Best Friends Forever Edition
such diverse
much wow
is that the vulcan that went into pon farr and raped b'elanna on voyager?
he had to go somewhere. Him and the other incel weren't getting any judging by the way the two females are all over the nigger in the middle
No, but yes. Its Jeri Taylor's son playing two different identical vulcans.
Soft canon says its his twin brother
>another character that's the same character just named different
VOY takes place in an alternate universe, doesnt it?
Cheap fucks is what itt is. They'd have to pay for writing credits otherwise.
>being anywhere near a nigger
Is that a fresh BF post?
Nice, I'll add it to my collection.
If memory serves me well, the male protagonist of Charlie X was reused in at least another episode.
I just realized who Bashirfaggot reminds me of
>gets called out for posting selfies of herself
>posts a new selfie
>heavily photoshopped to hide the warts and wrinkles
>breaking global rules
Guess what that makes you, Jake?
>troi turned into the creepy bartender.
Shit show for stupid midwestern boomers and their dumb kids.
>>breaking global rules
they can eat where ever they want now, racist
Lol. Look at the way you write. The evidence is adding up.
Imagine being this low IQ.
Enjoy your Troi and Beverly love story hour
>Imagine being this low IQ.
>(learning disability space)
Go have a heart attack, anachronistic flyover shitbag.
>geordi didnt hit it
Wrong, literally nothing in the original series makes sense. Enterprise basically nulled all of it since they included tech that somehow never showed up in the original
based retard phoneposter
If I was a phoneposter, I wouldn't have ended my post with punctuation, retard. I just think lol and LOL look stupid. You write like a fucking pavement ape, so you don't exactly have the high ground.
any more bikini / tummy pics?
>being gay enough to save this
Disgusting queer.
No but I have this
I'd joke with you back but we got a DS9 loving janny in the thread. Peace out
>look mommy!
>i'm trying to talk jive at the smarter boy!
Why do election tourists even pretend Star Trek is for them? It's never been for conservatards.
That's just TNG for you. Your beautiful TNG.
Not sure how many I can be arsed linking bud.
You forgot some punctuation there, Siskoskin.
I hope you realize that you're not smart enough to troll me. You're a flyover.
I agree! Michael Burnham is SOOOOO me
i already saw the ones in the other thread
>he doesnt want to fly through unexplored space eating/drinking REAL HOME GROWN EARTH PRODUCTS
Oh, sweet summer child. Who hurt you, sweetie? Let's unpack this, shall we?
You sure do love "larping" as a fag.
Nah man, I'm not a huge ds9 fan but I like discovery. There's a autistic ds9 fan in here who is a janny, he's been throwing out bans for anyone who attacks it.
I'm just going to bounce, that' shit is weird enough already.
Have a bit of side boob then.
>VF is the "you type like a nigger" poster
I'm shook
Better than anything Discovery has ever put out.
BF looks like Ben Shapiro
VF is low IQ
Color me surprised
Oh look, it's youngest sibling syndrome again.
>when you're a complete idiot drawing connections between disparate things for zero reason
I'm the guy who calls out VF for being a shitbag who doesn't perform his job properly. Take your meds and enroll in night school.
Try again.
The only thing worse than Bashirfaggot posting is Bashirfaggotposting.
i'm really enjoying the amount of namefriend banter in this thread. we need to work harder to encourage our best posters to post more! ;)
Ignore all memes in these threads, especially lists like that one. The guy that makes it is routinely called a retard and told to stop but he thinks all "content" (shit) is good content. Honestly, we're all just waiting for him to kill himself. Same with his kid
Reminder that Shannon Fill is a literal whore who got fully nude on stage for some shitty college production. Even your 90s waifus are corrupted by kikes.
>he doesnt hate niggers
Wow, racist much?
We live and die according to the sun of VF and the moon of BF.
Not everyone wants to kill themselves. Some of us have bright futures ahead of us. Most people, even those who aren't in their best place at the moment, aren't so biologically inept as to want to exterminate their own life. If you are considering suicide, please call one of these numbers
Really you motherfucker? Now I just got a warning for shit posting when for saying DS9 was shit.
Ahh fuck this, that other guy was right.
>black guy only one without a job
>no pajeet
Checks out
>Some of us have bright futures ahead of us.
Not that faggot, though.
All actors are fags. Nobody should admire or glorify them.
>it's a holodeck episode
was a theatre nerd in high school
can confirm
>liking DS9
>black guy no job
>still locking arms with white and asian ladies >still smashing pussy of more desirable reaces
Fuck you you fucking foreign piece of shit whore
Fistful of Datas is the best TNG has to fucking offer you god damn worthless cunt
What the duck is going on? This entire thread is more awful than usual tonight, stop being obsessed with some fucking name fags and shitty their lists and start talking about how sex with a holo character totally counts
>for saying DS9 was shit
That's not what you did though. Look at your post again and think it through, if your genetic heritage even permits that.
Yet you still talk to your dad.
Is it weird that I first thought they were girls, thus leading to my arousal, then I realised they were guys, thus leading to a decrease in arousal, and finally I realised they were probably traps and reached almost peak arousal?
DS9 is shit
>mentaly ill tranny looks like my mentally ill 49 year old crazy cat lady neighbor
>phonetard opinions
Computer, purge the data buffer.
fuck you
Based Col' eviscerating AARP and Medicare subscribers!
Shut the fuck up nigger
It isn't a bad episode but TNG's best is Darmok
My dad is a deisel mechanic
This is a trek thread. Please stay on topic.
Babylon 5 makes SeaQuest DSV look like Stargate Atlantis
>DS9 is shit
underrated post
If he were, you'd probably know how to spell that word, huh Jake? Nah, your dad lubes pushrods of different variety.
I'm very good at what I do.
That snow mall looks unbelievably comfy. Would break in and smoke weed with my teenage skater peers.
There are some quite unflattering BF pics out there, I try not to post them.
Thats a good one though.
So this is the power of TNG-fandom.
Oh shit, nigga, is that VF?!?!?!
Push some buttons?
One of their worst if you ask me.
Any pic that shows BFs ties to communism is usually a bad one.
God Picardfags are now roleplaying
Jesus Christ in heaven.
my boomer dad used to joke that this game was made for vulcans
It's a kira shirt. Good shitposts too.
I don't know why so many TNG fans have an oral fixation.
>its a kira shirt
Based on a communist revolutionary you dumb nonce.
Dude, WTF, is there a way we can delete an image from the timeline yet because I need major bleach after observing this.
I'd hatefuck a communist
Sure, but so was Kira. Good shirt.
....So apparently I can't talk about DS9 being shit as well.
Day of the Escalator, faggot.
Tick tock.
of course you can
Final proof that BF is a grill.
fuck DS9 and fuck that tranny faggot VF
Do your fucking job for a change, VF. Before I have to elevate this to your superiors and you lose your privileges altogether.
Wow, he does doesn't he.
>That man jaw
>it's still posting pictures of itself
It's midnight in Pittsburgh so maybe her stalker will go to sleep soon.
Its because Picardfags all unironically suck dick
Fun fact
Most trannies are raised by liberals (e.g, a vegan cat, everyone knows whos buying the cat food)
Parents of faggots usually encourage them and call them daughter even if they have a 12 inch dick and facial hair
>4 (you)s
>the closet cases literally can't stop thinking of sucking dick
>they run team work drills to create scenarios where they can get each other horned up and talk about a third party being gay so they can dirty talk to each other.
Has anyone sent screenshots of BF talking shit about her crazy mom here to the person saying happy birthday daughter on her facebook?
>raised on s 0 y
>12 inch penis
doesnt work that way, user
>its a janeway wants to do something stupid and no one questions her episode
>cletus """thinks""" dietary estrogen affects the body that way
There's a reason why no one in your family is successful and it's not the jews.
Why are you like this? How have I hurt you?
>How have I hurt you?
By evading your permanent ban.
Those are the fucking best
Your mummy look a little somthing like this?
Encouraged cross fraternization with the LGBT parade and NAMBLA?
Archer set the precedent early on that dissent would not be tolerated.
>god damnit what the hell is this?
>am i being drafted?
Archer's evolution is very much like the evolution of white societies going through the typical subversive process.
You always get me up but never get me off.
That cast actually looks kino af.
Oh god. Imagine pretending you're not the effeminate queer in the room when you come from Faggot Island.
>subversive (((vulcans)))
>ds9 haters
Who even are they?
>HAHA look at this fucking clown wearing women's make-
>tranny with plumeting t-cell count in abject denial the ways that the post-post-post- modern Western lifestyle has utterly fucked xir's telomeres and wrecked xir's gametes
When the time comes, just know yours will be a mercy gassing.
>bajoran workers, your attention please
>major kira nerys' mother is a whore
>thank you for your time
ENT (((green bloods))) are the best/worst.
similar to STD bullies. they're actual Star Trek fans
What was the rationale of making the theme song of Enterprise more lighthearted while making the show itself much darker?
The theme was to grab boomers, the show was dark cause bakula wanted to flex his acting muscles and it was adorable.
Enterprise is a meme show and the theme song is its BOTTOM TEXT
>deleting tranny tripfag posts
Thank you based mods.
STD is aids
DS9 is life
if someone dont agree with me, i dont give a fuck, i love DS9
>forgetting the aesthetic ds9/tng movies grey and black uniforms
fuck this gay earth
Bakula's actually a decent actor until he has to be angry or mad or stressed out in any way. Since the guy is the complete opposite of all three of those emotions it never translates well.
I'm talking about season 3 specifically when they made the change in the theme song that doesn't match the war/terrorism theme at all
He's like Sorbo, just too nice a guy to be believable. Sorbo's got snark though.
>continues writing like a trailer nigger
The military wires Madonna and Spice Girls 24/7 into people's cells to torture them.
>when you try calling someone a fedora by posting from your carefully curated Yea Forums folder
Zero self-awareness.
How did Odo "hear" if his ears were just a Bajoran approximation?
Kirk>Sisko>Archer>OST Pike>Janeway/picard>>>>>>Neelix before joining the VOY crew>>>>>whoever the fuck is in charge in STD
He could hear with his whole body, his whole body was also his penis.
More like Odo(r)
>i'm cornered so i'm just going to keep throwing new memes at you in a cringy, non sequitur fashion, in a baseless attempt to gain the upper hand
what's next? going to tell me to "have sex", newfriendo brosquito?
>watching TNG
>they go back to Cali
>they found data's head in a mine shaft
>it's fucking stated multiple times as canon that california had a shit load of tectonic issues
>somehow shitty old mine 10 feet below ground COMPLETELY UNTOUCHED
who the fuck wrote this shit, nothing makes sense in what is canon and not. At least i know going in to take voyager as a comedy.
We all know it's you, BF. Just go to sleep and let us actually discuss Star Trek.
kill me
Based and truepilled
Apparently Changelings don't need ears to hear sound, since Odo's adoptive dad talked to him during his experiments when he first found him and odo remembered hearing everything.
I don't remember the episode, but maybe the head was stored in a place that was known to not have suffered damage while the it was there.
>no fun allowed
stay mad
Was this a TNG reference?
I own a low orbiting ion cannon from the old Yea Forums days and if you even suggest for one Kelemanian second that I'm in anyway related to that repulsive HE-SHE I will shoot this place up like a Chicago mob boss in the 20s (with the cops on strike!)
why is every scene of mallshow dark and look like they smeared Vaseline all over the camera lens?
Why is enterprise so shit when it had so much potential out of the gate
times arrow
To totally not look like the show they ripped off and bit to a near carcass
Cause it'll never get remastered like TNG.
It isn't shit.
Anyone with a modicum of intellect recognises that ENT had a rocky start but ended up having some of the best Trek episodes towards the end.
It is also the comfiest of the Treks.
to match soap operas
>modicum of intellect
>whole series so bad they have to end it on "well it was just a hologram of what it probably was like"
TOS: big dick energy show
TNG: baldfag show
DS9: mallshow
VOY: transporter malfunction show
ENT: t'pol show
>whole series so bad they have to end it on "well it was just a hologram of what it probably was like"
wrong, VOY was subspace anomaly show
Enterprise would have gotten seven full seasons if DS9 hadn't killed all interest in Trek.
VOY had GOAT episodes though
>that one where team of cosplayers just pretend to be mean VOY
>space race episode
>duplicate VOY where they all melt
>year of hell (that time ship one)
The only episode that matters is the one where Janeway kills someone with a transporter.
Remember when harry kim realized he could just teleport bombs onto ships
Yeah glad they only did that once
STD is not that bad, and Doug Jones is one of the best actors on a Trek series, EVAR.
rip tuvix
Holy shit. That dude is obviously a one trick pony.
it never had a chance. a ship whose exploits were that great would have been mentioned repeatedly in TOS and TNG. It wasn't. The writing was terrible, the design was terrible, the casting was terrible, the timing was terrible. A prequel was a mistake
STD is not Star Trek and that horseman actor is a meme and also not actually on a Trek series
He's a single good character in many different suits. Saru is nearly written well enough to match any other real trek character.
It doesn't count because the premise was extremely stupid -- the combination was caused by the DNA of a flower. That is retarded even by voyager standards
>timing was terrible
truth they pushed to much trek in such a short span
Where's "much trek"?
and they got 9/11'd right out of the gate.
great episode
Trek ratings been decline because derivative like trash DS9. By time ENT came out no one care because toxic brand then.
I don't think that's right. Connor Trinneer said they were doing as well as any other show except TNG. They got canceled because of leadership change that didn't like Trek, that was all.
You really believe that? A rebooted franchise that's been going for over ten years is cancelled because a producer somewhere got bored and said fuck it? Good job reading between the lines, dumb pakled.
Lower Decks was a great episode. Wish there were more like it.
all they had to do (and ironically, all the network wanted them to do) was continue making TNG with a cheaper cast and fresh writers circulating through, but the boomers involved were bored and intentionally wanted to "do Trek different" so we got 3 gimmick shows back-to-back that destroyed the franchise.
Good morning, my friends of /trek/!
I fucking hate ds9. I can’t stand Odo, Kira, or Avery Brooks’ god damn voice
Renee is in every trek multiple times, Kira's a million times cuter than Ro, and Sisko's an angry black man. What's not to love?
>Odo, Kira, or Avery Brooks
I don't remember a character named Brooks.
Voyager has a similar episode: Good Shepherd
Yes, I tend to believe that. If Enterprise was on the air right now getting the ratings it got back then it would be considered a massive success. Les Moonves hated science fiction and personally cancelled Enterprise.
that was only one half of what destroyed Trek. The other half was the insistence on doing the TNG films to replace the TOS films. They should have greenlit the Starfleet Academy series instead. Not because it was a good idea, but because it would be a pressure-release valve to give Paramount something to do while CBS continued with TNG mk 2. The Enterprise-D never gets destroyed and continues on with a new crew, which the original TNG cast guest stars on from time to time.
The one where Kim takes command on the night shift sorta starts that way. Honestly, every Kim centric ep is lower decks-y, he's the shit ensign.
Another starfleet cover up story for the killporter.
DS9 time? Oh boy it's another
>kid episode that does nothing interesting
>episode where the B plot is objectively more interesting than the main A plot of the episode
>space jews r greedy episode
>Captain is in trouble big time but space aliens just save the day
>religion episode with no real pay of to any part of the overall story
>mirror universe where the people controlling DS9 could easily teleport back and forth for supplies just kidnap a crew member for some small task
In seven of nine’s shipwide assessment of efficiency, she brings attention to three “black sheep” crew members who’ve fallen through the cracks. Season 6, E20
That was a common method of execution in the Mirror Universe episodes of STD.
they kind of had to do the tng films tho to appease the fans who wanted more tng and less voy bs
He was the black one that couldn't play by the rules or keep his feelings under control.
if they had done it the right way, VOY would have been an actual TNG continuation and never would have existed.
He’s autistic AF
He makes the rules.
You could tell TNG cast was trying to escape before their lives were ruined. They failed and got pulled back in.
friendly reminder
>those two fucking dorks pretending they have superior insight into a situation that occurred when they were 10 and was handled by people who actually knew what the fuck was going on
You sound angry.
>what is hindsight
sarcy, I'm impressed.
>people saying things i don't like hearing means they're mad
Something you can claim to have when you actually have a full understanding of events. You don't have that, Monday morning quarterback.
They could have made -a- single TNG film that also served as a final TOS film, just as long as they don't kill any major characters or destroy the ship.
Hi fren
Have you been called by Paramount?
Of course you're an iTard.
>Virgins on the internet think they can write Star Trek better than the professionals who made millions doing it.
Surprised? Well, no.
>being angry that all facts agree with me
sorry kiddo
frens stik together
What killed /trek/?
I would consult and give my ideas away for free just to save my beloved Trek (and hangout on the set and in the writers' room).
What's with all the black kids on Yea Forums tonight? They're all writing like retards and saying "u mad".
The abandonment of Roddenberry's ideals.
Not trek, /trek/.
Roddenbery's ideals didn't extend past his dick.
It can be said for both. Look at all the edgy faggots who like DS9, the series that killed the franchise.
not fren. start rapeng u
As much as i hate most frogposters on /pol/, I like frenposting on /trek/, and encourage it.
We do it in /alita/ threads, too. Only different.
ban this off-topic vandalism
they need someone who goes full-retard with Hot-Rod ideals but then an exec-producer or whatever that can push back against the excesses. The franchise needs a balance.
Maybe not write, but at least plan better. Think of it this way, most people wouldn't be good at or capable of writing a quality song for a popular band. Most fans however do know the difference between a type of song they like vs. a type of song they don't. What Berman & Co did after TNG was like the TV show version of a band which is popular for making, I dunno, heavy metal but their next album is a soft rock country-disco fusion record. It could be the greatest soft rock country-disco fusion album of all time, it could have brilliant instrumentation, savant tier writing, and be an amazing artistic achievement. Their fans are metal fans, and their metal band isn't playing what they expect and want them to play. It's only natural that they start complaining, hating, or just strongly criticizing it.
DS9, VOY, and enterprise were not trek in the traditional sense. Some people could make the leap, many others couldn't. It isn't that they could have done it better, it's just that they knew better than to do it worse than what had already come.
True enough I suppose. Those days are long dead though.
>can't manage to write like a white person
>pretends he knows what's best for a multi-million dollar franchise
Try learning to tie your shoes before trying to walk on the moon.
They also need someone who has a holy grail to achieve so someone who is somewhat obsessed with gaming, vr, or some new type of filmmaking that gives the franchise a goal to achieve. A lot of what happened in the 90's is that they achieved peak TV-trek and couldn't keep it up for the 10 years that passed before "prestige cable" happened, which would have been the next meme to chase.
Do you subscribe to CBS/CID and cable tv, or pirate STD and Orville?
pirate everything, obviously
William Shatner looks really uncomfortable while Avery is just in his own little world.
I will admit, after about a minute, I started grinning along with him. He's just so happy in whatever world he's in.
I do too, user
>tfw you like every Trek show (including Enterprise and Discovery) and just have to sit through the shitslinging every day on every week for years
It's ok, you would have never posted anything worth anyone's time anyway.
The entire site's been hit with an influx of newbies from yonder social media for some reason.
It will be alright, user. We will get through this together.
>including Discovery
>T'Pol to Chef
>I need 42 hamburgers delivered to my quarters
>eating any other meat but trips
Bumping with Pretty...
i'll post to that
Just trying to keep us from falling off the page ten cliff, user.
> appease the fans who wanted more tng
and gave them ooc tng cast in cheap action plots?
Here's what i've got. A little over 100 posts and we can have an Ensign Marcie Pretty Edition, then dump our truly rarest Pretties all over again ;)
Engineer Hogan, personal log. I've been currently dragged into a cave by a Hanonian land eel. I don't blame captain Janeway for her decisions, but AAHAGH NOOAARRGH UGHGHG EEIEIEOAAAAA
She is still Pretty, NAOW!
wish i had more recent MILF Pretties
T'Pol best gril
>Miles clearly from Dublin
>American writers say he's from Kerry
Why do you accept these lies
Best girl does not like human food though
Kerry Gold butter is actually pretty good for just being butter
This might be a little lewd for a work safe board because of the see through bra, but...
(please don't ban me jannies)
You will go to hell for this obviously
It's salted though
How do you foreigners manage with your unsalted stuff
Julian Bashir is a retarded homo send post
do you mean why use unsalted? I don't at the table but whenever i'm cooking I always use unsalted butter and broths. I like to salt my recipes separately.
Paddy butter best butter.
This is now Kerrygold general.
pour a tall one and settle in, kids
If not for that, for this.
I respect and enjoy Kerrygold butter but honestly lately i've been into Challenge Butter, because i feel it brings a more aggressive, masculine aesthetic to my kitchen. My guests understand that i'm a no-nonsense guy not be trifled with when they dine at my table.
That's fair, different tastes
Irishfag here
Dairygold is the competitor, its good too
I don't think posting porn is a straight to hell offense bro. He may need a few thousand years in timeout though.
Then of course you have Land o' Lakes butter, and it's fiercely anti-PC image of a captured squaw offering you some creamy butter (and what else?) in exchange for her life. Every box and container is a veritable invitation by her to be colonized. I particularly enjoy how if you buy the 1lb. box and you fold the empty cardboard sleeve the right way, you get to see her bobs. Nice!
I use that. It's good. Let's get back on topic now.
It's a /trek/ thread not a /butter/ general.
butter face
Back on page 1!
We dropped back to 2 when I was typing that.
Where are the butter posters when you need them?
you STD fags ran them off 2 posts above you, retard.
Salted Butter > Normal Butter (Child Molester) > /trek/
I like margarine
Why would you hate Vina, or new Vina, user?
What are the odds the Discovery crew abandons ship and gets flung 1000 years into the future and this dude joins the crew/becomes captain for season 3?
It'd be interesting and new territory, so they'd never do it.
Honestly I'd be down for it just so Aldis Hodge can keep playing the first non-shit role he's had since Leverage ending.
nasty trek
That's confusing.
At least they made Tuvok a human in ST:Generations.
Tuvok also played a character who assaulted Picard.
This is your new captain, say something nice about him
0. Oath of Feanor
morning shit trek
You know what Moonvest doesn’t hate? Money.
>VOY sucks because it doesn’t have any continuity
>White Male (Kirk-TOS)
>White Male (Kirk-TAS)
>White Male (Picard-TNG)
>Black Male (Sisko-DS9)
>White Female (Janeway-VOY)
>White Male (Archer-ENT)
>White Male (Lorca-DSC1)
>White Male (Pike-DSC2)
>White Male (Picard-PICARD)
>White Male (Leland-SECTION31)
They're not going to do White Male right away.
Shows by most continuity/development to least amount.
How much is 5 bars of latinum really worth? Nog says he has that much in the baseball card DS9 episode. Wiki says 1 bar is 100,000 federation credits. What could you do with 500,000 credits? Is it just assumed that's a standard 1 for 1 ratio with modern day money or what? The credit wiki does say the Federation paid some alien planet 1.5 million credits and then 100,000 a year, but still doesn't really explain the value of that, but I guess that should be considered a lot if an entire government was getting that stipend.
Nothing. Federation credits are worthless
That's not really the question, though.
>How much is 5 bars of latinum really worth?
Voyager has far more continuty than TOS. Scorpion’s cliffhanger ending depends upon knowing about the eventd of Unity.
>talking about Star Trek
Page 10
>talking about Bashirfaggot
Active lively thread
What did /trek/ mean by this?
Twek is a hatebox or whateves
Internal drama is more compelling than the shitty product the general refers to, sadly.
refresh my memory
Holography, cloaking, the K'tinga showing up rather than an earlier design
>non-grass fed cow butter
miss me with that shit senpai
Those were okay changes because I was too young to realize that when I watched them. Also STD sucks.
>But in her web she still delights
>To weave the mirror’s magic sights,
>For often thro’ the silent nights
>A funeral, with plumes and lights
>And music, came from Camelot:
>Or when the moon was overhead
>Came two young lovers lately wed;
>'I am half sick of shadows,' said
>The Lady of Shalott.
What are some Treks to go on when you're half sick of shadows?
TNG: Identity Crisis
Geordi’s friend becomes imprisoned by her alien transformation, which represents death of her human form as well as advancement of her sexuality, leaving her immature friend behind. In his effort to save her from becoming a shadow, he himself transforms.
this is all bullshit. I’ve never read Tennyson and am usually better at discussing warp drives and torpedo yeilds, which in turn, makes me the Geordi of this discussion
Why did she lose interest in Geordi?
Because Geordi's a beta
Need you on your game tonight, BF. Probably taking a break 'til late fall 2019, gonna' suck this general for its novelty and memes before taking a leave of absinthe.
>VF banned me for posting the .webm of a tranny with an axe are you ready for that shit?
post axe tranny webm faggot
Tonight's the night everything changes.
Stop stop, I can only get so erect.
What's gonna happen tonight?
ValleyForge is going to get fucked by Bashirfaggot live on cam.
Some of you are alright. Don't lurk /trek/ tonight.
please be true
Is this the end.of /trek/? Some user is going to sacrifice humself to get /trek/ permabanned?
>Hi is Jess there?
Did anyone else find this scene incredibly hard to watch? The guy is bleeding to death and everyone is talking about him in the third person five feet away.
>Male protagonist
Yes Jim Kirk was in a couple of other episodes I think.
>announcing an act of terror in a thread lurked by a janny
weird flex but okay
>Muffled "AT LEAST IT'S CONTENT" In The Distance
The call that saved /trek/
Armchair crooning won't save you THIS time, Billy boy!
Post your top DS9 kinos
I’ve always been a big fan of “In Perdition’s Grasp,” “The Spoils of Peace” and the underrated “Corvus Oculum Corvi Non Eruit.”
No, I found it hilarious. Some beaner gets waxed and spends his last seconds speaking in a language that should have been translated by the UT.
Spanish is a dead language, like French.
She's working I think
Meant to post this one
1. Duet
2. The Visitor
3. Sacrifice of Angels
4. The Wire
5. Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
6. Indiscretion
7. Hard Time
8. Trials and Tribble-ations
9. Magnificent Ferengi
10. Our Man Bashir
Actually, I'd change The Wire with In the Pale Moonlight
Bump for Dukat
Well done
I love you guys
And we love you too, that's why I'm BEGGING you to go find some place else tonight.
This has been a long time coming and heads will roll.
ezri looks like boi
only boys that look like Ezri are effeminate fagolas but they can never reach her cuteness
Even gap-toothed baristas drunk on saki with dilusions of a socialist revolution?
reference gotten
You mean Bashirfaggot, don't you?
How can a station go on a trek?
It turns out the real trek was the bisexual tension we shared.
What are the comfiest Quark episodes?
I'm not gay.
Who said anything about being gay?
You're making fun.
I’m not. Bisexual =/= Gay.
make a new thread
Is this code for something?
I used to start threads, but I got banned for talking shit on DS9 and saying I liked Discovery so fuck that
Let our resident snitch do it
You seem angry and embittered.
>*BRAWP* It’s content.
You're being disrespectful.
Good list, I liked Whispers a lot too.
The Visitor is better than Inner Light, don’t bother replying to me if you disagree
Inner Light sucks, but it’s DS9 equivlant isn’t The Visitor, it’s Far Beyond the Stars.
You are wrong.
Ezra Miller looks like THAT!?!
Where's the d?
That dwarf used to live like 5 blocks over from where I do. I remember the chainlink fence in his front yard was like 2ft tall.
Please don't eat me when your predatory instincts kick in.
so there
Mk nu bred
I don't know how
They would never do that.
don't do it
ok. now its funny
sneak peek from the next STD episode!
New bread pls
So youre saying the jews were behind this religion this whole time? spooky.
let trek bleed out
no more pain
Shut the fuck up
I love Bashirfag!