mfw woke up again
Mfw woke up again
will this nightmare ever end?
Thanks for talking about it anons. We're all gonna make it brehs
>We're all gonna make it
This is not true. Stop pretending it is.
its rough
>I'm drinking my morning cup of coffee
>it's 2 pm
The only time where I can be disconnected to my shit brain is when I'm dreaming or sleeping. I really believe that things like the matrix will be real some day. Something that you plug to your brain and dream all the time you want. Controlling the dream.
>wake up
>go on Yea Forums
>no waifu threads
>no feet threads
>capeshit as far as the eye can see
The only reason I don't kill myself, is that I fear our actions will be judged by the Creator. Were it not for this fear of mine, I would have smothered myself years ago. Instead, I have to wake every day and try to do whatever good I can. I am only 24, and am likely to live for many years yet. This knowledge is a burden on my soul. I wish for freedom from this charade
>time to sleep
>feel full of energy
>make plans for tomorrow
>I will learn, exercise, leave the house
>time to turn my life around!
>wake up next day
>feel lethargic and don't want to do anything
>waste entire day
>time to sleep
>feel full of energy
>make plans for tomorrow...
I've been stuck in this cycle for past 5 years
Sounds like depression, have you taken magic pills?
If you can still enlist in the army DO IT and stop complaining fags
>hur hur nice try jew
>hur hur I'm not dying for israel
You don't go to the army, for God, country or Israel, you do it for YOU
>tfw I've been like this for over ten years straight
I've actually prayed to not wake up in the morning
I'm in Yurop, medicating your feels is a rare thing here
also get
I wonder who's behind this post.
>5 am
>im still awake
Good night bros
Sleep well user
get a hotel room, request a room above the fourth floor. Bring a hammer, break the window and jump out. If you don't do this never post this again you fucking loser.
a majority of anons will not make it.
These people are probably suicidal NEET degens and you want them to enlist? Are you fucking mad?
tfw been on a 5 day bender
>Half this board is genuinely excited about the new marvel movie
>they're the same people who were excited about the force awakens back in 2015
>they're the same people who didn't give up on star wars until TLJ
>they won't all be killed in concentration camps so we can have old Yea Forums back
Not everyone makes it. It's a fact of life.
What do I do after I bounce off the trampoline?
so close
>wake up
>pop SSRIs
>Put the belt around the neck again
>Tie it to the bathroom door
>let myself fall
>not choking, I've learned how to do it by simply compressing the neck veins
>every sound echoes like crazy
>feel my eyes and my ears popping out
>tingling sensation all over my body
>keep going for maybe another 2 seconds
>am now painfully aware that something inside is broking, like phisically, and I may leave myself perpetually disable
>my legs are almost gone so if I don't stand up right now I'll never be able to
>still conscious
>stand up
I remember coming to this place looking for validation. I thought of myself as a true film buff at the time, having seen most works by Scorsese, Coppola, Kubrick - you know, the big names in Hollywood - and also some of the classics: Lean, Leone, Hitchcock, Welles, Lummet, and even having ventured through some directors I found experimental, like Malick or PTA. How naive I was...
I thought I'd come to this place and show around and find other self proclaimed "film buffs" like myself, who had only shallow imdb knowledge of movies, with whom I could discuss those movies and flaunt around my knowledge.
Needless to say I was wrong. I found that Yea Forums had a much deeper knowledge of film at the time, discussing foreign classic directors with mastery in all aspects (directing, writing, composition, cinematography, color schemes, themes, philosophy), and also truly underground and experimental artists.
Even their porn threads were sophisticated. I came only liking big tits and ass, and yet there they were arguing about çunny being the path to enlightenment, shapes and sizes of actresses' feet, and such high level discussions.
I was baffled by my own ignorance, but tried to make threads about the movies I enjoyed anyway. "Pleb!", "redditor!", "imdb fag!" were the things they called me, and rightfully so, I'd later find out.
I hated them and envied them, for they knew so much more than I did. I tried watching some movie I've seen them recommending: Mothlight, by Stan Brakhage. "It's a pleb filter", they said, and I knew I was smart enough to get it.
But I was wrong, and the humiliation for not understanding the film was too much for me to bear.
I then vowed to destroy those who humiliated me. On my following birthday, I asked for all patrician discussion on the board to end, and elitists to not be able to discuss their precious art movies anymore. My wish was granted, and soon the little shitposting threads took the board. At nearly the same time, capeshit started gaining momentum in the board, and a new Star Wars movie was announced. You all know how that went down.
Regretting almost instantly, I tried undoing the wish, but it was far too late... the damage had been done. I'm sorry, Yea Forums, I let my damaged pride take the best of me and ruined it for everyone.
This is a confession of a man who has nothing anymore. I could have swallowed my pride and tried to learn, but was too childish to do so. Learn something from me and don't make the same mistakes. Cherish the pretentious elitists and try to learn from films. This place has never been worse, and it's my fault, but there is still hope that someday it changes and it relives its glory days.
I can only ask you to try and undo my malicious spell.
got myself a gun
I drink my morning coffee between 4-6 pm. And no I don't work and I am 32 years old. My last job was 2016. I can't bring myself to kill myself/
The creator does not care about us anymore. Go for it user
Tip: buprenorphine will manage your depression. Cut an 8 mg strip into 32 pieces for a month's doses. Just don't be a fool and misuse it.
Lmao just get a job nigga, like shit dog it's not that hard lmao lazy ass lil sponge ass nigga
The problem is, I can't know that for sure, so I can't take the chance.
What was your last job, gramps?