What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?


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Other urls found in this thread:



He's just trying to appeal to SJW producers, the alternative is sucking dick

how many fuckin threads do you need to make retard

he's blacksplaining your oppression

There's plenty of white dudes still getting casted as leads. Let black people direct black people. Who fucking cares?

>But there are other kinds of power, and Peele plans on wielding his judiciously. One way is to continue putting black faces on the screen in leading roles. "The way I look at it," he explained, "I get to cast black people in my movies. I feel fortunate to be in this position where I can say to Universal, 'I want to make a $20 million horror movie with a black family.' And they say yes."

>It's a formula he's not interested in messing with.

>"I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie. Not that I don’t like white dudes," he said, nodding over to his moderator pal Roberts. "But I've seen that movie." The line drew loud applause and shouts of agreement. "It really is one of the best, greatest pieces of this story, is feeling like we are in this time — a renaissance has happened and proved the myths about representation in the industry are false."

Every director has their prefered leads and topics. Let Scorcse have his gangster shit, let Peele have his black guy shit.

>I'm not racist.. but...

>I want to make a $20 million horror movie with a black family
black actors are cheaper so good plan

People like you are so pathetic

>black director/writer casts black actors in his own movies
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

I have no problem with him making all black movies with all black actors. I just want that same privilege to apply to whites.

>half white
>married a (((white))) woman
>show was basically 'black people are fucking idiots sometimes'
man has identity issues.

>almost 666

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I actually don't give a shit, I think it's good that black people have their own directors making movies for black people. That's real diversity when everyone can have their own thing. White people should have white movies too.

>I just want that same privilege to apply to whites.
but you do. You guys are the biggest producers and consumers of hollywood. You choose this shit.


Just like i'd rather tell stories with a white main character, because I'm white. I'm sure a black guy would rather tell stories about a black guy.
Being mad at this is just pathetic

Well there's plenty of movies about and starring only 'Italian-Irish-whatever-the-fuck-Americas'.

What would happen if Scorsese would say "I don't see myself casting a black dude as the lead"? Try a little exercise of imagination

What about a cool robot main character?

anti-racism is code for white genocide

wake the fuck up

with a white man's voice, sure.

>exact same thread died 20 mins ago
>make another with same pic and out of context quote

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Who are you?

you know his next project is a nigger-fied remake of the Twilight Zone, right?
Niggers don't stop with just wanting their own shit. They won't rest until all of white culture is under their control.

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What about mixed race leads? Have they been represented?

I doubt anyone has asked him about casting black dudes or even drawn attention to only having white guys in his movies. No one notices or cares.

fine. let white people direct white people without bitching about inclusiveness then.

Naw, his wife is also a major feminist sjw who hates white men.

Jews are not white and us goyim don't run jack shit in hollywood and haven't for a very long time. The number of genuine white people there is nothing.


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Whites literally can't make a movie (other than one with historical accuracy or a biopic) without the (((media))) complaining about lack of diversity.
Italians aren't white.

>first they came for horror movies with only white people
>then they came for the Twilight Zone

Another mutt thinking that dey ain't iz more white then blak
What a racist piece of shit mulatto Nutella looking wigger

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>years of shitposts on Yea Forums, about blacks wanting representation
>they actually do it
I at least respect you faggots that just say you hate nigs, rather than shitting on them over everything and pretending you want equality

Why don't white people start their own studios and make their own films with white people only?

Only /pol/tards will get triggered over a man making movies that relate to his life experiences and his identity simply because those experiences have to do with him being black

Was literally about to post this. Seriously, you faggots are retarded

>out of context quote
tell me how the context makes it better:
What he says is the equivalent of "I have white friends".

What are your favourite movies about white people? I'll start

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Most disappointing news I heard in a while was hearing that he was behind the new twilight zone. Not even going to bother watching it.

Mods will delete mommy threads, but let this shit go on and on.


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Do they really expect blacks to pay for CBS All Access?

>Italians aren't white.
no one outside of /pol/ is this autistic about who counts as white

>without the (((media))) complaining about lack of diversity
You mean a handful of websites and blog posts.
This shit happens to other races too, they just ignore it and let it go away. There have been Spic rappers that outright say nigger in every one of their songs. When someone bitches, they just keep doing it and the person stops.

Whites are being shit tested all the time and they keep falling for it

He's smart and understands that Hollywood, being controlled by Jews, is against the West: the best way to bring about our downfall and enslavement to totalitarianism is to destroy the foundational population ie white people. One way to start doing this is to only portray white men in a villainous, lazy or otherwise negative context, while simultaneously over-representing minority populations (who always collectively vote for more centralized power) as always virtuous and heroic.

This guy is simply smart and knows how to make money in hollywood by giving the executives what they want.

How? Can't exactly put a whites only sign up anymore and declare yourself a white studio

Ok cool. Then black people don't get to complain when a white director makes a movie with no black people.

do they have kids yet? He's light enough already he cant love black people that much if he wants his kids even lighter

but you let them make movies and continue to consume them and bankroll them.

Just stating facts, Anthony.

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>Then black people don't get to complain when a white director makes a movie with no black people.

If black people stopped complaining they would have nothing left to do.

>make movie
>cast only white people
>when a twitter whore asks you why there aren't blacks in your movie, just ignore her
It's this fucking easy.

White celebrities are retarded and defensive, so they try to justify their shit all the time and it represents weakness

>black guy wants to make movies about black people
are we supposed to scream and cry about this? go farm outrage somewhere else.

>wh°te boys mad a black director won't cast a white dude as the main character
fucking mint

>and bankroll them
I haven't paid for a movie in over 15 years.

White actors cost more and he wants to make movies on the cheap.

its just pointing out hypocrisy. literally just change the skin tone of the quote and the person that said it would lose their career

I just want a good movie. Have Stanley Kubrick ever had a black lead?

>Whites are being shit tested all the time
This. And it doesnt help that they are targeted with propaganda to make them feel guilty for their existence, unlike other minority groups, who are taught to be proud of who they are.

Women are especially susceptible to this moralist/emotional bullshit due to their deeper connection to emotions than men. Meanwhile white men are being targeted with their own propaganda (be a good man and sit back instead of doing something - youre probably ""oppressing"" someone if you dont) and chemicals like bisphenol-a, onions, and other estrogen mimickers to emasculate them.

At least people are waking up now. Only idiots are unable to realize that something is going on.

For decades most white directors would just cast one black guy to be comic relief and say black guy shit before dying. I havent seen any of Peele's movies so dont know if he has token white guys

Why would anybody be upset about this? This is what people have told black people to do, start making they own movies if they want representation.

So they are!

That's not even close to true. We're just sick of the hypocrisy which prevents filmmakers from making all-white movies without minorities and the (((media))) getting up in arms.

you may not. But plenty of wh*tes do. This is what they want to see

Being scared of black people only movies. You guys must have the smallest balls in the history of humanity.

>"I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie... I've seen that movie."
I saw Get Out when it was called The Skeleton Key.
I saw Us when it was called Enemy and Funny Games.

There's nothing wrong with a black director casting black actors, but your films ain't new, nigger.

>This is what they want to see
No, it's not. It's all they're being offered.

see you people have no excuses

theres nothing wrong with him casting black leads but specifically saying that he wont cast white guys is hypocritical

Mel Gibson went on rants about jews and niggers and got nominated for an academy award. No one even cares about Liam Neeson and that other guy being racist. There's not an exact example because as other poster have mentioned no one gives a shit about Kubrick/Scorcse/Carpenter only having white leads

At least if /pol/ posters get outbred by minorities we won't have to deal with this shit ever again. Continue to never procreate /pol/, you're contributing to a brighter future.

Nothing wrong with that but imagine if a white director said this. Career ruined.

No one's scared of them. Just that no one wants to pay to see niggers. We usually go out of our way to be able to NOT see niggers lol.

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>I saw Us when it was called Enemy and Funny Games.
And The Island.

>It's all they're being offered.
because that's what wh*tes want to see. The success of Get Out is a testament to that.

I havent seen Us is there actually any racial shit in it?

lmao, conservatives have like four babies for every liberal baby

we're outbreeding you ;)

Working class white males are now public enemy #1 because Harvey blackmailed women and ben Affleck got drunk and grabbed ass at parties

You're right, he should make a white lead. And they have to be an incompetent buffoon who fails their way upwards while thinking they earned it. Bonus points if it's a white woman.

Completely disagree. Thats the same argument as
>haha you got banned from google, paypal, YouTube, facebook, twitter, your domain registrar etc? Bro! Just make your own new companies! Its a free market bro xD, thats capitalism!!
Its juvenile and laughable.

Hollywood essentially holds a monopoly on big movies. You cant get anywhere in the business without having connections. Even if you did, their media attack dogs create faux-outrage if you dont toe the line, which often leads to people getting deplatformed.
>this director is casting a movie just for white people, and neo-nazis are loving it
You cant just ignore that. Its not about some dumb sjw twitter bitch. You might even need a lawyer.

I mean that is just the start. I could go on and on but i'll spare you.

>be black director
>have to do a million interviews
>'your movies have a lot of black leads? Is it important for black actors to star in your movie?'
>'haha you know I like white dudes but cant see casting them as leads anytime soon, just telling my own stories you know

Was that really necessary to say? As a white dude, it kinda hurts seeing people like Jordan Peele talk down to us. I’m just a poor 25 year old boy from a small town, my favourite actor at one point in my childhood was Will Smith. I never thought about race when watching a Will Smith movie, just that I liked him. This makes me not want to watch US or any figurine Jordan Peele movies because quite frankly what he’s saying is racist. Just imagine if a white guy said this about black people

Please, go out of your way To not reproduce either.

>ben Affleck got drunk and grabbed ass at parties
Oh yeah I remember that. Based Ben.

I don't dislike Jordan Peele, but goddamn me if this Larson-esque comment isn't obnoxious. Did anyone even have any ideas that he wouldn't ride the woke train and cast majority black leads for the entirety of his film career?

There's nothing wrong with Jordan Peele's personal ethos of 'I won't cast whitey' divorced from western culture. In the context of western culture tho, it's evil. Everyone knows that a white director can't say he'll cast only white leads because people of color leads don't interest him.

The problem isn't Jordan, it's the legion of white liberal snakes who will defend him and bite white people who act in exactly the same way.


Nice deflection. If a white man came out and said "I dont see myself casting black male leads anymore" he would be fucking reamed by the press and blacklisted by hollywood, as mel was (which you conveniently ignored). Dont squirm around anons point. There is an anti-white bias in hollywood, and if youre not a moralist pussy afraid of hurting people's feelings its very easy to see.

Reminder Key and Peele literally had a bit in their show saying they were grateful for slavery bringing them to America, and half the shows sketches were about black people being retards

He said he doesn't view it as something he's likely to do, not that he has a hard rule against white lead characters. That's more to do with the stories his movies are about and what works for him

I don't see myself paying for his shit movies. And I won't.

Why are leftists so evil?

yeah I hate white people too.

He hates white people, dude. It's really that simple.

Which is fine, it's his right. But it's time to start slitting the throats of white people who want to try and shame you for having an honest conversation about race, because they're what's making this get worse.

/pol/ is mostly minorities. "Minorities" are more racist and explicit than whites, which is why /pol/ is the way it is.

Its so fucking obvious you never hang out with non-whites or foreigners. I do all the time and apparently im far right because i believe in borders and western values. Fuck yourself leftist faggot, your beta male utopian ideology is failed and dying

Im not even sure he does. Hes just smart and knows how to act to advance his career.

Go back to r3ddit with your ignorant opinion.


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Lmao wrong, boomer and normie conservatives fume whenever they see this shit too.
You don't get to cry about diversity then say "lmao no crackas in my movies!"
If you didn't want "/pol/tards" crying maybe you shouldn't have supported the culture that made whining the only viable method of getting what you want.

mel gibson was blacklisted for the better part of a decade for that, had to kiss lots of ass/apologize, and was clearly drunk when he made the comments. The liam neeson thing is nowhere NEAR comparable as he was literally saying it in context of something in his life that he regretted
this is different, hes literally outright stating that he wont hire people based on their skin color. those other 3 directors not casting black people could always be explained away as not having any lead roles that warranted a black character which is not explicitly or even implicitly racist. Things would be a hell whole of a lot different if Kubrick were to have said "I dont cast black guys because I do not want to" because then he would have admitted to being prejudiced.
the fact that there is not only mainstream backlash but that this is also socially acceptable enough to say casually in an interview shows great hypocrisy to what people consider racism today

His career is co-opting white liberalism with anti-whiteness, plain and simple.

I don't mind that Jordan Peele hates me. I hate that white liberals are complicit in his ability to hate me while trying to shun any critique of his hatred, tho.

>Nice deflection.
it's not a deflection. I can only give examples of white people being racist not ruining their careers. There's been dozens of directors only casting white leads and no one has every questioned it whereas reading this thread you'd think white guys had been banned from being in movies

It's just a phase.

Their collectivist ideology is based on the same principals as the nazis. History will not look kindly on them.

You're conflating two things here
Being bitched at over issues of diversity or whatever is one thing and being blacklisted from Hollywood is another. You have to fuck up pretty bad for the latter to happen and it usually involves not just what you did, but how you handled it too (Kevin Spacey's retard defense). Which is kind of my point, these people that are perceived as having done something wrong almost always make it worse by engaging with others who are only interested in tearing them down.

There are plenty of working directors that have had harmful allegations thrown their way. Von Trier is called a misogynistic fascist, because he literally called himself a Nazi and expressed sympathies for Hitler. Zahler gets it a lot for appealing to the alt right supposedly. Yet these men can both still work.

People bitching at white directors on the internet or in newspaper columns isn't infringing on your ability to produce unless you let it. Interacting with them gives them far more power than it does you. Just ignore that shit.

Can you fucking imagine if a white director said they would not cast a black person as a lead.

>hates white people
>casts more whites than blacks in Get Out


There was literally a poll done by the New York Times last week that found that a *majority* (something like 55%) of minorities in America thought that it was okay for whites to want their own homeland.

You sound like a boring faggot.

not only no mainstream backlash*

isn't this the guy that said he identified more with Candy man simply because he was black and not the protagonist because she was white...

Literally nothing wrong with this. He should be able to cast whoever he wants just like white directors should be able to do.

He's half white and he married a white lady..

If you saw a movie about a white guy murdering black girls, who are you going to identify with?

Why is /pol/ so heckin whiny?

>He's half white
Yeah, just like Obongo. Still black. Still a nigger.

>he married a white lady..
His wife is a Jew

>it's not a deflection.
Ya it is. You avoided an actual argument to give pants-on-head fucking stupid examples which are not similar or even true. Thankfully another based user has debunked those so i dont have to. You continue to deflect by saying
Again, that isnt the point. The point js the hypocrisy, and anti-white agenda observed in hollywood. Honestly you seem too stupid for me to bother engaging with at this point. Im confident that non-idiots will read our exchange and realize that I am correct.

It started as a way of trapping SJWs in their own hypocrisy by mirroring their arguments but for whites

At some point they lost the irony and became genuine about this shit

All im saying is if the skin colors were reversed someone would no longer have a career for the foreseeable future. I genuinely dont even dislike the guy and key and peele skits remain some of the most quoted things among my friend group but he gave up his ability to ever speak or make content about racism by saying this

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Looks like he bleaches his skin and got a nose job to have a "blacker" nose

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Most nigs like this game the system and know how to play on white guilt.


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Are you mad that he said it or just that whites can't? I think everyone should be able to talk that way rather than everyone being restricted.

Again, you cant just ignore the press constantly implying youre a nazi, or ignore jews in the business blacklisting you because you said something offensive. You literally cannot make movies in hollywood if youre an outspoken conservative. Let alone far right.

We don't actually know how many minorities are on /pol/ you can only spot the ones with obvious flags

You're just stupid and dont get it.

Every /pol/ meetup is at least 40% nonwhite. Its safe to say that that board is >50% "minority". Minority is a stupid relativist word though.

>/pol/ is mostly minorities
i think this is false. You can show me any pol meetup pic but it seems so cherry picked. I don’t see them to be that retarded to be a minority and think that whites need to be the majority because if that was so they would leave the country already.

How to erode any claim of artistic integrity in 10 words or less. Really he should've waited until something other than a ripped off horror film before going full retard. This is too quick.

Exactly, and the modern left wants to restrict it.

far more about the latter and its not even about the lack of white being able to say anything but more about the smug hypocrisy of people that claim to preach equality and anti racism while being racist in the same breath.

Im fine with not being able to say that I wont work with black people because thats honestly fucked up. Im not fine with it being socially acceptable to be racist against whites

You don't have to willingly engage with it either, pick your battles and try to come across as smart and invulnerable. Von Trier called himself a Nazi, which the media picked up, and he's still going. You have to do a lot before you get blacklisted.
>You literally cannot make movies in hollywood if youre an outspoken conservative
Arnie has heaps of shit in the works and he was a Republican governor. We're also in the midst of Mel making a big come back.

There are fewer conservatives no doubt and the path is tougher, but it's not a ban

You can tell judt by looking at the flags. Half the people i know irl who use /pol/ are asian. Asians fucking love that shit.

/pol/ is just one of the few places that cares about white interests there's nothing to be ironic about, you can go on twitter to see people shit on white men all day from all sides.

>when a twitter whore asks you why there aren't blacks in your movie, just ignore her
>It's this fucking easy.
you have got to be borderline retarded to believe this today

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>Von Trier called himself a Nazi
When? Sam Hyde was blacklisted for literally nothing, and he didnt engage with the faggy slanderous journalists. Also, mel and arnie had decades to establish themselves before all this PC authoritarianism. Oh and arnie is basically a democrat at this point, but that is beside the point

The absolute mad man

>mel and arnie had decades to establish themselves before all this PC authoritarianism
Then I guess you could say it's difficult to break into Hollywood as a young conservative film maker, but how many people out there are even like that?

So why the fuck am I supposed to be mad at this? Its a directors decision to cast whoever he wants. If a white director only wanted to cast whites as leads I wouldn't care, fine. If a black director wants to do the same for blacks, fine. What's the problem?

>Von Trier called himself a Nazi
he was basically thinking out loud and said some dumb shit. this was a while ago and most just dismissed it as "oh that edgelord said a thing again..."

>a white director only wanted to cast whites as leads I wouldn't care, fine
literally everyone else would though. what kind of a bubble do some of you live in?

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He can do what he wants but it's not saying he's only casting black guys, he's saying he will go out of his way to not cast a white guy. That's also fine but he can in now way now claim any kind of artistic integrity in the same breath.

Because you're required to respond to everyone that criticizes your shit online?
Just ignore it. If you're forced to answer that question, then show strength and do be a bitch about it. Like I said, Spics get away with saying nigger all the fucking time because they actually don't care and it's obvious to everyone that you can't make them.

Tfw this wouldnt matter if he didnt say it. But since he says it it becomes part of a culture war.

Neither Get Out nor Us are all-black movies.

Not that guy but MDE got cancelled because of swastikas drawn in the background of skits (that were not aired on adult swim) and they were already on somewhat thin ice after adult swim had to step in and change their "jews rule" bit to "jews rock" because of the obvious undertones. I still think its hypocritical for it to be canceled because adult swim prides itself on giving small groups a platform to broadcast experimental/edgy shit but bans MDE when it does just that but the swastika thing doesnt qualify as "literally nothing"

You are correct
>What's the problem?
Hypocrisy/double standards in hollywood. If a white director said he will no longer be hiring black male leads, there would be outrage and possible consequences for that director. At the same time, the hollywood leftists pretend they simply want an equal playing field for everyone, which is obviously untrue.

This. He's a self-described communist. The whole "I can relate to Hitler" was just him being an edgelord as usual.

That headline is disgusting. I would rather see a black couple or an asian one than an interacial couple. LGBT is a non-issue and most of them are fucked in the head and/or going through a phase.

I don't see myself every paying or watching any of the trash you make Peele.

>because of swastikas drawn in the background of skits
No evidence for this, it is fake news. Jews rock was some of the funniest shit ever.

Sam also threatened to kill that Buzzfeed journalist, too. I think that was the final nail in the coffin.

Of course, his subsequent turn into an unabashed Nazi, publicly donating to the Daily Stormer, and posting Charlottesville memes didn't help.

>Jews rock was some of the funniest shit ever.
Explain how it's funny without sounding anti-semitic.


>No evidence for this
Does it matter though, since Sam is an actual Nazi?

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>Black man wants to make movies starring black people as the leads
For being the "master race" white people sure are a bunch of whiny bitches

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nobody is mad about a black guy staring black leads. read the thread

>marrying jim nortons SLOPPY seconds

sam hyde doesn't support what that preppy retard spencer supports

this. if he wants to cast black actors in his movies, that's his choice entirely. just needs to be a two way street

Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Jordan topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like his movies because they're popular. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking director on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

They are the definition of what we call Onions Boi

based and fertility pilled

Pretty sure if DDL came out of retirement and wanted to work with Peele...

Is this a copy-pasted post? Get Out was actually pretty bad and stupid.

I grew up in a majority-minority area and my arab and asian friends were incredibly racist towards black people lmao

i miss my bros

If I were a director I wouldn’t cast a nigger lead so I understand where he’s coming from.

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>Let black people direct black people. Who fucking cares?

But when white people do the same shit it's racism.

enter this thread. Ctrl+F "nigger". My sides.

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Good. Some of your niggers always said that if you want black people in movies, then black people should direct and write them. That’s exactly what is happening here. Good on Peele.

>only 12 results
You're slipping, Yea Forums

What does he support, and how does it differ from what Spencer support?

Reminder that that pic is only a couple weeks old.

>muh white genocide

Fuck you. Most Hollywood movies of the past 20 years are mostly white and that’s still the case now.

Nothing wrong with that. It's just odd how they only make movies ABOUT being black instead of having the blackness not the focus.

When's the last time you saw a movie directed by a white guy focus so much on being white?

When was the last time there was a big-budget blockbsuter starring a straight white masculine male? There hasn't been one in years.

>What does he support
Real white nationalism like Jared Taylor wants.
Not cringe imperialist violence like Richard Spencer wants.
Hyde voted ron paul twice.

>Reminder that that pic is only a couple weeks old.

It's funny because he's half white

So can we at least get a heterosexual white cast in our movies and tv-shows about historic europe again without it being a big deal?

you now realize everytime the kid's magic trick didn't work he was getting burned.

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Get upset goy!

Y'all niggaz got game of thrones where all the colored folk are literal slaves.

How about everyone cast the best actor for the role regardless of their race?

I am so fucking sick of the double standards.

wasn't he the real jason?

>Real white nationalism like Jared Taylor wants.
Oh, so a Nazi.
>Not cringe imperialist violence like Richard Spencer wants.
How is Spencer an imperialist?
>Hyde voted ron paul twice.
Spencer literally worked on Ron Paul's campaign in 2008. And endorsed him in 2012.

who cares, yes if a white director said that it would be considered racist but so is everything we do nowadays. Welcome to america.

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john wick?

>Oh, so a Nazi.
I'm sorry, no Jared Taylor is not a nazi.
Do you have reading comprehension skills or are just retarded?
>How is Spencer an imperialist?
He's literally a fascist, have you heard any interviews with him?
>Spencer literally worked on Ron Paul's campaign in 2008. And endorsed him in 2012.
Then Spencer's views changed.

Source: my ass

She had sex with Jim Norton.

Us was boring hot garbage anyway lmao

I'm sorry, but did Us already lose? Oh, that's right. The theatrical run isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the first week. Does not $100m by Wednesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the film is still playing? Us is still playing right now and it has been the best film in the country for how many days now? They're showing against one of the worst franchises in Hollywood who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a Marvel Cinematic Universe. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Joradn Peele is one of the best fucking directors in the Directors Guild, he went $255mil last year and would of won the Oscar if the academy didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Us wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Brie Larson just stepped out of bounds short of the 1st down when she needed to get one, just like the LEGO Batman Movie did.

so racial discrimination isn't racist when it's the blacks doing it? ok

Attached: 1507248901398.jpg (480x347, 35K)

>I'm sorry, no Jared Taylor is not a nazi.
He's a white supremacist. He's as good as.
>He's literally a fascist, have you heard any interviews with him?
Do you know what fascism even is?
And hasn't Spencer long been a critic of American imperialism? If he's an imperialist, then what imperialism is he endorsing or promoting?
>Then Spencer's views changed.
Yeah, and so did Sam's. He's anti-capitalist now.
And Ron Paul himself has never been an actual white nationalist. He even opposes the Wall! The only reason so many racists/Nazis/Nazi-adjacents flocked to or come out of his campaigns was because they were the only "conservative" ones that were anti-imperialist (not to mention the infamous vaguely racist Ron Paul e-mail newsletters) - plus the nascent "alt-right" still thought anti-socialism meant pro-capitalism.

Attached: sam hyde explained.png (797x532, 139K)

I don’t believe Scorsese has ever cast a black lead?

The fact Torys in the UK were accused of Islamaphobia and 1) didn't deny it, 2) reinstated all the members who were previously suspended for Islamaphobia and 3) BECAME MORE POPULAR says a lot.

We might finally be moving past the current era. Imagine how beautiful it's going to be, bros.

hmmm, there was a part 2 to this image but I can't find it.

Anyway, it's Sam going on a rant about how capitalism and libertarianism is going to "save the West."

>He's a white supremacist. He's as good as.
No, he's a white nationalist.
He doesn't want to invade other nations.

>Do you know what fascism even is?
Yes, do you?

>And hasn't Spencer long been a critic of American imperialism?
kek he literally said he wants to invade haiti and enslave all of the haitians.
He's just against american imperialism.

>He's anti-capitalist now.
Sam is extremely capitalist and shits all over leftists, especially in KSTV.

>And Ron Paul himself has never been an actual white nationalist.
His policies are closest to the ideal of white nationalists. This is why I voted for him twice.

Free market white nationalism will save the west.

he just wants to be the next spike lee lol

Fuck the Torys.
Labour would crush them in the next election if the Torys and Blairites weren't trying to destroy the party with accusations of anti-Semitism.

Funny how the one UK party that opposes Israel is the one /pol/ hates the most.

Bunch of bullshit,
If been to /pol/,
You idiots aslways complainer about how minorities are becoming majority and you becoming minorities. You also keep complaining about minorities having too much children. As someone who been to /pol/ if your going to bullshit and lie, do it fucking right.

Imagine if labour actually took over.
LOL I'm not even British but I want to see their economy collapse, it would be funny as fuck.

Minorities end up dead or in prison so whatever.

>Why is /pol/ so heckin whiny?
They're basically Tumblr and Resetera just far right user.

>No, he's a white nationalist.
"Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears." t. Jared Taylor
That sounds like white supremacy to me. Or at least "whites are superior to blacks." Maybe he thinks Asians are superior to whites? Either way, he believes in racial hierarchy.
>Yes, do you?
I think it is you who doesn't know what it is.
>kek he literally said he wants to invade haiti and enslave all of the haitians.
He endorsed the French retaking control of Haiti...
If you want to remain principled in your white nationalist anti-imperialism, then you should move back to Europe and stop colonizing the Americas!
>Sam is extremely capitalist and shits all over leftists, especially in KSTV.
No, he's Nazbol. Keep up. There isn't a single pro-capitalist figure in the alt-right/dissident right/whatever you want to call it.
>His policies are closest to the ideal of white nationalists.
anti-wall, pro-open borders, pro-capitalism...are you serious?

Bullshit I've been to /pol/ it's mosdtly white and confused mutts. Stop fucking lying.

So being racist is characteristic of all whites?

Attached: 1493756844535.gif (304x378, 2.9M)

Keep lying dipshit,
Mostly euros, Hispanics and Brazilians be on it. Asian are rarely seen. Keep lying.

Jeremy Corbyn is the only hope that Britain has left.
He is the only anti-Israel leader of a major political party in the West

why when his films are already not as shit and more integrity than spike

>people generally stick to their own.
>non-whites can admit the obvious without losing their livelihood.

90% of /pol/ is magapede american boomers who have no idea about chan culture and came here directly from facebook and /r/TheDonal and schizophrenic mentally-ill zoomers who want to shoot up brown people. Fuck outta here

why when his films are already not as shit and have more integrity than spike

It's sad that this guy considers racial diversity as progress in cinema, rather than exciting and innovative storytelling or filmmaking techniques. Us is completely derivative.

When "opposes israel" really means "supports Arabs" you shouldnt be surprised that people on Yea Forums dont cheerlead for them

audiences hated it too.
B on Cinemascore!

what the fuck?

Could you imagine a white gay saying he never sees himself casting a black guy? The double standards are real

Attached: 1553396630227.jpg (483x604, 35K)

To be anti-Palestine is to be implicitly pro-Israel.

>90% of /pol/ is magapede american boomers
Bullshit you losers,
That's just r/Donald invading us during the shilling of him (despite Donald being a pawn to the bankers) most on /pol/ don't Fuck with Donald after finding out his "True Loyalty". I've been to /pol/ you lying Bitch stop lying.

>"Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears." t. Jared Taylor
He's RIGHT though.
But he never called himself a white supremacist, he never wanted to use his "supremacy" to dominate other cultures and reign supreme.
>I think it is you who doesn't know what it is.
>He endorsed the French retaking control of Haiti...
To enslave them.
He constantly talks about how great imperialism and colonialism is.
>If you want to remain principled in your white nationalist anti-imperialism, then you should move back to Europe and stop colonizing the Americas!
First off it's too late, this is already our country.
Secondly, natives weren't one group, there were countless groups fighting each other, also to say they owned the entire continent when they only used a tiny bit of the land anyway is absurd.
>No, he's Nazbol.
Holy shit are you ever dumb.
He shits over zizek and chomsky for being economic socialists in KSTV.
He held up Economics in one lesson by Hazlitt for fuck sakes, he's a mises bro.

He just doesn't want tax dollars spent on it, he's fine with private companies building it.

>pro-open borders,
Ron Paul is exclusively ANTI-open borders and actually wanted to enforce the border you lying piece of shit.

>pro-capitalism...are you serious?
Whites created capitalism and it allowed us to thrive.

>Jeremy Corbyn is the only hope that Britain has left.
Yeah, if you hope everyone in britian becomes poor as fuck and economic production grinds to a halt lol

>I've been to /pol/ you lying Bitch stop lying
What a sound statement

Gross, really?


The absolute hypocrisy of these SJW cucks and their pet niggers is so fucking astounding and blatant these days that I can't even process it. They make up these conspiracy theories about whites discriminating based on race(despite the fact that we treat racial and religious minorities better than any other place on Earth) and here they are doing the exact same thing, and publically boasting about it. "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" are showing their true ugly natures for everyone to see and Im glad even the most normie NPCs are starting to wake up to it

Fuck off,
Next time don't lie,
Have fun shilling for a fucking fraud in the presidency.

Literally who cares. Don't pretend like you'd cast a black guy as the lead in your film retard.

>The absolute hypocrisy of these SJW cucks
You far right fucks are just as whiny as the SJW. You truly whine like fucking five year olds whenever you see something you dont like.


>t. radical centrist

and this.
It's not as if he is turning established white characters black.

Not an argument famalam. I'm not far right or belonging to any political tribe, which maybe makes it easier for me to spot blatant hypocrisy like this. Peele saying he wouldn't cast white men is clearly racist and also dumb because he's limiting himself as an artist. He can't say for sure that in 5 years he won't get a great idea for a film that would require a white man in the lead role, maybe an inverse of Get Out or something to that effect. He's being spiteful and he knows in today's climate he has full cover to be brazen about it, but culture changes quickly and in another 5-10 years I doubt people like him will still be able to get away with such comments.

Im just saying, that being a bleeding heart for muh poor oppressed muslims is never ever ever going to win fans from /pol/ even if it is anti-israel as a byproduct. Labor isnt saying Jews are bad, they are saying that being mean to muslims is bad. How the fuck is that supposed to be attractive to alt-right kiddies? In contrast, Tories say fuck muzzies blow em up with cruise missiles and wall them off from the civilized world

>we black folk dumb but y'all white people evil

>all this bitching over a black oriented film made by a black person as a director.
You know what's a easier solution? Don't watch the fucking films or none of his films at all whiner.

>he wouldn't cast white men
he never said that
> He can't say for sure that in 5 years he won't get a great idea for a film that would require a white man in the lead role
that's why he said he can't see himself doing that as oppose to saying he would never do that.

Almost every MCU film

it's true

>black man makes movies about black people for a black audience

I can't wait for Great Depression 2.0 to happen so we can finally get the Race/Culture war started.

Mission Impossible: Fallout literally came out last year

>He's RIGHT though.
>But he never called himself a white supremacist
Buddy, if you think whites are superior to blacks, you're a white supremacist.
>He constantly talks about how great imperialism and colonialism is.
To endorse white nationalism in America is to do the same. Otherwise, how do you get over the cognitive dissonance?
>First off it's too late, this is already our country.
Last time I checked there were five million Native Americans still living in the US...not to mention how white people are going to be a minority by 2036...
Also, I'd really like to hear about what you think should happen in South Africa.
>also to say they owned the entire continent when they only used a tiny bit of the land anyway is absurd.
If Muslim immigrants set up their own cities in the unoccupied European countrysides, would you have a problem with that? You have to remember that Europeans also aren't one group and are constantly fighting each other...
>He shits over zizek and chomsky for being economic socialists in KSTV.
KSTV was years ago. He's been retweeting NazBol shit for nearly two years now.
>actually wanted to enforce the border
Pretty sure his position has always been "pro-open borders as soon as we get rid of welfare and stop intervening in other countries and creating the migrant crises"
>Whites created capitalism and it allowed us to thrive.
The real reason that anti-Spencer alt-righters hate him is because he's a Pagan and anti-Christian. And yet you promote capitalism, which is anti-Christian, while still claiming to hate Spencer? Exactly what kind of white Western Civ are you trying to preserve?

How are White men specifically being targeted with propaganda and chemicals? Black and Hispanic men on average are much poorer so they'd be subjected to all the same chemicals at an even greater rate, and they're subjected to lots of anti-male propaganda as well.

I'm not bitching about him making a film with black people, this is specifically about him saying he unequivocally won't cast a white guy, and the hypocrisy/stupidity of that statement.

Saying he can't see himself doing it is pretty much analogous to saying he won't do it. Sure he can change his mind as artists are prone to do, but as of right now it's something he feels strongly about.

*hand rubbing intensifies*

yes but it is not him saying never like you are implying.
Like i said i don't ever see myself sticking my dick in someones ass, glad i never said never.

>Labor isnt saying Jews are bad
Have you been living under a rock for the last few years?

The perception of Labour as anti-semitic is literally the only reason they've dropped below the Tories in the polls in the past month

>about him saying he unequivocally won't cast a white guy
again, he never said he would not cast white men, all his movies have white male supporting characters. He said he can only see his main character being black.

>this is specifically about him saying he unequivocally won't cast a white guy,
Cause he doesn't fucking have to, you don't like just see a white director making white leads (James Bond) instead. Obviously your are triggered over something which is stupid. It's his fucking film he can cast what he wants. He doesn't have to obliged to you. And you don't have to buy his fucking movies if that's the case.

There was a /pol/ meet up during Shia Leboeuf's New York art project. It was multiple times more diverse than your average antifa field trip.

Attached: 1482563462727.jpg (953x772, 290K)

>Buddy, if you think whites are superior to blacks, you're a white supremacist.
No, the term means you want to dominate other races and reign supreme over them.
>To endorse white nationalism in America is to do the same.
But it's not though lol.

>Last time I checked there were five million Native Americans still living in the US
I support them having their own countries and breaking off from ours, would save us a fuckton of tax money.
>not to mention how white people are going to be a minority by 2036...
There will be a civil war or SOME massive political change before then.
>Also, I'd really like to hear about what you think should happen in South Africa.
The whites should just leave and let them rot.
>If Muslim immigrants set up their own cities in the unoccupied European countrysides, would you have a problem with that?
Yes because European countries claim this land as their own.
Natives didn't claim any of that land, in fact they all hated each other.
>He's been retweeting NazBol shit for nearly two years now.
It's probably as a joke and you're still a moron for believing it.
>Pretty sure his position has always been "pro-open borders as soon as we get rid of welfare and stop intervening in other countries and creating the migrant crises"
Then you'd be fucking wrong because he strongly campaigned on closing the borders in 08 and 12.
Fucking moron, holy shit.

>because he's a Pagan and anti-Christian.
No, we hate him because he's an imperialist, worships pseudoscience, hates IQ, supports colonialism, worships retarded fascists like Evola or whatever.

>Exactly what kind of white Western Civ are you trying to preserve?
The white western civilization that build the USA and created the industrial revolution.

There were mutts, whites and Asians. Just stop dude....

>/pol/ boogieman

my sides

> links a video by alt-hype, the self-admitted homosexual with mild autism, who's also obsessed with 19th century racial pseudoscience.


Still more diverse than your average antifa mob.

To Antifa yes,
To me no,

Not under a rock but also not from UK so. I just assumed they were standard anti-israel like the college groups over here. So if they actually are anti-semitic i guess its fair that they get pummeled in elections for it then.

>90% of /pol/ is magapede american boomers
Let me guess, the last time you went to /pol/ was 2016 after Trump was elected?

>No, the term means you want to dominate other races and reign supreme over them.
So, what's the term for thinking whites are superior to all other races? White Superiority?
>There will be a civil war or SOME massive political change before then.
Doubtful about war. Hopefully we're fully socialist by then, though!
>Then you'd be fucking wrong because he strongly campaigned on closing the borders in 08 and 12.
No, his position has always been: pro-open borders as soon as the welfare state is abolished and we stop the foreign interventions. Watch the video!
>The white western civilization that build the USA
You mean Enlightenment-poisoned Masonic deists? Lmao

>the self-admitted homosexual with mild autism
>who's also obsessed with 19th century racial pseudoscience.
I'm sorry, I believe you meant modern genetics that most of the world's intelligence researchers, geneticists and anthropologists universally agrees except science hating cultists in the west.

Attached: 1546489770421.png (1120x2499, 505K)

That what I'm thinking,
He really just full of shit,
Most of /pol/ don't fuck with Trump after seeing his "True" Affiliations.

You're right Tyro- i mean Taniqua. What /pol/ really needs are more cripple transgender black women in wheelchairs for it to be truly diverse.

Attached: transgender black crippled woman.jpg (1280x1580, 411K)

>what's the term for thinking whites are superior to all other races?
I don't know but this term is retarded as it lumps nazis in with peaceful white nationalists.
>Hopefully we're fully socialist by then, though!
Nah lol we'll have probably killed all of the socialists and abolished central banking by then.
>No, his position has always been
Why are you lying?
I voted for the the man and remember all of his speeches.
He wants closed borders.
The media used to brand him as a "isolationist" for this very reason.
>Watch the video!
I did, you didn't even watch it or listen to him lol.
Oh look you're probably some monarchist spencer worshiping cuck yourself
Some of them were, okay?


The genetic strain that built western civilization and created capitalism is white.
You people hate this because you want us to go back to living in mud huts and dying at 30. Varg is a faggot.


Hell no

>peaceful white nationalists.
How do you plan to peacefully achieve white nationalism in America?
>Why are you lying?
Watch the video. He wants closed borders now. But only because migrants abuse the welfare state (in his analysis). His ideal is to have open borders.
>Oh look you're probably some monarchist
You claim to love Western Civ, yet bash monarchism, the most stable form of government that has dominated White Evropa for thousands of years? Get a clue, guy.
Why do you Christianity? And apparently paganism as well?
Tip that fedora harder, faggot

hate* Christianity

>caring more about the lead roles skin colour rather than their acting abilities

>How do you plan to peacefully achieve white nationalism in America?
By breaking up the country on ethnic and ideological lines
>Watch the video. He wants closed borders now.
because he always did
>But only because migrants abuse the welfare state (in his analysis). His ideal is to have open borders.
Holy fuck you're an idiot.
All he's saying is we need to remove the INCENTIVE for people to come here in the first place.
He also said it's fine for some people to come visit the country, I agree.
>You claim to love Western Civ, yet bash monarchism
Monarchism is outdated.
White people were the first to abolish monarchism and implement freedom and free markets.
White people statistically want freedom more than any other race. It's genetic.
According to you, western civilization is no better than every other brown dictator shithole.
>the most stable form of government that has dominated White Evropa for thousands of years?
It was stable because everything was stagnant, generations spent 100s of years not moving from a few square kilometers.
>Tip that fedora harder, faggot
You're the unironic monarchist that defends paganism lol

Which he does. He's a black director writer, of course he's going to write what he knows. It's a non issue blown out of proportion because everyone has to be offended by shit 24/7 anymore.

now imagine the shitstorm if he was a white director saying that about blacks

Journos don't care about racism against whites. It's the main reason leftists think it doesn't exist.

Can we kill these track minded racists soon?

>By breaking up the country on ethnic and ideological lines
How do you plan for this to happen peacefully?
You realize this is the exact same rhetoric that Spencer uses, right? To do "peaceful ethnic cleansing"?
>implement freedom
Freedom to do what? Convert to Islam? Get divorced? Discriminate against whites? Have drag queen reading hour at daycare?
"Freedom" is the enemy of all who hate "degeneracy."
>generations spent 100s of years not moving from a few square kilometers.
Ohhhh, so are you imperialist! I knew it!
>You're the unironic monarchist that defends paganism lol
I'm no monarchist, nor a pagan. Just trying to point out the blatant inconsistencies in your confused metaphysics!

Okay, i don't see anything wrong with this. He just wants to make black lead movies.

wew, nice digits

not quite white but woody allen has said he wouldn't cast a black person unless the role called for it.

>How do you plan for this to happen peacefully?
I don't know, maybe some all nations party like Ryan Faulk tried to do, either way it's the best solution.
>You realize this is the exact same rhetoric that Spencer uses, right? To do "peaceful ethnic cleansing"?
This has absolutely nothing to do with richard meme.
>Convert to Islam?
Seeing how it's a white ethnostate, muslims wouldn't be allowed citizenship.

>Get divorced?
Whites get divorced at much lower rates anyway.

>Discriminate against whites?
It's a white nationalist country.

>Have drag queen reading hour at daycare?
No, that's child abuse.

>"Freedom" is the enemy of all who hate "degeneracy."
Degeneracy is another one of those made up vague terms that can only be used to manipulate people. It's just like the term racist.

>Ohhhh, so are you imperialist! I knew it!
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? lol
>Just trying to point out the blatant inconsistencies
Yet you were wrong, fedora tipper.

>you know his next project is a nigger-fied remake of the Twilight Zone, right?
Twilight Zone hasn't been good since the first series anyway so i don't care.

Now imagine if a white person said he wanted to make white lead movies by saying he was ruling out ever casting a black lead.

I wouldn't give a shit about the White director and and not watch his white oriented movies. The same should be the same to you. Just don't watch Peele movies if it triggered you that bad.

Then don't fucking go to see those movies.

>He hates white people
No he doesn't, did you even read whole quote? He just said he wants to make black lead movies.

But if a white director said or did this it would be racist and would have people screaming for them to lose their jobs ect... it has to go both ways.

>hes literally outright stating that he wont hire people based on their skin color
No, he is saying that he won't make white dude lead character in his movie at least any time soon and just wants to make black lead movies.

I don't care how you would personally take it nigger, i mean on a societal level, just think how that would be received by the activists and the media.

Why is the double standard okay?

it's okay to be racist in 2019

>hates white people
No he doesn't you fucking idiot.

Spike Lee tried that. Peele will eventually once his career stumbles.

>I'll never cast a white man
That's a very strange way of saying he wants to cast black people

now watch as a white director gets condemned for wanting to cast only whites

Attached: 1544640425741.jpg (700x623, 58K)

I still say fair enough on his part Anons here always say "Go make your own movies with minorities/fags etc. instead of just complaining about white roles/characters." I don't get what's wrong with this, hell it's one of the least offensive shit I've seen when it comes to racial politics in filmmaking.

Why should he cast white dudes as leads? It's his movies. He can do what he wants. Haven't we been bitching about forced diversity? Or the whole "if black people want more black movies they should make them themselves" shtick? That's just what he's doing. And his films have been pretty enjoyable so far.

>Seeing how it's a white ethnostate, muslims wouldn't be allowed citizenship.
So Bosnians and Albanians aren't allowed?
Are you implying Assad isn't white?
>It's a white nationalist country.
So "freedom" is okay, as long as it's only white being "free"?
Again, not really sure what you mean by "freedom."
>No, that's child abuse.
What happened to freedom?
>How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? lol
You seem to think that it's a bad thing that Europeans remained in Europe during the so-called "Dark Ages"... "generations spent 100s of years not moving from a few square kilometers."

Attached: Bashar_and_Asmaa_al-Assad_in_Moscow.jpg (514x688, 103K)

That would be fine if everyone else wasn't still being forced to diversify their movies and award choices with more blacks.


So what are they mad about then?

Why would any white director say that after 100 years of casting almost exclusively white leads?

Peele's point is about extending opportunity to black actors and finally giving them a fair shake to be leads - it's not about denying white actors because he thinks they're beneath him.

>So Bosnians and Albanians aren't allowed?
>Are you implying Assad isn't white?
>So "freedom" is okay, as long as it's only white being "free"?
>Again, not really sure what you mean by "freedom."
You wouldn't know freedom if it hit you in the face.
>What happened to freedom?
What happened to the child's freedom?
Why do you retards always make these dumb arguments?
>You seem to think that it's a bad thing that Europeans remained in Europe during the so-called "Dark Ages"
No, all I was saying is the lack of technology and economic production at the time prevented people from moving around a lot(in their own countries obviously) and for big events to happen quickly. This was the argument I was making.

Go fuck yourself you dishonest faggot. You would be on Twitter complaining about the lack of PoC if the cast was only white.

Don't try and pull the "oh people should be able to do what they want" when leftist activists have been pushing to remove white people from movies for years and yet they are quiet when blacks want to make black only movies


would you be okay with black genocide?

Attached: 1550725449308.jpg (459x459, 51K)

This. Peele is just doing good thing and even his quote has nothing racist about it.

He did not say he would not cast white dude just not as lead because he wants to make black lead movies and wasn't something you fuckers wanted?

I would be saddened if black people disappeared from Africa.

Why would you blame him for that as a director when the problem lies with the audience being oversensitive idiots over every white-led movie?


See, context matters and there's nothing wrong with him wanting to make horror movies where black people are actual central leading characters. He's doing it to make something you don't often see in the genre. Black protagonists are rare. But of course Yea Forums has to try and make it controversial by false equivalency because oh no, now one horror movie out of like a hundred won't have white person as the lead by a specific director! That's the same as denying all white people access to movie roles!


So when you say white nationalism, you only mean certain whites, not all whites?
Blue eyes, white skin, Alawite heritage...sure seems white to me!
>What happened to the child's freedom?
Ahhh, so what happens when one person's "freedom" conflicts with another's? This is why "freedom" is a ludicrous concept.
>No, all I was saying is the lack of technology and economic production at the time prevented people from moving around a lot(in their own countries obviously) and for big events to happen quickly.
Reminder that the industrial revolution wouldn't have been possible without Europeans plundering the rest of the world for resources.

>leftist activists have been pushing to remove white people from movies for years

No that's not what they have been doing. They have been pushing for more representation. White leftists have only been pushing for other white people to be more kind and empathetic and considerate, rather than recoiling in irrational fear.

Keanu Reeves isn't white.
Don't get me wrong, he's white passing and most people wouldn't make a stink about his race, but he is unequivocally of Asian descent and it shows.

>Peele saying he wouldn't cast white men
That is not what he fucking said. He said he would not cast white male as lead because he wants to make black lead movies.

>this has reached bump limit
If I was writing I'm pretty sure my leads would be white, because I'm white and that's how it works.

>So when you say white nationalism, you only mean certain whites, not all whites?
but those people aren't whites
actually im joking, they can join the country as long as they're not muslims
>so what happens when one person's "freedom" conflicts with another's?
When we speak of freedom, obviously we are speaking about freedom from violent coercion.
Why do you keep making dumb arguments?
>This is why "freedom" is a ludicrous concept.
How dumb are you that you can't understand this?
Why do you enjoy licking boots?
>Reminder that the industrial revolution wouldn't have been possible without Europeans plundering the rest of the world for resources.
Man I swear, you spencer types are all LEFTIST cucks, you have the same exact leftist economic arguments and the same exact retarded and flawed leftist understanding of history.
Colonialism did not make Africa Poor (or Europe Rich)
Colonialism was a massive BURDEN on the host country.
America became rich because it decided to not do this and instead industrialize itself.

Hold on nigger i thought you were about people making movies however they wanted. I guess when white people made movies with only white people in it that was a problem for you huh.

he never said that you fucking retard, he said he can't see himself casting a white man as the lead.
And before you reply with
>hur same thin durr
realize that he still cast whites as supoorting characters and is not anti-white. He just likes his main characters to be black because he is black and believes not enough films star blacks in leads, at least not enough films that aren't typical black madea tier garbage that only black people can enjoy

He just said he would like to make black lead movies and i don't see what racist there is about it.

Yes it is stupid to get mad at that but it is also stupid to get mad at what Peele said when it isn't racist at all.

so he is an asian lead?
you fucking tard

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Yeah few articles would be and maybe two hippies would get mad at that but if i would be that director i would just ignore that stuff and make that film.

>So when you say white nationalism, you only mean certain whites, not all whites?
Bosnians and Albanians already have their own countries, why do they need his imaginary country as well?

no matter what the media and the social left say it's not racist. Not when a white guy does it, not when peele does it.

>just think how that would be received by the activists and the media
And you know what those directors should do more? ignore those fuckers and just make the damn movie.

Maybe where you live, in most places nobody actually gives a fuck. Black Panther was one of the highest grossing movies of all time and it made most of it's money in places where blacks made up less that eight percent of the population.

Why are you so desperate to defend this guy, you faggot.

No, he's a mixed race lead.
There's nothing wrong with that.

>When we speak of freedom, obviously we are speaking about freedom from violent coercion.
So what you want is radical individualism. No greater society. Good luck with that!
>you spencer types
I'm not a Spencer-type. Nor on the right at all. I'm a leftist.
>Colonialism did not make Africa Poor (or Europe Rich)
If colonialism didn't make Europe rich...then why did they do it? Why do they continue to do it? Why has France permanently debt-trapped all its former colonies? Why did the European crowns fill their treasuries with gold, silver, and other resources from their colonies? Why did the British turn the entire Caribbean into one big sugarcane farm? Why bring millions of slaves from Africa over to the Americas if not for the free labor?
>America became rich because it decided to not do this and instead industrialize itself.
What is slavery...what is the Monroe Doctrine...what is the occupation of the Philippines...Cuba...Dominican Republic...Nicaragua...Panama...Puerto Rico...Hawai...Haiti...

>as lead
you forgot that.

They should but that doesn't happen so your suggestion is completely pointless.

That's because you're an idiot.

cmon, nitty gritty he is a white dude which there is nothing wrong with

Keanu is only half-white.
The other half is a mix of Chinese and Native Hawaiian.

>no matter what the media and the social left say it's not racist. Not when a white guy does it, not when peele does it.

You can say that all you want, but it won't make the media amplified twitter mobs that ruin people's lives over "racism" go away.

White identity isn't going anywhere there's no turning back the clock

Just pointing out that there are such a thing as white European Muslims (and not the kind that converts because they're SJW cucks)

not so much as defending the guy as i am his right to cast who ever he wants for the story he writes and directs. Not as if he is blackwashing someone's work. And if someone like Nolan said the same thing but i'd defend him too.

By the same logic then Michael Jackson was a white man if appearance is the only thing that matters.

>Not when a white guy does it, not when peele does it
100% This.

>A minority director says he wants to give his fellow minority actors more spotlight as leads in his movies, instead of just putting in another white dude who already has majority of roles in Hollywood
>This is somehow racist and anti-white because white are entitled to get everything by default, I guess?

You people are fucking retarded.

i mean we don't know what the fuck michael jackson is

You only pretend to take a principled position because you know that the reverse situation doesn't happen. Don't take us for idiots nigger.

Because he has right to cast blacks as his movies lead and if white director would say the same i would defend him too.

>nitty gritty he is a white dude
He is not a "white dude".
His cultural experience is not that of a "white dude".He is a mixed race man.

...he was clearly a black man with Vitiligo

i'm not trying to save the world from the twiiter social justice mob they created. I'm aware there is a double standard.
I'm just stating the fact that i am right and any normal person would agree that a white man or a black man has every right to cast who ever their fuck they want in their film

>So what you want is radical individualism.
No, but individualism is part of it for sure.
>I'm not a Spencer-type. Nor on the right at all. I'm a leftist.
LEL you've been defending right wing views this entire thread.
>then why did they do it?
People were stupid back then, statist assholes wanted more power and influence over people's lives?
Why does north korea enslave their entire population. Same thing.
>Why do they continue to do it?
They don't. They gave these countries back to their own people.
IMF shit is a completely different argument all together but I'm glad you conceded the colonialism one.
>hy did the European crowns fill their treasuries with gold, silver, and other resources from their colonies?
Why wouldn't they?
It still wouldn't be enough to cover the massive financial cost of colonizing and maintaining these countries in the first place.
The video I linked actually looks at the data and debunks it.
You leftists have provided nothing but stories, no actual data.
>Why bring millions of slaves from Africa over to the Americas if not for the free labor?
The slave owning south was extremely poor compared to the industrialized north.
You're an idiot.
>What is slavery...
Slavery is detrimental to the economy. I know this must hurt your feelings but it's a fact.

>what is the occupation of the Philippines...Cuba...Dominican Republic...Nicaragua...Panama...Puerto Rico...Hawai...Haiti...
Stupid shit the american government did in later years that wasted resources.

You're still an idiot.

And it is sad. More white actors and directors should stand up to themselves and not care about some hippies in twitter.

Nice samefag. Nobody is saying he shouldn't have the right to cast whatever he wants, but he should be criticized for it the same way a white man would if the reverse situation happened.

Tell me what racist did Peele say? Did you even read the whole interview.

and they have their own countries which they fought and bled for.
Why are you trying to use them as a wedge to break up user's hypothetical white nation?

Why do you think white nationalism implies a single nation? Why does the idea of white people having political self determination in their own countries unbeholden to foreigners make you so uncomfortable?

Read the fucking thread, it's been gone over.

>but he should be criticized for it the same way a white man would if the reverse situation happened
I mean i guess but i still don't think he said anything racist. In my opinion white man should also have right to say that without some twitter anarchist get mad at it but what the can you do?

Well "normal people" like you and me don't run shit, and pretending otherwise won't make the people that do go away.

>Don't take us for idiots nigger.
Only you user.
And of course the reverse doesn't happen, white people can't get away with saying this kind of shit, but regardless i'd still defend their right to cast who ever they want for their story regardless of race or what the twitter faggots say is racist. But keep pretending you got me all figured out you presumptuous nigger.

>lol what can you do?
Disgusting hypocrite.

and miss

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and complaining on Yea Forums will?

There is no greater society without violent coercion. There is no capitalism without violent coercion.
>Why does north korea enslave their entire population
In what way is North Korea's population "enslaved"?
>They gave these countries back to their own people.
lol. very, very few former colonies have achieved total independence. Mostly it's only the big ones that had violent revolutions.
>did in later years
Hmm, seems like the overseas imperialism began as soon as the continent-wide imperialism was complete...The USA only started as thirteen colonies on the East Coast, mind.

How is that hypocritical? Do you seriously want forced diversity on white directors then? That's literally what you're insinuating here.

Blame the audience for being idiots, not the director for sticking to their craft.

Yeah take a "principled" position while whites never get cast and blacks get black only movies. At least you'll have your moral high ground right?
Strange, you both say the same things over and over again like you're the same person. Interesting that.

>In what way is North Korea's population "enslaved"?
lol wewlad
What surprise, the anti-white is an unironic Tankie

Your apathy is what makes you a hypocrite.

Not an argument. How are they "enslaved"?

Except the context would change and be entirely different because then a white majority member of the country is saying he wants to deny minorities from getting leads in his movies. And that's problematic, in part because Hollywood has a long history of doing just that, white people denying minorities getting parts. The same doesn't apply when an actual minority member says he wants to do minority leads because minority need more representation in getting leading roles, and especially in horror pictures they're rare as hell. It's not the same thing and trying to make this into a "well everything has to be equal" argument doesn't work because we don't actually live in a 100% equal world, and it's a statistical fact Hollywood doesn't do equality well despite plenty of virtue signaling, because the studios are the ones who dictate what gets greenlit and what doesn't, not the creators.

>And that's problematic,
Stopped reading here. Go back to Tumblr or reddit or whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>There is no greater society without violent coercion.
No shit, the point is to eliminate it as much as possible.
>There is no capitalism without violent coercion.
What do you base this on?
>In what way is North Korea's population "enslaved"?
It's actually quite incredible people like you exist. We really need to study your brain. Is it genetic? It must be, some part of the brain is making you desire your own enslavement. It's quite fascinating.
>very few former colonies have achieved total independence
Is this a joke?
Almost all of them have.

>seems like the overseas imperialism began as soon as the continent-wide imperialism was complete
Except it didn't.
Most of the rest of what is now the USA was just empty land.

I'm not the same user, but saying that white directors get shit from an idiotic audience and then you wanting the same for black directors actually feeds into that cycle. I think shitting on white directors over wanting forced diversity is stupid, the same way that it's stupid to complain about Peele wanting black leads as a black director.

>In what way is North Korea's population "enslaved"?
If you try to leave, they will kill you.
If you try to start a business, they will kill you.
If you try to have a different hairstyle than state approved ones, they will kill you.
If you refuse the job they give you, they will kill you.
If you try to build your own house, they will kill you.
Shall I go on?

Again you do realize that he cast white men in his movies right? And not just extras but supporting characters.
>Strange, you both say the same things over and over again like you're the same person. Interesting that.
>what?!? more than a single human can disagree with me, and they are saying the same thing?
>must be the same person cause the alternative would mean not a person but people think i am a dumbass.
i am not surprised you find it strange.

>In what way is North Korea's population "enslaved"?

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is there anything more embarrassing than being wrong about a samefag claim

>No shit, the point is to eliminate it as much as possible.
So you don't actually want freedom. You just want the illusion of freedom ;)
>What do you base this on?
What would happen if the workers tried to take the surplus value of the labor (that is stolen from them) from their employers?
What happens if the employers decide that they don't want to dole out a living wage?
What happens if you refuse to have your labor exploited?
>It's actually quite incredible people like you exist. We really need to study your brain. Is it genetic? It must be, some part of the brain is making you desire your own enslavement. It's quite fascinating.
Still haven't answered the question. How are North Koreans "enslaved"?
>Almost all of them have.
You are aware of the IMF, right? This isn't hard.
Not to mention most of Britain's "former" colonies are still subject to the Crown...and are co-governed by "Governor Generals"... or how nearly all of France's former colonies are in debt to France...or how many Latin American countries are ruled by CIA-trainees...

>Most of the rest of what is now the USA was just empty land.
The Indian wars weren't over until the 1920s. It wasn't "empty land," they had to kill their way through tens of thousands of Natives to get there.

Tankies don't deserve arguments.

No, but it annoys you which makes me feel better about everything.

>Gets triggered by a single word

If anyone it's you who needs to go back.

if i made one person feel better

>If you try to leave, they will kill you.
If you try to betray the one holdout to Western imperialism in the region and defect to the enemies that want to detroy you...yeah.
Do you endorse the invasion of subjugation of North Korea? Because that threat is the only reason their borders are closed.
>If you try to start a business, they will kill you.
Why would you want to start a business when all your needs are provided by the government?
>If you try to have a different hairstyle than state approved ones, they will kill you.
Literal Western disinfo. I bet you believed Saddam Hussein gassed babies, too, right?
>If you refuse the job they give you, they will kill you.
see above
>If you try to build your own house, they will kill you.
non-issue. individual home ownership in urban areas is bourgeois and reactionary anyways.

If anything it's Westerners who are the ones who are enslaved...what happens if you don't want to wageslave away all day for Mr. Shekelstein? No healthcare, no food, no housing, nothing!

the average North Korea has a more cohesive society and higher standard of living than the average South Korean


>You just want the illusion of freedom
No, lol why do you keep making dumb strawman arguments?
I keep responding to every one of your points so when you reply to me you just ignore where I abolished your argument.
How is me wanting to use the state to maximize freedom as much as possible me wanting the "illusion" of freedom.
Explain this.
>What would happen if the workers tried to take the surplus value of the labor
Oh boy not this shit again lol.
Surplus value is impossible, it's marxist pseudoscience.
If the workers took over the means of production, they would still be consuming the same exact amount of resources they were before.
Their living standards wouldn't magically improve. Why?
Because the working class consumes 99% of the end product of economic production(Consumer goods).
You can't get more than what is virtually everything.
Workers get what they produce.
The profits the capitalists gets are saved or reinvested and if the workers took all of this money "back" from the capitalists it would just cause massive price increases because workers would be consuming the same amount of goods.
Socialism makes no sense.
The only violence is the people that are going to kill socialists, the right wing in this country that owns all of the guns.
>How are North Koreans "enslaved"?
Oh boy lol
Why don't you go move there and starve to death boy?
>You are aware of the IMF, right?
We weren't talking about the IMF boy, why are you changing the subject?
Basically all of the countries that were under colonial rule have been given independence.
>most of Britain's "former" colonies are still subject to the Crown
It's just a meme, they don't actually have to listen to the crown, stupid.
>they had to kill their way through tens of thousands of Natives to get there.
LOL Just another marxist myth.
There was no native american genocide, just look at the numbers and stop listening to fancy stories.

>holdout to Western imperialism
Oh look you're making excuses for the regime.
People want to leave because they are being enslaved.
This is the definition of slavery, if you leave they will kill you.
You're wrong lol.
>enemies that want to detroy you
Yeah lol those evil south koreans with their extremely high living standards compared to north koreans sure want to fucking destroy me.
Holy fuck you're dumb.
>endorse the invasion
I want them to become a capitalist country with freedom and rule of law, but invading is kind of dumb.
>Why would you want to start a business when all your needs are provided by the government?
>why would you want to leave the prison camp when they give you food and water
The north korean people get almost nothing from their government, the government forces them to work and gets all the benefit when you barely get any shelter, food or water.
>Literal Western disinfo.
But it's unironically true. All of the people that escaped said this. Let me guess you think that ex-north koreans are all cia plants and it's all a big conspiracy lol
Why do you believe things with zero evidence?
>see above
In almost all cases you are forced to do the job they give you which is mostly working in a field.
We weren't talking about if this was an "issue" or not, the point is they are enslaved and can't do basic things like build shelter for themselves.
>bourgeois and reactionary anyways.
Pseudoscientific Marxist religious buzzwords. You're in a religious cult.
>Mr. Shekelstein
The vast majority of capitalists are not jews.
>No healthcare,
healthcare was incredible cheap in the 50s and 60s before the government started intervening in the market and jacked up prices
>no food, no housing, nothing!
It's extremely easy to find work, even at mcdonalds wages your living standards are a million times better than north koreans, also if you're a lazy bum you can still get food and shelter.

>the average North Korea has a more cohesive society and higher standard of living than the average South Korean
No they don't and you base this off nothing.
Absolutely nothing but propaganda from an authoritarian dictatorship.
You're actually this retarded and anyone can see you're wrong by looking at videos of everyday life in each of these countries.

I can't wait for all of you people to be wiped away.

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I just said that it should be also fine that white director wanted to have white lead in the movie. I don't see how i am hypocrite.

>held together at gun point
>cohesive society

>How is me wanting to use the state to maximize freedom as much as possible me wanting the "illusion" of freedom.
"Freedom" is still a nebulous, undefined concept here...if freedom has to be ensured by a state, then isn't the state encoraching on the freedoms of entities who are practicing their freedoms at the expense of others' freedoms?
>blah blah blah capitalism good socialism bad
lmao this smooth-brained drivel doesn't deserve a response. you have zero understanding of socialism.
>the right wing in this country that owns all of the guns.
The same right-wing that religiously watches NazBol Tucker Carlson every night?
The rednecks will be voting socialist in 2020. Bernie will win every state after Tucker endorses him ;)
> and starve to death boy?
What, like the millions of Americans starving right now? What about the millions of Americans who Trump wants to throw off healthcare, who'll go broke and starve the minute they have a serious medical emergency?
>Basically all of the countries that were under colonial rule have been given independence.
Nominally, sure. But they aren't truly "free" if their financial system and government is controlled by foreign bodies, are they? ;)
>It's just a meme, they don't actually have to listen to the crown, stupid.
The Queen can dissolve any of her parliaments at a moment's notice. They are very much under the control of Britain.
>LOL Just another marxist myth.
Sooo then why were they fighting wars with the Indians all the way up until 1924?

Hmm, for someone who claims to be a nationalist, it sure seems like you want Koreans to leave their country and settle in other ones!

fuck niggers and fuck kikes

lmao South Korea is a degenerate shithole with massive wealth inequality ruled by a cabal of witchcraft-practicing feminazis.

>Get a slight bit of recognition
>Turn into Spike Lee
You can't give these people nothing without them turning into uppity niggers.

>"Freedom" is still a nebulous, undefined concept here
No its not.
When most people say freedom, they mean liberty. Freedom from coercion, theft, fraud, freedom of speech and association etc etc.
>if freedom has to be ensured by a state
It doesn't have to, it's just that the state is the most stable way of ensuring it.
>you have zero understanding of socialism.
lol kid I've debated with socialists online for over 10 years and have heavily read into their retarded arguments
You simply can't and it fucking hurts deep down amirite?
This is so fucking hilarious. This argument destroys socialists every fucking time and they get super mad and don't know how to respond.
Thread is about to 404, lets watch as you continue to refute my surplus value argument.

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>When most people say freedom, they mean liberty
What is "liberty"? Are taxes "theft"? Why do you support freedom of speech, but not drag queens? Or advocating for socialism? Isn't that freedom of speech? Or do you only want freedom for certain kinds of speech?
>lol kid I've debated with socialists online for over 10 years
Yeah, it sure shows. Pathetic.

Have sex

>Turn into Spike Lee
How is he anything Spike Lee. He just wants to make black lead movies and i don't see how there is anything wrong with that?

>The same right-wing that religiously watches NazBol Tucker Carlson every night?
Tuck is a paleo conservative that wants some regulation on social media companies.
He hates you leftist subhumans and shits on you every night. lol
The right wing owns all of the guns and wants to slaughter you people.
I would absolutely love it if you tried to start a commie revolution in this country.
You kids would be dead in a few hours.
>What, like the millions of Americans starving right now?
First off America isn't a free market, our central bank destroys living standards and causes poverty, secondly niggers.
>What about the millions of Americans who Trump wants to throw off healthcare, who'll go broke and starve the minute they have a serious medical emergency?
Trump is too much of a faggot to actually do what needs to be done and abolish all government intervention in healthcare so the price drops to where it was in the 50s though.
>But they aren't truly "free" if their financial system and government is controlled by foreign bodies, are they?
The IMF doesn't benefit either party though, your main argument was colonialism benefits the host nation and that's how they got rich.
>The Queen can dissolve any of her parliaments at a moment's notice.
She doesn't though, that's why it's a meme lol
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

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>He hates you leftist subhumans and shits on you every night. lol
He'll endorse Bernie once he gets the nomination. Screencap this post.

>What is "liberty"?
>Are taxes "theft"?
yes and should be voluntary
>Why do you support freedom of speech, but not drag queens?
I support drag queens freedom of speech, just not their exploitation of children, children who also have rights.
You aren't very good at strawman arguments.
>Or advocating for socialism?
I'm okay with that, they just aren't allowed to vote.
>Yeah, it sure shows.
Because you couldn't refute me? LOL
This is funny, you aren't saying a single fucking word, you're probably shaking right now ahahahaHAHAHAH

Let me repeat my argument:

Surplus value is impossible, it's marxist pseudoscience.
If the workers took over the means of production, they would still be consuming the same exact amount of resources they were before.
Their living standards wouldn't magically improve. Why?
Because the working class consumes 99% of the end product of economic production(Consumer goods).
You can't get more than what is virtually everything.
Workers get what they produce.
The profits the capitalists gets are saved or reinvested and if the workers took all of this money "back" from the capitalists it would just cause massive price increases because workers would be consuming the same amount of goods.
Socialism makes no sense.

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Seriously, have sex.

>He'll endorse Bernie once he gets the nomination.
He shits on Bernie and AOC every night.
Give me one reason why people with your genetic type shouldn't be purged from society?
The neurons that were supposed to be there to understand and process logic simply didn't form.
Also dialectical materialism is pseudoscience.

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Why don't you like Soros? He's the ur-capitalist!

>He shits on Bernie
He never shits on Bernie. In fact, he often says he agrees with him!

ok virgin

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>Why don't you like Soros? He's the ur-capitalist!
Why don't I like a leftist billionaire that does everything in his power to destroy the free markets and support central banking? lmao

Why do leftists have the dumbest arguments?

>he often says he agrees with him!
Yes, for an extremely narrow sliver of ideals.
I bet you watch Tuck actually thinking he's your guy or something, oh no no no. Man that's actually pathetic.
Nazbol is literally a meme ideology.