>"You didn't see it?
"You didn't see it?
I watched it awhile ago and it confused me. I had no idea what was going on in the last third of the movie
why you flanking us bro
Hawkeye was a rapist?
That giant face looks like an arse
I tried to watch it and it was boring
Trash movie that tried to be No Country for Old Men and turned out shittier than Jack Reacher
It was trash
the guys at the trailer were moving to surround the cops because they expected a shootout from the beginning. They were in deep shit and they knew it, and were prepared to cover their tracks by going so far as killing law enforcement to do it.
The cop noticed this, and got spooked. He accused them of flanking him and getting the officers into a crossfire where they would have a tactical advantage.
When the girl FBI agent approaches the door, the guy signals to the guys inside to shoot her through the door by telling them explicitly that she is front of it. Chief notices this, but only too late, not being able to tell the girl in time for her to react. I'm telling you this because it's my favorite part of the movie and you might've missed that too.
t. biggest plebs
Was pretty good.
Also, if you don't know why the dude with the lever action pulled up, it's because when he found the cougars he saw the snowmobile tracks and realized something was off. I don't recall if he for sure saw the distinctly human remains, but by the end of the flashback it becomes clear that the private security guys fed Shane to the cougars to hide the evidence of the murder. Hurt Locker figures this out pretty quick.
The atmosphere was very good. I liked it overall.
This. No mystery, the villains are retarded caricatures. The killers are literally the second group of people they investigate and they immediately try to the kill the cops because they're all racist white guys.
This guy is a hack. Hell Or High Water was one of the stupidest boomer fantasies I've ever seen where cameras in fucking banks don't exist in 2019 because it's "rural" texas.
Lots of based opinions in here already
This movie was bullshit. The characters were some of the most cartoonish one-note writing I've ever seen in a movie that was actually trying to be something. And on top of the shit writing they have the nerve to pretend it's about some real life societal issue? I'm sure a large percentage of Native American women getting abused on reservations are abused by....Native American men.
I saw it, it was good up until I found out John Bernthal was the guy who got killed, should have picked a better actor if they wanted me to sympathize with him.
literally a feature length commercial for the Marlin 1895
>I'm sure a large percentage of Native American women getting abused on reservations are abused by....Native American men
They cover up the crimes to protect their own, it's why they have tribal police. Natives go on about whitey not caring their people die but they don't even turn in their child rapists.
Why you flanking me bro?
It's not a movie about mystery you retarded faggot
it's about being real
My only gripe is that the law enforcement didn’t immediately try to disarm the civvys on the basis of investigative safety. Then again it would’ve led to the same outcome regardless.
It was such a sexy gun, though.
I didn't really like it. I get it was supposed to be about a tense shootout or whatever, but there wasn't any real reason to care about anyone who was shooting or getting shot. I guess I was supposed to feel bad about horse face super jew and his featherhead gf?
how would you stop flankman?
I've seen it twice and cried my eyes out both times.
basedboy opinions you mean
I liked this hapa cutie. The rest of the movie sucked.
awaiting Yellowstone season 2 desu
It actually made me like him a little more because of it, usually he plays a piece of shit.