Characters that are literally you

Attached: rust cohle.png (1180x682, 786K)

Attached: Wild Rider.png (368x224, 125K)

Literally this minus the job, wife and kids, and intellegiance

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rust cum too fast dont be rust

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It checks out

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what dog breed in back round

Attached: 4adollar.jpg (250x187, 7K)

Based retard, that’s a brain bug from Starship Troopers

>this misanthrope is me minus the good looks, independence, and lack of virginity

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big for bug

For me it's Daria. Intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humour

Attached: dariaeatingpizza.gif (480x348, 498K)

ah yes the superpower of not being able to be decisive until finding the superior moral and losing my fucking mind in the process

and i forgot pic

Attached: indentifiablecharacter.png (1240x840, 678K)

Based newfag

Attached: begbie.jpg (983x703, 27K)

>big and scary looking
>lives in a dump
>no mates
>everyone thinks he's a bad dude

checks out

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snivelling little shit is me

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Without the ambition

Attached: ambition.jpg (400x400, 20K)

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i'm very unique, you could say.

Attached: rust cohle.jpg (1180x682, 129K)

Attached: Liefeldcaptainamerica.jpg (800x1075, 553K)

Attached: Ozy did nothing wrong.jpg (971x1080, 151K)

What movie is this?

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Are you me?

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>Good life, but going through the motions
>Escapism fantasies
>Deceased father
>The funny guy at work
>Alcoholic best friend
>Unironically listen to classical piano on the way to work
Holy shit, I am Act I Truman...