Someone mentioned it to me today and work and I was just annoyed that they brought it up.

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Watching Mark Hamill in pre-TLJ interviews was a more dramatic and compelling narrative than any of the disney films

serves you right

Congratulations on growing out of space adventure movies for childre, Oppie! Maybe that puberty is finally hitting you on, 30 years too late.

i'm legitimately curious as to how IX will do in its opening and 2nd weekend

but i agree with OP. tlj just killed the entire franchise for me. the spark is gone, not even attack of the clones did that for me. i have a little hope for the mandalorian because i trust fravreau and he has an actual respect for george but that's it for the rest of the universe. fuck kennedy, jj and rian forever

If he had a gun right here I think he would have shot himself

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Yep. Don't give two shits and won't even bother to pirate it months later. None of the characters matter. No part of the story has advanced anything worthwhile from the original trilogy. It's all tiresome, pointless, and bland.

Sympathies were lost when he started going off on Drumpf like a good goy

Imagine showing your son episode 5 and him wanting to be like Luke. Search your feelings, you know this would make you smile.

I still haven't watched any of the new movies and I'm a huge fan of the OT the prequels and the EU

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>the mandalorian
I can't imagine a universe in which that movie turns out good

delusional Trumpanzee

he's a Bernie Bro. anyone preaching Jewish Marxism deserves a bullet desu.

Just to be clear, I couldn't give two shits about Trump, I just hate celebrities becoming political shills.

leftism strikes again, MCU is next

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I feel the same way. I'll read the spoilers but that's about it.

>he's a Bernie Bro

based Skywalker

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>movies for childre
odd that they shove political propaganda in movies aimed at the young, huh

wonder why???

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what was that one fangroup that made those 800000goriggabyte SW oriiginal theatrical rips

all the Star Wars movies are left-leaning brainlet, try again

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i still havent seen TLJ

refuse to

I didn't think it was possible for a movie to make the prequels look good but here we are

and thats a good thing

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Welcome to me almost 20 years ago

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at least I could pretend the OT characters lived on in an ideal way (ignoring the EU)

Now it's all spoiled

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Maul has almost no dialogue and he's in like two scenes and he's still a better villain than Snoke/Kylo Sen combined.

>i'm legitimately curious as to how IX will do in its opening and 2nd weekend

The movie will clear a billion, but I think it'll limp there.

I won't even read the spoilers. I don't even know who any of the characters are except Rey, Kylo and the nigger. I have no idea what the whole ST saga is about. I just don't care. As soon as I hear that the story will take a backseat to "diversity", I lose all interest because I automatically know it's a "all white men are evil" bullshit story and it's getting old, quick. And this goes for any franchise, not just Star Wars.

but the franchise still grew with the games and spinoffs.
disney's handling of the franchise will be studied for years as the greatest fuckup the mouse had yet.

That collage is like bad satire. But it's all real articles. And that's a fucked up thing.

Reassess your life you politics crazed nigger.

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>the world is a jewish marxist comspiracy
>set to draa-iaa-iii-aaain (muh personal property)
Despite all my seethe im still just a sneed in a feed

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>replace individual views with those from CNN etc.
welcome to 1984

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Same thing happened to me as well with not just sw but St and std
Fucking sad parody versions are more fun
The orville shits over at and gotg1 and 2 are basically the new star wars and tie into a larger universe of movies
It's just done.
George was smart to have the foresight trash it and get out years ago selling its twitching corpse to disney
Series sucks ass now even the eu is completely ruined pumped full of vile modern gender racist political bullshit.

I really like the new Star Wars movies and I would like to see more of them. I think it's sad that they're so divisive.

fuck star wars and fuck star wars fans

t. former star wars fan


There is no fucking story. Like 3 days have elapsed across 2 movies and it's just the characters running from one battlefield to the next and rescuing each other and remaining on the same sides of the conflict. Zero world building or background to anything.

What did it for me was the "decanonization" of the extended universe, not that I cared too much about the EU but after that I just didn't care about anything that came from Disney Wars.
Haven't seen the disney movies and have no desire to and haven't had interest in any of the controversies/marketing ploys that have come from them and their management.
I am emancipated from it all personally, but I do feel compassion for all the truer fans of the series, especially Hamill.

why that haircut? of all fucking things on this planet why that haircut

Rian based her off a girl he knew in high school and wanted her to look like she didn't belong in Star Wars, word for word from the making of documentary

>Watching Clone Wars for the first time, and am genuinely enjoying it

>Playing Battlefront 2 multiplayer for the first time, and am surprisingly having a lot of fun

>The last 45 minutes or so of Rogue One might be the best SW fan film I've ever seen

>Solo was no masterpiece, but it was probably the best SW movie from the Disney era (Just needs a L3-37 removed edit)

>Genuinely curious about Mandalorian, and I'm hoping they pull it off

>After hearing about Galaxy's Edge, I'm hyped to check out the finished product in 3-4 years

I strongly dislike the main movies, but I still like SW as a whole.

>TLJ killed all my enthusiasm for SW
Yeah, same. It's not even that the film was THAT bad, but people's reaction to it was enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth.
I'll most likely see Ep. 9 but I'll never be as hyped for SW as I was back in the day.

There's no matching the hype levels for TPM back in the late 90s.

I still like Empire.
I think of R1 has its own scifi movie.
I liked the cartoon network short clone wars show, the one where Grieveous is awesome, that came before the current clone wars show.

Dont really care about anything else connected to the series.

I love that the more time passes the more Mark realizes how fucked over he was and starts openly mocking and criticising the new trilogy and Disney more and more.

You should have grown out of it years ago user

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> Some have loved it, some have had legitimate concerns about the filmmaking, and others have used the films as an excuse to be racist and misogynist online.
Hmmm I wanna be racist and misogynistic online but I just can't think of a reason why to today. There just aren't enough people shoving "diversity" and anti-white sentiments down my throats every day. Wait! I know! I'll use Star Wars as my excuse!!

TLJ traumatizing manbabies is the funniest thing to happen in pop culture this decade

I cannot believe that Disney just let Rian Johnson just blow up Star Wars like that. What the fuck were they thinking? I don't even like The Force Awakens, but at least it gave the audience something to work with. Why did Rian Johnson just throw all of that away? There's no incentive to watch Episode IX.

>Women getting shit done

Uhhhhhhh the purple haired bitch spent the whole movie keeping her stupid plan a secret which lead to a rebellion on the ship and nearly fucked up everything. Rey was hanging out eating apps with Luke and using the force to flirt. The Chinese chick was pointless. Leia.... Omfg Leia. They had the perfect chance to give her a dignified death and write her out of the series.

It baffling, really. A billion dollar investment and they give it to a man who shits all over it. It's.. I mean, what the actual fuck? Could someone please explain this shit?

I don't even like SW and I'm traumatized by how a billion dollar company like Disney could fuck up so hard on every level. TLJ is one of the worst movies ever made.

>kill your parents

why it's good that George Lucas was kept away from the new star wars film
What did they mean by this.

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The thing that kills me is that everyone pretends like Holdo was in the right and people who disagree are just sexist. But regardless of whether or not she was in charge, her exact character (gender-swapped) is meant to be hated in every piece of media. That is, the new, out-of-touch commander who doesn't put any stock in the opinions of characters we know and like, and, from our perspective, actively endangers them. If Holdo was a man she wouldn't have been viewed as right by anyone.

Who are the kids in the pics?

Same, at least we have the Orville though.

i dont like the new stuff but it didnt retroactively ruin the whole series for me. star wars will always have that classic nostalgic feeling to me.

My god, people are getting more retarded. She fully could have given them some sort of reassurance without giving away the plan. Also still can't believe that plot line with the ship chase lasted the whole movie. Wasn't even a plot, just a stretched out scene

The only thing I still enjoy in Star Wars is Clone Wars era, Old Republic, and Twi'lek tiddies. Before the dark times...

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only reason people liked star wars cause it had a rich lore behind it's history and a great potential future in front of it

now that lore is gone and the future is gone
it's just over
it feels like the completion to the entire universe to me, honestly

no one writing or producing anything star wars right now cares about it's rich history, lore, or past
they just see it as a vehicle for profit and agenda pushing

You miss absolutely nothing by skipping DisneyWars. Special effects aren't special anymore, any movie can look spectacular when you hire enough Indian and Korean animators. At least in 2002, despite people mocking it now, nothing looked as advanced as AotC.

>nothing looked as advanced as AotC.

Literally TPM looked more advanced than AotC. AotC didn't look great at the time and looks like trash now, whereas TPM and RotS both hold up

That's the major thing people wanted from Star Wars sequels, to see Luke succeeding in reforming the Jedi, to see the New Republic formed after the collapse. What we got is skipping all of that interesting galaxy building, it's all gone and we're back to A New Hope, except you don't even have the interconnected complexity of the Empire's reign. It feels like the galaxy is going to regress.


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>the worst movie ever made

Nah, you just got triggered by it.
It was an ok Star Wars, better than Episodes I and II at least

Daily Reminder: If you STILL care about Star Wars, consider why youre STILL an incel.


every motherfucking thing these days is Harry's fault, what the fuck

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It will do well at the box office in relative terms, but perhaps somewhat of a disappointment for business insiders.

However I believe first weekend will be massive, as always

Its called growing up. They’re kids movies, and not even good ones at that. The original trilogy was great for its time the rest are just shitty blockbusters

this is how i felt after watching revenge of the sith.
the exact moment I stopped calling myself a star wars fan

Nah, it was shit Star Wars and you're retarded. I'll take the podrace and Maul fight in Episode 1 over a fat Asian walking around freeing racehorses.

the only way this movie does well is if Disney pulls another Captain Marvel and we see tens of thousands of empty, but sold out, theaters through the weeks it's in theaters
they might even extend it and start buying out theaters at a later date if they've learned anything from captain marvel fuckery

Okay NPC
go watch marvel

How much does Disney pay these guys to shill their bullshit?

I hope people document this time with video, pictures of Fandango seats sold, and interviews with theater managers during opening and second weekends.

Buying out theaters and having no shows may sound like a win for theaters, right? They already got the money, but I imagine theaters except a certain percentage of concessions sold for every N number of tickets. So it basically fucks them over.

It could not possibly cost more than $500 per article. That's a pittance, all part of their marketing budget. And no Literally Who author on some Literally What website would turn down even half of that amount for what's probably an hours worth of work.

because you recognize that star wars itself is a lifeless thing, and the world is filled with selfish monsters who will gladly destroy beautiful things in order to make their own ugly dreams come true

under the right circumstances, you could become one of those monsters yourself, like a sith lord, but 100% seriously

they'll do it later in the running so it's not as obvious this time
gotta keep an eye out for when theaters randomly start selling a ton more seats than prior sales would indicate

at least 3 weeks in we'll start seeing a major increase in seats bought

They need to do it in the first two weeks so they can maximize their own studio take. If they do it after two weeks they're just giving more money to the theaters.

I can pick out Kurt Cobain, Anthony Kiedis, Billy Corgan, ?, Layne Staley, Eddie Vedder, Scott Weiland, Tom Morrelo.

he should stop bitching, his fans too. The new trilogy isn't centered around him.

Like Jesus get a clue man, this is the reason you failed in Hollywood despite being the icon of the 80s and 90s, your a fucking diva.

Majority of theater income is from popcorn sales

I don't think you realize how rich Disney is
they don't care about wasting money on this shit

they benefit way more when their stock prices sour

calm down

>your a fucking diva.
typical jewish shill shitposter can't even spell

>your a mouse shill reee!

KYS and take your geriatric commie with you.

I can't even read the retarded shit you're spewing
go corporate shill elsewhere

>muh corporate shill

kys faggot, go ask his daughter for a blowjob, i'm sure she will hook you up for 20 bucks.

would she? I don't know what she looks like but $20 for a blowie is actually a really good deal

I'd pay $20 to say luke skywalker's daughter sucked me off

i meant you pay her 20 bucks and she makes her dad suck you off, cause thats what actually happens.

I agree with this sentiment. There's a lot of subtle power in very obscure parts of Star Wars. The fact the original had space tech covered in dust and grime suggested a lot.

What kind of world is this? Is it like a space wild west? Have people technologically decayed? Are people in the outlands like dusty ol Tatooine abandoned by a more developed space first world? Hints of post-apocalypse? There's a mystery. It's engaging and gives you sens of wonder.

A lot of the mystery has been drained out of the franchise.