ITT: movies only you watched

ITT: movies only you watched

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never heard of this. sounds interesting.

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I didn't know there was a movie, I liked the manga

meet the applegates

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looking this up, I'm reminded of that arc in Yu-gi-oh GX, I know that's random but that's probably where they got the idea.

death to smoochie played all the time on TV, get the fuck out

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What a fucking weird attempt at dark comedy it was too, it really failed at being funny and instead is an uncomfortable, boring experience

I've never watched a single movie in my life

Hey, would you like to buy a monkey?

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nah it's a good movie.

Everyone on this board watched it when it came out, Empire of Dust threads were peak comfy.

Widely popular film, everyone and their mother know about Death to Smoochie.

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Watched it, great film, the suicide from the fatty was cliché bullshit, though.

huge load of melodramatic horseshit

It was a tad melodramtaic but I really like it. Self inserting for helping a cutie but trashy whore is comfy

yet no one ever talks about this and world's greatest dad among william's best comedy acting

>It's a rocketship!

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I actually watched this with my friend but he didnt like it

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When he fucks her and gets caught.
When she becomes a he.

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I love it 2

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