Me on the right

me on the right

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so you're a pretentious roastie? you must be fun to hang with...

the answer was tarantino retard. it's not an open question, see?

2001 is the most overrated film I have ever seen.
Cube Brick is a hack

The moon landing is my favorite movie too.

Does she only like Kubrick because he smoked weed?

t. uninitiated

>woman pretending to like kubrick

It's an A or B question you fucking cunt, you don't get to choose another option


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this, women are incapable of understanding Kubrick. Show them Clockwork Orange and they will think you want to be like Alex Delarge.

imagine thinking Kubrick is deep

Tarantino is a fucking hack. He blatantly steals from old movies and if it weren't for the top-actors cast the dialogues would be cringy as fuck

You're right lol, funny because hes the exact type of guy women like in the first place.

redpilled, but I like jewbricks other movies

LOTR >>>>>>>>>> all of Kubrick's trash.

>not Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition
what a dumb roastie

a true art hoe would say wes anderson

>ywn be a shy tsundere closeted lesbian "not like those other girls" with an annoying bimbo stacy childhood friend you constantly act like you're better than but actually are desperately in love/lust with

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This, the one girl I knew who actually really got into film had him as a favorite. Ironically for a school interview where they asked about her favorite director she accidentally said Kubrick. She ran with it so well she got in so I'm still impressed.

Someone do kurosawa or ozu, naruse bitch, and the autist sperging about mizoguchi

I'd read/watch this, it'd be an interesting version of that aspect of the homosexual condition

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This blonde ho just keeps getting more tolerable.

Sorry but i'm not interested in girls who watch movies or TV shows.
I only date womanchildren.

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its not fun, all you could do is watch them break your group of friends with drama and then they would fuck and it would start all over again.

I'd like to fuck both tbqh

Ooooo you must be so special. Fucking cow cunt licker

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Fucking this, this is the only thing you’re coming off as

Sounds perfect, call it Samsara or some shit while taking cues from the good parts of (not that I've seen it but just to show this concept has been quasi-successful before)

based dudebro

I prefer a dumb basic bimbo in this case, easy to mold into what you want

Sounds a bit like watamote tbqhfam


Women don't know or care who directs a movie.

Why is there no positive one here

Nah man, LOTR is incredibly boring, it says nothing new that wasn't covered in mythology nowadays. What it has going for it though is the testament to the practical effects and expert filmmaking, but beyond a moral it has nothing new.

Plebs the whole lot of you.

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The way the panel is set up makes it look like you're eavesdropping from behind a wall.

It's more realistic that way

>15 yo boy
oh man he's just like me.jpg

This, my mom hates 2001 because it’s “boring”

Based and cringe posters are the most annoying thing on this site. You really have nothing better to say ?



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And 2001 isn't boring?



>knows Kubrick made maybe one horror movie
>name drops him without having seen it
fuck women, god i hate them

only reason I came in this thread
you're doing god's work

Even ironic brapposting legitimately kind of frightens me, more so than a lot of weird shit I've seen.

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Blonde >

I had one in high school. She was insufferable so I got with her equally wapanese friend but with a much sunnier attitude and we dated for three years. She left me for a chick who she is still with over ten years later.

keep going based drawanon

Based chad, gets the girl and watches a better movie than the other ones mentioned by the pretentious bastards.
Murder Prime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything.

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Why do you know this?

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>She left me for a chick who she is still with over ten years later.
Congratulations on turning a woman gay.

me out of frame

I was looking for that

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This must be accurate, because I do like the 11 year old girl.

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she's on facebook, i look her up sometimes

Of course not, don't get me wrong I love LOTR, read the books and everything but all Peter had to do was recreate the books with his master class filmmaking. Kubrick always did something different every film, later on Jackson would make the hobbit.

What’s worse, pseud intellect girl or quirky I love scary movies omg Halloween girl

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Both have their advantage.
The first ones are really fun to fuck with their mind, and if you do it they'll think you are a 200 IQ god or something.
And the others just want to watch scary movies to snuggle with you.

pseud intellect thinks she's superior while being the same. i think that's worse
my omg Halloween gf admitted she was a whore and didn't try to justify her tattoos beyond "I wanted it"

They should fuck desu
basado y rojopillado

Who the fuck wants a """"smart"""" woman?

girls can't fuck unless there is a penis involved

me in high school

Tarkovsky you basic bitches

My cyber e-gf thought she was smart, "was born in the wrong era", thought she could 'multi task' and all this crap. I let her think it instead of being the rude awakening. When we met she was a lot less confident and it worked out. I just pretend she's not like the other girls, I say lies, and she believes them.

Not choose Nolan, retard

When I was young I used to draw girls like on the right and thought they were so hot. I still do but lately there's something about preppy blonde chicks. But not just normal preppy blonde chicks, kinda ones that go through shit ya know. Like a bitch's redemption story or the blonde cheerleader in a horror movie being one of the survivors while the "final girl" is actually a snotty bitch and dies.

Something like a blonde bitch with a heart of gold.

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I do

Blonde is kino taste

her eyebrows high
or is her forehead a threehead
i'm no critic it's just i look at foreheads a lot so i can make the fivehead joke

>i fuck a guy if hes nice or looks good
>i fuck a guy if he pays me or gives drugs for free

wich one and why /pol/ ?

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Can I get a girl who fucks a dude because he's her husband and she loves him instead?

Put as many babies in both because procreation is paramount to the future of our nations

no, that's a fantasy written by men who had a girl they liked in high school, but she got with someone else.

Preferably the blonde.

>if hes nice
>which one and why /pol/?
tradthot worshiping cuck

The pseud intellect, because the scary movies omg girl isn't constantly trying to challenge you

I love black hair and will love it till the day I die but i've come to appreciate blondes in a new way lately.

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The original makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY.

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i see a lot more niggerhairs with bangs, especially japs with their shitty hime style.
i see other colors with bangs, but black the most.


no it doesn't
shut up
nothing after 152 makes people mad.

I don't think I like movies anymore

kys autogynephile.

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It's cute.

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All three hacks

My first thought

i thought this was some aristocats joke

t. op

Post the origional



Why does this image make me angry

I think it's the obvious, shameless manipulation

Why so hostile?



Because she's either a poser and just a fake, or she's legitimate and smells terribly.

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Why is it hard to believe anyway? Absolute pleb, shitty taste.

left is cuter and better

Black hair and pale skin >>> blonde, so the one on the right is right.

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>likes evanescense, the cure, and fincher

Chillest girls of the last decade, to be desu.

god i wish she was mine

I don't like the posing or the tattoos, but i'll give her that she has a really nice hairstyle, specially compared to the girls who are normally like this that get shitty sidecuts and har dyes and all that.


transbians go die
you make a mockery of real lesbians

I'd rather fuck someone who likes capeshit than a Godard fan

I'd fuck the fatass on the right.

And that's a good thing.

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wtf I love right now

>cut marks on the belly
Oh boy, one of the actual crazies.
She's mine.

Kubrick is great but undeniably entry level. I get sad when "film buffs" act like he's some obscure genius because it makes me think maybe they are watching the movies as some kind of social signalling rather than as something to be enjoyed.


make your ideal girl

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My ideal girl

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>being a pleb who thinks his Hollywood narrative movies are better than the other Hollywood narrative movies

>not being an ascended patrician who only watches Stan Brakhage and Michael Snow

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I want a woman who can appreciate or at least tolerate my use of sesquipedalian words

she's got some nice dick-sucking lips DAMN

based blonde lovers

>she is really cute, whats
>her name? I wish I saw more
>girls like that around

Not even memeing-- I love skinny blondes that smoke

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Which one is more likely to do weird sex stuff?

Whos the most overrated, Kubrick or hitchcock

>first girlfriend was platinum blonde
>was molested by her uncle
>had no issue with me feeling her flat fourteen year old chest in public
I miss high school.

Shes definitely a cheater.

Hitchcock is underrated.

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I'd say Hitchcock. he made a few dozen but only a few are recognized. Kubrick made less than 20 and most of them are lauded
