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What is the scariest video you’ve ever seen?
Jordan Ward
Other urls found in this thread:
Ryder Sullivan
The gif of the dude squatting on a pickle jar
Carter Sullivan
my friend watched the grifter, now he's gone.
Jace Miller
this "darkweb" video where a dude is wearing a mask and just spins around with the camera facing him for like 10 minutes. anyone who can post a link to this shit will be GREATLY appreciated
Luke Robinson
why would that be scary?
Grayson Thomas
also it's in black and whtie if that helps. really been wanting to watch it again
Elijah Thomas
you'll see if someone posts it
Daniel Long
I dunno, freaked me out at the time
Aaron Baker
Youre simply a faggot
Austin Phillips
William Long
you must be the same dude who posts "huh huh le soi horror" image in every single horror thread
James Adams
Never seen this and I'm interested
Jose Ramirez
Pretty sure there's a video with sound. shouldn't be too hard to find
Dominic Gonzalez
look for 1man1jar
Colton Martin
Connor Adams
Do this in front of your parents. It's very interesting to see
Nathan Powell
the virgin tower climber vs the chad cliff scaler
Angel Stewart
Daniel Cooper
delet this
Thomas Jackson
the grifter
still haven't recovered
Kevin Campbell
this is the worst
Joseph Price
fuck off
Hudson Jones
I think about this video a lot. Imagine a family going through that kind of suffering.
Henry Nguyen
Barney in complete hysterics is possibly the most harrowing shit I've ever heard.
Mason Lee
I watched it once when I was 14 and still can't get it out of my head
Jace Rogers
Nolan Rogers
I have the body of a pig
Blake Thompson
Yeah that was kinda spooky
Lincoln Torres
Anything from Worldcorp Enterprises
Gabriel Moore
Daisy's Destruction
Jaxon Fisher
I always keep coming back to this video when I need to remind myself of the nature of this existence and what is waiting for me.
Jordan Ramirez
pretty sure this video was in part at fault for me being a nihilist pussy
i still hear the fucking scream almost 10 years later, such a senseless death
Thomas Butler
>what is waiting for me
getting a brick to the face is pretty rare
Connor Sanders
Yea dude I remember one video of theirs where it was this guy I think screaming at these kids and they sounded genuinely terrified. It was posted on /x/ a while back but the video got taken down by youtube. creepy shit
Michael Thomas
you're insane
Elijah Sanders
Either the 911 call from the twin towers or the jonestown massacre final recording
Have fun
Angel Martin
Leo Nelson
Jaxon Cook
Oh fuck that shit. Could offer me all the money in the world and I would still decline.
Wyatt Brooks
Sebastian Bell
I found it's called "Each Day I Grow Some More"
Christian Carter
i've had my edgy period in my teen years like most but i always avoided this video because of the reactions it brought on.
Camden Wood
Adam Peterson
There's was also the one where some teen I think was in a tub shaking and covered in something. Maybe blood or shit. Or jelly.
Julian Roberts
did Cruise actually clamber around on this cliff without a harness?
Wyatt Price
Rubber Johnny
Parker Lopez
I thought that was Maisie Williams 2bh
Evan Ross
ohhh dude
Caleb Martin
I've seen some shit, and have only seen this video once, and it haunts me to this day.
like, all the cartel/isis executions, and all that gore stuff doesn't hold a candle to the fucking horror fest that this video is.
fuck man, I get chills just thinking about it
John Martin
Did she die?
Dominic Clark
Christopher Torres
nah she respawned soon after the video they were just really upset that she hadn't saved in a while
Logan Carter
I was just thinking about that. Happy town and all those gore/cartel/latinoamerican prisons cant even compare.
It's pure dread.
Dominic Morris
Daisys Destruction
Kayden Rivera
there's no point in watching this video. There's no gore. Only the sounds of agony terror and pain that come from this woman's family members
Benjamin Cooper
James Taylor
Jonathan Brooks
it's always the sound that fucks you up, isn't it?
same with the christchurch- I can watch it and eat popcorn but the fragment where a gunned down woman screams for help before being put down is the hardest part.
Logan Jackson
Obey the walrus
Gavin Davis
it's an unpleasant video but what am I missing here that makes it so much worse than other ones?
Lucas Parker
Owen Reyes
I have always wondered what language is that?
Christian Miller
And yet it happened. Something so casual and unlikely like that happened and of all the places that brick could go it went into that woman's head, for her husband and kids to see.
Everything is waiting to hurl themselves at you and kill you violently or kill your loved ones violently and there's nothing you can do. One minute everything is cool and normal and the next a brick is lodged into the cranium of the woman you love.
Ayden Perez
Describe the video dont wanna watch all you guys got me freaked
Juan Wood
That's the second best, after the initial d meme.
Muslims don't count, but yes, the sound of actual human beings suffering is unbearable.
Mason Johnson
>Happy town
The saddest part is we never got to see him die; it's like he's forever there being worked on.
What is that?
Christopher Evans
>what am I missing
Empathy probably
Nolan Gonzalez
Brick gets picked up by passing truck and thrown through the windshield of a minivan carrying a family
Brick kills wife
Family starts screaming
Gavin Reed
Daisy's Destruction is a hardcore CP video that was thought to be a myth for a while until an international manhunt brought down the guy who made it. I've heard some anons here claim they've seen it
Ian Ramirez
Watching with sound?
Nathaniel Bell
fuck this thread.
Landon Mitchell
It's a guy driving on the highway and a brick comes through the window. He cries for a while
It's dashcam i think so you dont see anything except the brick come through, the angle of video doesnt change
Michael Evans
Not gonna watch it again, ever. But from what i remember from like 10 years ago, it's a normal family trip, then a stone gets thrown from a truck passing by, hits and kill the wife on the right. Husband and maybe child screams dreadfully.
It's haunting. Please don't watch. It's just suffering, no gore, nothing interesting.
Dominic Edwards
there's certainly a lot of people who've seen it and honestly i pity them, that would legitimately haunt me every day
Leo Scott
You shouldn't request CP
David Watson
Jannies please don't 404 this thread it is quality
Bentley Powell
Can't even remember the last time I've seen people mention this one. Fucking chilling
Tyler Howard
ayuwoki HEE HEE
Xavier Thompson
if you haven't seen this PLEASE don't look for it
Chase Wilson
Ayy put me in the screenshot f a m
Adrian Ortiz
make a thread on /x/ and link it here
Parker Turner
I'm not a fan of gore, but I always wanted to see what it actually did. Where did it hit? What damage did it do? Is everyone else in the car covered with the splattered gray matter and bits of skull of their wife or mother?
Thomas Long
Like the other user said, a brick falls from a truck and slams through the windshield, killing the woman in the passenger seat of the car. However, nothing can really sum up just how fucked up it is to hear the family's immediate reaction to their wife/mother being violently killed right in front of them.
There's no gore in the video whatsoever; however, it honestly fucked with me more than Pain Olympics did.
Easton Butler
Brick through windshield is way worse. The child wasn't tortured that badly.
Joshua Myers
Oh, sorry fbi.
Let's not post the link please
Oliver Scott
>that first one
Jesus fucking Christ
Nathan Thompson
You've seen it? What exactly happens in it?
Jonathan Gutierrez
got you senpai
Henry Hughes
Don't fucking watch this
There is nothing to gain.
Logan Adams
Second one is a slow burn but you can hear panic start to set in among some people while religious fanaticism overjoys others with the idea of everyone dying.
Jaxon Roberts
In all honestly and with a good basis for assumption: barely bloody head. Maybe damaged eye.
The screams dont come from gore, but from the sudden contrast of life and death.
Windshield whole isn't big enough for an actual brick, but rather a very fast little stone.
Cooper Evans
I watched it without sound. Not too disturbing
Hunter Reyes
probly just went straight in and likely fell out after a few seconds, husband probly saw it fall out and saw her completely caved in face with one or maybe both eyes totally oblierated. thinking about how gruesome it must have been is the whole terror of it
Michael Torres
>The Station Nightclub Fire
>those last few minutes where people are just screaming as they are being burned alive and trapped while many are writhing and dying from being stampeded or oxygen deprivation
It doesn't show anything graphic, but it's what I imagine hell to sound like.
Hudson Butler
It's unironcially the unknown that makes this so horrifying.
It's like when you're reading a book or something, all you have is the noise of the brick and screams of sheer human emotion to clue you in on what's happened.
It's nightmarishly human.
Dylan Brooks
Ive only seen the released captures of the video. Some Philippino girl hot waxing a baby.
Kevin Sanchez
you can tell by his voice that he's not horrified because of the gore, it's because his wife he loves just clearly died in front of him with no warning. It's very sad desu. I think people in this thread are being a bit dramatic but it is an affecting video
Jace Scott
Didn't she die though
Jackson Murphy
why did you do this?
Joseph Hall
Kayden Howard
Yeah, good for you. Don't watch it with sound, that's the part that'll fuck you up
Carson Foster
girl hanging on some pole outside. they torture her with ice and other stuff. never watched it but there was a thread on Yea Forums years ago with screenshots.
Jayden Diaz
Kek. Audio is the most fucked up thing ever recorded, but you watch it mute, nice
Nicholas Roberts
it gets mentioned in every single one of these threads
Jace Clark
Face Split Diving Video
Matthew Gonzalez
Colton Sullivan
Kayden Clark
No drama. It's genuinely haunting because of how grounded it is
Jack Evans
Yeah its sad and existential and scary, but youre all fuckin overreacting like reddit normies. What does this have on a father being slowly dismembered in front of his son, while they tell him "we're going to do all of this to you", and then they fucking do it to him too. THATS what fucked me up god damn it
Austin Brown
I regret clicking this. Mods!
Xavier Collins
So? Most people die intact user.
A pebble to the skull would barely be noticeable apart from the drops of blood.
Angel Butler
holy shit fuck you
Jace Gonzalez
he breaks the thing inside his ass right?
John Cruz
Brayden Clark
Happened where i live.
Daniel Powell
Doesn't the screamer or CP or whatever the fuck it was it installs not work anymore
Colton Smith
Jack Young
Ayden Bennett
threads like these make all the sneed posts worth it
Julian Diaz
We're all friends just for this
Hudson Adams
>dad is a cop
>got put on an anti-CP task force of some sort a while back
I'm kind of curious to ask him what the most fucked up thing he ever saw was, but he really hates talking about it and I'm not sure I wanna know
Hunter Perez
these schizophrenia point of view reenactment videos fuck me up. especially because I've had psychotic episodes where I might have been pushed over the brink.
Henry Watson
Watch it with audio
Michael Johnson
this video is where I draw the line. And It must have been at least 10 years ago when I saw it.
yea just don't watch it
Michael Martin
Make sure to remove anything in the house that he could use to commit suicide.
Elijah Roberts
I remember watching some documentary about an FBI task force or some shit. There was this one guy who had to sit through hours and hours of CP to try identifying someone in the video. IIRC he got PTSD from it
Aiden Perry
Sad but you guys are overreacting
Cameron Baker
The first video online to fuck me up and cause me to lose sleep was a first-person video recorded by a base jumper who took a leap off the top of a dam. He didn't coast out far enough away from the dam before opening his chute so the updraft slammed him into it. He then fell a really long way while sliding against the dam wall. The fall completely broke both of his knees and you see them momentarily but the rest of the video is just the gravel below the dam and the sound of him reeling in pain and hyper-ventilating due to adrenaline and shock.
This was before youtube. I don't ever want to see it again.
Robert Phillips
Alexander Flores
Yeah but that dude was a fucking trooper. He nonchalantly starts pulling pieces out like it was an oopsy-daisy.
Mason Jackson
Yup, the only shock thing that really got to me. The one where a dude hammers nails in his own balls and jerks out blood was nowhere near as bad. If I ever get so much as a twinge of pain in my ass I'm instantly thinking of that fucking video, and how horrible it'd be to try and pull shards of glass out of rectum.
Thomas Garcia
Kek, fucking beanies stealing fuel.
Grayson Bell
This was a while back (like at least a decade ago). He's not a suicide risk or anything, but it definitely fucked him up. Pretty sure he had to go to a FUCKTON of counseling once he had himself pulled out of it.
Jeremiah Perez
Thomas Nelson
Tyler Gutierrez
Just lurk moar
John Cox
>safely climbing a structure built to be climbed, while strapped in and doing your job
>not hanging on for dear life because the idiot you paid for a ride forgot to hook you up properly
Elijah White
I don't have it man, saw it on Yea Forums or /gif/ a few years ago. Probably not too difficult to find but I don't wanna fuckin see that shit again
Asher Howard
when glass breaks into big pieces like that it slices the shit out of you, jar man could easily have died from that
Cooper Green
James Thompson
Parker Roberts
name of the documentary
Justin Wood
Google hires people to manually remove cp from image search and they have replaced every other month for the same reason.
Michael Parker
fuck I'll try finding but this was from a while back
Nolan Gutierrez
>text to speech
Fucking why
Julian Phillips
three guys one hammer or whatever it was called
I'll never forget the sounds
Benjamin Martinez
Fuck all of you
Jose Richardson
A happy, normal family is enjoying a drive on the countryside when all at once, their lives are destroyed by freak accident, random happenstance. A senseless, pointless death has killed a loving mother and left an entire family in shambles.
It's especially bad when you watch the video with sound, not just for the sickening sound of the brick going through the window, but for the visceral screams of the family as the look at what remains of their wife/mother. Their screams are so full of pain, fear, anger and confusion at something that is so rare it's nearly impossible. In that moment, they are so stripped away that what remains of them is pure human suffering.
Daniel Reed
Any fag here has it?
Father son dismembering?
Jack Gonzalez
>this entire thread
the internet is a fucked up place lads
Ian Butler
Today I had the scariest experience and relived one of my actual nightmares
I almost ran into some dude from school that I completely cut contact with, and the reason I don't want to see this specific dude is because I don't want to hang out with him ever again, I don't hate him but I feel like our "friendship" is history
God I was so fucking terrified you have no fucking idea, we had to be in the same bus stop and luckily I hid somewhere where he couldn't see me, I don't think he could see my face, it was dark and I was wearing a cap
Anyway I'm not taking the bus there ever again, I'm going someplace else
Xavier Cox
pretty sure i could do this shit without any reaction whatsoever, random chaotic horror doesnt stay with me at all
the only thing that really upsets me is self sacrifice, gets me every time
John Hughes
sounds like a cool job
Dominic Rodriguez
Poor hobo
Carson Gray
I showed a normie coworker the jar video when it first came out, I'm pretty sure he thought I was gay after that
Noah Lewis
yeah he didn't deserve that shit
Easton Jones
I mean you say that but there's a whole new level of fucked up videos agencies like the FBI have access to. nothing like you've ever seen
Christian Allen
I forgot about that, it was kind of funny watching all the idiots who fell for it freak out about getting finessed tbqhwyf
Nathaniel Perez
We're ok together user
Joseph Morales
Lol be careful with the search terms you use
Asher Myers
stay on topic
Hudson Williams
guessing the brick affected her like the dude here
Angel Howard
he got PTSD from it because he probably got turned on
Christian Campbell
Like what user? Let's brainstorm
Jayden King
It gets regularly posted on gif rekt threads. Pretty standard spic gore, really.
Luke Hughes
Dude this is fucking entry level.
The first thing I ever saw on this website was a guy with fire ants crawling in and out of his expanded urethra. The internet is practically a daycare these days
The "oof" and "yikes" zoomers would not have survived 2003-07 era Yea Forums
Isaiah Young
your moms hairy asshole lol
Samuel Garcia
What is this?
Aiden Harris
pretty tame if i were to watch it today but that dash video of the Vietnam vet flipping out and murdering that cop before diving off. completely outskilled the cop then executes him.
those air crash threads we've been having lately have their share of fucked up material.
Ryan Martinez
I don't remember what the name of the video is, but it's on youtube. You don't see anything, but you hear a guy trying to make what sounds like a couple children sing the Caillou theme song, and they're sobbing hysterically, and screaming in agony like he's torturing them.
There's also the one where the six-year-old calls whatever her country's equivalent to 911 is, because mom is being attacked by her boyfriend, and I think getting stabbed.
There's also the one where the old lady is talking to the 911 operator, because some guy was stalking around in her yard, and then starts screaming hysterically, right before the line cuts off suddenly.
Landon Martin
cockpit voice recordings of crashes
Joseph Jackson
darwin award.
Daniel Carter
The video of the brick flying over to a family´s car and killing the mother fucked me up real bad.
Ryan Martin
You and I aren't so different
Robert Hernandez
Lmao. Got me
David Young
Someone playing a stupid game, and winning a stupid prize.
Dylan Lewis
>I don't remember what the name of the video is, but it's on youtube. You don't see anything, but you hear a guy trying to make what sounds like a couple children sing the Caillou theme song, and they're sobbing hysterically, and screaming in agony like he's torturing them.
Is there any actual background to what was happening here?
Joshua Russell
yeah, but how is that worse than any other vid of somebody dying for no reason
Adrian Richardson
>that one night on Yea Forums in 2014 somebody started spamming a milf thread with cp
>mods did nothing
>same guy posts an entire thread starting with cp after the first thread hit image limit and almost hit the 150 image limit in the new thread
crazy night. stuff like that never happens anymore.
Lincoln Wilson
Colton Nelson
>that one moment where the smoke gives way to an inferno and that sheer volume of HELP ME and screaming that follows
Jose Parker
where'd he go
Jacob Howard
Ethan Fisher
You should read the thread user
Mason Evans
wtf its going to be dark in 15 minutes and he still has to get all the way back down
Hunter Anderson
i think i know what you are talking about, its name is a random string of letters. look up "plague doctor asylum ciphers" or something on youtube
Landon Price
Toolbox Killer Tapes
Gavin Walker
i've heard of those videos of the child sex dolls made by this eastern european doctor. they kidnap kids, cut off their arms and legs and then blind them. then they surgically implant hooks into the stumps where the arms and legs used to be so they can be hung up for easy use.
Camden Young
yeah cause the law passed where a website owner can be held liable for the content posted on it
Kinda like RICO for webservers.
Aiden Clark
>help me
I think you mean
>ayudame por favor amigo
Eli Nguyen
I've been on this site since 2010 user I know first hand how fucked up it used to be. Remember that one gif of the baby being shit on? We can still acknowledge though there are corners of the web that are still weird and fucked up. Take Worldcorp for example
Leo Martin
Juan Perez
I think the reason people get specially affected from this video is that you can hear the inmediate reaction her family.
Nicholas Martinez
The Toolbox Killers tape. Just reading the transcript is fucked up enough. Evidently, the FBI is the only one who still has a copy, and they use it as a training tool to desensitize agents in training.
Caleb Stewart
That guy jumped into the water from a high place and his face got completely open by the impact (I don't remember if he hits something else or it's the impact on the water itself). In the end of the short video a doctor is trying to "pull" the two parts of his open head together, I think he was still alive.
Lucas Parker
when I was a kid I watched the video of those russian dudes killing that homeless guy with a bag of hammers and a screw driver
David Kelly
isn't it Worldcorp? I haven't seen it but listen dude, if something is named like a production company then it's fake
Carter Adams
that video was called each day I grow some more
William Garcia
always memorize where the fire exits are
Wyatt Carter
He slips, and doesn't jump far enough to clear the concrete, I'm pretty sure his face hits the corner.
Jace Perez
>Remember that one gif of the baby being shit on?
was posted on Yea Forums sometime last year. i remember everyone freaking out cause they hadn't seen it before.
Eli Sanchez
He wasn't a hobo, he was a family man on the way to see his grandchild.
Eli Cox
i think that was just an /x/ creepypasta
Levi Perez
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah dude that's it. fuck i need the oriignal video though
Jacob Ward
baste mutahard
Luke Anderson
What is it that makes me tear up when listening to shit like this?
Ethan Baker
Like the Indian women in Bone Tomahawk.
Jayden Cox
Remember shoveldog?
Owen Harris
genuinely gives me an erection
something in my phsycosexual development definitely went badly wrong
Blake Gutierrez
I know what you're talking about; isn't that shit just a creepypasta or fucked up fetish story someone made? Pretty sure it doesn't actually have any basis in fact.
I remember back in the day when that would be posted on Yea Forums semi regularly. Really shows just how much the site's been flooded with newfriends and tourists
Noah Phillips
idk what that vid is but youd be surprised how many people associate violence with sexuality
Joshua Gray
A friend of mine and I got drunk one night, and looked that up because we thought it would be kind of gross funny like Two Girls One Cup. I made it about 20 seconds in, and had to go outside because it fucked with me so bad. He sat through the whole thing.
Ian Sanchez
Your soul feeling empathy for a suffering person. You're still a good person at heart.
Alexander Morgan
i can watch horrible things happen to humans and laugh it off but something happening to a cat and ill lose my fucking mind
Ryan Ward
Face actually gets snagged on it and gravity did the rest.
Josiah Lewis
It was a highly publicized series of murders in a small Ukrainian village.
Even in the most remote locations in poor as fuck countries, stuff like that can happen.
Robert Jones
Fuck you
Isaiah Rogers
its true
Easton Moore
incorporated into the grifter, unfortunately
Samuel Brooks
We're just getting started.
Jack Torres
yes I remember that
remember the dude who stuck his dick in a skull? lul
Justin Anderson
this is the least scary shit ever, its not even trying to be scary. if youve never seen the actual video and only see stills like your pic then i can understand someone finding it ominous.
its literally a couple college kids that rigged some everyday hardware to intercept a TV frequency from under a radio tower, and treated the whole thing like the prank it was. the guy in the mask calls a news reporter a "fucking liberal" while he throws a pepsi can at the camera and then turns around and moons it. ive never understood why people treat this like some horror movie brought to life when it was just kids fucking around
Nathan Thompson
Im sure that's where 90% of it happens. Imagine the videos being made in Somalia or El Salvador
Blake Bailey
user, you should consider professional help
Eli Carter
Sebastian Wood
Jace Thomas
i always find it funny how early Yea Forums was one part happy lighthearted meaningless fun and one part extreme edge.
Elijah Thomas
Imagine the stuff that happens on a daily basis in those places that gets no publicity.
Juan Rogers
>remember the dude who stuck his dick in a skull?
You talking about the guy who went to the French catacombs and stole a skull and molested it? kek that shit was hilarious. old /x/ was great too genuinely spooky threads. Remember the original Goatman greentext?
Daniel Turner
I remember watching pain olympics with like 10 other guys in highschool in the computer lab
My fucking substitute english teacher was the one who told me about 2girls1cup. It was a whole different world
Kevin Baker
the duality of man
Aiden Parker
I genuinely couldn't eat chocolate for like a month after I saw that video when i was 11 kek
William Carter
I saw a video on liveleak a few years ago of some slav POWs being marched to their death beds by chechen rebels. The chechens started popping them off one by one and these adult POWs start bawling like hell. They let one or two of them go to run away for a few seconds before shooting them in the back. I forgot what the video was called and cant find it anymore.
Joseph Jackson
I'm almost a little nostalgic for it. It was somehow both a much happier place and a much more hardcore/fucked up one than the "xD look at my maga meme guyz" shit we have today.
Fuck, Yea Forums used to be our flagship board, but has been little more than a glorified porn board for a good 5 years already.
Benjamin Diaz
now its just a bunch of depressed guys in their early twenties to mid thirties trying to keep the charade going
Carson Jones
Remember when the dick-in-skull pic was used to troll the Least I Could Do/Looking For Group webcomic kickstarter, with the user making them think he donated something like ten thousand bucks during their final hours livestream? Sometimes I think I'm the only one who remembers that.
Xavier Watson
stuff like that is happening every second every day, all over the world
think about all the gruesome deaths in our species history that were not written about or even seen to be told to others.
I always wondered if you could empirically assign a number among all humans who ever have lived, who had the 'worst' death of all time.
Evan Robinson
It's more funny than anything. Especially with 30+ years of hindsight, and the cops on the news saying "We WILL find you" with such certainty.
Nolan Gray
Fuck no, fuck this shit.
Elijah Cook
>fb/ig thread
everybody on Yea Forums needs to die
Kevin Hernandez
The fucked up part is his eyes still moving around and shit.
Dylan Garcia
probably this dude
Justin Torres
>who had the 'worst' death of all time.
pic related probably had the worst death in Japanese history which would place her in the rankings for worst death worldwide
Benjamin Morgan
I would never ever travel through rural russia no matter how much you pay me.
Too many liveleak videos start and end there. Those people have nothing better to do than try creative new home-cocktail drugs and mutilate people
Jordan Adams
>baby being shit on
i saved that webm and reposted it one time and got a permanent ban
i deleted it years ago, please no FBI tonight thanks
Mason Sanchez
I remember the first time someone posted CP in one of my threads and I got scared that I was gunna go to jail kek
Justin Murphy
It has a shitty jumpscare at the end, and the music is awful, but this is as close as i could get.
Matthew King
that's the dude they kept alive to monitor right? then i would vote for this too.
Adam Lewis
It's either one of these
Isaac Campbell
Why do people do this?
I've also seen a dick with bunch of pins and needles in it
Jonathan Morales
Don't ask me, I just assumed it was the version I saw where there was no voice over at all. Hell of a way to ruin the tension.
Sebastian Green
You already had my curiosity but you had my attention at John Podesta.
Austin Peterson
kek the definitive 14 year old experience
Robert Wood
for the lulz user
Carter Morales
Mental illness
Wyatt Bennett
You can't just post a picture and not tell us what happened.
Blake Morris
83 days.
83 fucking days "living" like that.
Benjamin Bell
is this bait?
are you this much of a misanthropist?
Ryan Wood
The new zealand shooter vid was p rough
You see him unloading half a mag into a little girl, probably 6-7 years old.
Josiah Lewis
there were a couple cartel vids that were posted on Yea Forums way back that really stuck with me.
also recently that bitch getting slammed in the head by a coconut or whatever it was and then she starts having a seizure from the internal brain bleeding, that was fucked up
Blake Watson
>when a wiki article is so fucked up it gets censored
Adrian Davis
link doesn't work
Anthony Rodriguez
Not him, but same. Animals make me cry. I chuckled with the windshield brick.
Julian Powell
You take the good
You take the bad
You take them both and there you have
The facts of life
The facts of life
Luke Miller
Just an image but NEVER look up Nikki Catsouras accident
James Evans
What's the alternative?
Levi Evans
Anyone else can't watch these videos as you've gotten older? When I was a kid I used to seek out fucked up shit on liveleak but now? That shit is just too soul draining for me to look at
Lucas Smith
Not scary, but the most graphic and crazy video I've seen is that screaming guy with no face being cut apart by the cartels
Nathaniel Diaz
any of you guys ever watch it?
Dylan Adams
who is the american girl who had a similar experience? was meant to be looked after by some old bitch neighbor and her whole family basically tortured her to death. I can never remember her name.
Andrew Ramirez
The World is a Scary Place and I'm really afraid to Die
Justin Nelson
Sylvia Likens
Matthew Parker
You get tired of being edgy because what's more scary is...THE RENT.
Dylan Wood
Yea as a kid being edgy was cool but its trash watching that stuff
Leo Flores
There isn't any. The past is dead and gone; hope you like YLYL, shitty amateur porn/creepshots, and le ebin /pol/ memes.
Isaiah Russell
that girl who crashed her car and got her face absolutely pummelled in? not that bad.
Henry Hernandez
He got it the same way a soldier does. Except instead of a paper bag by the side of the road reminding them of an IED and instantly flashing them back to the field, he'd see a random kid, or his own kid, walking by and his brain would throw up memories of the horrific child torture pictures he saw where the kid wore a similar shirt, had the same haircut or was playing with the same toy etc.
If he got turned on by it he wouldn't be getting PTSD.
Liam Gray
absolutely, I don't even bother anymore. I went through that phase and bought the t-shirt, now I just know when to not watch and even if I do get tricked I just subconsciously close it and don't feel any curiosity.
Isaac Kelly
I'm fairly certain this is it
Eli Cooper
The vids of ISIS doing mass executions of captured Iraqi soldiers was pretty crazy. They just line them up along the Tigris river and head shot them one by one. Then it just keeps going and going and you realize how many they're killing.
They apparently killed around 2,500 at once. One of the biggest prisoner massacres since WWII.
Matthew Davis
Not as bad as any of the isis execution videos
They have one where they interview a guy in an orange suit and it seems like a normal interview before a 7 year old dressed like a terrorist is handed a firearm and he shoots the man in the head while everyone celebrates.
Andrew Anderson
Brandon Allen
might be thinking of this
I remember the horror movie that was based on it called girl next door getting me rock hard as a teenager. that's when I knew that some shit went wrong upstairs along the way lel
Owen Diaz
Man, I don't even know if reading about her or Junko fucked me up more. What's even worse is that the cunts who did all this got basically slapped on the wrist.
Luis Lee
same. i especially can't stand seeing kids get hurt. might have something to do with my nieces being born in the past few years.
James Campbell
literally nigger
Dominic Peterson
yep that one was fucked up, I know exactly which one you are talking about.
Lucas Long
Funky town!
Jackson Rodriguez
Yeah, vid still crazy though at least
Benjamin Flores
closest thing to "real" Yea Forums are Yea Forums offtopic threads. Seems like some stragglers are stuck here for lack of a better place to go
Angel Reyes
Yes that's it thanks. Can't believe they let that bitch out of jail
Jace Wilson
They're real jerks.
David Fisher
Worst thing I know that's on youtube
Basically real recorded testimonies of sadistically abused and raped children
Joseph Russell
They made a movie about this
Elijah King
What's today's early Yea Forums
Nolan Gray
Seeing the evil in the world makes me appreciate the peace and beauty in it that much more.
Alexander Murphy
I saw that.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. The thing is, the amount of damage done to her by the crash was so extreme that it actually took me a second to realize that it was a dead girl inside of the car.
Lincoln Rogers
Pretty cool album, but have you heard Scorpion by Drake?
Aaron Reyes
Life is beautiful never forgot that user
Levi Bailey
2 actually. girl next door and american crime.
Gavin King
When there would be the bait and switch with tit thumbnail and then the dog. But some fucking legend switched the thumbnail to be shoveldog and had it switch to the source of the tit video
Nolan Wilson
It's weird how much the human body can withstand, and how frail it is at the same time. Like a guy gets a pole through his head and just suffers a slight personality change. But then other people just die falling off ladders only a few feet.
Bentley Fisher
k this is bait
Charles Barnes
Never managed to find the time, I'd unironically like to though.
Ryan Brown
>Yea Forums offtopic threads
they do have that kind of vibe
Cooper Perry
OP here. Thanks lads, this thread brought me back to a simpler time.
Lincoln Watson
yes, I think it's called "Growing Up" I was kind of desensitized in my early teens but not a full on psycho or anything, I wasn't actively looking for gore or fucked up shit but I did came across some stuff, mostly because I read a lot of stories about murders and with that came pictures of mutilated bodies and shit like that
But now I can't look at gore, or someone dying on camera, it makes me feel like shit and I can't unsee it so I avoid it like the plague
Ian Adams
Although you gotta give some credit, modern medicine is nothing short of magic
Hunter Perez
>daughter who was in on it gets released
>changes her name and gets a job as an aide to a school counsellor for 14 years before they realise what's going on
Yeah I'm sure she only had the best intentions with all those kids she had power over and never abused it.
Jeremiah Price
It's not... I care more for animals than people. How is that bait? Dying people are funny almost always.
William Anderson
I listened to the entirety of the Jonestown recording and jesus christ, I thought it was just a bunch of crazy people peacefully drinking kool aid and falling asleep, this is harrowing shit
>all those people arguing that suicide isn't the answer but ultimately being shut down by the Jones' true believers
>little kids screaming "I DON'T WANNA DIE"
>shouts of pain and agony as the cyanide kicks in
Levi Fisher
Yeah man I don't know why but its oddly refreshing
Evan Morales
sad :( those poor kids god damn
Parker Parker
that audio is a fake
Kevin Parker
Their fault really.
Jackson Gray
not him but there is definitely something somewhat funny about the randomness of it all, its not some deliberate act of terror, its just a single brick coming lose and flying down the road and some guy screaming like spongebob
Jaxon Hernandez
it's a shame the bump limit is so low on Yea Forums
Cooper Lopez
You forgot the kino ending where Jones's voice distorts to sound like the devil and haunting music plays over silence as everyone moans to their death
Owen Martinez
It's not.
Elijah Cook
>some guy posted goatse in a thread a while back and I felt genuine nostalgia for it
Grayson Stewart
Yeah I guess the little kids who had cyanide forcibly injected into them by their parents deserved it
Nathaniel Hill
Good thread anons
Anthony Stewart
I think it's two things
1) Yea Forums used to be kind of what like Yea Forums is today but it got ruined by jannies and mods who wanted to turn it into reddit and make everything generals, and then third worlders found out about Yea Forums and took over Yea Forums so most based shitposters migrated here
2) there are no flags here... flags are pure cancer
Christian Davis
>when you realize it was never about goatse but the friends you saw goatse with
William Fisher
only like 11 people bothered to leave
Jason Price
Their parents fucked up. I'm not justifying, just commenting why it is kinda boring and dumb
Liam Richardson
You see what happens when janny doesnt assume the right to dictate appropriate discussion topics?
This is why I want a sfw off-topic alternative to Yea Forums with forced user
Owen Smith
What's really stupid is windshields not being bullet proof.
You have 10 seconds to explain why the front window of a fast moving transporter isn't near bullet proof.
Asher Smith
Why are you afraid of him?
Andrew Nelson
so you can shoot people in front of you
Landon Rivera
>tfw the real prolapsed asshole was the friends we made along the way
Anthony Richardson
Benjamin Ross
Fuck the image, the horrible part is what happened to her family. Your teenage daughter steals your car and goes for a ride while you go looking for her, worried. She ends up killing herself while you're searching and calling the cops. Then some highway patrol cunts leak the pictures online and you start getting sent image after image of your dead daughter's mangled corpse, forcing you to stop going online and homeschooling your other daughter just to keep her from seeing them. Seeing some broken flesh in an image online comes nowhere near that.
Nathaniel Morales
top jej
Evan Lee
Saw Tubgirl a while back and felt the same way. Funny how things change.
I really miss old Yea Forums, now it's just euro and sudaca homos acting like fucking divegrass is the only sport worth discussing.
Carson Anderson
Nigs and women
Zachary Cruz
probably saves more lives being able to break out/break a hole to see through than having it lock you in
Jeremiah Anderson
>you will never be up late nights during summer break messaging friends over skype about spooky /x/ threads
I just wanna go back lads. I just wanna go back
Justin Ramirez
I remember this
I don't remember which russian agency it was, but they went down and killed every person involved in this
Landon Campbell
>You have 10 seconds to explain why the front window of a fast moving transporter isn't near bullet proof
Too expensive, and we would miss out on funny brick videos
Jace Green
wew now that is a blast to the past, totally forgot about her
Daniel Ross
Yea Forums is such a shithole sometimes but these off topic threads are probably the best this site has to offer nowadays. thanks guys.
Cameron Diaz
you can't live life like that, waiting in fear or expecting random catastrophes to crush what you care about. You think that family would have been better off resigned to the fact a brick might crush their mom's head? Despite that freak accident, their mom loved them, they probably had good lives. They might still have good lives, despite the fact. Shit happens to everyone in this world, and you just have to deal with it when it does. But don't expect the worst, hope for the best.
Elijah Davis
I miss when /x/ was good.
Joseph Wilson
BASED vanyas taking out caucasus trash
Cameron Myers
>all those women you would meet
>every single one was a fucking crazy mess of a person
Connor Turner
Yeah, the aftermath and effects of that crash are more harrowing than the gore.
No family deserves that.
Wyatt Jenkins
Tubgirl's liquid is probably just enema fluid. It's fairly tame, just novel for the height of that fecal arc.
Connor Watson
Exactly. Very few white men die on Jonestown, the only relevant demography
Evan King
No. Maybe if each window is impenetrable, but the front?
Wonder how many more cases will have to happened before someone grows an extra neuron.
James Ortiz
lol 2009-2012 Yea Forums was GOAT tier
>police chase bowl
>power rankings
>jersey shore threads
>summer olympic shitposting
>costanza posting
I miss it
Aiden Edwards
Jackson Harris
They're heavy and expensive as fuck, for the real ones at least. Otherwise it would be mediocre plastic for cost cutting purposes, they would become scratched and cloudy our would just pop the fuck out if something hit it hard enough.
Jackson Jenkins
Russian specialists are ruthless.
There is a story where Taliban members were holding Russian citizens hostage, and it was either KGB or spetsnasz (not sure which one) found out the identity of the leader and tracked down his relatives. They found one of his immediate family members, abducted him, cut off his balls, then sent it to him.
He got the message and immediately released the hostages.
Mason White
because he's out of my life and I don't want him back in it, nothing fucked up happened but still, I don't know, and it's just him because I'd gladly say hi to others I haven't seen from highschool and I'll gladly hang out with them but this particular guy, I don't know but I don't want to see him again
Aiden Brown
It's pretty clearly not shit, because shit isn't bright orange lol. I wasn't grossed out, it was just a nostalgia trip (like a NSFW version of seeing Caturday threads pop up again)
Grayson Ortiz
Janny will do to here what he did to Yea Forums
We need a SFW off-topic board that has forced user to keep Yea Forums trashweebs and attention whoring retards out
Carter Moore
NO all my frens are on tv other boards just arnt comfy enough
Jordan Flores
>go to show at dive bar
>band sucks so try to leave
>fucking front door is locked
>the mong collecting money at the door locked it so he could go smoke weed
Never forget you might get killed one day by a single lazy retard
Nicholas Lee
>2005 era Yea Forums movie
>this starts playing
Adrian Butler
what's the crip tv board like
Lincoln King
posting off topic Yea Forums is like living in a concentration camp where occasionally the guards step in and gas the thread and you
We need a homeland where we can be truly free
Connor Garcia
Nice to know we're driving 60mph and anything, even a penny going in the opposite direction, could penetrate and slice through you and your window like a knife through butter. all because of the dollar.
Joshua Rodriguez
wasn't NEDM mostly a ytmnd maymay
Zachary Lewis
>be me young
>watch shock scat porn videos and get grossed out
>be me now
>fap to scat porn
Alexander Gutierrez
i only come to Yea Forums for these off topic threads. i don't even watch movies or tv these days.
Nolan Rivera
shit even posting on topic threads is a roll of the dice. I had a godfather thread get deleted the other day. the rules literally don't matter jannies and mods delete whatever they want I'm amazed this they allowed this thread to stay up
Justin Robinson
/user/ when
Jonathan Hughes
Motherfucker don't you get indignant with me. How the fuck is a 80lb 3 inch thick chunk of bulletproof glass feasible for commercial vehicles?
William Johnson
why not just hire pedophiles?
two birds one stone
Easton Adams
and how would that work?
John Bell
probably just not online
no idea why they even bother, they apply, do about 1-2 months of deleting good discussions, burn out and then the mods take over until new ones are dumb enough to do it for free
Elijah Butler
Most civilised countries already have laws about how you're allowed to transport bricks, to stop shit like that from happening. We can't be driving around in tanks for the few cases where a brick ends up killing someone. And redesigning consumer cars to deal with the extra weight and other problems inherent with bulletproof glass sure isn't going to help much.
Luke Cook
Just hire some Yea Forums jannies.
Mason Barnes
Other non gorey video that fucked me up is the cop that makes the nam vet pull over
The vet goes nuts and then they have a shootout, the vet kills the cop
The last scream of that cop as he probably saw the gun pointing at his face is the stuff of nightmares
No movie scream comes close to it
Adam Young
Would they do it for free?
Justin Murphy
are you implying they don't have a stock of pedos in jail waiting for an easy job
Grayson Wilson
that vet had some crazy moves, completely outclassed the cop in that firefight
also checked
Jayden Diaz
I mean if there was an alternative I know the community would mostly be people that could find it in the first place. I could just be being hopeful
Caleb Hernandez
Stupid piggy shouldn't have tried to shoot the man in the back when he was at first willing to let him go with a wound.
For employee discounts on the CP probably.
Leo Watson
I'm still pissed scary ocean threads get removed. There's not really a board it would belong on just like EMT horror stories.
Carter Davis
It's not about the brick wth
There are tons of other cases too, even tree branches guillotining people
Grayson Lopez
>chris hansen shows up at their cell
>slides an envelope through the bars
>"im putting together a team"
Dylan Martinez
i imagine there's some obscure (image/text)boards around that capture the feeling of old Yea Forums. but most of the ones i've found are usually completely dead.
Grayson Ortiz
this was unironically one of the best threads I've seen in my 13 years on Yea Forums. Great work bros
Tyler Hernandez
Why doesn’t /x/ have threads like these? Whenever I go there it’s just some larping faggot trying to summon a succubus.
Hunter Richardson
i just cant imagine the mentality of the janny
>oh look people posting sincere quality responses and engaging with each other best delete that for the greater good so we can have more capeshit and polbait threads
unless its just a succession of pissed off teenagers trying to epic troll us
Chase Adams
how many people were on b in like 2005? like what present board is it comparable to in terms of traffic
Angel Walker
Don't forget flat bed 'guillotine' trucks.
Michael Johnson
OP here, thanks man I had a good time as well. Haven't had this many waves of nostalgia hit me in a while
Kayden James
Henry Bell
David Price
Nolan Williams
Because /x/ hasn't been scary or paranormal for a long time. Just larping as vampires and spirituality threads.
Ethan Young
meh, my sister talks to kids like that as a profession. not that big a deal.
Jordan Davis
I’m saying /x/ doesn’t talk about the countless amounts of fucked up creepy shit seen in today’s thread. I would expect to find this thread on /x/, not Yea Forums of all places. This shits way scarier than Bigfoot or fucking aliens.
Kevin Foster
I've been seeing tons of christfags larping and making threads and praising the lord and nofap
Joshua Martinez
>thread started with some random twitter/internet post used to kickstart shitposting #56331
>"yup, that's a quality Yea Forums thread right there"
>nature threads filled with webms from nature documentaries
>"REEEEE not on MY watch!"
Xavier Diaz
It was like a perpetual anime convention but with way more weird shit
Benjamin Watson
the traffic on Yea Forums has exploded since then. its not really the same beast, neither is the internet in general.
Jordan Fisher
>on a later interview he said "i killed him because he let me"
Nicholas Collins
One of my close friends just graduated from the police academy and sent me a video of him doing the mandatory tasing that all trainees had to go through.
Hearing one of your best friends screaming at the top of his lungs in true, pure agony is harrowing. I hope none of you anons ever have to hear it, even in a controlled and ultimately safe situation like his was.
That said... ANY OTHER VIDEOS OF HAUNTING SCREAMS (aside from Vietnam Vet Pullover)
Jackson Scott
too busy making tulpas and shitposting to make good content anymore.
Adam Cruz
I am a literal christfag and I hate what /x/ has become. There's a time and a place for god and religion; I just wanna read some spooky stories, but you haven't been able to do that there in a while.
Justin Cox
Carson Perry
Brayden Morgan
>7 fucking am
>finally not one but two good threads on muh 4chins
I need to sleep
Xavier Reyes
/x/ is inhabited by children and brainlets
Ayden Phillips
what was/is the other one?
Andrew Gutierrez
Noah Stewart
>that last airplane messages thread
fucking kek
>01 Jun 2009 Air France 447 Damn it, we're going to crash... This can't be happening!
Julian Diaz
thanks very much
Connor Mitchell
Any worthy topics die because the only people that are there are the larpers which in turn chases out anyone wanting to use it for discussion of actual paranormal shit.
Kind of like how the only people on /sci/ are legit morons since the only people that would gravitate there are iamverysmarts and weeds out any actual discussion.
Kevin Jenkins
The tasing isn't even that bad. It sucks for a second but it's pretty comfy because it's one and done. The fucking OC spray trial is way worse, that shit gets everywhere and hurts like a bitch all day.
Aaron Allen
it's mostly women
Grayson Murphy
Too soon
Benjamin Fisher
Thanks for such a blast from the past anons.
It's nice to know this board isn't just me shouting at a bunch of underage shitposters.
Sasuga, Yea Forums
Adam Moore
The dude who is crying while eating a bowl of something while two lego-like headed people come in and pet him.
Supposedly the man is eating his friend
Found it:
Dominic Garcia
This happened to one of my family members. He was a postal service worker and got stung by a bee while driving. He was allergic and passed out while driving to meet his wife with an eppy pen. Crashed into a house at 60 mph and an EMT took pictures and posted it on sites like this and best gore. Surprisingly I haven't seen it here.
Adam Morris
Barring daisy's destruction and the creator's arrest on Phillippines, all these shit mentioned on here has been on discussed to death Yea Forumsway back when celebrity teen stalkers was rampant on Yea Forums. Fuck off redditards and /pol/ morons.
Jacob King
uma delicia
Jace Barnes
Did the EMT get into any trouble? Probably the most infuriating part of the Nikki case was that the highway patrolmen who spread the images didn't get any kind of punishment.
Aaron Hall
thread already hit bump limit lad give it a rest
Gavin Thompson
I'm actually writing a fictionalized version of that dude's story. I don't know what I'll do with it, if anything, but it's an interesting exercise if nothing else.
Juan Martin
>OW ow awwh fuck OW my fucking arms jesus OW STOP PEELING ME FUCKERS OW JESUS
a tale for the ages
Angel Hughes
The WORLD is fucked up. The internet just exposes it.
Oliver Jackson
i've always found that to be an intriguing thought. people say that early Yea Forums was fucked up or whatever but it just allowed all that was already happening to be easily shared and collected. we can't do it as easily now anymore but it's still happening.
Christopher Campbell
It was my second cousin so I don't know all the details, plus it was like 6 years ago. I know his parents filed a lawsuit against him, and even lobbied to create a law where responders couldn't have devices that could take pictures. I have no idea how successful that was though.
Gavin Wilson
Jonathan Butler
Exactly. Yea Forums is just a conduit to what happens on Earth.
Ian Hall
You can't shut out the darkness. You have to face it, you have to fight it. You can't hide from it because it will always find its way to you.
Mason Torres
>page 10
This was a nice change of pace. I'll see you anons around