you're a Big Brother
Oh god it’s worse than I thought
EU is about to be China 2.0 but with more brown people
Wait is that seriously what eucucks are seeing? It's not just a meme image? oh no no no no no no
did you pay your loicense?
>even the Europe-centric language Wikipedias blacked themselved off to urge their users to call their EMPs to object, to no effect
You're a big guy.
Reminder that one swedish fuck ruined everything
Reminder that the Jews ruined everything*
I'm a britbong, so am I still affected due to Brexit still being in effect?
We're in the clown world endgame now lads
why do europeans still have this false sense of superiority when shit like this happens as the great brown wave floods in
honestly I'd rather move to china than europe cause at least you won't be lured in by a false sense of security to be beheaded in a few years after being banned from the internet for sharing memes
>We apologize for the inconvenience
Eurotrash will never be worthy of praise until at least one of them gets freedom of speech
Directives have to be implemented at a national level, they don’t immediately come into effect. The UK government won’t bother proposing any laws to implement because they’ll have left the EU by the implementation deadline (2 years). That said it wouldn’t surprise me if the UK came up with its own shitty version.
>why do europeans still have this false sense of superiority when shit like this happens as the great brown wave floods in
Because there's more to Europe than the UK, Germany and Sweden. Those are about the only places these EU dumbass regulations are implemented. If they tried any of them in central or Eastern Europe they'd be laughed out of existence
>why do superior people think they are superior?
Not true. They are still in the EU, they voted yesterday and will have to implement it otherwise they will face a fine
> the great brown wave
>Try to browse the internet
>ISP has a no singles policy
brexit aint happening.
They didn't do it nearly long enough to actually make a difference to be fair.
They turned it off for like one day in Europe. They should've turned it off for 2 weeks minimum if they wanted to see people actually do something about it.
that garage is the size of the average european "house" so you only btfo yourself. nice try nigger
brexit is dead thanks to the retard tories. the options are unironically going to be:
>changing the default option from leaving on no deal to revoking article 50
>asking for a long delay and another referendum
these are going to be put forward today
wake the fuck up. sooner you realise May and her twats have had zero intention to leave. Her deal is worse than remaining in the EU
Three bimbos which imply the rest of the leavers looks just as good advocating for national suicide. The UK is so fucked.
>that garage is the size of the average european "house"
Reminder that copyright law is anti-capitalist and needs to be abolished.
so true lol
Average french house is like 70 square meters and a garage is about 25m squared
Purchase a VPN to bypass these restrictions.
yes sure. right after my Yea Forums pass
you don't even need to purchase one, a free one will suffice
>why do europeans still have this false sense of superiority
not Europeans. anglos. do you really think a romanian/pole/norwegian thinks hes better than americans.
there is something about the English and Germans who believe theyre the centre of the world
That's not a lot of room when you consider all of the muslims that their government forces their people to house desu.
The government said yesterday that revoking article 50 was off the table.
>national suicide
The German cucks are always so easy to spot, even without flags.
>not having a Yea Forums pass
Imagine wasting time providing computing power to the Google hivemind
>do you really think a romanian/pole/norwegian thinks hes better than americans
Yes? They might be poorer than the average American, but they still consider Americans to be vulgar, obese and stupid, which they are.