Why is right wing/reactionary humor so rare. There appear to be no conservative comedy movies, shows, or comedians

Why is right wing/reactionary humor so rare. There appear to be no conservative comedy movies, shows, or comedians.

>inb4 norm and bill burr

hating SJWs and feminism doesn't make one conservative

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Other urls found in this thread:


conservatives have never been funny

>lol let me give a nazi podcast a shoutout that will be great for my career in hollywood

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Literally all entertainment media and art released before 2008 is right-wing by current year standards

unironically this

Right wingers, in general, have less of a sense of humor

Hi Sam!

>finally gets picked up by cartoon network, has a real opportunity and the talent to boot
>blows it all for shitty memes and dogwhistling, gets him and his friends blacklisted
Why is sam so dumb


They just choose more immediately pragmatic career paths. Collectivists are obsessed with consensus forming and social engineering while individualists just do their best to advance their own position in the circumstances they find themselves in

Okay, this is epic

He, like many people, thought 2016 (Trump and Brexit) signaled a real change and wanted to get on the bandwagon early so as to make some money.

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cringe af

the left can't meme

the right can't into:

Thanks for supporting my point, retard. Conservatives are usually much more conscientious than left wingers, and conscientiousness doesn't tend to being funny.

seething incel

>dude sig heil lmao
>5k to stormfront, so what?
What a faggot. He killed MDE ;_:

what even is reactionary humour? like the LOTR memes about Gondor accepting orc migrants


Yeah if you aren't trying to be funny but instead you're trying to be a funny conservative chances are it won't be fucking funny

I don't think Sam knew what he was getting into until it was too late

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>i'm sam hyde and I dindu NUFFIN to get my show canceled
Jesus what a retard. Guy has no sense of subtlety or moderation whatsoever. I guess that's part of the humor behind MDE, but by simply not being an edgy political nigger 100% of the time he would be better off.

MDE doesn't come off as genuinely right wing

Because making jokes that offend tender assed zoomers will literally end your career and might land you in jail

I don't know if you know many artists man but they're fucking retards. I spent over a decade taking acid and following around bands, known plenty of art students and artists. Almost all of them are braindead fucking faggots beyond their creations. It was a brutal realization. I'm sure you or some other whiner is going to object. Socrates was right when he BTFO Ion.

>There appear to be no conservative comedy movies, shows, or comedians.
They dont typically plaster their political stance everywhere

>here i ignore the blatant, obvious, intentional, on-the-nose, dogwhistling

Their show was literally called White Power you retard lmao

Hey tranny

>le dogwhistling
enjoy your stay leddit

Stop using words the media taught you to repeat last year, robot.

It literally wasn't

early MDE wasn't right wing

Same started traveling down the 1488 path in 2015-16 and World Peace was clearly an alt-right show


WP= white power

their stupid logo had a 1 and an 8
part of 1488

the jews rock sketch had some nazi symbol in it as well

>don't that compress something lengthy to explain into a single word that everyone knows
Ok, retard, I'll be more specific. Pushing for a segment called "Jews Rule" is idiotic if you actually think for half a second what the consequences may be.

Right wing humor is not allowed because it typically involves making fun of the stupid shit leftists say think and do.

The consequences would be that people notice who is Jewish. Why are you opposed to that?

>it typically involves making fun of the poor and downtrodden

The intros and bumpers were literally the only good thing about the show

The consequence is that he gets his show pulled. Why are you so dense?

>he hasn't even found the actual swastikas
That's an infinty symbol.

This. Not restricted to conservatives though.

music was p good too desu, even if they didn't make it themselves. some of the sketches were pretty good. pure kino:

a LOT of the others were str8 garbage


Screeching about men, whites, nationalism, and reveling in pure retardation doesn't make you a comedian neither.

good boy
(pats you on head)

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"d-don't make fun of poor p-people"
"n-no, black comedians making fun of single moms and crackheads are different"

imagine being this new holy shit

How is your day going reddit

You don't have a username here bud. There is no reason to poorly attempt to "fit in". Sorry that you're so new this is genuinely your reaction to some ancient meme :(


Wow, pretty problematic to be honest

>That hiss and clipping on the audio
Fucking amateur hour

>ancient meme

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>do I fit in yet?

dude its from like probably the beginning of the website. If you're this desperate for (you)s just go start a WHO FUCKING LAUGHED thread holy fuck

Charls is the best part of MDE

>make a joke about a tranny

FACT: there would be no black stand up comedians if whites were allowed to say "nigger" in public.

but MDE wasnt funny, that was the problem. too esoteric, meta, artsy fartsy, just plain weird.

Dogwhistling is a meme and only Redditors, discord trannies, and Hollyweird believes in it. That’s why he got blacklisted.

he's a full on sociopath

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>Yea Forums was made in 03
>from the start of this site

Did you even watch World Piece? It's full of /pol/ memes.

hyde kino is KICKSTARTER TV. that shit is gold, pure and simple. but that doesnt translate into knowing how to do a tv show.

a good old show that should inspire MDE was THE KIDS IN THE HALL. based canadians. even the faggot of the group was a funny faggot.

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idk if you're trolling or not at this point kid but whatever it is go jack off or an hero respectively

anyone remember how Sam literally sucked that place's dick and when his sub got shoa'd all his little redditling zoomer faggots came here complaining

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Boring, get a new schtick

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>hyde kino is KICKSTARTER TV. that shit is gold, pure and simple.
it's also super lazy, h3h3 tier content

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I don’t like your post, fellow Redditors, so I’m going to have to give you a downvote.

Cause they’re mostly not funny. For every Sam Hyde you have 10,000 people that are about as funny as your average poster here.

Because they’re not funny. I can’t think of any conservative comedians that are funny outside of the guys in MDE and even they have only been going downhill from their peak around 5 years ago.

>hates this place
>literally cannot stop bitching about jt
>insists on coming here every day to "change the culture, girls!"
>makes no difference
post yfw ywn be this mentally diseased and pathetic

Hey fellow pedes! Anyone else interested in right-wing kino? Here's a right-wing themed theater performance! God Bless America and the 2nd Ammendment, amirite guys??


>the guys in MDE

how are they conservative?

I like how he went from being a socially liberal, libertarian cuck to jumping right on the Trump bandwagon when it seemed really convenient to. I dont think he really believes in most of that shit either deep down, he's definitely no Owen Benjamin.
Greed makes people do some funny things I guess.

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>There appear to be no conservative comedy movies, shows, or comedians.
Because the leftist Jews who run the media shut them down

I legitimately don't understand his mindset. Is it just because he is a racist? Literally everything about MDE and its aesthetic is at odds with the far-right. I don't understand your "greed" argument, seeing how it made him an outcast.

This. South Park pre-2010 is "altright" by modern standards.
When the entire industry tries to blacklist anyone mildly right wing, (South Park guys said they were hated and shunned for shitting on liberals) its not a shock there isn't much by them. Plus conservatives are more likely to do real things to help the world instead of wanting to be a celebrity.

Sam, like most incel-righers, believes in nothing. It's all about shitting on things and people he hates. Truly pathetic.

Someone needs to post Sam's old facebook posts to illustrate just how wrong you are

Most of this site is

I like how all the chapofaggots that used gargles Sam's balls immediately pretended to hate him after he did this at their gay "weird twitter standup show"

ITT: 3 Discord trannies samefag endlessly

MDE is already legendary, the deplatforming has only increased their stature further

Sam isn't an incel, why you projecting my man?

>Is it just because he is a racist?
being racist is part of his larp, Ive never seen him go on some sort of Owen Benjamin style rant against Jews/blacks/etc.
> I don't understand your "greed" argument, seeing how it made him an outcast.
Imagine wanting to be a comedian, and throwing everything at the wall to get your audience, and after almost 10 years the only thing that manages to stick is material that appeals to poltards. It's not like Sam had an alternate path available to him, otherwise he would have taken it.

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based AND redpilled

Used to gargle Sam's balls* whoops

this is what literal projection looks like
>some leftie talking about other being being nihilistic and only living to bitch
I'm honestly stunned. How can you even exist? You're really going to force us to kill you, aren't you?

>chapofaggots that used gargles Sam's balls immediately pretended to hate him

why can't /pol/cels into English?

"The furthest I ever strayed was with the anti-gay stand-up. I thought it would be cool to clear the room out but in doing so I said a lot of things I don't put any stock in, without any clear indicators for the audience… I think that was a mistake. " - archive.is/FCKJJ
Sam is a fraud

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How would you know? Are you the 14 year old he fucked?

If Tim and Brett Gelman didn't try and get his show cancelled, he would still have a show.
It had higher ratings than Tim's ironic bad Spy show

Used to gargle his balls* i fixed it for you
But doesn't make the point less true.
Sam was their hero, they bonded over his shit and he inspired them. Then he revealed he wasn't a faggot and they are still seething lol

Can someone give me the rundown on what's been going on with MDE since World Peace's cancellation?

Are they still doing skits? Will there be a comeback? Will World Peace get syndicated by another network?

What the fuck is HydeWars? Has Sam legitimately lost his mind or is he just LARPing for as an unhinged recluse?

>reddit spacing
>either ESL or melodramatic retard
what do you think coming here to whine accomplishes?

because most comedy is about irony/self deprecation and right ring people are very prideful and for whatever reason get mad as fuck when someone makes fun of them

>he fucked
You admit it, then

Right-wingers have to use the internet cause they don't have access to institutional power the way the enemy does

you just proved he's a pedo
check m8 lil guy

Sam - encyclopediadramatica.rs/Sam_Hyde
Nick is selling antiques/cars and sometimes gets paid by Sam for his paywall shit
Charls is a twitch streamer now and occasionally does stuff with Erick

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Yeah, except in reality liberals definitely get mad and try and cancel any show that makes fun of them.
There would be conservative comics, but libfags scream and shout until they lose work.

>comedy is about irony/self deprecation

only because (((they))) want it to be that way

Imagine being cursed to have to be one of these people every day of your life lmao

You said he was an incel, pedos aren't incels, why are liberals unable to get logic?
I win. Now back to twitter

Literally any episode of Gavin McInnes’ podcast or shows are more entertaining than every comic working today. Comedians are absolute faggots now.

>Literally any episode of Gavin McInnes’ podcast or shows are more entertaining than every comic working today.
sounds like you enjoy middle aged men sticking phallic objects in their bleached assholes

Imagine chopping off your dick and saying you're a woman lmao
Why do you support that?
>inb4 i-i'm liberal but I don't support that!!
Nope, you do, implicit support.

At least that was only one video, isn't homo shit like that the entirety of the liberal comedy these days? That or talking about how you were raped

>everyone here claiming Sam's dogwhistling got World Peace cancelled.

I'm pretty sure Charls Carroll had a lot to do with it. He was a lot more obvious with the "kill politicians". "no one died at Sandy Hook", "Austrian painter", and "Build the Wall" shit.

I'm on your side retard holy autism

Links to the latter 3?

it was performance art

you're too low IQ to appreciate the based Canadian Mick

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Sam was running the show. Charls and Nick were following orders.

Look at the OP

>the faggot of the group
Wait, you mean they weren’t all total faggots?

pretty sure Sam groomed Charls

Charles also does stuff with Andrew Ruse, director of WP

I'm a mod on stormfront and these guys are the shit

look at the OP dumb fuck

>Andrew Ruse, director of WP

World Peace?

rent free

Why does he write like some curryshit?

2019, I am forgotten

Only left-wing opinions are allowed on mainstream media which is why there isn't any good comedy on television. It's all just cheering on political jargon, and if you don't agree with the delusional jargon than it isn't amusing.

World Peace was one of the only funny shows on television and it got crusaded and cancelled and bullied and blacklisted for wrongthink. It wasn't an 'alt-right' show. There was no such thing as the alt-right - it was just another cooked up mass delusion fed by the media as an umbrella term for "anything we don't like" - and then embarrassing morons decided to willfully take up the moniker. The show wasn't even political except one or two skits like how to make tapwater or throw away hate cups.

Sam has no ideology. Neither do most of the alt-right. It’s not so much that they have these deep-rooted beliefs as much as it is they feel ostracized by normie society and in order to combat their insecurities they shitpost online a bunch of shit they’re too cowardly to do in person.

The OP wasn't in the show, it was part of the bumpers that were rejected

Sam is purposefully ambiguous because he listens to what a book called The 48 Laws of Power (written by a huge kike) tell him to. It has also turned him into a sociopath.

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just one of them. the tradition to dress like woman is old and its good, you know why? because women aint funny.

the closest thing to a CAST of funny woman is a few seasons of SNL and MAD TV, but today is impossible to make humor with a nanette around talking about the gaping hole of her raped vagina and soul.

and dave foley was KINO on the KINO and underrated NEWSRADIO.

it was fun, thats the important. he could do some kind of right wing weekend update kind of show, maybe, with some writers to help.

in a fair world 4channers would make money just shitposting scripts, you cannot watch any comedy on mainstream thats better than the stupid shit you read here.

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>Sam is purposefully ambiguous because he listens to what a book called The 48 Laws of Power (written by a huge kike) tell him to.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>dave foley was KINO on the KINO and underrated NEWSRADIO

he was like Jerry on Seinfeld but even less funny and likable

>they’re too cowardly to do in person


Yup. That's where the saying 'the right can't meme' came from... oh wait.

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feel bad for you, user, NEWSRADIO had a range of comedy that is still amazing. every member of the cast had its moment to shine and none of them was bad, not even matthew.

the most surprising aspect of NEWSRADIO is that the most famous guy of the cast is fucking JOE ROGAN. it really make me wonder about parallel realities.

stephen rooth, the dude who play mr. james is also fucking great at anything he does, great actor, always doing some coen bros here and there.

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that guy was either part of a Mossad op or a genuine believer. Sam and co. are clearly fakers however.

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Nice reverse shilling, Sam.

>wow their acting in this one cherrypicked Vice video is so bad let’s shit on the Constitution now!

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He's aged horrible. I think the rumors about him being part Jew are true.

over two years out from the election none of the alt right humor or memes have aged well at all. It's legitimately cringey shit.



go take your meds, Sam

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they've been dead for over two years

lmao when did that happen

>In recent weeks Alex Jones and his conspiracy theory site Infowars were kicked off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. Million Dollar Extreme's YouTube and Instagram pages were removed earlier this year, and Hyde's personal Twitter account was suspended in 2017 (although he appears to be tweeting from a new account).

>BuzzFeed News emailed Hyde asking for comment about the social media bans. He responded with a racial slur.
based sam hyde


>their stupid logo had a 1 and an 8
part of 1488
No, you retard. The symbol was taken from the journal of James Holmes, the guy who shot up a movie theatre in Colorado and killed 12 people. Sam joked about being friends with Holmes during his talk at Rutgers back in 2015.

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James was a notorious neo nazi.

Thank you for defending those poor, helpless niggers!

He's obviously making himself look ugly on purpose as part of his shtick.
It's that multi-layered tone of simultaneous irony and sincerity that's too steeped in subtext and inside jokes to explain to people if they don't 'get it'. It's no wonder that some faggots butthurt that people are expressing unauthorized opinions would be able to easily misrepresent and paint the show and MDE negatively.

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Sam isn't tho, he just implies he is to rake in pol bucks.

poorly educated post

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This. They should have just kept their heads down and not criticized jews at all. Then they'd rich and famous and we'd have more MDE kino.

>you have to have a high IQ to understand MDE's humor
It's obvious now that Sam's fanbase is made up entirely of underage redditors

Meanwhile the left has memed transexual 9 year olds into reality.

No he wasn’t.

>I can't engage with content containing more nuance than my predigested late night talk shows or neutered, boring twitch/youtube channels
You're embarrassing.

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No memes age well. Look at all the cat memes that seem cringe by today's standard, but they originated from Yea Forums and were the shit at the time. That's why you always view memes in the context of the time period they were created. Only memes that strike a resonance with the immediate culture are funny, then the culture shifts and they die. The only funny memes created right now are still coming from the right, while the left fails miserably. If you want to disprove me, show me a funny left wing meme. Right now. Go ahead, post it.

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Modern conservative "humor" appears to be grounded in cruelty.

God I miss William F. Buckley.

The funniest jokes are always about race, religion and sexual stereotypes, imagine if a comedian would joke about those in this day

you're a retard and you need to stop repeating things other people have said to you when they make no sense

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>peepeepoopoo sex dicks xD
typical lefty jokes, cringe.

>defending charlie cuck


why does the reddit element insist on coming here?

do they really believe theyre going to change anyones political views on an anonymous vietnamese bamboo carving webzone?

your gay ops arent convincing anyone and your forced opinions clumsily clash against this board's traditional zietgiest

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True, Im not convinced Sam's worldview is particularly healthy. I might be more convinced if he actually believed the stuff he was insinuating, but no one likes a hypocrite.

I don't know who that guy is dude. The image is retarded. This is pathetic for you to act like this and pretend its not retarded because "literally who bad". What the fuck is wrong with you people?


nice try schlomo, but redditors trying to hide by accusing others of being redditors fool no one

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what are you talking about, schizo

dont you ever reply to my posts ever again fucker

I really pity you, I can't imagine being this pathetic.

MDE is literal Tumblr edgethot core these days. Sam's classic vids are kino though.

Do you understand that just because all the people are named "Anonymous" doesn't actually mean it's the same person making all the posts? Do you think the guy in your picture is the hacker "Yea Forums"?

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>lol kill all the fags and jews ahaha but jk isnt that funny? but really tho what if? lol nah have you guys heard of stormfront?
theres no such thing as right wing humor, just bitching and "ironic" propaganda efforts

imagine being so out of touch you go around bitching about a defunct literally boomer website from 15+ years ago lmao is this some kind of literal, actual reverse psychology shilling? Get out of here nazi

Was this thread supposed to convince somebody of its premise?

Making fun of leftists is NOT FUNNY and is punishable by death. Now go take a look at your social credit score, you state-mandated LOSER.

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Wait until the DPRK hears of this!

Sam pls go

Suck my fat jewdick.


I just moved to New York give me a minute to get settled

Nothing more needs to be said. Happy World Daddy and Theater of the Aire is fucking amazing.