>This ain't no beer belly, woman - it's a gas tank for a SEX MACHINE
>This ain't no beer belly, woman - it's a gas tank for a SEX MACHINE
ah, but jonah, you do not fill a gas tank with food
I'm not Jonah and I have no affiliation with him
Reminder that there has never been a good Camilla rebuttal to him just shooting her in the head immediately
We got her though.
I forgot what it was, but a thread a month or two ago, we finally got her bros.
Have sex. With me, Jonah
>And then everyone clapped
was it
>What am I, your Pimp?
>Is that how you got your job?
or some other?
No it was something else. I will try looking, maybe I have a screengrab
>For our sake, you should renovate it into a gas chamber.
holy shit this one has layers and everything
back to the drawing board fellas
Who brought up your disgusting belly jonah? Though I agree. You're one of the few fags I know who'd benefit from AIDS
>nice try jonah but you are le fat
- french woman
>Does your boyfriend know about this fantasy of yours?
>I know you're fat as fuck
I guess I was so confident that other people would grab it and repost in every thread, but seems I was wrong.
I guess I need to dive in to the archive.
>I'd be the one filming, you'd be the fat fuck getting kicked out of our room
Yeah it was
>Uhh sorry Ornella but Leo doesn't hook up with chicks older than 25, let alone 35!
unironicaly the only good response i've seen
holy shit no anything but that
This is it. The holy grail.
No, it was this, I think
eh nice pun but this one is better imo since it's 100% true.