Are you excited for Dune starring young Timothee Chalamet?

Are you excited for Dune starring young Timothee Chalamet?

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I hope the homos who go to see this faggot get shot up in a theater.

literally who?

It’s literaly the same fucking guy who keeps posting him, same with the Ezra Miller fag and he Sophia Lili fag


Unironically will be kino.

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>Dune starring young Timothee Chalamet
>aka Paul Gets Blacked by Chaniqua

Meet Chaniqua

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absolutely yes

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>seething this hard

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I’m really exciting too, user! And it is directed by a respected auteur. I am hoping that this board doesn’t ruin Timmy the way it did Ryan Gosling though.

I just find him really cute desu

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Chalamet will be starring in direct to video shitshows by the time he's 30 I guarantee it. His acting is not bad but it's nowhere near the hype he's getting. He's young and extremely attractive, like 11/10, and that's about it

He’s been aging badly. Should have gone with someone younger like Finn Wolfhard

I see retarded faggots post this about literally every young actor nowadays
What is aging well to you? No one is going to look 18 forever. He's still cute and handsome just not as jailbait.

unlike those two whores, timmy is producing kino on yearly basis

by 30 he can retire with head held up high

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are those his balls?


Pretty sure they are whitey tighties desu

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My husbando is not a whore
Why are you so mean

>ywn kiss his legs

Seriously fuck you nigger

is he sniffing some cum rag?

>ywn get to tear off timmy's tighty whities with your teeth

why live?

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timmie is for tightly cuddle only tho

>the one man that can successfully pull off the unibrow

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No one pulls off the unibrow, that shit needs to be plucked

his sister is smokin

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It looks kinda cute on him.

I think he doesn’t bother with it because it makes him look more “manly” considering how boyish he normally looks.

this desu

I need to breed her