What movie or show is this gif from?
What movie or show is this gif from?
Boardwalk Empire
Boardwalk Empire
she shows bobs
very nice
Boardwalk Empire. I think it's from the episode where Nucky hosts an Egypt-themed party.
She was super cute in that role
Problem Child 2
I remember watching Boardwalk Empire a year ago and seeing this scene and being reminded of this old gif
Why does this chick crack me up so much?
Name another gif that has another gif inside it. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Will always wake up and be mad that Jimmys actor was writen off because the actor was a dickhead
Richard was the best boy though
Wow your stupid!
good point
No more dead cops
The drinking guy in the background in the right corner is probably one of the biggest badasses I've seen.
You now realize the glass is empty
Howzabout them nephrotitties?
Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Episode 1 roughly 45 min in
billie kent. extremely cute
>roughly 45 min in
wtf is that an episode or a movie
there is such a fine line between cute and obnoxious with girls like these
Most HBO episodes are an hour long.
I legit thought this was from The Great Gatsby but most are saying Boardwalk Empire.
S2e1 I believe
Why did this become a meme?
Very cute desu
Never seen the show but I was OBSESSED with this gif for so long
Boardwalk Empire bro
Why? I don't understand why this became a thing
Really? Didn't know Michael Pitt was a problem. Such a shame as he was the best chat along Richard
I just love how she moves ;_;
Because people used to actually watch shows and make oc
I'm watching the show for the first time and saw this episode last night. The doctor appeared before this scene and I was like where the fuck do i know him from? Then the Egyptian dance started and it all came together
Was it Kino?
oh and her face
I read it was a writing decision, and that the showrunner loved the actor. What's you source for claiming he was a dick?
This show is CRITICALLY underrated. Overshadowed by Breaking Bad and GoT. The 20s is the most aesthetic time period.
Because BW was big into reproducing moments of vaudeville and cabaret which have lasting appeal even though it's much more profitable to use your talents on a mass scale now. Back then, the most talented people toured clubs at major American cities, singing and doing jokes in a seamless routine while the drinks flowed all around. Less rules, less scrutiny, more fun, more meaningful experience.
I can only hope AI and VR catch up to the point of reproducing that experience before I perish.
Now that’s acting!
it's not underrated. the show gets pretty stupid after season 2
Nah it's fine up until the final season.
I just watched this show for the first time a few months ago; this is absolutely true. I couldn't believe how fucking bad the last season was. When I found out it was rushed so they could work on fucking Vinyl of all things, I was pretty bummed out.
It's the best period drama ever created.
People who don't like the last two seasons are plebs who don't know SHIT about American crime history.
it was rushed because terence winter just got sick of boardwalk and there wasn't much else to do with nucky as a character.
At least post the right one faggot
Then they should have killed nucky off and focused on luciano/lansky
I'm half way through s3 and I have kind of lost interest, to be honest. I actually lost interest in the middle of season 2, as well. It just feels like the same thing over and over again.
It complimented the Jimmy arc perfectly and still managed to show history through insane asylums and the Great Depression.
The right one is tik tik tik timebomb girl followed by kent exploding at the end
Best girl?
Does anyone have that one retarded extra in the boat of 'Dunkirk'
Based blindfag
This is one of the most disgustingly cute things I have ever seen. Every time this is posted I just watch it over and over again.
It was a waste of time. We alresdy knew nucky pimped gillian out to the commodore, we didnt need 100 flashbacks showing it
She was too weak and flakey
She was until she cut her hair.
>"she shows bobs"
She's flatter than a plank
She cucked Jimmy so no. Best girl was Julia and it's fucking retarded there was zero mention of her in season 5.
Meg Chambers Steedle. You're welcome.
only reason to stick with it is for the luciano/lanksy, capone, and van alden plots. everything else is different grades of shit.
Small boobs on a slender figure is kino as fuck, you pleb
Is she blood bending?
I'd even say it got stupid during season 2. Hamfisted dialogue, cliche 'cool' characters, huge budget. Pretty disappointing series.
Right now he's the only chance i give a shit about. Unfortunately he's barely in the show at all right now. The best subplot this season so far has been him reacting to his son getting bullied. That shit almost had me crying.
There was literally one scene of Nucky actually deciding to do it, and the season added the dimension of "for her own good" with all the build up. The real point was Nucky's descent from a good hardworking man into a bad hardworking man. You don't know what the FUCK you're talking about.
angela is a massive qt. theres something about the actress that i just really like
He allegedly did the same thing on Hannibal, wanting star pay for his role, which wasn't a very strong play seeing as his character had just removed his own face. He probably just got bored and moved on to something else.
Very rarely and that's not the case with her, i would agree with you if it was somebody like Keira Knightley
val alden gets really good around s4ish. they turn him into this comedic character and it works really well. i fucking hated him until they did that.
Richard sure was
it still hurts
>still no source for either claim
Newfags who don't know how to reverse image search, deserve the rope.
that is such a cute tushy
"Your husband brought this on you"
Was he autistic or just suffering from heavy PTSD and shame from his disfigurement?
>no role angela
but desu none of the girls from this show get roles anymore only emily meade hbo likes her
The latter
he wasn't autistic, he had ptsd and half his face was obliterated. he spoke strangely because he couldn't form words well
Tell me about Richard, why does he wear the mask?
What did people do on their sparetime in the 1920s? No computer, no tv, no internet. I can't imagine coming home from work and there's nothing to do.
Might want to get your insults right.
Zoomer faggot
Books you nigger
dont worry hes a rich doctor banging a hot blonde gold digger now on mr mercedes
Read The Great Gatsby
they did something called "going outside"
You must be 18 to post here
>What did people do on their sparetime in the 1920s?
Bang flapper qts all day long
How do I JUST KNOW these are bongistanis and not one of the other forms of whitoids?
well for one thing they actually had friends to hang out with. haha imagine that, friends
She was in The Sopranos also
This is why our civilization and society is falling the fuck apart.
why is that gif so popular 'round these parts?
shit taste, user
You're a bitch if you think this. The only season that was any less quality than the others was 4 and that was only a slight bit. Even a shortened and hindered season 5 that jumped 6 years ahead was outstanding. The only people who said otherwise are pussies who got mad that Jimmy and Richard died
no, season 3 was pretty shit. gyp is entertaining, but he's a villain of the season meme character.
Your friends are already picked for you. They are the closest and most convenient people to hang around whether you like them or not. Start frequenting a bar or something like that and boom other regulars are your friends.
Based (You) farmer
>frequenting a bar
the sun is outside, are you out of your fucking mind?
I still don't understand why this gif is so popular
Is this the same show Christina Ricci was naked in?
Can't believe Nucky got such oneitis from this goofy floozy.
5 is fucking retarded.
dubs guy in white jersey?
S3 doesn't focus on Nucky nor Gyp enough, that's the problem. Boardwalk Empire is at its weakest when it focuses on family, and s3 is all about that.
This. He knew she was whoring around as well but didn't care.
this gif and the way she looks is extremely annoying to me
how fucking stupid
Boardwalk Empire had the best discussion threads
/scdp/ & /tpg/ are the GOATs
special mention /ttg/
>Fuck clothes
>You know what the nice thing about the Bronx Zoo is, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys
What did he mean by this?
The show is a good pleb filter
villain of the season is not always a bad idea. Gyp was beievable since some crazy guinea would absolutely feed off the gang lifestyle and he served a specific purpose of providing an objective villain to get the audience back on Nucky's side after the season 2 finale.
In what way? It's certainly the most effective season of any show that I've seen. literally everything contributes to the message it's sending. The flashbacks are some of the most powerful tv ever written.
It's fucking shit.
>crazy guinea
what the fuck did you say?
Spend time with your family, read, listen to the radio, make plans with friends, eat dinner, drink, tell stories, and the list goes on.
Gyp doesn't have a lot of scenes, but every scene he's in is golden
they went out and got drunk and fucked and spent money wildly. Then God punished their deviance by giving them the great depression then WW2 right after.
>What did he mean by this
He meant that if there were no bars, the monkeys would be able to run wild in the streets, making a huge mess, causing death or bodily injury, etc
mickey doyle, what a stupid name
Even just seeing this guy makes me laugh. What a great character. How'd he die again?
Shot in the throat in the finale by Luciano for mouthing off too much. It's a miracle he made it that long.
Good argument
luciano killed him during the standoff in one of the final episodes
>implying you haven't sucked back on a nearly empty glass of good scotch to get the last zip
>ywn be a rich, ivy league educated aristocrat who throws decadent parties and bangs beautiful flapper whores
why even live.
Then you don't belong here
holy fack perfection
Lmao at people arguing over whether certain seasons were bad. The whole fucking show is awful. Wake up
your life is awful
From the tiny acorn grows the mighty elk
is paz de la huerta a literal whore?
this has at least four other gifs in there plus a million images
she is a fucking disaster. she was actually quite attractive in the first season, her body was amazing. i dont know what happened, probably lost her mind somewhere
They killed him off merely to pander to the average normie audience on social media who thought he was annoying and creepy.
The magic is gone. Like after you rub one out.
He was annoying and creepy. He had that shit coming since ep 01 and it was worth every second.
Other than maybe Deadwood, Boardwalk has the best and deepest secondary character roster of all time.
Something about bong faces, can't quite put my finger on it. Plus it literally says Liverpool and Chelsea on the fucking screen.
i mean, i've read she wasn't acting that much in boardwalk empire, if you know what i mean - her character and her real self tend to be similar
I fucking hate this gif, always have, in that retard autistic way that cannot be articulated in words.
Nah she has a very punchable face.
For some reason,even though this scene happened, I still thought Jimmy had to be alive somehow. His story ended pretty quickly
The way it happened was so non chalant and out of place. Yes he talked a lot so getting shot in the throat was pottery, but his character wouldn't be stupid enough to walk in between to sides pointing arms at each other and trying to flip. He would do that after everything cooled down.
That's why it became a meme my man
That is true, he was a gloriously weasely little shit.
There's just too much going on in one gif
She looks EXACTLY like my supervisor. Its hos damnes uncanny. And hot.
>generic white woman
You don't say
Stargate Universe
But he's basically saying italians are niggers, to Lucianos face. And Charlie just smiles?
He wssn't refering to black people, he was refering to the D'allessio brothers who he just had a meeting with.
planned how to overthrow their government or blow all their money
Have sex
jimmyfags need to be shot
Tarantino already did that in true romance, was it a reference?
Holy... Based
>no tits
>doughy face
hard pass
i watched the first two eps, I've found it mostly pretty fuckin boring mob shit that the Sopranos did way better, and Steve Buscemi is just not selling me on being the boss of AC, he's too fucking goofy. Please tell me it gets better
god british people are ugly
He's not a gentleman with refined taste who so just happens to behave cordially with socialites.
rick and morty
it was silly to have big boobs on the 20s
simply epic
because they look british..
Sopranos is set 80 years later, a completely different scenario.
Nucky is actually the worst thing about the show, Rothstein, Luciano, Capone and Jimmy are kino.
I understood this joke.
nobody can improve your shitty taste for you user
If you think he's goofy just wait for his younger self.
I am a boomer and l love BWE!
>Nucky is actually the worst thing about the show, Rothstein, Luciano, Capone and Jimmy are kino.
Im gonna keep watching, because you're right about this, and I love the time period and sets. And you other guys need to watch it
>Jimmy's little kid son would be over 100 years old today if he was still alive
They retroactively ruined his whole arc by making Tommy come back to kill Nucky.
The first season is a bit slow on first watch. It honestly picks up when Richard shows up and by the end when everything gets wrapped up in a bow, you'll appreciate it.
And having zero mention of what happened to julia and how tommy actually found out about nucky killing his dad
Tommy could've easily found out from his grandmother
Haven't seen Boardwalk Empire. Does she get nude or fucked in this show? If so, what episode?
Gillian? Who was in jail or a sanitorium the whole time?
Read the thread faggot
this is kinda accurate. definitely felt repetitive
reminds me of Vincent from Mad Men
Didn't he mention that he visited her?
So...checked I guess. Are you Canadian by chance?
He's the best bit of MiB3
That's her? She's like the queer of cute .gifs.
It's so dense
Who the fuck cares? Do yoy actually want to know why?
Her facial expressions make me irrationally angry
>t. homo
God, it's like you faggot actually don't like The Count of Monte Cristo or something. What, nobody else is allowed to do it? After all that buildup and all that focus on Jimmy and Tommy, they're not allowed to mature as characters? You always want that hungry Jimmy, that literal child Tommy? Life is growth and change. Jimmy became a leader who couldn't lead. Tommy became a man who couldn't move on. It's character development and if we had enough time to see Tommy slowly grow disillusioned with his life in wherever with adopted parents and visting Gillian in the asylum, you'd call it kino. But because they rightfully focused on crime history with the time they were given, you call it shit. Lame of you.
I hate when tv discusses Boardwalk Empire. It's the best period drama ever created, yet it gets shit because Jimmy, a character who is only appealing as a WW1 veteran, a type of character grossly underrepresented in Western media, yet the character is as charismatic as a block of wood (which is kinda the point, he's BROKEN), isn't focused on as much as a Hollywood actor who was born to play Nucky. What the FUCK. THE ONLY REASON GANDOLFINI IS CONSIDERED BETTER IS BECAUSE HE HAD MORE SCREEN TIME AND WAS ALLOWED A WIDER RANGE OF EMOTIONS. FUCK.
Being an extra is boring, tiring and tedious work. It's easy to get lazy or stop focusing, especially when you think you aren't visible on camera (and with certain lenses it can be hard to judge).
Does anyone have that one of the retarded extra in The Place Beyond the Pines?
Literally the stupidest meme. As if anyone cares if some random idiot reads the text they wrote. Whenever I see this I cringe.
looks trans
I respect your digits however you are mistaken. She's got nothing trannyish on her, kinda ugly but not manly.
Seeing her naked turned me homo
Th best period drama ever is actually Fall of Eagles.
There are people here that weren't around when this was released. Fuck, I was here ages this event. I should move on.
>Best girl
Always ms Margaret
You sound like a pussy.
You SHOULD leave.
fuck it I'll take some of that
looks like she like anal
whiskey and spanked their degenerate kids
You wrote so much text and I didn't read even a single line. Deal with it, faggot.
Jeez thank fuck for tv and internet holy fuck
>that cuck scene where the guy tells Purnsley to fuck her like the animal he is and he chimps out and cuts his throat
The woman had great tits too desu
I have literally never understood the preference of liking cute girls over sexy ones. Not saying that's not part of my problem, but it's literally never going to change. Guys who really like "the cute type" of girl, it's just like fucking why.
It's probably a matter of personality. Sexy people could be cute too instead of vain but cute people can only be cute.
What gay and stupid thing to say. You would be appreciating not busting your ass at work by sitting down and having a drink, maybe with your wife, and then maybe having sex. The key point of enjoyment is no longer slaving away for a few hours.
>tfw no big tits Irish maid gf
And I mean I ultimately agree with you, all of the sexy chicks I've ever known have been just fucking shit as people, but I honestly can't prefer the merely cute look. It's like a form of doom. I even would want them to look sort of alternative than just be "cute".
Holy shit we could make a Gif or webm of every single face here
what kind of drugs did the flappers do?
It's her behavior. Although I also categorize women into groups like cute, sexy, pretty, beautiful, etc, there's obviously no consensus for that kind of organization between different people. So the kind of woman you find to be sexy, I might see in another light, and they can be sexy looking but still act cutesy like in the webm.
the maid did have really good tits, probably the best in the series
That guy rising up out of nowhere always gets me
Yea Forums has already named them
faggot virgins think this bitch is good wife material in their fantasies.
As bumpy as the show got later on it had some great scenes. Especially season 1.
always see something new
There's 3 'tiks' actually, user.
Most cute personalities come off as tryhard and obnoxious.
Some, definitely. Bad people are always going to have bad personalities but everything tends towards cute in the end.
Her fucking smug faggot face while doing this stupid fucking dance makes me want to gas kikes, anyone else?
The Walking Dead