2019... they still remember

2019... they still remember

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Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like your average zoomer retard


*Hurt by Nine Inch Nails slowly fades in*

Are surge protectors important? Unless I have 3+ items I just plug them into the wall

wasnt this the first question?

*All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere...*

>A random millennial in 2006 looks like a random zoomer in 2019
>Natural selection didn't slam the brakes and radically overhaul human phenotypes between 1988 and 2005

unless your house gets struck by lightning they're completely worthless

el papá de los helados...

why take the risk

cos I'm feelin' lucky

>Hurt by NIN
>Posts lyrics from Mad World by Tears for Fears

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Imagine the freakout he had in his car after he left the studio.

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No, most power companies don't provide "clean power" I wouldn't risk it if a sudden Inrush Current hits your house and fries your shit. Hence them being called surge protectors.

Dude said he stayed up all night and downed a dozen energy drinks. That probably fucked with his basic logic and reason.

This, I knew a guy who's house got stuck and it melted the cables and everything had to be replaced, cost thousands to rewire the house back together.

yeah naw
retards in ohio can cause a massive blackout for a huge region. of course they can spike the lines

What kind of dumb question is that? Is that some American thing?

stupid question
even stupider answer

>that little speech he gives at the start
This is gold
But the question really was fucking retarded. Might as well ask about zoomer memes

fuck me, that was painful

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Dumb fucking question. It implies a level of baseline cultural knowledge not normal trivia knowledge.

If you don't live in an area that's prone to floodings or tsunamis they're useless.

Ok What? Nigger

>tfw too smart to know the right answer to a peasant question

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I would've gotten that wrong as well. WTF is a meatball break?

>but too stupid not to notice that one of the answers is not like the others


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kek i'm american and this one is so obvious. the context clues were in his face

>They don't know about IKEA's glorious meatballs

I figured Ikea, but I thought D was always the joke answer for the first question. When did they change that?

It's fucking obvious tho. They sell kitchens in Ikea and their meatballs are famous. What would they have to do with any other answer.
It's a fucking cancerous question but it was pretty fucking obvious.

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Will anyone ever win the Million again, lads?

Ikea is not widespread in my country. Did perfidious swede become so entrenched in burgerland?

It doesn't have to be, the whole root of the question is knowing the IKEA serves meatballs, which they're pretty famous for

I don't know that as I had visited it maybe once. Do they serve food as well? When I visited it was mostly furniture.


laughable he didn't know this. I was 13 at the time and knew what the fuck something with 'bit', 'mega' or 'nano' had in its fucking name

>meatballs are famous

Fucking where?

The whole concept of Ikea is that you spend your whole day there going through each section and then have lunch.

IKEA meatballs are world class what a fucking moron.

That sounds like a first round question. He probably lost 100 bucks.

>sweden is known for meatballs
>ikea is swedish

>arguing you didn't know about ikea
quite obvious Im speaking to a flyover scum american

The wojak represented the gameshow contestant who gave his little nerdspirational speech about how it's okay to be smart right before blowing a painfully obvious question. It's how I imagine he thinks of himself.

>spend your whole day there going through each section
What's the fucking point, go in, buy shit you need/want and leave.

it's in their fucking wikipedia page
do you people live under a rock?

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the question isn't about reading buzzfeed its about knowing the cultural significance of ikea and the memes about it.

>do you people live under a rock?
worse; mid west america

What the fuck sort of question is this? How the fuck am I supposed to know what some cunt from buzzfeed is taking selfies for?

>american gameshow questions


read the question

Just because you faggots saw it on Reddit's front page doesn't mean it's common knowledge in the real world.

Kill yourselves

I only visited an IKEA once, and I didn't eat lunch there. Are the swedes going to sick the UN dogs on me now?

Well they have set up dozens of different rooms with different deco. Then your mom and and her friends talk about them for 15min each while you stand there wanting to kill yourself.
But if you are an adult and go there by yourself, then its like you just said.

which state do you live in?

>He can't use basic reading comprehension to determine that Buzzfeed doesn't matter in answering the question

This poor man got the worst question anyone could've been asked

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>Then your mom and and her friends
Ahh, so it's sort of targeted towards women. Makes sense.

All I know about IKEA is furniture. Never heard about meatballs being associated with them until this very thread.

>I'm ignorant and bitter so I tell everyone to killthemselves
A bloo bloo

>going to Rome to buy a kitchen

t. small town loser

.t does not understand how electricity is supplied.

Not a coastal liberal cock-guzzling faggot. Can't wait for the sea level to rise and drown all of you.

>swedecucks pretending they're not irrelevant

which state?

Wrong, it's about remembering this show has advertisers.

So the meatball thing is some normie meme?

They have pretty good selection of kitchen and household utensils that a man can appreciate. But the furniture section is mostly for women and gay dudes.

What I want to know is who can't afford an ikea kitchen?
Isn't ikea supposed to be bottom of the barrel cheap? Am I missing something about ikea kitchens specifically?

nigger ikea has been around for 40 years

Don't plug your Xbox One into a surge protector because it already has one in the power brick. If you do, it is stunting the Xbox's performance.

By that logic the answer to the pic in the OP is Buyers remorse.

dumb cunt.

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And they don't have stores everywhere. The meatball thing would throw off anyone that had never been to one.

Are you people morons or something ? It's obvious that in the context of the question, Ikea would be the answer since the other 3 are basically interchangable

kitchens,meatballs,ikea, it all adds up.

>He's incapable of using basic logic

paid advertising by ikea and buzzfeed

Who wants to be a millionare is literally all ads in america, here are some recent examples:

>who first discovered the recipe for peanut butter, and is therefore responsible for your morning Jif on toast?
>which company invented the blu-ray disc format?
>what is the key spice ingredient in McCormick's taco seasoning?

more egregiously, they've started doing things like

>according to buzzfeed, what is the most anticipated video game of this year going to be?

That is basic logic. Buyers remorse is the answer unlike the others and guess what, it was not the correct choice.

haven't seen a youtube video trigger americans THIS much in a long while

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No, being deliberately dense is not basic logic, though I'm not surprised your pea brain thinks that way
Get help

If you can't handle being consistent with your logic then why post? You're going to continue to be called out by other people in the future.

>according to buzzfeed,
Fucking abhorrent.

>insult americans for being dumb
>they start to argue that a retardedly obvious question is extreme difficult to make sure I know that they're actually not dumb

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God this kills me everytime I see it

it was obviously rome the showrunners just cheated and changed the answer

Uh I've never been to Ikea, in fact we don't even have an warehouse in my town or anywhere near it, do they actually have meatballs in the kitchen sets? Because i was morning thinking along the lines of people staying in expensive touristy places in Italy cause meatballs and pasta, etc.

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There's literally nothing logically inconsistent about saying that being deliberately dense is not basic logic
Also I'm not but I can see how your pea brain might not have figured that out

>yurocuck too afraid to directly reply to anyone

when you go to an expensive hotel you dont buy the kitchen.

why are there meatballs in Ikea kitchen sets? you won't they go rotten? Why is a furniture store selling ground meat?

Americans dont know what a kitchen is they just order food when theyre hungry

what the fuck is that question

is this really how women and soibois shop?

Under the basis that this question was simple and easy to understand than it's not being deliberately dense. With both having obvious answers, both having 1 answer that stick out from the others, and 3 answers that are similar in nature there becomes a logical disconnect. It's very easy to understand. That deliberately dense thing you keep repeating though, it's becoming ironic.

why the fuck would you be on the Ikea wiki page?

Except that combination works with rome too, meatballs are most famously in spaghetti, and Italy is known for its food, and european cities for tiny ass houses that'll cost you a right nut to actually own.
You can buy an ikea kitchen for fucking nothing.

Who the fuck owns an Xbox One though?

It didn't say that though. It said taking selfies in a kitchen you can't afford. That could be an airbnb reference

>shopping for kitchens and eating meatballs in either Paris, London, Rome, or Ikea
>Americans itt DONT know the answer

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I do but I never use it anymore.

In America IKEA is known for shitty flatpack furniture. Most wouldn't even know IKEA sold kitchen sets unless they've actually been to one.

It kills New Zealanders too

No, but if you're staying in fancy place it likely has a kitchen you could never afford, thus millenials snap selfies of it.

I'm sorry that you're incapable of using basic context to figure out when to use what strategies to answer a question, but there's no need to be all autistic about it here, seriously

that was a shitty question, but he shouldn't have overthought the $400 question. rome is too obscure and ignores the furniture mentioned.

>shopping for kitchens

not the actual wording used

>snapping selfies in kitchens

It never says shopping you retard, they could be renting a place they can't afford to buy.

by the way you dont eat meatballs in fucking Rome either.

why not?

Fucking meatball police here.

Are you actually fucking retarded?
They sell the meatballs in the food court section, not in their kitchen sets. Where did you get to that?

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There was a dude once who used all three lifelines on the first question and still got it wrong. It was something about what animals did Hannibal use to cross the alps.

Interestingly enough, I feel like that's a tidbit that was way more well-known 20 years ago when that episode aired.

Why the fuck would I be on IKEA's wiki?

its not famous for it whatsoever
not even at the hard rock cafe

I went to Rome and had a meatball pizza there and Assis. Stfu lying nigger.

>has never once been to an IKEA
>lectures people who have been to an IKEA on the significance of the meatballs as if he knows all

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I've literally eaten a meatball in Rome, am I on a list somewhere?

>I went to Rome
as did I. you must have gone to an american restaurant there

it's not about being on the wiki page you stupid cunts, the point is that the fucking Ikea meatballs are so famous that they made the wiki page.
it's an illustration of how famous they are

are you people retarded? really, are you people actually thinking before posting

fucking kys, all of you

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I've never been in the fucking store you cock gargling butt burglar.

Why is there a food court in a furniture store? Are Euros trying to fleece the shekels of amerisharts?

how does that make rome known for meatballs which is obviously a requirement to how the question phrased? you can go to mcdonald's in rome too, it literally doesn't mean anything in this context

Smoking dozens of Italian sausages doesn't make you a roman expert.

I've had two separate hard drives fail because of power outage. Got a surge protector and haven't had one die since.


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because they're big, they're mall big, with different sections, you poor fuck

Well I also can't name all the jenner sisters...

So after removing half the answers, his friend didnt know shit and obviously the audience gave an even split after that, he fucked it up?
Was it elephants?

>this lack of reading comprehension
He's saying it's not commonly known fact about the store, since many people don't live near one and the only predominant meme related to IKEA is that the furniture is a pain in the ass to put together.

pasta and meatballs go together like italy and pasta

This, whenever I'm answering multiple choice usually the answer that sticks out the most is the right one.

for you, perhaps.
in Rome at least its pasta and cheese.

>from the generation that grew up with OG Pokémon
>doesn't make the connection between Lt. Surge and electricity

>DOESN'T shop at Ikea
>IS a poor fuck

what the fuck. Ikea's cheap prices are more well known than they're meatballs.

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>this lack of reading comprehension
I'm saying it is a commonly known fact about the store, since anyone who has ever been to one knows about the glorious meatballs and you shitheads who get your world news from whether or not they have memes about them are a pain in the ass to share a planet with.

>baseline cultural knowledge
>not somehow trivia
Idiot. Trivia covers ALL subjects.

Seems kind of unfair, though, only because I lived in an area that had no Ikea until 2012, so I honestly had no fucking clue about their meatballs. Additionally, I haven't watched this show in literal decades, but wasn't the usual format of the first question to have the last option be a gag answer? The fact that it's 3 countries and "Ikea" is dastardly misleading for someone who doesn't actually know shit about Ikea, but might be a fan of the show. Just saying.

>I'm saying it is a commonly known fact about the store
Clearly not.
>since anyone who has ever been to one knows about the glorious meatballs
I've been to one and this very thread is the first time I've heard anything about meatballs. What about people that don't live near an IKEA? How the hell would they know about it?

>misleading for someone who doesn't actually know shit about Ikea
The dude literally says that he thinks that they serve meatballs in Ikea.

>Seems kind of unfair
yeah definitely, however its probably best to be aware of popular culture when going on a gameshow


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You can actually pinpoint the second his heart rips in half

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>Everyone trying to justify this shitty question pretending "meatball break" is a common term
With that said, brb guise it's my hourly meatball break and selfie.

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what kind of bizzaro world do we live in where ikea has anything to do with fucking meatballs?

the question is shitty sure, but ikea's meatballs are very very very really famous actually

Holy shit, I feel so bad for him. What kind of a retard meme question was that? Holy fuck.

You stupid little nigger faggot, nobody gives a shit about ikea meatballs, the only thing anyone ever gave a shit about Ikea for was their furniture you flaming turd-burgling fag-sucker, jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with this planet, please god nuke us with a space rock.

What is this from? I don't get the reference.

>it is a commonly known fact about the store
It's really no unless you've been to one a lot. Hell, even I didn't know after the first few times because I never fucking went to the commissary. What kind of fatass goes to a furniture store to fucking eat?

Yeah. I can't recall which order he used them in, but the audience still overwhelmingly guessed "elephants". He called his dumbass friend last and he was sure it was something else, so he listened to him and not the audience.

I agree. I used to run a fucking trivia game at a radio station, and it's hard as fuck to try and keep questions interesting while gauging what's "fair" to ask. You always run into one guy who thinks the questions are bullshit.

country roads

Ikea has a whole section for food, unless that's not a thing if your shithole
And the most famoust item is their meatballs, the potato and brokoli cakes are pretty good too

>eating a meal in an Ikea food court

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ikea has good ice cream cones too

are you guys saying spaghetti and meatballs is an Italian-american thing and Swedish meatballs are more famous worldwide?

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this is some straight rebbit tier shit. Honestly, the only place I've read online that raves about ikea and their meatballs they sell at their food court is on rebbit. hurr le epic meatballs at ikea for $5 XDXD. Dick move to ask someone that if they dont browse rebbit or dont have an ikea near them, hell even if you go to ikea you might have never visited their food court. Nigga was too busy in medschool keep up with rebbit memes. Unlucky.

quads of truth, had a hard drive burn up on me because of a power surge, been using a surge protector ever since.

>spaghetti and meatballs is an american thing
100% yes.

What the fuck's an Ikea? I know what Home Depot is.

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today, they make the 1st question retardedly easy. The choices would be Ikea, the moon, the sun, home of the whopper

ikeas hotdogs and meatballs are actually really good

this is the greatest thread on Yea Forums in years

based autism

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apparently ikea sells food now

they always have

i thought they sold furniture

So has Walmart.

>>youtube.com/watch?v=LssgdtgJxA4 [
>>baseline cultural knowledge is being obsessed with megacorporate culture
>all this cope ITT

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Walmart sells tendies that are pretty good.

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I remember visiting Walmart as a child when going to America. I thought it was cool they had a Mcdonalds in there.
Now I feel completely different

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the skinny boy looks hot

I prefer the girl in the yellow shirt.


What fucking walmart is this?


and Swedish food

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golan heights walmart

lmfao nerd got utterly btfo by his own autism

In English, doc

That's not how electricity works.

To be fair there are large parts of the country that don't have ikeas.
For example I'm in Oklahoma and I've never stepped foot into one.

Actually, looking at it. There are a bunch of states with no Ikea. I always assumed it was just a cheap furniture store. I had no clue they sold food too.

Electricity is chaotic. We've harnessed its power and still don't have it under complete control. It's one of the reasons data ends up getting lost in devices and things burn out quick. If you've ever seen your lights dim a little for a second, you've seen an itty bitty surge. Brand new wiring is less likely to do this but still nowhere near perfect. A surge protector helps combat small surges from ruining a device or corrupting drive data. Even better, a surge protector battery can tank a power outage. Nothing tanks the sheer amount of volts in a direct hit from lightning, that's how shit melts. If your device lives through lightning it was luck. Surge protectors are great for literally anyone that uses electronic devices.

holy fuck americans take selfies in fucking kitchens of ikea? why in a fucking kitchen of all places? if you niggers dont know even how to cook? goddamn clappers

famous were? goddamit you fatsos made ikea sell food?

Hahahaha seething flyover holy shit

>TIL europoors don’t have IKEA

Just kill yourselves already.


>are very very very really
that's the dumbest thing I've read this week, congrtaz, retard.

Swede here, giggling at your ineptitude.

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That was a tree branch on a line, casing a cascade, faggot

>All these Brainlets replying saying they didn't know.

Come on, milennials, selfies, meatballs, kitchens. The answer is right there. All you have to know is Ikea sells meatballs and kitchens

Even I know about Ikea's meatballs and I am mexican

Only inept retards are your boomers pressing the wrong vote buttons.

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congrtaz to you too

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I don't have an Ikea anywhere near me and I knew they had meatballs.

Nerds ITT are just salty they would have been eliminated

>all these SEETHING amerimutts who don't know about IKEA
It's a cheap furniture store that has a food court for the sole reason of keeping prospective customers fed, because of the many eccentric notions of its' founder.

i go to ikea every month to get meatballs

>It's a cheap furniture store
And yet the hint was not being able to afford it.

Wait isnt D always the throwaway answer on millionaire for the first question or did that change?

He probably thought they were joking because its the odd answer out and in rome they do eat meatballs with their spaghetti, plus they have a shitload of expensive restaurants with nice kitchens. It's a bullshit fucking question.

>also a hairlet


No, pretty much anyone who doesn't live in Philadelphia, New York, LA, or San Francisco are salty that it's a retarded zoomer question that doesn't apply to the broader social context of the world, especially for the first question. It should've been a 3rd or 4th level question, with more difficult wording and choices.

I would've simply used a life-line.

Ikea wasn't built in a day

>in rome they do eat meatballs with their spaghetti
no they dont.
Americans visiting Rome might though

He talked himself out of an obvious answer with his autism logic. It’s hilarious that so many people itt are coming to his defense.


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thats a fucking bullshit question and you know it

Wtf are you talking about you dumb country bumpkin? You can find an IKEA in practically any large suburban area that has large shopping plazas.

name a piece of trivia that is not somehow connected to cultural knowledge you fucking dummy

on point

I live in bumfuck nowhere, Idaho. I have never been to New York, Philadelphia, San Fransisco and the only time I went to LA was a connecting flight to Hawaii. I have never been to IKEA and nobody I talk to on a regular basis has been to one.
I knew they served meatballs.

Nearest one to me is 40 minutes away, and I doubt they have anything that a Home Depot doesn't.

Just use your logic. The only answers don't fit at all. Italian kitchens? Come on now.

Ikea being a department store that serves meatballs in common knowledge

where do i find an ikea ive never seen one and i've been in every single state in the US

It's only obvious if you're a millennial faggot who reads buzzfeed and shops for shitty cardboard furniture at ikea. I've never been in that store in my fucking life.

I dont care. Rome has the image of "spaghetti and pasta and meatballs and pizza".

>Home Depot

Jesus fucking Christ.

>I dont care. Rome has the image of "spaghetti and pasta and meatballs and pizza".
for you

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>Ikea being a department store that serves meatballs in common knowledge

Maybe to retarded zoomers that take selfies in display kitchens, but not to the smart and pragmatic types.

>wasn't the usual format of the first question to have the last option be a gag answer? The fact that it's 3 countries and "Ikea" is dastardly misleading for someone who doesn't actually know shit about Ikea, but might be a fan of the show. Just saying.
This. I thought Rome too.

Is that a picture you got from leftypol, Leftard?

Even if you don’t know any of that stuff, it’s called process of elimination, dumbass. The IKEA answer is the odd one out and therefore should stick out as a clue. That dork deserves to be mocked and there’s no way in hell I would want that awkward autismo as my doctor.

It's an american show for americans. Do you think italians would win a gameshow about american culture and cuisine or would the contestants rely on stereotypes?

Actually nevermind. You guys would probably fucking ace it because you're fucking obsessed

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Stop deflecting. I suggest you go visit Rome someday and have your eyes opened.

Classic dumb tard thinks the world is exactly how he pictures it in his schizophrenic mind

>The Catholic Church capital state will give me an idea about Italy

Confirmed retard from leftypol, lmao holy fuck you're dumb, if it wasn't already evident from your dirt-shit spic memes.

You can't get a bed at home depot. Maybe a special online order to pick up

I personally think the word 'buzzfeed' used in the question has blinded people here defending him.

Are you allowed to refuse to answer a question? I would ask to get a real question.

>what is google
hi wetard

think youre going mental here

>The IKEA answer is the odd one out and therefore should stick out as a clue.
Traditionally on millionaire the first question has a joke answer as the last answer.

Every person who has watched the show is aware of this. He was expecting it to be the joke answer. Everyone was.

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You wrong bud

Look it's okay if you missed this common knowledge. We all have common things that we never learned for whatever reason.

Your problem is you get butthurt and lash out when your ignorance gets exposed. Your response should be "hmmm well now, I never knew Ikea was known for their meatballs"

Also the milennial and buzzfeed part have very little to do with the question and finding the answer

Pretty fucking sure you can buy water hammer arrestors for your house which is essentially a surge protector for water. He was right

>a bed

There's like a dozen fucking mattress stores near me.

>white dork gets BTFO on live television for lacking common knowledge on pop culture
>Yea Forums identifies so hard that they freak the fuck out

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Go suck off a hobo nex

>Classic dumb tard thinks the world is exactly how he pictures it in his schizophrenic mind

No jackass it's called a stereotype. And it's a stereotype a lot of people have.

I googled "stereotypical roman food" and this is the second result. Note the meatballs. Go fuck yourself.

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Based retard who can't into common knowledge

lmao this whole thread might as well be one big autistic screech

>Look it's okay if you missed this common knowledge. We all have common things that we never learned for whatever reason.

It's also common knowledge that most mass shootings happen in gun free zones, but that doesn't stop liberals from lashing out and acting butthurt when they're wrong.

>common knowledge
For faggots who read buzzfeed. And if that describes you get the fuck off this website

is Ikea having meatballs common knowledge? I just looked it up and the nearest one to me is 2.5 hours away.

Unbased retard who thinks his niche faggot ware-house is common knowledge.

No wonder you're a virgin.

The cafeteria in my IKEA is like a fucking refugee camp. Plus the meatballs are nothing to write home about. Fuck IKEA I hate that fucking smell it has.

I would like nothing more than to punch you though the internet and smash all of your front teeth.


*Honks your nose*

Walmart's interior design was always such a clusterfuck. Target is comfy as shit.

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It's obvious if you've ever been to an IKEA but a lot of people haven't. They are a large company but the nature of making giant all in one warehouse stores means they're not as ubiquitous as McDonalds or Starbucks

The buzzfeed part really had nothing to do with the answer. WWTBAM was just trying to sound current. None of the other options made sense within the context of the question. The fact that so many of you faggot autists would’ve gotten it wrong is absolutely hilarious, especially considering that you browse one of the primary pop culture boards on this site.

>The fact that so many of you faggot autists would’ve gotten it wrong is absolutely hilarious, especially considering that you browse one of the primary pop culture boards on this site.

No one is actually angry, we're mocking and deriding zoomers for being intellectually and culturally bankrupt and they're (including you) displaying maximum ass-pain, and it's amusing.

So fucking stupid lmao

This is like not knowing what Wendys is

How many of you retards are defending him because le D.) answer on first question is le joke answer?

Wasn’t he the “that’s the last stick” guy?

>None of the other options made sense within the context of the question
Except they actually did. Even moreso than ikea.

Think about the wording "on their first trip where?"
Now given that we've already established that usually on millionaire the first question has a "joke" answer in the position of D, does it not make more sense to mentally associated "trip" with "foreign city"?

Assuming that you have never been to ikea and are not a buzzfeed-reading millennial decorating a dorm room, that leaves the other three answers looking more likely. So then you move to "meatball break" and that points you to rome.

It's like a question diabolically written to fuck over anyone over the age of 25

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Ikea is a furniture store.

You'd have to be an absolute brain-tard to not realize this is all most people know about Ikea.

Kid never had a chance.

Oh yeah okay, faggot. Because Millionaire was always so well known for being a distinguished, high brow game show for true intellectuals only. Fucking lol.

>he reads buzzfeed

I'd put a shotgun in my mouth and end my miserable joke of an existence if I were you tbqh

Unironically I guessed Rome as well. Don’t even know what Ikea is, what a bullshit question

Thinking all americans are stupid makes you dumber than any american I've ever met. Think about that, if you can think.

You are fucking dead, kiddo.

Nice projection, but that's not what anyone is implying. Keep being a dipshit retard who takes selfies in display kitchens and goes on trips to furniture stores, lmao

Much like that nerd, you’re way overthinking it with your autismo logic. Based Chad would’ve gotten it right and you would look like a retard.


are the burgers ITT just pretending?
Swedish meatballs are famous
Ikea is Swedish, everyone knows Ikea exists
it's like Walmart
and it's Swedish

you wouldn't even need to know they sell meatballs

how did you know they served meatballs? i've never heard that until this thread. im thinking is right and it was a reddit marketing post or something

Who needs Rome when you can get the Rome Experience* within an hours drive, eh?

*For Americans

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You dumb motherfucker, even if you didn't know about the meatballs "taking selfies in kitchens you can't afford" makes it obvious that Ikea is the right answer as it's a furniture store.

>Americans don't even get a seat

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yeah and walmart is american but they dont have a cafeteria serving fried fucking oreos

>Swedish meatballs are famous

t. Swede who wants his country to be known for something other than sucking off refugees

>"taking selfies in kitchens you can't afford" makes it obvious that Ikea is the right answer as it's a furniture store.

I thought the whole point of ikea was for shit to be affordable because you set it up yourself.

Yea, but who the fuck goes on a "trip" to a furniture store? What kind of a mice-brained reject thinks of "Ikea" in the same sentence as "trip"?

You're a fucking idiot. When you visit italy there are special resturaunts/events that take place in people's houses, its not uncommon to take pictures of these very nice interiors


Come on bro. Those are some major hoops you’re jumping through. The answer was obviously IKEA.

White Americans really have no culture lol. This is pathetic

So they should get the question right

IKEA has some of the cheapest kitchens, so no it doesn't make sense.

Isn't Ikea flat pack shit for poor people?

This, i know this board is sperg central and i'm still negativly surprised by the actual amount of speds ITT

You have to be so engulfed in fringe, mentally ill culture to think anyone describes going to Ikea as a “trip”.

End your fucking life if you think any normal human being talks in those terms.

>implying IKEA is only in the costs

You must live in the flyover of flyover states. Cry moar Dakota or Montana or New Mexico.

I would say "thanks for supporting trannies", but who am I kidding? Walmart probably supports trannies too.

I don't read Buzzfeed though.

Sorry you don't know shit about pop culture. Get off Yea Forums

This question is the ultimate roastie filter

If you guessed ikea you are this person. That is who that question was designed for

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Never been to an Ikea, never seen an Ikea, never even heard of Swedish meatballs being a thing.

Is this a troll thread? I heard about Ikea a few times, I just thought it was some American furniture chain. Then I discover that they serve meatballs there and for some reason it makes the kids shitposting on here either angry, or like I said, they're trolling. No idea what the fuck is going on in this thread tbqh

>The whole concept of Ikea is that you spend your whole day there going through each section and then have lunch.
Being American truly sounds awful

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>Except they actually did. Even moreso than ikea.
No, they don't. There's infinitely more things to do in all of those cities than eat meatballs and look at kitchens. They aren't talking about seeing the Colliseum or the Eiffel Tower. IKEA is the only option that makes sense if you have even the vaguest idea of what it is.

IKEA is everywhere, except for barren wastelands

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Eternally mad brainlet cope

>I took a vacation last night
>TO IKEA!!!!!!!
>Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

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Most people don't associate Ikea with meatballs. Only high-functioning autistics use the term "meatball break" to describe getting lunch in a Warehouse food court. I will straight up mock and laugh at any retard that says that shit to me IRL, including if it is eventually one of my own children. Fucking retards, I swear.

explains this thread

>he thinks IKEA is American

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>inb4 i don't take selfies at all

>here's infinitely more things to do in all of those cities than eat meatballs and look at kitchens

But that wasnt the question you fucking dumbass. Buzzfeed listed things that millenials like doing on trips to a certain place. The OTHER things you can do are irrelevant.


>he legit thinks eating meatballs at Ikea is "culture"

Stop, I'm dying.

They don't make flat pack kitchens genius, all that shit is just as expensive as at any other place.

>he says on the board filled with grown men that gossip about celebrities all day


Not really its insanely common when visiting

>Most people don't associate Ikea with meatballs


Ikea is a well known Swedish company than hams up their Swedishness by selling Swedish meatballs


lmao no high functioning autists are the ones that would get it wrong. normies immediately associate IKEA with their meatballs.

I said "pop culture"

>he has never heard the phrase "trip to IKEA"
So you live in Montana or Dakota?

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No I don't. But it's not swede's doing this retarded shit

>he legit thinks eating meatballs at Ikea is "culture"
It is in our globalist clown world. Left is right. Up is down. White is black. Enjoy your stay.

Fucking Americans lmfao

Poor guy though, he was so stoked to be on the show

Ikea's been shit expensive for years now (at least in my country), the glory days with cheap, functional furniture are long over.

Woah this is like *hits vape* deep bro

Ikea is a FURNITURE store.
Not a store that sells meatballs with your furniture, you fucking normaltrash.

Who the fuck describes going to the store as a "trip"?

Do you fucking pack a suitcase to go get papertowels you cock?

Lol what? Everybody knows Ikea and their god tier meatballs.

Where are you from?

t. High-functioning autistics

No one I've ever personally talked to IRL has ever mentioned Ikea once. Only time I've ever heard about it is from the retarded zoomer dipshits that I took classes in college with.

Confirmed for being underaged retard autistic zoomer.

What if there are different furniture stores in your area?

>Not a store that sells meatballs with your furniture



No it’s fucking not regard. Most Americans couldn’t find Sweden on s map, let alone tell you that Sweden is known for its meatballs (Italy is associated with meatballs and spaghetti, not Sweden), let alone tell you that certain multinational corporations originated in certain countries, let alone tell you about what some bizarre article on some bizarre website run by trannies and faggots and Jews has to say about taking a “trip” to Ikea.

You are a mentally ill redditor, please shut the fuck up. NOW.

lmfao Yea Forums autists btfo

>Buzzfeed listed things that millenials like doing on trips to a certain place. The OTHER things you can do are irrelevant.
Even the most braindead zoomers don't go to famous foreign cities to look at kitchens and eat meatballs because there's more interesting things to do there like I mentioned. But IKEA is built around getting people to look at fancy showrooms and spend money on overhyped swedish food at the cafeteria. That is the IKEA "experience" and anyone familiar with the company should be able to answer the question

They chose "trip" so they could put the different countries as answers and make Ikea not as obviously the right answer (it's still fucking obvious), you goddamn mongoloid.

Not me and no, retard autistic underage zoomer, no one will ever admit a falsity. They are a Furniture store first and foremost. No one goes to Ikea to eat lunch, and if they do, they should be publicly shamed.

>Most Americans couldn’t find Sweden on a map
they struggle to find USA on a map

Who the fuck describes serviettes as "papertowels"?

Did you just mash two words together? What are you, a fucking caveman?

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So you’re out of touch shut-in. That doesn’t really prove your point.

why don't you just buy your own meatballs?

>all these people who never had Swedish meatballs
You fags need to try some, they're delicious. I hate gravy and still love them.

A trip does not have to be long, even in the colloquial sense. "I'm taking a trip to the store, do you need anything?" Is perfectly valid English.


This is like if I heard a zoomer name the capital of Nebraska, got jealous that I didn't know it, and then went online to call anyone who knows their geography a zoomer

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>No one I've ever personally talked to IRL has ever mentioned Ikea once
Either you don't get out much or you're from some godforsaken shithole. Or both.

>you didn’t know you’re supposed to take a vacation to Ikea and eat meatballs, what are you, uncultured?

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>Even the most braindead zoomers don't go to famous foreign cities to look at kitchens and eat meatballs

Buzzfeed readers, aka roasties, DO go to foreign countries to take pictures of shitty food.
Even if you follow it from that angle, Rome still makes a ton of sense as an answer

The only thing pointing towards ikea is having gone to an ikea.

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It's "Black is White", don't trigger me.

ITT: sheltered 23 year olds calling anyone with a shred of awareness outside of Yea Forums shitposting a zoomer

>Rome still makes a ton of sense as an answer
for a retard, perhaps.

>I'm taking a trip to the store

If anyone said this to me I would ask them what supplies they need to pack to ensure survival in the hostile conditions they are sure to face


The levels of cope in this thread are hilarious

Just proving my point that you're all well-fare city trash that make culture out of petty retarded vanity and projecting your own micro-cosm of trash culture on the world at large to justify your meaningless existence.

IKEA is 100% Swedish

Best part of IKEA is the little Swedish grocery store. I can get all sorts of weird Swedish food. BASED Yorgen borgen juices and shit! Who wants try try this Yuuuurderrrrrbirggern berry JERRY? Fuck it why not! BASED! Cold weird fish PASTE in a jar? GIVE ME 3!!!! i SWEISH NOW! HAHA! bASED! IKEA! Look at all the fish flavored items! Who wants cold fish flavored snacks? I FUCKen do!!!

Attached: ikea.jpg (550x309, 56K)

What preytelle is this?

>mfw the majority Yea Forums never had Ikea meatballs before

I guess that explains why you guys are so bitter and angry all the time.

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Peak autism, how the fuck did you conclude that from what i wrote?

>If anyone said this to me I would ask them what supplies they need to pack to ensure survival in the hostile conditions they are sure to face
then you're a terminal austist because my boomer mom says shit like this all the time and it's perfectly clear what she means

You're the one projecting friend. I live in buttfuck nowhere Canada

BASED serviettes poster

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So if you don’t know about what faggots and whores do at multinational corporations and the weird zoomer faggot speak they use to describe doing something really mundane, you’re actually stupid? LMAOOOOOOOOOO END UOUR LIFE FAGGOT

Having basic furniture supply doesn't make you well-fare city trash you retard

Another Ikea meme is getting lost.

Sounds identical to half the autistics in here sperging about people who don't shop at their shitty euro store.

Back to /pol/

>american culture and cuisine

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just to clue the americans in, this is typical food in a restaurant in Rome

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No, but pretending it's a part of common knowledge that everyone shops at the same shitty store you does. People who don't live in big cities don't make a deal out of where they go to shop.

Why are you so mad that you didn't know something?

I live in a village in Germany with a population of 1,000

How the fuck have you never heard of Ikea before, are you from Africa or something?

No they aren't.

I've had clams in linguini. It's okay.

Yet here you are. Posting on an american website to talk about american films and tv shows with americans

Pretty much this. The Amerifarts who would have picked Rome, have obviously never been

Just to clue euros in, Americans don't care

Autism. He also reacts like that because it once again drives home the realization that he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Not an excuse. I've never been to Walmart in my life because they don't exist where I live, yet I know what Walmart is and what it looks like and the things it's known for, like those greeters and the fire-happy work culture.

You're just uneducated and try to blame it on others.

>Ikea has a whole section for food, unless that's not a thing if your shithole
Once again, not everyone lives near an IKEA. Hell, there aren't many IKEA stores in the US so most of the population doesn't live near one. I've been to one and never once considered eating there so apparently I missed out on the meatball thing.

Bitch that's paella

Why do you feel so proud about knowing a fact only a small cross section of mentally ill freaks and bugmen knew?

>Americans don't care
all the arguing itt seems to suggest otherwise, yes/

Maybe he would have gotten the question right with a female host.

as if it's hard to have never visited a city more than six thousand miles away and across an ocean from where you live

Imagine living in a flat abandoned shithole state with no economic future and thinking you're better off than a pacific northwest suburbanite who has city amenities and amazing natural wonders within driving distance of his house, all while living in an 90% white community, just because there's less liberals where you live.

its a picture from a restaurant I have literally eaten in. Not far from the colosseum yet cheap for a meal.

>what it's known for
>greeters and fire-happy work culture

Wrong on both accounts, tons of stores have greeters and having worked at Walmart years ago, it isn't fire-happy at all. You can do dog shit work labor and still get by.

>You're just uneducated and try to blame it on others.
Yes, because knowing that Ikea sells swedish meatballs is "education" lmao, holy shit, could you embarrass yourself anymore? Yikes, does it just suck being you?

I fucking love clams so much

Absolute god tier food

>yfw /pol/incels have never sipped that sweet nectar of the nord that is IKEA lingon and elderflower juices

No wonder they can't get laid

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>All the ass mad autistic med-schoolers whining ITT

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like a woman struggles to find your dick in her vag

This might be the best thread in Yea Forums history

In honor of this event, have a screencap for your shitposting needs

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>tons of stores have greeters
Not in Europe. You really don't seem to know a lot about the world.

I'm actually getting married later this year to a QT chaste virgin religious conservative.

Have fun with your flea-ridden whores and bus-surfing to Ikea to take selfies, loser, lmao

I'm saying its a spanish dish you fucking idiot. If you ask most people to describe italian cuisine they'd eventually say meatballs.

another German, finally neither of us will be virgins anymore


>IKEA sells meatballs isn't common knowledge
You dumb nigga

I don't feel proud. this whole thread has been people in extreme damage control for not knowing the answer

>I'm saying its a spanish dish you fucking idiot
and you'd be wrong

>Not in Europe. You really don't seem to know a lot about the world.

Imagine my shock that the retard doesn't know how stores work in America, guess you don't know a lot about the world, huh? Get educated champ.

>name some Swedish food

>uhm... meatballs?
literally the only food known from Sweden

Meatballs are not what IKEA is known for as this thread proves. Cry more.

>Yes, because knowing that Ikea sells swedish meatballs is "education" lmao
yeah having basic knowledge of famous stores is

It's like knowing that there's a big castle at Disneyland

>QT chaste virgin religious conservative
How young is your child bride Mohammad? 13? 15? Do you have IKEA is the middle east?

>Ikea sells furniture
common knowledge

>Ikea sells meatballs
uncommon knowledge

Because most people buy their food at grocery stores, not fucking furniture stores you weirdo faggot

Yes, because knowing how stores work in America is "education" lmao, holy shit, could you embarrass yourself anymore? Yikes, does it just suck being you?

why fly over state are you from again?

>IKEA sells meatballs isn't common knowledge

>literal landmarks are just as iconic as some product hocked as a side-addition to a Furniture store


>as this thread proves

Read you illiterate

So you basically admitted that my line of arguing was correct? Thank you.

Post this on /sci/ for maximum autism

it's a complete scam

>a themepark
>literal landmark

Holy shit

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All he's reading are the buttmad euros and liberal faggots butthurt that not everyone goes to their swede shop to buy sweaty meatballs

yurocucks surrender yet again. As expected

I suppose that it speaks to your ego that you insist then on vomiting your half baked opinions when you don't actually have an inkling of knowledge to support them.

You can't prove it then? Thank you.

>a theme park
>literal landmark

Landmark - an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance, especially one that enables someone to establish their location.

Are you dumb?

Yes, it is a landmark in the theme park. How is it not you fucking retard?

>americans itt still arguing they'd pick Rome
congratulations you just won $0

>being this stupid


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No, I'm just from a country that's older than a few centuries and doesn't have to rely on fucking kiddie themeparks to substitute as actual valid landmarks, such as churches, towers, real castles, etc.

keep feeding into the gulf in positive sentiment between americans and europeans you useful idiot

>Cinderella's Castle at Disneyland is a landmark

>No, I'm just from a country that's older than a few centuries and doesn't have to rely on fucking kiddie themeparks to substitute as actual valid landmarks, such as churches, towers, real castles, etc.

Nice bait-and-switch trying to distract that you didn't know what the definition of land-mark meant, retard, lol, does your "country" also have an education system stuck from over a couple centuries ago?

Redpill me on Burgers. What's wrong with them?

Is it the fluoride in the water?

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>everyone else is wrong, therefore its ok that I'm wrong too!

you aren't helping in making yourself not look like a massive fucking retard

No where did he say it was a national landmark you spastic. This yurocuck cope is getting out of hand.

Yea, just like your dads grave from after he killed himself after discovering you were retarded is a landmark to help people find their way to the abortion clinic not to have another one of (you).

Do I have to link you to the definitions of "landscape" and "town", retard?

see It's the definition of the word pajeet.

Pic related very heavily in this thread.

>getting personal
youre better than this, user.

forgive him, the iq of euro countries is actually dropping in this century

Nowhere did I say it was a national landmark.

what a cope

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>real castles

You mean those ruins that nobody uses anymore and is simply a tourist attraction now for the Chinese to engrave their names all over?

Universal Studios and Disney World are a billion times more fun than your stinky old buildings. Fuck Europe.

And I'd reply that you are a pedantic sperg who isn't getting any snacks

>euros are low IQ
>in a thread where americans are defending a man who got the first question wrong
I hope you hesitated before pressing submit on this post. bit retarded desu

Interesting. How many decades until it has sunk to America's level?

>Nowhere did I say it was a national landmark.
>doesn't have to rely on fucking kiddie themeparks to substitute as actual valid landmarks, such as churches, towers, real castles
He never said it was a substitute for anything. Your yurocuck cope is embarrassing.

Nowhere did I say churches, towers, castles etc. were national instead of local landmarks. This desperate goalpost moving is getting pathetic, c'mon Tyrone you can do better than this.

At least yurocücks would have gotten past the first question.

Attached: 1550666746173.jpg (228x228, 17K)

US has a higher IQ than Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, Lithuania, and Croatia.

>Nowhere did I say churches, towers, castles etc. were national instead of local landmarks.
Nowhere did I say that either. This yurocuck cope is neverending. No wonder you fags rely on the US for defense.

ah yes, the eurofag, insulting people fromm a country better than his because of a fragile ego

>goalpost moving
>literally moves the goal posts from "landmarks" to "MY COUNTRY IS OLDER THAN YOURS (even though it's probably not)

And a lower IQ than any other EU country. My point exactly.

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>yurocucks seething this hard

not at all, because I don't think a gameshow represents the people of a country, unlike you you fucking retard

>Burgers this mad they would have lost at the first round

It's okay negros