Disney released this negro movie at the height of the recession because they knew it would be unpopular to justify...

Disney released this negro movie at the height of the recession because they knew it would be unpopular to justify closing their costly traditional animation department.

This movie killed traditional animation.

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she's kinda cute or whatever

Fuck you, I still liked it.

No, treasure planet did. This was just the final nail in the coffin

It also just wasn't a very good movie, they knew it wouldn't do well so they barely tried

Nah, this did fine, then they released Winnie The Pooh on the same weekend as Harry Potter Deathly Hallows 2 and took it bombing as a sign that no one wanted 2D animation.

No pretty sure this did

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Didn't think it was that bad, desu.

Makes me sad to know that today, the white bitch and her dad would've been turned into fully-fledged side-villains instead of a spoiled and naive but inherently good people.

That movie was fun though

Yeah it’s pretty sad literally no one makes 2d animation movies anymore

It wasn't a bad movie. But it also can never please the left because they will debate forever if having a black princess from the south in the 30s is racist or progressive.

It was pretty good though. Dr Facilier was great

Attached: facilier.jpg (1600x900, 225K)

The princes and the frog? More like The Nig Nog and the Frog!

it was a very bad movie

Rather, competition between Treasure Planet and Titan AE, coupled with the emerging technology killed 2D

I wish le /pol/boogeyman fags knew how bad Yea Forums roasted niggers when this movie came out but of course none of them have actually been here that long

except it did well.

kys boomer

>Budget: $105 million
>Box office: $267–$271 million

Maybe it made its production and marketing money back, but that's hardly a success. There's also considerations like did it drive any toy sales? Probably not.

It's great how people who were 11 and 12 in 2009 like to pretend Yea Forums was just like le funny memes from 9gag and totally not an extremely hateful edgy place

Home on the Range flopping plus the monstrous success of Shrek and Finding Nemo killed traditional animation.

Yeah but dude reddit told me that old Yea Forums was just full of pedophiles, serial killers, hoarders, and actual hackers. Could any of those people actually be racist? Come on.


Princess and the Frog was them bringing back 2D because everyone hated their 3D films. Then Tangled happened and they realised the format didn't matter, they just needed to actually make good films