kino cooking scenes.
Kino cooking scenes
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Jesus Christ, Scorsese. It's just garlic.
I always get hungry when I watch a Italian mafia film or series. Like I have to get me a big plate of the spaghetti when I watch The Godfather or Sopranos.
Holy shit, that's a long scene
christ it'll be midnight by the time they finish the sauce!
>onions in marinara sauce
Fucking GARBAGE.
inb4 jack
>sweat and blood
Don't put too many onions in the sauce!
here's a quarter. how about you take a bus down town and get a rat to gnaw that thing off your face
in before grilled_cheese.webm
Picky eaters over the age of 13 should be gassed
the sex scene before Buck breaks in with a drill made me so horny as a kid
Ya don't put ice cream in marinara sauce, either. Recipes exist for a reason.
it was three SMALL onions with two BIG cans
i have posted this webum on every board in every type of thread and it never fails to completly derail the discussion
Nothing special about this scene.
>Marinara (English: "mariner's") sauce is a tomato sauce, usually made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and onions.[1][2]
Caring about food further than nutrition is peak faggotry
>What's the torch for?
The Marie's Homemade Italian Cuisine pasta scene was kino
Just Gah-lick. It's neva just Gah-lick!
no, what are you-
ayo what the fuck
>not even the best mads mikkelsen cannibal cooking kino
Why the fuck did it get cancelled dammit.
>tfw have yet to watch season 3 because I dont want it to end
Reminds of that episode of Flavor of Love where they have to make fried chicken and the one chicken tries to microwave a whole chicken.
omelette with liver? looks hideous
I think on /ck/ I saw a bunch of versions of webms of this show but with the filter removed.
Made the show look like a really nice HQ cooking show.
I remember that movie it's the sauce
correct me if i'm wrong but white wine doesn't have enough alcohol to light it
YouTube Kino
Unfortunately they are talking about the Great Depression, and this lady is dead now, but the channel is still comfy
it's a different pan
Imagine being a chicken, knowing your corpse is going to be violated so ruthlessly and numerous objects will be stuck up your arse
This is from the woman /ck/ chased off youtube right?
liver is gross
Yeah, it always gets reuploaded. I can't find the meatball one anymore though.
Pic unrelated to link
Absolute kino.
ayy lmao
Liver and Onions was the most kino Doug dish of all. More so than even a Honker Burger.
>Tyler Capps
I cannot believe this insufferable dick head has managed to become an eceleb based on this fucking shit
Is it weird that my favourite part of this show is the cuts to Mads cooking obviously human meat?
man what the fuck. Are they memeing? Will they eat the chicken?
sushi with grandma also
Actual GOAT coming through
my dick got hard and I got hungry
the dinner scene is the thing
my dick got hard
and I got hungry
fucking noodles never looked so good
>small brain southern Italians putting sugar in their sauces instead of using the natural sweetness of onion.
doing it all wrong, you sautee the fucking onions in butter same with the garlic. geez who deep fries their onions anyways
work with pinot grigio all the time, it just sizzles.
Meal fit for a kang.
good post
>not using both onions and a pinch of sugar
found the amerilard
Do not shit on southerners, the time i spent in the south were the best, most delicious moments of my fucking life
I will cut you
Shit yea. My wife and I used to make homemade pizza every Friday when we got the next Netflix DVD of Sopranos in the mail. This was back in 2008. Good times. We tried watching SOA when it aired but it got boring as fuck after a while. At least Sopranos always had something interesting going on.
You don't understand what a treat that meal would be in prison. That's eating better than the staff.
that's the thing though american Italians come from the south and put a ton of sugar in their sauces. Half of the reason why I never add sugar in my sauces anymore cause they just become sickeningly sweet, and it's bad for you.
pretty sure sugars account for more weight gain than butter friend, but you can sub out olive oil. The butter is there cause onions take a while to saute on medium to low heat, plus it makes it taste really good.
Yeah fatass, it makes it taste like butter, you love putting butter in all your shit because you love butter, there is no secret to it.
I put lemon whenever I'm cooking in most of my meals because it adds a nice hint of lemon, but I don't go around telling people how they should cook their shit.
well I mean its just a recommendation, like I said you can sub out for olive oil if you're that worried about butter. Certainly my meal is going to be much healthier than any processed food with a lot of sugar mixed in.
This entire channel is cooking kino.
>tfw no qt trad Chinese waifu to cook you traditional dishes
The original is better
you're also quite wrong, the way i saute the onions really brings out the onion flavor and its very sweet by itself. I don't even taste the butter