Recommended samurai kinos?

Recommended samurai kinos?

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mostly anything by Kurosawa

Hara-Kiri, either the Kobayashi original or the Miike remake, peak samurai kino.
Blade of the Immortal if you like fun.

Rurouni Kenshin : Origins

What's the opinion of japanese people on samurai? I think they are cool but I am afraid that it's just a small aspect of japanese culture that gets fetishized by westerners.

Seven samurai

>or the Miike remake

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Twilight Samurai trilogy is good

Unironically The last samurai

Fuck you, i liked it.


I work with Japanese people and they seem to be really into it and take it seriously.
Anime and manga on the other hand they cringe and just say otaku

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Fuck them I'll keep watching DBZ and there's nothing they can do

I’m playing Sekiro as well OP. Great game

What the fuck is this whitoid doing in samurai armor lmao

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Why would you ask a Japanese person's opinion on Samurai? That'd be like asking a French person's opinion on Knights, of course they'll say they're rad, what kind of cockmongler doesn't like Knights and Samurai?

only south americans like DBZ

13 Assassins

What do you think I am

It's called Jomon blood, they were the white natives of Japan before mainland chinks moved in

Reminder that Yea Forumsirgins playing Sekyro are the ones coming here for samurai movies this week

A lot of japs look like that with really pale skin

only if you want to be bored.

That's a good point and the same could be said for almost any culture.

>This race blind leftist is the person calling you a mutt


Go back to /pol/ then shithead, so you can be with only rightists