>She was 29 years old and still a virgin. Heh, crazy isn't it?
She was 29 years old and still a virgin. Heh, crazy isn't it?
She isn’t even a bad looking woman, so that tells me it was a personality problem.
Feels good to know I'm never going to kill myself just over being a virgin. I'm 29 as well, but a male obviously.
christine sneebeed
I'd cum inside her rectum no prob
She likely did have significant mental problems and you can see that in how they wrote about her, obviously it would carry over into her behavior and living and everything.
Have sex
What's some high quality female incel kino?
>person commits suicide on live TV
>"i think she had like...."
>"a personality problem or something?"
thanks doctor
Truly, /one of us/
It was harder back inna 70s. Not for nothing, but males were the dominant gender back then unlike today. Tremendous pressure was on women to find a husband and get married. Pressure that is simply not extant today. Leastways, not at the extremes they were back then. For the weaker members of the fairer sex, it could drive you to sudoku most easily.
>but males were the dominant gender back then unlike today
speak for yourself
9/10 post
Would have been 10/10 if you wrote
>thanks doc
Better luck next time, kid. Keep honing your craft!
>29 year old woman a virgin
literal definition of FAKE NEWS
I mean in the parlance of society. Today, displaying masculine virtues is punishable by all manner of public detraction being directed at you
Yeah, as opposed to now, when women are merely expected to work harder for longer hours than did men in the seventies. So progress. Much accomplishments. Feel the student debt.
I‘m also a 29yo virgin but I think everyday about ending it.
Fuck off reddit
Women work less than men, have legally mandated time off for maternity leave and generally are less productive than men and they wonder why they get paid less.
She was obviously a mentally fucked dumb bitch. Just like me. At least she had the courage to end it before she hit 30.
Just get a hooker ffs, it's not difficult
>29 and still on Yea Forums
how have you boomers not killed yourselves yet holy shit
We grew up with this place. You're just some zoomer johnny-come-lately reddit tourist
My family is from Sarasota and apparently my dad and his parents all saw this happen live on air. When I learned about it seemed like he really didn't wanna talk about it. It sucks we'll never get the actual real footage. I feel like it's an important piece of human history that should be available to us.
I don‘t know how any of it works not just the hooker part but also the whole sex thing.
And even if I did I would still be kissless so whats the point?
I‘m a pussy I just cant do it.
>mfw 31
>nobody has posted the gif yet
guys re-remember when Yea Forums was good
Sex is literally easier than making a livable wage. I still don't know how supposedly normal functioning adults on here have avoided it their entire lives.
how do we fix the roastie problem bros?
hookers don't love you
>Pressure that is simply not extant today.
its even worse today lmao
fucking hell
Not when she looks like a Bulgarian witch
Is that a tranny?
define livable wage, because living out of your car is technically livable
>he thinks women are capable of love
All women are whores, retard.
Fuck no. Women have ZERO pressure from society to get married nowadays. They're actively praised for putting their careers over family.
ehhhhhhhh I dunno about that. thats not the kind of pressure you can do away with since its a basic biological urge, and theres a lot of stories of unmarried childless women killing themselves these days. Depression through the roof, I'd say women today are more miserable than they've ever been (and so are men for that matter)
Above the poverty threshold.
ok so im assuming when talk poverty we mean welfare status basically yes? so technically speaking, minimum wage would be above the poverty line
Well well well if it isn’t Johnny-come-lately
based truth poster
who gives a shit when your goal is to get laid
who /doesntcareaboutsex/ here?
Not asexual I just think its not worth the trouble. Fapping is enough for me.
biological pressure =/= societal pressure
dumb cunt
Women have never had it better in the entirety of human history. "Biological urges" are not societal pressure. Back in the 70s there were a few industries women were allowed to work in without raising eyebrows and/or ire.. Now companies are chomping at the bit trying to get women into fields they dont even wanna be in to be seen as "progressive". There are big virtue signalling points up for grabs for a company that can hire the "first female x". The world is a woman's oyster at this point in the timeline
You dont even have to be good at the job, as long as you're the first woman to do it the media will praise you as a "trailblazer" and "so brave".
For a single adult working full time, yes. Anyone can get a minimum wage job just like anyone can get laid. I suppose you can make excuses to not do either, but I don't know why anyone would do that to themselves.
But then the momentary high wears off and the loneliness returns...
well yea, anyone can get a min wage job in a heart beat, or even an above min wage job. I was just trying to be a cheeky cunt and imply that none of those jobs are really "livable wages"
It's not about progressiveness or virtue signalling you dumdum, it's just to lower the wages in those industries so they can save money, the rest is all bullshit to mask that.
In any industry that is already chock full of women and wages have turned to shit, companies try avoid them as much as possible cause of maternity leave and cause women are shitty employees in general.
How does someone go to China and not hookup lmao is this Wu Tang guy?
I'm 27 and she looks old enough to be my mom.
biological pressure is worse I'd argue. if your body is telling you one thing, it doesn't really matter what society has to say.
You're under the false impression that happiness and completeness comes from something outside yourself, like it's a lost jewel in a video game that, once acquired, will fix everything.
As long as you're looking for happiness outside yourself, you're just going to chasing one illusion after the other and will experience endless disappointment as one by one the illusions fade and you realize you're still fucking miserable.
All TRUE happiness comes from within. Nothing outside of yourself can complete you. Only you can do that
She looks like a early middle aged man with long hair
I never said they didn't have it good, I just said they seem to be more miserable than ever.
All woman post 18 are not virgins
Same except I don't fap either.
I still have sexual desires but I must be strong for Jesus.
Wrong. I am 42 and I'm a KHV.
If your company touts that it has hired the "first female x" and it's in the media, do you REALLY think, with all the publicity, that they could get away with paying a woman LESS than her male peers? In the current climate? You're fucking brain dead.
based and buddhistpilled
Thinking about losing my virginity to this Mexican girl, should I do it user?
You have zero reading comprehension, you're the one who's truly brain dead.
I think they are lying about her being a virgin- or she was lying. Guys are hounds and will fuck anything with a pulse (or not- look at that dude who impregnated the coma chick in Arizona). Plus it was a different time and if she was religious she had to pretend she was a virgin until marriage.
Is she either attractive or interesting in conversation?
put penish in hole
Truly happy people are naturally able to find success in life, love, and financial security. What you're describing is cope.
jesus fucking christ do you idiots not understand why wages stagnate? women DO NOT GET PAID LESS THAN MEN. Wages stagnate because of IMMIGRATION. Companies don't have to make their wages competitive when there are MILLIONS of fresh bodies being pushed into the grinder from outside the country. Why the fuck would Mcdonalds offer you a decent wage when they can just pay pedro min wage and pedro thinks its a good deal because he gets to live in a new country.
Attractive, cute face with a really banging booty.
it bothers me that the bottom of the can doesn't bend into the water
Why would a virgin think he could get that, especially one dumb enough that he has to ask if he should?
Imagine being talked to like that in chinglish. how has she not been killed already?
Let her take the lead with kissing until you get comfortable. Wear a condom even if she says she is on the Pill. It will help you last WAY longer- plus if you are too nervous to cum you will never know if you flush the condom after sex. Coat your dick with a thick layer of saliva before penetration. Make sure you get some doggy style time in as it is the most fun position.
t. your cool uncle
why don't people just jerk off when they get horny?
did people suddenly become retarded in the past few years? Hint it's easier to use your hand.
Thanks cool Uncle, she invited me over this weekend, said she was gonna cook for me.
Wish me luck
When in girlfriend mode most guys do both. Banging a chick is mostly an ego stroke (making a chick cum is empowering) while jerking it can be more pleasurable. A morning or mid-afternoon wackadoodle helps to last longer for the sex act too.
>Sex is literally easier than making a livable wage.
If you're born without gills you'll have a hard time making it in a fish's world.
why do people break up over bad sex though?
>who /doesntcareaboutsex/
i wish that was me
the only thing that boosts my ego is obtaining more wealth. I guess that's why I'm a virgin.
because sex is the only reason they were together in the first place.
craigslist is gone, m8
Small penis?
why isnt jerking off enough for you?
Nice bro. Anytime a girl says she wants to cook for me that is girl code for sex. Have fun!
ps- bang her a couple times before discussing what she likes/doesnt like, etc. I play my greatest hits at first (fucking but no oral for her) then find out if she wants tongue action- I usually hope she does not want oral as it's gross to me. Also, don't fuck like your are on fast forward like a porn star- slow steady strokes win the game until she is warmed/juiced up, then bang her silly.
Unless you're Chad
I’m just bored of sex desu. Despite numerous offers from 13 I just didn’t care enough, I couldn’t be bothered for rumors and I hated people taking about me. During adulthood it’s been the same, the excitement is fun initially but it’s always the same really. I’ve probably had sex over a thousand times in total, with over a dozen people. The first was as fulfilling as the last. Overrated, good to do once but after that there’s not much point.
Borderline Personality Disorder.
Yeah right.. I don't believe it
my body craves for sex, even i occupy my mind 24/7, it´s something that sooner or later that the feeling comes and i get depressed
Yeah, I get you dude. Accomplishing shit gets me turned on. If you notice most low IQ normies only have sex to bloat their ego.They are empty vessels.
eh, I don't really buy that, its mostly autists getting guilt tripped. Like have you tried just telling people to fuck off? you'd be surprised how often that works.
That's good. It means you have healthy testosterone levels. Don't listen to the virgins. They want to bring you down.
why though? doesn't the horniness disappear after you fap?
hookers don't fill the emptiness inside
it can but only for a short term, i want to have a fuckbuddy or a gf but i have too much and anxiety (having personality disorders doesn´t help much either) to manage to find one
girls only want normies
Because he has nothing else going on in his life that satisfies him. (Goals. Drive. Vision.) These are the dudes you see trying to pick up every skank that happens across their way.
So what we can assume from this experiment is that if women lived the lives of incels, they literally wouldn't be able to handle it and would off themselves?
>tfw at this point my desire to have a gf to sleep/cuddle to sleep with is greater than sex
I know it won't happen, though. Less than 2 years from wizardhood.
She probably had NPD like most moderately successful non-hideous women, and therefore decided nobody besides ultra giga chad was good enough for her, thus alienating all male suitors and producing the crushing loneliness and despair that drove her to suicide.
This is not uncommon but she's an extreme example. Most women ride the cock carousel and only become become depressed after they hit the wall and chad dumps them but console themselves with beta bux, food and cats. Christine had too much self-esteem to be a total slag or marry a thirsty orbiter, and ironically, her higher standards only meant she was that much more frustrated. If she'd just taken a little bit of cock she'd only have been bitterly disappointed in life like most women instead of totally suicidal.
>Let her take the lead
I have a feeling that is exactly why the dude you are talking to is an adult virgin
Why are people saying this tranny is hot?
>he has never heard of E-Verify
Illegals can only work under the table. McDonalds could NEVER hire an illegal, you moron. Immigration stagnates wages in the construction and manual labor industries. No reputable company could hire illegals
The only difference between you and older anons is time. You think you'll move on to better things. You won't.
That's not what I'm describing at all. Come back when you're a little older, you'll see what I mean
Either does having a girlfriend. I fell in love for the first time at 25, dated her for 5 years (living together for 4). The last 2 years of our relationship I felt emptier than I did when I was a lonely virgin. It took me awhile to learn that having a gf is a fraction of life fulfillment.
Helping others improve is now what I am into. I am publishing a 280-page book in a couple weeks called "How To Get A Girlfriend" if anyone is interested. I'll likely post excerpts in /r9k or /adv.
what you're describing are expectations set by our western values.
I’m a 27 year old KHV
Why is everyone so obsessed with virgins. Some people are virgins for life. Can't you leave anyone alone like ever?
>truly happy people are able to find success
Were not talking about finding success, were talking about finding true happiness. "Success" is a completely and totally subjective term
If it doesn't help, then why would anyone want to read your book to get one?
>I am publishing a 280-page book in a couple weeks called "How To Get A Girlfriend" if anyone is interested. I'll likely post excerpts in /r9k or /adv.
can i see the pdf?
solid post, all of these underaged retards asking questions with obvious answers btfo
delete this, you're here forever
I dunno how they do things in limeyland, but theres this new thing called "escorts". If you're really hard up you can go the streetwalker route too though I wouldnt recommend it
Why is it so important to OP who's a virgin? Does he bang supermodels every day?
who are you quoting
Chad are toxic masculinity personified. Chad behavior is frowned upon
what if happiness is success and vice versa
Mad incel
i want an excerpt of your book
>greentext is always a quote
I want zoomer newfags out
No, I've banged a lot of women (maybe 70+) and had over a dozen serious girlfriends (1 year min relationship). I'm the dude who wrote a book on how to get a girlfriend.
The guy says he is a virgin- and likely never even tongue kissed a girl before. Having her take the lead for a brief time in the beginning is sound strategy.
Im a 25 y/o femanon virgin ama
>wasting your youth on Yea Forums
fucking cringe
That's something each person has to decide for themselves and find out by searching... wait for it.....WITHIN.
Yikes! she looked 40
You are literally a virgin
Why do you pretend yo be a girl on the internet?
>tfw 31 year old NEET virgin now with jock itch that wont going away amongst other health problems
Virgins are virgins because they are too beta to take control. Telling him to let the woman kiss him first is retarded.
>yet prefer being alone
>wouldn't know what to talk about or what to do with a gf most of the time because I am boring
>having to constantly maintain a relationship sounds exhausting to me and not worth it
>living with a gf that you have to always be presentable around unlike say your parents or a roommate sounds like a nightmare
Do you know that feelerino? I just want to talk about movies, music, art sometimes, maybe play some video or board games together, maybe travel somewhere, cuddle. But I wouldn't want to do it all the time. Maybe like 1 hour a day at best? I would also hate having to meet her friends and parents. It all sounds so exhausting.
danielborn.com for updates and excerpts. Just started building site so it's bare right now. I am going to do a Q&A section so if you have qs send them through the contact form and I will post answers.
I might give the book away if it does not sell well- or to people from Yea Forums since I got the idea to write it from a decade being on the site. Otherwise a print copy is like $15 or ebook $9- still finalizing shit.
Yeah I'm about to lose it while you still remain one, checkmate.
Well I guess when we turn 30 we just say fuck it to life and live like recluse autists.
This boomer Yea Forums lurker argument is SO weak.
I feel the same user. I think a fuck buddy is a better option for you. Have some affectionate moments for an hour or so then go on with the rest of the day feeling fulfilled and satisfied.
What is "success"? How do you define it? It's an ephemeral term that means something different for everyone, and is something that is best measured over time. If you mean being financially stable and having a lot of possessions, I'd advise you to consider that having things isnt happiness when your possessions end up owning you instead of the other way around.
America has a multi billion dollar industry set up for people who think like this, it's called psychology. Nobody seems to be more miserable than the people who have every material desire provided for them, but are empty inside and longing for purpose and meaning.
Sorry bud it's not hard to have sex and I have many times. I can't imagine being an adult virgin like you but it's pretty obvious you have a personality disorder.
What if I don't care for sex? Is there something like a cuddlebuddy?
>getting advice from some cringelord telling you to be a beta and let her take the lead
>I'm about to lose it
It's a pain in the ass to be broke tho.
The ultimate chad-chaser, literally no man was good enough to put his penis inside her. This was in the 60s/70s too, so men didn't fuck around waiting for her and picked up a different homely broad.
I don’t get it. What’s the issue here?
you're no a woman though.
She looked more like 49.
based and truthpilled
i'm still a newfag, came in 2014 and i really can't see myself leaving anytime soon.
makes me think of some of the anons i've seen over the years who have been here since 2003
That doesnt mean having a bunch of shit you dont need will make you happy. If you dont like being broke, then dont be. Work hard. Save money. Nobody's stopping you from not being poor but you
She looked like this at 29? Geez.
that jock itch might be a sign of diabeetus man
women being virgins at that age is actually really weird.
I was robbed by a hooker
You don’t know what pain is.
How'd you let a broad steal from you?
>tell other anons they don't need a gf
>shills his book "how to get a girlfriend"
yeah kill yourself dude
there is no fucking way, she looks 45
Probably less painful than the hollow points she would have unloaded into you if you tried to get the money back.
so easy? Tell us how you do it
eat better, bath regularly and dry yourself very well, only wear clean clothes and if you have issues with dryness after a bath or shower then feel free to walk around naked with just a towel to sit on or something while you air out - lastly get some gold bond medicated powder from your local drug store/super market and slap that shit on daily - i spent 3 years as a janitor at a school with no AC besides a few of the offices and i'd sweat like a fucking animal and that shit cleared right up as soon as i started to take some extra care of my body - moved onto a much better job eventually but god dam those were some hard times.
Be normal. Also try to have sex before you leave high school so you don't obsess being too old to be a virgin thus sabotaging yourself with insecurity.
tl;dr just be yourself bro
>implying the time wont fly by for you and you'll soon still be here at age 29
Are you me?
Here's the contents page since you are so interested:
>How To Get A Girlfriend: Understanding, attracting, dating, and romancing your dream girl
14 Things a Girlfriend Wants and Needs from You
12 Questions She Will Ask You: In Person and Text
21 Types of Girls to Date, Marry, and Avoid At All Costs
11 Signs of Female Lust and Total Attraction
5 Elements You Need to Get Into Girlfriend Mode
17 Ways to Catch Her Eye and Command Her Attention
5 Secrets of a Goldilocks Handshake
9 Steps to Flirting Success
44 Places to Meet Your Future Girlfriend
11 Ways to Connect With Her on Social Media
9 Step Strategy to Picking Her Up on Dating Sites/Apps
Fifty Shades of Dick Pic
10 Keys to Picking Up Girls
7 Ways to Strike Up a Conversation and Ask Her Out
How to Vaporize the “Sorry, I Have a Boyfriend” Roadblock
Have a Personal Business Card to Hook Up Easier
Get Her to Show You Her Panties Then Ask Her Out
4 Things To Do After You Get Her Number
8 Ways to Plan the Perfect Date
69 Date Ideas That Will Wow Her
10 Step Guide to Achieve Magic on Your First Date
What to Do After the Date
10 Stages of Foreplay to Have Her Always Wanting Sex
Sex: Her Place, Your Place, In the Wild
5 Sex Insights and Tricks
8 Things to Know If You Want the Relationship to Get Serious
Be Creative to Win Your Girlfriend’s Heart
12 Rules for a Lasting Relationship
6 Reasons It Might Be Time for a New Girlfriend
10 Do’s and Don’ts After Breaking Up
Go for the Girlfriend Upgrade You Deserve
The big list of things Girls MUST do to attract their man
>be nice
>be alive
this dude is fucking pathetic m8
Most of us are in some way or another.
>be nice
Bro they just have to exist, we all know this. Its men's fault they're like this by the way.
Not related to this instance in particular but we need to bring slut shaming back asap
>he wasn't on Yea Forums in 2007
kill yourself newshit
>believing women are virgins past the age of 16
Imagine being this fucking ignorant. Not one stinking girl on the face of the earth is a virgin past 16. If you whole heartedly believe this then you're a moron of the highest caliber.
Go away
2007 was the dying breath of this website, then 2008 came along and it flatlined.
>Yea Forums is closest to reddit content
>content cunnyposting and people saying "nigger"
makes me think
Like that person is wrong. Consider the attitude and not the content, son
Stay angry, incel. Its all you have at this point.
is this bait?
You should read up on her before you spout know-nothing bullshit, pal. You absolutely could not be more wrong
when was that posted? thankfully Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony now
I'm 29 and I want my virginity back. Porn was so much more arousing before I knew that doggy smells like butthole and real women complain constantly.
Is that what you tell yourself to reconcile being a loser? The only person who can make you a winner is you, and you plainly dont have what it takes, bc you really dont want it
someone post the sucide video
it was never released
dude even I fuck occasionally but through human history something like 40% of adult men never sired children. there’s a lot of undesirable men out there and almost no totally undesirable women
>tfw finding decent-ish satisfaction & success in a blue collar skilled trade
>too tired to lift/work out after work, value my free time too much to go to sleep early & wake up early to lift before work
>w*men find me unattractive and undesirable
>just put all my horny-and-lonely frustration into my work
>still get pangs of tfwnogf whenever I'm on a service call or at a jobsite where there are qts working for the customer (recently it was a church with a qt brunette with a perfect smile who was working in the kitchen)
>dont know if I have an abysmally low self esteem or if im just being pragmatic when I remind myself that w*men dont want to get involved with an average height tradesman with less-than-great teeth who only makes $15/hr
>tried Bumble for the past 2 months and get literally no matches or messages from anyone on there
>dont have any friends anymore and I work with a boomer so I cant really ask anyone "hey bro take a pic of me doing [activity] for my dating app profile haha"
>just come home to an empty house, watch Boston Legal, eat shower & sleep, then wake up to do it all again the next day
Camus was right
Boston Legal is kino though.
I'll be a 40 year old virgin in a few weeks. it hurts to see a woman that thinks they have it worse than men.
odds are im probably going to end it before my birthday so I wont have to die a 40 year old virgin.
not even hookers will fuck me.
I'm a failed normie, not a khhv thankfully so I've had multiple gfs in years past, but god fucking damn. every single one of them hogged the bed, hogged the sheets, ended up pushing me off to the side of the bed where I'm almost falling off by morning. fuck sleeping in the same bed as a woman, I'd rather die than slowly go insane from lack of sleep.
It really is but everytime I rewatch it, I just get more and more jealous of James Spader and the fact that he manages to make women absolutely desire him (not just his characters on tv/movies but IRL) even though he's pudgy and balding/bald. I wish I could take the charismapill but I think some people are born with it and others are just born lacking it
There was an interview he did in japan where the interviewer asked him if he knew that he was (at the time in the 90's/80's) basically a sex symbol in japan. Why cant I be that charismatic and desirable
She had to wait one more year and she could have been a witch.
I'm not a virgin but I am dangerously close to still living with my mom at 40 as a NEET. Not gonna end it tho because I don't give any fucks about what other people think about me and I love tendies
>tfw no 9/10 big titty big ass slim mommy gf who has all of my fetishes, understands my ocd, likes a lot of the same movies/shows/hobbies I like but understands I like my space, likes to cook and clean, who has low standards and doesn't constantly chastise me to get a job because she works and makes enough money to support us both
It's not fair bros, why can't I have what I want? where is MY princess charming?
You can't remember something that didn't happen
>not getting the joke
Random pic of Agrippa, why?
It's not a joke it's a stupid fucking meme circulated by people who don't belong on Yea Forums.
>be chad
>lost virginity at 15
>go to college with literally thousands of slits who want me
>post on Yea Forums to feel better about my life
You eventually realize that you hate being alone and you'll end up settling for some single mom used goods that will unironically love you for everything that you are
Any girl who is a virgin that long has an extreme case of Chad lust... most girls will settle for a lesser Chad but she must have wanted a Supreme Tall White Rich Prince Chad and would not settle for anything less .
Stop trying to force your weird fantasy onto me.
kek, based basic rationality poster
>work with a late 50's year old journeyman who married & settled down with a woman that had children from a previous marriage
>never had any children of his own and "raised them as his own"
>calls his stepchildren's kids his "grandkids" and their kids his "great grandchildren"
>dont have the heart to tell him I really do not want to settle for a single mother/woman that already has kids since that's exactly what he did
>recently has been dropping hints that I should date his granddaughter (who is also a single mother)
I know I'm not exactly a catch and cant afford to be picky but I'd rather be/die alone than get with someone who's already been impregnated by Chad
I've never seen the video of hers(If it exists)but Budd Dwyers suicide is pretty chilling to watch. The way he calmly takes the gun out of the manilla envelope.
Women only love themselves and their children (or drugs.)
Take note how quick it is for them to bounce back from a breakup.
I married a single mom who made me “think” she loved me unconditionally... of course as long as those conditions were me being lovey dovey 24/7 and having dominating, passionate, long and varied sex two times a day (that shit is fine everything other day or so but incredible mind blowing sex two times a day with all the pressure on me gets arduous).
If I failed to fulfill any of her needs she was texting her ex as payback. The funny this is she blamed all her negative behaviors on bi-polar disorder but she acted just like every single girl ever
Women don’t love you for you just what you can bring to their life
I seriously hope it's not been the same posters having a therapy session in this thread for the last 4 and a half hours.
The 70s was a difficult decade, babyface
Don't tell women your problems.
user, Yea Forums WAS the better thing.
Cup size? BMI?
Do you think if social media and dating apps didn’t exist you would have no easy access to Chads and would instead settle for guys in your own attraction level?
i've lived my life
now that i'm old and retired it's time for shitposting here all through my twilight years
Getting a gf is a numbers game, i'm 100% sure none of you go out enough and do the effort of meting people
You know, being out there
The more people you meet the higher chances you have of meeting someone
And i'm saying this as a hopeless awkward NEET who spends 12h a day here
She's not going to fall on your doorstep
>And i'm saying this as a hopeless awkward NEET who spends 12h a day here
why would anyone consider what you're saying
I only post here at work. In fact 90% of my time at my job is shitposting here. Easy job but it pays well. I couldn't image posting here for free.
Out of choice or you're just unable to for whatever reason?
>She had her right ovary removed in an operation the year before, and had been told that if she did not become pregnant within two to three years, it was unlikely she would ever be able to conceive.
Fair enough reason to commit suicide in my opinion. Why even live if you can't have kids? Even if you manage to become a normie you still wont be able to have a fulfilling life
>not finding a man by age 28
>given three years to settle for one and get pregnant
>still kill yourself
I mean I give her props because she blew her brains out of live tv, but still.
Do you identify as being hideously ugly like that dude?
Her first boyfriend died in a car accident and she never met anyone decent after him. She lived a hard life
That was when she was a teen and they guy was in his fucking twenties. A decade to move on and get cummed inside.
>why would anyone consider what you're saying
because i could be a heroine junkie, and still say heroine is bad for you
the statement doesn't lose any logic because of my situation, got it brainlet?
so you're just not gonna try because someone got dealt really bad cards?
a low chance is better than 0%
What the fuck are you even on about, you spewed your numbers rhetoric and I responded. No man should have do that, in fact no man does.
Yea Forums is better then sex, incel.
Just asking a question. That was some other user who made the first post.
>guy approaches 500 women, more than you have and will ever even in 10 lifetimes
>becomes a pariah in his city
As I said no man should ever have to do this.
>no man should have to try
>no man does
you're really deluded if you think this
Well I'm not ugly, just horribly bullied both directly and indirectly. And thats caused me to basically be a complete failure.
Cold approaching 500 women are "trying" is different don't even pretend. And yeah, no one does that cold approach bullshit and you know it. Won't stop you from telling other anons so approach some random fucking woman I'm sure.
I was at a little get together last weekend and heard one girl saying to the other “you CANNOT try anything with him, he has a girlfriend”
>tfw only one at the get together with a gf so I knew they were talking about me
>the girl being scolded was a 6’1 amazon
Bros I just want a tall gf to take care of me like a pet
Assuming that history is true, you're focussing on a extreme case
This is not the usual experience someone has, and it reads like it's lacking lots of information.
It reads like a fucking twilight zone episode.
But assuming it's real, exceptions to every rule, remember?
I never once said to do the cold approach.
I said be out there, meet people, talk with them, take interest in their lives, normal human interaction.
You won't meet people staying at home, or just doing your same old routine for years and years.
You put it pretty nicely actually, the life of an incel is like an episode of the twilight zone to normalfags. Something unbelievable, bizarre and even horrifying. I love how everyone assumes none of us go outside either. We live just like you you know, we have jobs, go to college, I mean it doesn't really stop unemployed neet Chad from getting ass but hey, hes the exception to the rule.
You're here forever.
>dog in a dog hat
He cute
This is why we hate you normalfags.
How many people have tou met since we began the year?
How many girls have you asked out on a date since we began the year?
Do you have issues socializing?
If you do why don't you seek help for it?
Some people have to try harder than others, some people have to walk further to get what others get without much effort
And again, you've already many steps ahead of me if you have a job, or are studying
Bruh she looked like a 40 year old man.
painting this on a 10x20
I have a job, I meet new workers there sometimes. I've asked zero because I don't like them or they have boyrfriends, also I'm not a fuckign idiot and own't ask a coworker out since I have to see them almost every day. I have no issue socializing but I'm a special case since I have no friends, even still having them didn't help none. How about you? Do you talk to strangers often and introduce yourself? Do you ask women you barely know out on dates? Even better at the workplace, basically poisoning your relationship there.
>Some people have to try harder than others, some people have to walk further to get what others get without much effort
And therein lies the problem doesn't it?
Where’s the video
Either hidden in someone's tape collection, the depths of the (((darkweb))), or no recording of it had ever existed in the first place.
>How about you?
I barely go out, i'm a NEET
Been a NEET for 10 years, i would never ask a girl on a date because girls want guys with jobs with whom they can do things with, and i don't want to work
I talk to strangers sometimes, but i never bond with them, have had the same friends since i was a kid but there's less and less room for me in their life as years go by (gfs, jobs etc...) and i'm not complaining it's how things work
But i'm aware that if i had a "normal" life and put the effort on meeting girls i could probably pull it off. My best buddy met his gf through tinder, and they've been together for 3 years now. And prior to that he was a 23yo virgin.
Anyway that's an anecdote, but he still put lots of effort behind it before had the balls to do it.
I get what you're saying, i wouldn't date any coworkers, but i goes back to what i was saying if your routine isn't helping you to meet girls you have to find another way
It was uploaded to youtube maybe a year ago?
Probably already deleted, you might be able to find the link the archives.
It was a short low quality video
Okay then why are we having this discussion then? Only way a complete failure like me is ever getting laid is to pay for it, and I can't even do that.
>over a dozen year+ long relationships
Jesus man if you couldn’t get any of those to work out there’s either something seriously wrong with you or you’re snagging bottom-of-the-barrel psycho sluts
That was fake. The station owner’s widow has it under lock and key. vulture.com
Is this the video you're referring to?
Pretty sure the video was debunked by the person who worked closely at WXLT-TV. It was an elaborate act to fool the Internet public. It was well done though.
>Okay then why are we having this discussion then?
Because i still believe if you put the effort you can pull it off, while you don't because of some extreme case you read on /adv/ or /r9k/
Have you tried online dating?
Oh well, they got me good
Thought it was the real thing
>multiple videos of male news anchors and the like killing themselves publicly
>when its a woman it is verboten forever
Lol dude jesus I don't follow that green text like some code, I was just providing an example of why "putting yourself out there" is an empty platitude. I'm 25, its over for me man, I'm a virgin with no friends. Nothing short of a miracle will save me, and I'll continue to live the rest of my life being ostracized by my peers. Thank God I have a family who loves me because I might have gone postal by now.
Looks pretty legit.
same here
im not gonna fuck someone just to say ive done it, and i wasnt allowed to have any male friends or relationships with male relatives growing up, so social dysfunction I guess.
Nice one tranny. Everyone knows repressed girls go even more cock crazy than the average roastie.
I'm not repressed though. I'm not joking when I say I never had friendships with boys until I moved away and got my first job. It's less repression and more like being on the spectrum. I never learned to care about guys or how to act on it if I did care.
Nigga you're blind.
She Fugly
Ok then assuming you have a vagina then you're likely a primo Chad-chaser and won't settle for less. But even those let him rawdog them then get upset when he doesn't commit.
she was obsessed with some coworker news chad at her station and he said nah because he already had a serious thing going with another woman, I can't be fucked to find the details again because it's obscure but she basically went full elliot rodger "that feel when no 10/10" and refused to settle for anything less than her perfect ideal mate
Get off 4channel and get a job retard
i will be 31 this fall. i remember when this site launched
This is my biggest freakin' nightmare.
Hopefully I manage to escape by the time I'm 25.
a lot of women are frigid and abrasive. For her, it was just bad timing. Many of the late Boomer and Gen-Xers had it hard because it was post sexual revolution but pre-Internet. So, men -vastly- got the better end of the deal once the 70's rolled around and women still clung to traditional values. They expected SOME guy to come along and pick them but guys just didn't have to and sluttier women were still able to out-compete them. Women like her (frigid, but not particularly unattractive) were doomed when a generation prior, they would have ended up ok.
Later Gen-X bitches were a bit smarter and could adapt by being a bit more aggressive, and the Internet changed everything for Millennials but Chubbuck was going to be a wine aunt and she didn't want to be and by all accounts it really wasn't her fault. Sad story.
why even make a movie about this? there really isn’t anything special about her story. she was just a depressed woman who happened to kill herself on air which is the only notable thing about her. i know the movie probably sensationalises the whole thing
you were molested
It was filmed in a tight close up and in color.
Ultimate femcel
because violent female suicide is rare, her story involves the media so it's basically a huge vanity project / PR move for most of the people making it, and it allows them to explore "the dark side of the modern independent career woman" despite being set in the 70's.
>Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts' and in living color, you are going to see another first—an attempted suicide."
>She drew the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver and shot herself behind her right ear.
>Yea Forums boils it down to personality problems
>Smith 36
A lady of taste
what is it then you fucking retard
being suicidally depressed can absolutely be an un/maltreated "personality problem", strictly speaking
what’s your take on this then genius? was she possesed?
27 year old here. Fucked my wife’s Filipina pussy last night. Started with a massage, oiled her up real good, ate her ass, 69ed, and came in her tight Asian pussy doggy style. Imagine not being able to fuck any time you want.
>he fucks spics
how low can one get
T. Virgin
Next time leave that part out. Nobody is going to be jelly when you're fucking someone from the toilet of Asia.
>tfw 28 khv
my secret is i dont go outside and avoid social situations at all costs
This guy is too right. Flips are disgusting, nothing but savage island beaners.
Sorry you’re all virgins
I'm not, but I'd honestly rather be turned into an incel than be forced to have sex with someone from the toilet of Asia. It's fucking vomit-inducing to even think about it.
On the sexual ranking ladder, you fall below even the incels and people who pay for sex. And this isn't just my opinion. It's anyone who has a shred of standards when it comes to women.
but isn't that Cuddy from House?
good post, spot on
she wasn't even a boomer though, she was born in 1944
>tfw no punk rock listening, silent film watching, horror movie loving goth gf
Why live bro
I want a big titty goth gf
>looks legit
>fires gun, slowly lowers arm, then violently falls forward for some reason
yeah, 100 percent realistic
T. Jealous incel
it's possible she was sitting in a position where she slowly fell forward until she slipped the chair and hit her head hard going down
even if that is fake that had to fucking hurt
but her arm falling slowly then falling forward isn't necessarily proof it's fake although I do believe it is
Keep telling yourself that 98% of men on the planet are incels for thinking flips are absolutely fucking disgusting.
if you have any shred of selfawareness and common sense you won't end up like the dude in the pic. not to mention his story is either completely made up or greatly exaggerated
>"when he shows his ugly snout, get out!"
32 year old virgin here.
Doesn't work, the damage is done, your mind is warped beyond repair.
I can barely hold a job because my brain is broken and I can barely talk to people without dropping spaghetti, you think a relationship is ever in the cards for people like that?
The worst thing is knowing that you have literal decades in front of you where nothing will ever change.
27 year old virgin here
male of course
THAT'S a 29 year old? Fucking yikes
I was obsessed with getting laid in my early 20's especially to the point of it being a serious problem and full time compulsion. Now I've been monogamous for 7 years and hardly fuck my gf let alone even consider the hassle or effort required to go to a bar and fuck some slut in my car. I honestly just hate female companionship because it's so BORING and trite. I've dated every type and class of women and they are all uniquely exhausting with their bullshit. Currently dating a teacher for 4+yrs and it's mostly just convenient at this point. Also I don't trust anyone because I'm hilariously wealthy and it's impossible to hide due to my name.
Show some fucking respect.
Sex and jacking off are totally different things. This is why men who regularly have sex still jack off. Jackin' it is your own thing where you can vicariously live out your most depraved and degenerate fantasies via your imagination or pornography without ruining your good name. Some of my best orgasms have been while my gf is asleep and I run one out to the memory of some bitch I nailed when I was 17 lol
>the goy dunce cap
Any HKV women on Yea Forums wanna be my gf? Please??
>and it's impossible to hide due to my name
Igor or Grichka?
Accurate though. She was obsessed with a guy that was already in a serious relationship and she'd been diagnosed with some mental disorders already.
I went for about a 4 year dry spell in my 20s, and my only action before that could be counted on one hand.
I'm 37 now and married to a younger (30) woman for 9 years. We probably have sex 150 times a year, excluding the years we had our kids. We have good chemistry and are still super hot for each other. Finding the right person is everything.
remember, DONT be evil!
She looks like Tommy Wiseau in a wig.
Don't cry, man. It's not that important. There are other things in life.
A mestizo? No.