Is MJ the first big meme of 2019?

Is MJ the first big meme of 2019?

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Dios mio...... el ayybeecí.... el heehee.... el ayuwoki.......

No. Stop being retarded.

leave it to the dang spaniards

t. shamzero

2019 will be the year of Michael Jackson

Attached: michael-jacksons-moonwalker-20080328004136303.jpg (191x190, 11K)

Unfortunately yes, memes have been really poor lately.

Why isn't there a MAGA hat on his head? Somebody correct this plz.

>*jacks off your 9-yo son to completion*


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the jews can literally never make me hate Saint Michael no matter how much they shill

MJ was a meme before you were born

this do zoomers not remember all the MJ pedo jokes from middle school?

I dread when the day of the 10th anniversary of his death comes.

The amount of disbelief is directly proportional to the fame of the person. No big shocker that brainlets can't accept he's a kiddie rapist. It took about 2-3 years for people to accept Cosby was a rapist.

The pedo thing inspired me to listen to his albums and now he's one of my favorite artists.

>he thinks he's immune to propaganda
Maybe the jew wants you to love a pedophile. Ever thought of that?

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OP's talking about ayuwoki specifically

what's the issue?

Was he really famous?

Good for you. Art can be appreciated apart from the artist who created it, even if MJ was one of shot pop artists who probably had about 5% to do with the creation of "their" music.

I love Burzum, even tho Varg is a racist murderer and arsonist.

No one really accused Dan though

I'm researching the Jackson mythos cycle. After cross referencing the Sumerian tablets with the Egyptian hieroglyphs I have a question regarding the lore.
Is this accurate...?

>"EO is the embodiment of SHAMONE who used the AOOUUUW to cleanse the spirit of the AYUWOKI during the year OOOUH-HOO thus defeating the BEEDIT alliance of WOO at the battle of HOOZBAHD which led to the end of the reign of HEE HEE and the beginning of the era of AAAAAAUUUUGHHH."

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>even if MJ was one of shot pop artists who probably had about 5% to do with the creation of "their" music.
MJ was very much involved in the creative process especially early on. IIRC Thriller was pretty much coordinated by him of course he had an army of writers and producers but naturally music at that caliber is a team effort


He is the literal King of Pop.

They've been calling him a child rapist since the early 00s when he was alive

since the early 90s bro. wacko jacko was a late 80s thing and he was already balls deep in being called a pedo by the time the free willy soundtrack came out.

I member because free willy sounds like what he did with that kid lol

early 90's when he was first caught

>cosby was a rapist
I don't know if other shows did, but drawn together called him out twice.

Was it on Netflix at the time?


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>In gradeschool
>Free Willy
>Hold Me

That was the crux of making fun of MJ back in the day. So much trash talking and joking between me and my elementary school friends.

>since the early 00s
retard it got big in 1993

Dude, shut the fuck up. He wrote barely anything and performed no instruments, nor programmed anything electronic. He told some peeps what he wanted, then came in after they made it and recorded vocals.

he wrote and composed like half of his songs including most of his more iconic ones

lol who shit in your cereal

michael jackson

>No big shocker that brainlets can't accept he's a kiddie rapist.

even the "victims" couldn't accept it

until there was money on the table