Isn't that... you know... racist?

Isn't that... you know... racist?

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underprivileged persyns cannot be racist

Isn’t he half-white? Isn’t it insulting for his white mother and ancestors?

>rich black people

Oh my fucking god I just realized Get Out is about Jordan being half white. HOLY FUCK HE ACTUALLY IS A MASTER KINOSEUR

So what's his excuse for this racist statement? How do leftist npcs justify it? It can't be diverstiy in the movies because blacks are shoved in every movie, white characters are replaced so that blacks could get lead roles, etc.

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Its usually halfbreeds like that who are the most insecure and thus go into the extreme to prove to themselves of the identity they follow. He probably considered himself half white growing up but the white kids would just call him black leading to a crisis of identity and so on, its fucking textbook.

Not to mention he's literally the stereotype of a coalburner baby, the black dad having left early in his childhood.

>Yea Forumsirgins complain about blackwashing films
>black man makes his own with his creativeness made for black people as the target audience
>wants to use black actors to achieve it

Do y'all ever stop crying over petty shit or do you feel the need to be constantly victimized?

Intersectionality basically implies that black people get to define racism and white people do not, therefore it's whatever a black person says it is. Or better yet, it's what the most extreme black person says it is, because telling a black man you know what racism is more than he does is inherently racist, so you just have to accept what he says at face value.

Truly wish i were joking, but im not.

>raised by white mother and her family

>black dad literally left his mom and him before he was born

Imaging living your entire life and owing all your success to white people but so desperately wanting to be "black" this bad

Incredibly sad

No, just something else for /pol/tards to whine about for the next couple weeks

>waaah how dare these marginalized groups finally get some representation

everytime, I'm almost starting to believe that we whites really are the most sensitive, snowflake, bitch race on earth.

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So is it or isn't it racist?


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Okay but imagine the reactions if some 100% white director says "I will never have a black protagonist in my movies"

Why are blacks in Hollywood acting like its still a struggle? There are plenty of black leading actors in movies already, he isn't being revolutionary for having black leads.

>ugh why dont NIGGERS make their OWN movies?
>wait not like that!

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>the same people cry about america literally returning to racial segregation and white supremacy if there would exist one restaurant that wouldn't serve black people

you're an incel if you notice

This statement is not racist. Artists can do what they want. What's racist is that a white director could not say this about blacks.

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>I will... shoot... white guys
Jesus Christ Peele

>waaah why cant I be racist, im black i should be allowed to say anything i want without backlash
i swear to god, black people are literal fucking babies. You americans need to stop pandering them like children, shitheads became too spoiled

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money isn't privilege only skin duh

Of course. He's a racist negroe, what did you expect.

nigger tranny detected

>falling for the city meme

dumb foid deserves it

i've literally read multiple comments on here for years that demand that nigs make their own movies for their own people with their own characters/actors

peele is literally saying "im doing that" and now you contrarian retards are seething lmao

based, its all your fucking fault for sucking their black dicks, now deal with it, fucking idiots

I don’t see a problem with this, but he’s obviously saying it in a standoffish, provocative way to piss off white people. Like, half of these “fuck white people” statements that they come out with wouldn’t be as poorly received by “alt-right” types if they weren’t said in such a spiteful way.

This is literally the only problem anyone drawing contention with the statement has.

No one here is complaining about some nigger making nigger movies you absolute retard incel.
We are discussing his racist comments that get no backlash from leftist media. See

This. What is wrong with blacks making movies about black people? What pisses me of is non whites playing white characters.

It’s not about that, though. It’s about the fact that a white director could not say the same about black actors and get away with it. It’s the whole “black people can’f be racist” shit.

Whites aren't petty enough to make statements like this. They just do it. lol

>Like, half of these “fuck white people” statements that they come out with wouldn’t be as poorly received by “alt-right” types if they weren’t said in such a spiteful way.

I would say at least half of those times arent even said spitefully, but its ((((journalists)))) who strive to make the most sensationalist titles possible for clics.

>"so jordan, whats next on the line?"
>"maybe I'll do more movies with black people since thats my thing right now and seems to be selling"

show me one person itt that is complaining about black directors making movies with black people and i'll livestream myself ripping of my own nails with pliers

I hate how the blacks make movies starring other blacks.

>but why can't a white guy say that?
>literally "muh reverse racism"

whites weren't historically disenfranchised and kept out of the movie industry you gigantic fucking retards. the same reason we have "historically black" colleges. there was a point in time when niggers weren't allowed to do any of this shit.

are you all literally 14 year olds?

>using a fake quote
>Jordan Peele on Making Movies After 'Us': "I Don't See Myself Casting a White Dude as the Lead"

>we whites
yeah okay

>two wrongs make a right

No. Literally the vast majority of movies have white leads

So what is your argument? That blacks can't be racist? That its okay for blacks to be racist because whites were racist to them in the past? Be clear

The op...

Post the link to your livestream.

Has anyone seen US? I thought it was pretty good. better than Get Out. I wish he had explained or provided more background about why there were doppelgangers but I am guessing he didn't have an explanation.

>we whites

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Yes. In a better time he would be lynched.

>black guy wants to make movies staring black people

So what?
It's still a racist double standard you retarded nigger.

>black man makes movies about black man
>says it out loud
>h-how come lefties don't complain about black man when he does it
You're just finding shit to complain about, literally as bad as the left getting constantly triggered.

>two wrongs make a right

>racism is great as long as I'm doing it

>if we hire enough unqualified people eventually racism will stop

The party of the "intellectuals" everyone

Op is complaining about the racist comment of the director, not him making movies with black people
Wanna try again?

Segregation is not okay and neither is racism

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>"I Don't See Myself Casting a White Dude as the Lead"

>I wish he had explained or provided more background about why there were doppelgangers but I am guessing he didn't have an explanation.
I just got out of the theater and it was pretty blatant that the US government ran some type of cloning program, but abandoned the project and just left them down there. They used abandoned tunnel systems. It was said the cloning was an attempt at some type of mind control, which is why they would occasionally mirror actions.
What I don't get is how those weird coincidences tie into the events.

"Why can't minorities just make their own things instead of trying to insert themselves in white people things?"

>black director/writer decides to make black movies for black people using black actors

"Ugh, no not like that."

The "Black-Jewish alliance" of the civil rights era never went away

Read his actual statement you fucking morons. He said he has nothing against white guys but he's "seen that movie before", i.e. he wants to make a movie with black people. /pol/ needs to stop being hypocritical because for years their response to black people wanting to be leads in movies was "make your own movies". Now that a black man is making his own movies you're all pissed that he's casting black people. Fuck off