What PS2 game is this?

What PS2 game is this?

Attached: Star Wars II Attack of the Clones (4mbps).mkv_snapshot_02.13.53.792.jpg (1920x816, 283K)

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DAAAAMN, Ratchet did not age well.

CGI was a mistake

pretty good for 2002 honestly

If that's PS2, Aquaman was an Atari 2600.

it fucking says in the thumbnail you retard

Looks fine in SD on a CRT, zoomer

>released in theaters on an 70' screen

Aquaman had some astoundingly bad CGI. Worst I’ve seen from a major studio movie in a while.

>>released in theaters on an 70' screen
Yes, and?


he looks like my chemistry teacher but without the green skin

"Luke, don't forget to use the Forces." - Yoda in Star War

Ok whats the real truth? I'm still debating seeing it and everyone here either says its really good cinematography and soulful or shitcape'd and horrid CG


Eh, given how he looks in revenge of the sith thats fine. His aotc appearance was basically a test run. The cgi in rots looks better than the puppet

can you post an example?

>The cgi in rots looks better than the puppet

Attached: Smug Critic.jpg (1438x1080, 256K)

It does though.

One word: Verisimilitude.

I know you are trying to appear smart, but it doesn't really apply in this case because yoda creatures doesn't exist in real life so we have no actual basis of reference. One iteration is not any closer to life than another, but the one from revenge of the sith is definitely of higher quality than the puppet used in empire and phantom menace, in terms of conveying emotions, appearance and movement.
Not saying you are, but this shouldn't be seen as an assault towards the puppet, there are definitely cases where practical effects holds up better than cgi, but this simply isn't one of them, nor am I bashing the work that went into making the puppet, the cgi version is simply better

You're wrong. Frank Oz's puppeteering breathes far more life into the character than the soulless motions that required a phalanx of programmers.

>movie from a ps1era looks like a ps2 game
Your parents must be so proud of you.

they should just get the puppet they used in empire

>yoda creatures doesn't exist in real life so we have no actual basis of reference
This Yoda is real. His motions actually respond to the lighting. His clothing is real fabric. You could touch this Yoda, feel him, smell him. Those awful CGI creations are just a glib facsimile.

You’re being gaslight by disney shills.
Aquaman looks amazing.