When is Star Wars getting its trailer released? I've checked Yea Forums every day for months waiting to see if it's out. What are they waiting for?
When is Star Wars getting its trailer released? I've checked Yea Forums every day for months waiting to see if it's out...
I'm not sure I'll ever be this happy. My life peaked around 13 years ago and has been pretty awful since.
>letting a dirty dog that licks its own ass lick your face
fucking white people
Coming out for SW Celebration dude. Can't remember the date but it'll be sometime in April
Was it rape?
No thanks for giving me the feels
I hate dogfags
Fuck off mudslime
based chad
god i wish was an attractive man
That's disgusting.
I'm a white guy and think white people are cruel to dogs. They use them for their own selfish emotional support and many get locked up in tiny condos which is just abusive. You should see what Denver is like. Giant dogs kept in one bedroom apartments.
We already know what's going to happen.
Nobody really gives a shit about Star Wars anymore but some asshole is going to make a thread about the trailer as soon as it drops anyway and then use all the replies just as a crutch to say "see, you guys totally still care".
I will watch whatever comes out, as will most of Yea Forums. I think the problem is that the original star wars when I was a kid were really impressive visually because there really weren't any other movies out there doing it that big, but now with all these supercomputer cg whatever engines every movie can do that type of wild shit. Just look at capeshit, it's all green screen. So, now Star Wars has to carry a story, and the story always kinda sucked.
There's only one escape from this hell
>taking selfies
based retarded chink poster
>I will watch whatever comes out, as will most of Yea Forums.
why tho
>Later that day...
Yeah, apathy and hard work.
Death is too uncertain.
Me on the left.
>ywn watch the whole thing
Apathy is dead. Only a bit more insulting.
You'll burn in hell for all eternity, you furry dogfucker.
I can't speak for everyone, but for me it's just fun to go to the IMAX and see it with my dad who likes them. They are dumb and we kind of make fun of the story but it's neat to see on the 6 story tall screen and the-audience-is-now-deaf sound system my science museum has.
>I will watch whatever comes out
Lmfao @ (you)
>I will watch whatever comes out, as will most of Yea Forums.
The last time I went to see a movie at a theater was in 2009 I think
I've still only seen 4,5 and 6 and then half of 1. Am I missing out on anything?
I don't mean in the theater necessarily. Watching it on your second monitor while you frogpost counts too.
My guess is that it will drop theatrically on May 3rd, before Avengers Endgame. Then will drop online on May 4th (may the 4th be with you, yadda yadda yadda).