Why do so many celebrities advocate for socialism?

Why do so many celebrities advocate for socialism?

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Low intelligence.

Why do you care? Carey isn't even fully American.

Because it literally feeds the poor with other people's money. Imagine being a rich Hollywood star and paying 50% of your income to taxes.

Off by 1


>feeds the poor

I'm certain you have more than likely heard of the millions upon millions of people that socialism starved to death in the 20th century

it's trendy

and what about the millions of people who have starved under capitalism


Also Carey is a massive degenerate.

Is that Carey's doppelganger?

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>Be American
>argue against healthcare and economic safety net

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kill yourself you fucking retarded keyboard communist trash

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kys commies

Capitalism is a cuck system, chads who have been raised properly see that the strong should help the weak. And now you have them advocating for a system which benefits the poor. Imagine being so mentally deranged that you defend the monopoly man and vote against your own people.

The Rich have always loved redistributing other peoples' money.

looks like somebody got mad because they have no valid response

They're dumb. Most people nowadays don't think about things logically. The rich have been painted as evil and poor people have been painted as down on their luck. When most rich people work 20 hours a day and most poor people are lazy criminals who started pumping out kids as soon as they hit puberty. There are exceptions to both, but they are few and far between.

>communism feeds the poor
>o-okay it doesn't but neither does capitalism

Debunked meme go die in a ditch. Im sure your in a first world country just by your being here you faggot

That's called their own choice for not getting a job at walmart, or having six kids by three different partners. That's not the governments fault, retard.

>pic not related

>Have free healthcare
>Die of cancer because you kept getting your appointments pushed back

Americans don't learn much about history. By the time they are out of school they don't bother anymore, too.
Plus, they never had relatives who might have known people who had to deal with living in a totalitarian regime.

they're blackmailed
which means they are evil people also
since they did something they can be seriously blackmailed for

This has literally never happened in history. This, on the otherhand, happens to 50,000 Americans every year:
>have private healthcare
>die of cancer because you have no healthcare

you said socialism not communism bud
I live in northern europe where the socialist system has made us the wealthiest, healthiest, most educated and most prosperous society in human history
but keep on seething bud
I'm sure one day somebody will read your screenplay and you'll become a millionaire
just don't bankrupt yourself by selfishly getting sick or trying to go to college along the way
Land of the Free...

A fault in a system, i would entertain an anecdotal example of this, even if there was i would gladly take such a system with occasional failures then die because i can't afford treatment, people die in America because they can't afford a simple thing such as an epi-pen or diabetes medication

That's literally didn't happened at all. Just American imperialist propaganda prove me wrong

They have compassion

Let's Rock (Yeah)
Ing (Yeah)
Bird (Yeah)

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You illiterate cum sack. Northern european countries have SOME socialist policies, you sure don't live in a socialist country.

Are Americans really into socialism so much nowadays, or is it just a meme?
Because, as someone who lived in socialist country, this is not the system you should look up to.

Although, I would love to see America embrace socialism. It's gonna be a quick and brutal wake up-call, once all those woke kids realize that their Xbox no longer belongs to them and equal redistribution of goods applies to them as well.

I've heard canadians talk about relatives dying while they waited to see a doctor. By the way, healthcare is NOT a basic human right. Getting to live is something you should have to earn. Your country doesn't owe you shit. You're lucky to be born in a good country and then you sit on your ass bitching because people won't give you free shit.

Because they live amazing lives and don't realise what normal humans live like

Imagine forgetting entire families life on the street in America, people not being able to afford proper living with one job and having to donate plasma. Imagine forgetting entire areas consisting of people living in temporary shacks.

I bet you never had to work for your own living nor in an average paying job.

just like america has SOME capitalist policies, right?

Lazy people die. You can get health insurance working at fucking Walmart. Please, start using your brain.

Notrhern Europe is a socialist. It is free market society with some socialist aspects weaved in. Now, Venezuela or Soviet Russiam on the other hand...

Northern Europe is a social democracy, free market economy with social policies.

t. nordmann

Look at how far Bernie Sanders made it. We're getting closer and closer. Even Thomas Sowell has warned us about it.

EU is a social democracy. muh gomunizn

he looks like a pedo

>I live in northern europe where the socialist system
It's a social democratic system you retard, and one that relied on a like minded community that was ethnically homogeneous without religious sectarianism. inb4 "whiter than you mohammed!"

>I bet you never had to work for your own living nor in an average paying job.

I worked on river boats for two years. Dangerous work laying wires on barges in lightning storms. I would choose to do that for the rest of my life than see a system where lazy scumbags get rewarded. Look back in history. This shit is ruining the our country, and it used to be a country the world looked at in awe.


Yes, because the largest european companies are owned by the state right?
Most of europe has free education and healthcare, the hell you on about?
Northern european countries have massive taxes and the majority of the population is mainly white hard working people. Of course it's going to work that way. Also, comparing 300 million people to a few ones. Dude..
And I'm not even american

>and the majority of the population is mainly white hard working people
you are so fucking brainwashed by msm

>and one that relied on a like minded community that was ethnically homogeneous without religious sectarianism
this is a big meme made by dumb Americans supporting right wing shills that hate healthcare, literally kys if you honestly believe this, look outside the world and see how people run their healthcare program, America is scuffed because of greed and political redtape

You don't even know what communism is


Communism is not free market.
You can't simply go to a shop and buy yourself a Playstation 4. The goverment will tell you if you are allowed to buy it depending on your social standing.

imagine being this much of a governcuck

>ethnically homogeneous without religious sectarianism
I don't know about you guys, but in Murrica religion and ethnicity are basically interchangeable and you cannot escape sectarianism.
Otherwise known as the white man's racism.

>Although, I would love to see America embrace socialism. It's gonna be a quick and brutal wake up-call, once all those woke kids realize that their Xbox no longer belongs to them and equal redistribution of goods applies to them as well.
They'd just make up every excuse imaginable.

If we give people healthcare how are we going to pay for the tax cut for the rich??

Brazil has free healthcare, look how good it is :^)


Brazil is god tier, look at all those ufc fighters

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Somalia has no social programs, look how good it is :^)

double trips of truth, based and niggerpilled, all whiteys fault

13 seconds :)
never forget you fucking rat

free market will regulate itse-

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Look at this schmock defending the ones who exploit him. The idea of armies of people doing nothing and willingly sit at home is nothing but idiocy. Nobody wants to feel unnecessary in society. But you nutters will never acknowledge it for your eternal boogeyman. But kicking downward is always easier than asking why it is in many cases a waste of time or wage slavery or why people become unemployed.

because they're desperate to be liked. Easiest way to be liked is to 'fight' for people to get free stuff. Also, they're rich enough to where they won't actually feel the effects of what they advocate.

But all those people in Venezuella are starving because of Frumpy!

I love mickey mouse!

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>private health insurance
>pay a bunch of money into a big pool that will give you some of that money if you are injured or sick, if you don't you will die
>federal healthcare
>pay a bunch of money into a big pool that will give you some of that money if you are injured or sick, if you don't you will die
what am I missing here

Says the one who wants free handouts from the government

A brain.

There's no cost to them advocating socialism and they have no incentive to actually becoming informed. They would change their tune very quickly the minute they were in danger of experiencing the consequences of their policy preferences.

>Tax vs insurance cost

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NEET here, can't wait till 2020 and you wagies have to earn my Yangbucks

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Uhm, the private insurance take a gigantic cut of the money?

some slaves grow attached to their masters
this guy is like sam jackson in django unchained
they even enjoy pushing down others so that their master will pat them on the head and tell them theyre a good slave boy
obedience and servitude are hard wired into their brains

Isn't Jim Carrey an anti-vaxer?

thanks, very helpful
no seriously, what is the actual difference
at least this makes sense

Because they believe they would be part of the new ruling elite when socialism/communism is implemented. Second verse same as the first.

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>northern europe
>ethnically homogeneous
>stupidly low population
>historically prosperous
>some of the most free economies in the world
Hm, seems like socialistic policies only work when coupled with a free market.
Not to mention that northern europe is going to the shitter especifically because it relies so much on social policies but the rest of the population isn't getting naturally replaced to keep the economy going while people grow old. You'll soon be a third world country with all the muslims you're having to import.

Brazil is closer to the US from a socio-economic standpoint than Somalia. :^)

Just keep in mind that government doesn't produce money and doesn't have their own money. In order to give somebody a handout, somebody else has to give a part of their salary away. And I can assure you, those on the government positions will not give away their salaries so willingly.

I've met the unemployed you dumb child. You're probably under 25 so I'll take it easy on you. The majority of people that don't work, don't wont to. There's another small percentage that are too mentally retarded to work. I think the mentally retarded should be aborted, mandatory. Everyone else is just fucking lazy. Now, do I think people should be payed more for the work they do, YES. But blaming people for having more money than you while you do nothing but bitch, no, you can fucking kill yourself. Btw, EVERYONE GETS TAXED. This idea that "the wealthiest will pay" is fucking retarded. Grow up. And it's "schmuck".

You aren't.
All of your health care methodologies and medicines are developed in the United Kingdom and the United States.
>most educated
The best global universities are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, and one in Canada.
>most prosperous
You prosper because we allow it.

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>your country doesn't owe you shit
Then how come so many other services are free? Like you never see anyone argue over if police and firefighters should be free.

If your country can't save your life, then what good is it?

would like to add to thisI've seen people on the river work up to making almost $200,000 after ten years. You're fucking stupid if you think it's exploitation. You earn, fucking lazy nigger.

Didn't realise that this website was full of 90 year old men.

People who are "poor" in a capitalist nation look wealthy to those in socialist/communist nation's. They have it better than most people

literal boomers from reddit

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>Look at this schmock defending the ones who exploit him.
Like communism?
>The idea of armies of people doing nothing and willingly sit at home is nothing but idiocy.
Oh dear american child, I see that you have never ventured out of your suburban community. That is exactly what gibs me dat do under communism.

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you mean capitalist countries like south sudan, bolivia, bhutan, papa new guinea... yeah I bet those damn socialist cucks in europe are real jealous of those countries

How the fuck do you starve in a nation where you can get bread for 2 quarters or just go to a soap kitchen lmao

holy fuck, everything plebbit touches turns to shit

Pretty certain we have healthcare here, we just don't want to put ourselves an extra $32 trillion in debt to implement a single payer system that would be a catastrophic failure on the federal level in a nation of 330 million people like all our other shitty programs.

Holy SHIT.

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You know Bolivia has had a hard socialist government for the past 13 years right?

I’m sorry your nigger infested countries somehow can’t run a proper government while taking bribes and having constant coups and regime changes, perhaps if they were communist they wouldn’t act like niggers

Don't bother. It's only after you experience socialism first-hand you realize how fucked up it is. Those kids living off of their parents money can't comprehend the idea that under socialism nothing truly belongs to you and you can get have your goods confiscated because somebody else needs it more. And nobody will ask if you agree.

Because they are disconnected, comparatively uneducated yes still are afforded great respect in society and only ever speak to like-minded people

Look at who is running those countries...

Same reason why northern Europeans support refugees.

Capitalism has done a lot to lift people out of poverty. The U.S. is a particularly wealthy example, but just consider how lifestyles under the poverty line look now compared to how they did 30 years ago, let alone 100. There's been a huge increase in living standards across the world, and much of that has to do with the benefits of markets, imperfect though they are.

Suicide and brain washing? I can't believe people are so naive. Well, Brazil still has tons of idiotic socialists in all social levels. Even in the deep shit we were until yesterday and Venezuela example right on the border.

It's all talk. The minute they realize that have to give away their own money, most usually back off from socialism.
You'll have a free healthcare, great. But good luck trying to buy a car. Or anything else luxurious for that matter.

Why do the Jannies delete literally every get?

They don't know what socialism is since they were born and live in a capitalist society.

>naming themselves after a meme series made by a literal tankie
I love it

It's for a greater purpose.