Love movies

>love movies
>probably have autism
>gf asked me yesterday why I’m like this
>obsess over things
>if you know me the slightest bit you already know who I am
>medical condition
>can’t remember the last time I lifted
>feb 17th maybe
>been just smoking every fucking day
>before work
>during work
>after work
>eat like shit
>need to go to doctors this weekend
Been pushing off the doctors for so long tv, my life is a fucking mess I have no motivation. I barely even watch movies, I feel like I’m in one. Is anyone else as autistic as I am? Is this autism. I really want to kill my self but I’m too pussy. This isn’t a cry for help tv. I only cry when I have a mental breakdown typically once a month, I know I sound like a total bitch, everyone treats me like one anyway. Can we just talk about movies, or like feel. Interlinked.
Wrote this way earlier today when I smoked t b h

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>claims his life is a mess and he feels miserable
>still has a gf
Choose one (1). The redditmigrants on Yea Forums all claim that I can't get a gf because I dont lift and smoke cigarettes and act autistic and am generally a wholly negative person. So either you're lying or they're lying.

you probably have an objectively ugly visage

I’m negative too t b h, but stopping the lifting and smoking weed more didn’t help

You sound like a typical normalfaggot, perhaps Reddit or 9gag is more your speed

I have a severely debilitating babyface for a guy of my age so you're not too far off the mark

Jesus Christ you people are retarded

Thats called a just-wold fallacy. Really just look at the type of men women are into.

How can he have and keep a gf if he
>smokes frequently
>doesnt lift
>has a negative attitude
>acts autistic
redditmigrants told me that I need to do the opposite of all those things to be attractive to w*men. So either OP is lying and he doesn't have a gf/he isnt THAT bad off, or the redditmigrants are lying about w*men's standards

>Really just look at the type of men women are into.
in my area its basically every man except for me.

>probably have autism
One of these things is not like the other. Unless you're attractive of course then probably, though you'd have to be quite attractive.

stop smoking. try to get out even just to walk a day. stop watching movies, how many do you need to see?
go to the doctor. good luck.

>can't remember last time I lifted
>eat like shit
>drink every fuckin night
Yep senpai I'm with you. I used have a good exercise/diet and was close to a sick cunt for a while, then I fucked it up and more or less ruined my life. But suicide is not an option as long as anyone you love is still alive, so put it out of your mind

>tfw you avoid going to the doctor because you don't want to step on a scale

>tfw I avoid going to the doctor and the dentist because then I'll be forced to acknowledge and take inventory of all my bad habits & shitty diet

I'm fairly convinced no one flosses regularly.

People constantly give incels bullshit advice to feel better about themselves and to pacify the aforementioned. They want you thinking you aren't doing enough, they want you to jump through 100 hoops just to get a date. They DON'T want you to cease that, and turn your aggression towards them. Incels hate women, thats all they need to do for the world to hate and revile them, even want to kill them.

I brush maybe 3-5 times a week and I dont floss or use mouthwash. I have receding gums and slightly visible decay plus I'm 26 and still haven't gotten my wisdom teeth pulled

im just making it worse by delaying the inevitable but holy fuck am I scared of finding out just how fucked up my mouth is when I finally go to the dentist. I know If I were to get my teeth fixed it'd give me a yuge leg up with w*men though

I dont hate w*men though. They sure as hell hate me for not being attractive and existing in the same vicinity as them while not being attractive/charismatic, though.

Gross, my dude.

I heard it's a bit of a meme, like you only really need to do it if you have ahit in your teeth

I know it is and I fully acknowledge it. Thats another reason I dont attempt to get a date or get laid anymore. I know my oral hygiene is too far gone to even be considered human to w*men

Well thats reason enough for them to hate you I'm afraid.


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I cope by indulging in drugs and occasional bouts of alcoholism; I get by

It's pretty straight forward man. You need to have a lot of money, really good looks, or just generic charisma to *easily* pick up chicks. Otherwise it always going to be an uphill battle, and if you haven't learned how to talk women already you're at a massive disadvantage. I'm not saying it's hopeless, but just be aware of you're situation

You're basically saying in a roundabout way that it is hopeless, since I don't have a lot of money or really good looks, and im wholly clueless as to how to talk to women (r.e: lack of charisma). as long as I have my career and a hovel to do drugs in I can at least try and cope for now

Honestly dude different girls like guys for different reasons. It's a matter of meeting one who likes a quality that you happen to have, whether that's a nice body or a certain vibe or whatever. It's mainly about doing your own thing and building a fun, busy, active life for yourself because then as you start to have less and less time for girls they instinctually desire your attention more and more. Don't know how else to put it, it's depressing in a strange kino sort of way but that's how it works

I'm in a similar situation senpai, there are escorts just a friendly reminder.

I wish I could cope by getting hookers, but in first world countries they really don't want undesirable men getting laid.

>if i'd just get my teeth fixed if i'd just do this or that it would get me a leg up
If you're already thinking this way it's very likely that it won't. I'm a 29 year old virgin. If you think one or two things about you that can change your chances towards something that means less and less as you get older, you are already there dude. Think about that,
>if only I could fix my teeth I'd-
No dude, that's what people in their mid-late teens to early 20's think and they are wrong. If I was a normie I'd tell you to fix your personality but that's bullshit.

>It's mainly about doing your own thing and building a fun, busy, active life for yourself because then as you start to have less and less time for girls they instinctually desire your attention more and more.
This is a hollow platitude because it literally only works/applies if you're already inherently (physically) attractive. Women don't want to fuck around with a dumbass electrician with fucked up teeth who spends his free time shooting guns and working on old cars. They can get with Chad the finance manager who goes on EDM rave-party-cruises and goes rock climbing when he's not modeling underwear or writing articles for Vanity Fair in his spare time.

I want companionship and a relationship, not just sex

Yeah I know, which is why I just cope with a shitload of kratom and occasionally a little bit of alcohol

start by unironically working out, and you'll naturally feel better. If you can't manage that, just message girls online and offer to feed them drugs, you can probably trick some 18 year old into blowing you at least

>just message girls online and offer to feed them drugs, you can probably trick some 18 year old into blowing you at least
Again, this only works if you're already physically attractive.

im usually too tired after a full 8 hour day on the jobsite to lift after work. I'd have to wake up at 4-4:30am just to get enough time in to lift before work when I factor in my commute and showering after lifting

I dont know man, getting your teeth fixed could help a fucking lot. That's one thing that can put people off right away

Kino will make your spirit strong and resilient
The Milky Way (1968)
The Saragossa Manuscript (1962)
Shame (1968)
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Network (1976)
Ugetsu (1954)
The Sacrifice (1986)
The Emmigrants (1971)
Just some ideas. Make sure your keeping yourself in tune with humanity

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Well fix your teeth and accept your own intelligence and suddenly you're a witty electrician with a nice smile. Then you just gotta find some bitch that likes guns and hot rods. Admittedly these are in shorter and shorter supply these days, rock n roll chicks are all but extinct, I know because my sister is one and I meet a genuinely cool chick like her about once every 4 years. How old are you

God lifting is such a massive cope, and I've never felt good doing it.

>Make sure your keeping yourself in tune with humanity
Sounds like a new agey way of saying dont be autistic, which is easier said than done. I have like mild aspergers and still feel like a fucking alien about 30% of the time

how is it you work on a construction site but aren't in good shape? I know dudes that are 55 and still have abs because they work blue collar jobs

I have for a month or two

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im not exactly very "witty", I just read a lot of books. Whenever I go on bumble I come across girls who are 2-3 years younger than me who are already fucking doctors and lawyers and shit and I realize I'm pretty fucking dumb compared to most of the w*men who consider me subhuman nowadays.
>Then you just gotta find some bitch that likes guns and hot rods.
At the risk of sounding like an excuse making "incel", these are admittedly chad hobbies where w*men can aim for guys like Keanu Reeves or the male equivalent of an "instagram model" who are into these things. Not some broke blue-collar possibly-below-average-looking guy with a budget.

1.) am a sparky
2.) i just barely started but I can keep up pretty good so far with what I need to do. I really did struggle and almost gas out on a 500mcm wirepull, which really made me realize I need to start lifting whether its to become more attractive or not

Then you shouldnt be lifting, lifting isnt the be all end all unless you want to get huge, the idea is to find ANY even halfway-enjoyable physical activity that you dont hate doing several times a week. Try swimming, rock climbing, yoga, anything, everyone has something. Although lifting is pretty fucking sweet, i havent been lately but done properly it's definitely near the top of the list of worthwhile activities

i'm 28 and haven't seen a dentist since i was maybe ten, i brush when i shave which i do when i have to go outside, which is usually once a month for bloodwork. i know it's all fucked but i stopped caring a while ago. in short there's always someone worse, at least even i'm not a gummy meth addict

I don't think you shouldn't fix your teeth, you really should. But for anyone who would ever think for a second about doing it thinking about girls, it won't be the answer.

I'd say the real issue is to set goals. Maybe if you walk and take a bus to work its just your diet, and you could lose 10-15 pounds just by changing what you eat. Set specific, achievable goals, people who are instagram models got there through years and years of lifting and cosmetic choices, they didn't just do sit-ups for a month or 2. its hard work

>Maybe if you walk and take a bus to work
I usually commute 60-80 miles a day for work, this isn't realistic

Was considering doing it for myself & to repair and stop the damage that's already been done, figured being more attractive as an ancillary benefit

I wouldn't fuck with a guy who has a gun hobby. All of the other things are fine.