>Better than The VVitch
>better than Hereditary
>Better than A Dark Song
>barely ever mentioned on Yea Forums
why? it was incredible. One of the most satisfying kinos I've seen in the genre (which there aren't many in the 2010s)
watch it Yea Forums
Hagazussa: A Heathen's Curse
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>>Better than A Dark Song
not exactly setting the bar very high with that shithouse ending
Looks like a shitty film school movie
atheist detected
>Looks like a shitty film school movie
it's low budget, but really fucking good.
>barely ever mentioned on Yea Forums
Could be because it's a German movie that hasn't been released in the US
It's better than A Dark Song, but i'm not so sure if it's better than the other two. It's a lot weirder and i wouldn't watch it on LSD or shrooms, which is a good thing.
8/10 horror, one of the few movies i watched without tabbing out from time to time. Deserves more attention.
Sell it to me without spoiling it for me.
What's the hook?
just great imagery and atmosphere. girl living high in the alps with her mother, who gets weird visits at night and seems to be witch. mother dies, girl lives alone in cabin and grows up. only contact to the outside world is a woman from a village in the valley, who grows suspicious over her weird behaviour and other things, suspecting her to be pagan. she somehow gets pregnant after some weird visions and all kinds of weird shit happens. it's good, just watch it.
like i said, it's mainly all about the imagery and the atmosphere. which are top notch, it's really creepy.
>It's a lot weirder and i wouldn't watch it on LSD or shrooms, (and thats a good thing!)
now that i think about it, you could probably watch it without subtitles and still enjoy it. the little dialogue it has gives just a little context, but nothing a smart guy couldn't figure out without it, too
Stop talking about it, faggot. I haven't watched yet.
it was shit compared to this
alright, i'll watch it
fuck you and i'll fuck what ever you own and ruin it with my dirty seed.
This movie is so good that it's more than likely it'll turn up in some bad bait collage soon and fags will start calling it onions
can't decide whether or not to watch this now or wait until it hits theaters
nothing you have to go to theater for and pay. it's a good experience without it.
>A medieval, feminized Eraserhead
Just been watching the trailer again and apparently some magazine called it this. It's extremly fitting and maybe the best answer for Might be going to watch it again tonight, great kino
how does it take so long for 2017 movie to be released in the US? there's not much talking in it
>Looks like a shitty film school movie
lol, it literally is one
>A medieval, feminized Eraserhead
LOL. tell me, when does a Lady in the Radiator start singing and dancing in the film? when does the fucked up baby come in?
are you retarded? it's not about the content, it's about what the movie stands for and how it affects the viewer
>Go to watch it
>It's in german
>watching a horror movie with subtitles
Nah that wasn't as good.
It was pretty good but not as good.
Hard to be a god was better than November
There's almost no dialogue in it. See Also, I speak German and i had to use subtitles. They use the medieval version of mountain Bavarian, which is barely understandable even in the 21st century. I think it's supposed to be with subtitles.
there's almost zero dialogue user just watch it without the subtitles, the imagery tells what's going on more than what the character's say which is already very little
not going to spoil it for you, but it's closer to what you mentioned than you might think
what are you trying to convey
no idea why it's so fucking large, but it's legit