
They cute edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can guess your place on the political scale by your favorite captain

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Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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>user assembles a team of namefags
you done goofed

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>TrekMovie: Do you expect to back for the third season?

>Ethan Peck: I can’t say.

>TrekMovie: With Anson Mount leaving a lot of fans are clamoring for the idea of you and Rebecca [Romijn] and Anson having a spin-off, or a Short Trek or something on the Enterprise. Is that something you would be interested in?

>Ethan Peck: Yeah, I think it would be pretty cool.

>TrekMovie: Has there been any discussion about that?

>Ethan Peck: I can’t say. [laughs]
Are you ready for Pike and Spock spin off? Seriously, cancel Discovery and do this. Bring Saru.
>Star Trek: Five Year Mission

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Why didn't they just teleport the robot chick into the brig?

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For the record, and to the user from last thread, I report every single one of VF's shitty bait ratings images.

That's no offense to VF who, funnily enough, is okay when not dropping his shitty forced memes or bait images. But, ultimately, the fact that they're content is no excuse.

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>tfw no smug Bajoran gf

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>For the record, and to the user from last thread, I report every single one of VF's shitty bait ratings images.

You think I'm that faggot?

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Where's Kurn? I liked that guy

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Which series is most deserving of some movies?


Rank the regulars:
Collage Colin
Voyager kids poster
Jimmy 2 Times
Jansa Beesti (aka Kai Winn-fag)
KC (aka Eddington autist)
Nordic Wonder
Miniature Spacecraft
Billy the Bum poster
Armus is a Caretaker theorist
Fat Riker poster
Clog in the gene pool/Right Wing Trekkie/ENT is the best Trek poster
DS9 subtitle poster


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Who's Collage Colin

Some guy in Florida who sells meth to destitute boomers.


Welcome frens, sit down and let's discuss Star Trek. Not Discovery though, it's quite silly.

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can't really see what a movie would be about being honest
i can see a couple plots that would work well in movie format
war,war,war,war,war maybe
however they waited to long for movies generations came out the same year tng ended so timing was perfect

Why can't I get into Voyager /trek/. It's all I have left and I want to have watched them all before 2020. I just can't focus for a whole episode.

Is there a viewing guide to watch some classics to get a taste for the crew?

That would be fantastic news.

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Imagine being so low IQ that you're bored at all by Voyager. I bet you like the Troi/Beverly love stories.

Ent would be heavily influenced by First Man. Test pilots in the NX program vie to break Warp 2.

>Is there a viewing guide to watch some classics to get a taste for the crew?
Honestly, IMDB's rankings are pretty true to the quality of each episode.
But this user is right Voyager is great Trek that takes three seasons to get good.

VOY is very difficult to get into. The characters carry everything, including Kes dragging it down hard.

>tfw been trying to finish VOY for two years now
>tfw still on S4
I have no passion for the show and I don't get why. I like the characters and I enjoy the episode as I am watching it, but something isn't clicking. I finished all the other shows just fine, but VOY has been a pain in my ass.

explain for someone who doesn't watch watch Discovery, What are deaf dude and Lucius' political attitudes?

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I kind of like that idea


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Imagine being a Klingon

I wish I was passionately hardcore.

Team up when?

Imagine being a hoo-man

Too much testosterone for one screen.

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>And so two years ago, our government signed a treaty with the Dominion. In it, the Dominion promised to extend Cardassia's influence throughout the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join the war against the Federation and its allies. Cardassians have never been afraid of war. A fact we've proven time and again over these past two years. Seven million of our brave soldiers have given their lives to fulfill our part of the agreement. And what has the Dominion done in return? Nothing. We've gained no new territories. In fact, our influence throughout the quadrant has diminished. And to make matters worse, we're no longer masters in our own home. Travel anywhere in Cardassia and what do you find? Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and now Breen. Instead of the invaders, we have become the invaded. Our allies have conquered us without firing a shot. Well, no longer. This morning, detachments of the Cardassian First, Third, and Ninth Orders attacked Dominion outposts on Rondac Three. This assault marks the first step toward the liberation of our homeland from the true oppressors of the Alpha Quadrant. I call upon Cardassians everywhere. Resist! Resist today. Resist tomorrow! Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil.

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most of the characters are unlikable af except the doctor

Women's rule is God's punishment on a sinful people.

-Isaiah 3:12

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Loved his denoument but it was delivered a bit ham handedly when he stormed the Cardy HQ with Garak and immediately got zapped.

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*dies for literally no reason*

>no reason
You're just a brainlet with normie inclinations who couldn't cold approach a solid 6 under the heat of a mid-Florida sun in July, now can you dig it?!

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You're always so cringe, VF.

IMAGINE being given one of the sexiest bodies a woman could ask for and having it topped off with the most androgynous face you could ask for.

A fate worse than uncurable Herpes.

Marc Alaimo's wardrobe is the very definition of cool: contrarian yet congenial, a bricolage of sensible "dad" trends.

While most of us probably recognize him as the eminent Gul Dukat from the massively popular Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series, since the series wrapped Alaimo has come into his own in fashion circles.

Marc's sartorial smarts are exemplified by his signature khaki slacks in tawny which he pairs with a canny "Harley Davidson" button down men's blouse; the fabric of which appears to be a serpentine "Cardassian" gray linen. Watch out ladies this melange makes even the most vestal of Bajoran Kais flush and swoon like casualties of Zanthi fever. The collar unbuttoned, leaving a peek-a-boo of undershirt screams "here's a guy who knows how to raise a sexy step daughter". The look is consummated with sleeves that are rolled up past the wrist, exuding an air of enigma and braggadocio. Ladies, he's not a snake in the grass, but he may as well be a snake in the sheets!

Marc is often seen wearing an 'on trend' black hoodie embossed with chic white "Star Trek" embroidery that can only be purchased at exclusive Star Trek conventions. Get them while they're hot!

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You're Marritza, aren't you?
>You mistake me for that bug? That whimpering nothing? Oh, you stupid Bajoran girl, don't you know who I am? I'm your nemesis, I'm your nightmare. I'm the Butcher of Gallitep.
The Butcher of Gallitep died six years ago. You're Aamin Marritza, his filing clerk.
>That's not true. I am alive. I'll always be alive. It's Marritza who's dead. Marritza, who was only good for cowering under his bunk and weeping like a woman! Who, every night, covered his ears because he couldn't bear to hear the screaming for mercy of the Bajorans. I covered my ears every night. I couldn't bear to hear those horrible screams. You have no idea what it's like to be a coward, to see these horrors and do nothing. Marritza's dead. He deserves to be dead.

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based Marc fashion poster

I don't know, but guy who posts "Rank the regulars" is deffo at the bottom.

>Watch out ladies this melange makes even the most vestal of Bajoran Kais flush and swoon like casualties of Zanthi fever.

Forced a sub-vocal oscillation at this daffy little one-liner!

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I just started rewatching DS9. It's my first Trek rewatch since I only got through ENT last month and for no particular reason I checked for DS9 stuff on amazon.
It really surprised me how cheap and available TNG-era autographs are and I got excited as fuck when I realized the cheapest was also one of my favorite characters.
I know this isn't all that exciting for you guys, but I'm having a stressy time lately and /trek/ is the only place I can talk about this and I'm very excited

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>He got so quiet toward the end. I could hear him whispering things. His wife's name, Iliana's, even mine. Then the pain just got too much for him and he just lay there, breathing. And at the end of every exhale, there was this pause, and I thought that's it. It's over. Then he'd force another breath, and another. I started counting them. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred. He was fought for every last second. I don't even think he knew I was there.
He knew. You gave him what he needed. He didn't die alone.
>Maybe he gave me something I needed. I missed my father's death by less than an hour. Did you know that? Less than an hour. I always told myself that it was bad luck, bad timing, the will of the Prophets. But the truth is, I didn't have to go when I did. I could have stayed a while longer. I saw my chance to get out and I took it. I saw so much death during the occupation, I felt so much pain. But my father, he was my strength, and I couldn't stand to see that strength slipping away. So I ran.
Just like you tried to run from Ghemor.
>He reminded me so much of my father. Going through it again, I just couldn't face it.
But in the end, you did. You were there for Ghemor.
>I owed it to him. I owed it to my father to get it right this time.

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>I don't know, but guy who posts "Rank the regulars" is deffo at the bottom.

What don't you like about the DS9 subtitles?
Hit too close to home?

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>Read the dedication.
To my father, who's coming home. Thank you, but I don't understand.
>It was me. It was me all along. I've been dragging you through time like an anchor and now it's time to cut you loose.
Jake, what are you saying?
(Jake looks over at the desk. Sisko goes and picks up the hypo.)
>It won't be long now.
Jake! No!
>When I die, you'll go back to where this all began. Just remember to dodge the energy discharge from the warp core.
Jake, you could still have so many years left.
>No. We have to be together when I die.
Jake, you didn't have to do this. Not for me.
>For you and for the boy that I was. He needs you more than you know. Don't you see? We're going to get a second chance.
Jake. My sweet boy.

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Stationfags pushing their favourite soap opera onto the board. We get it, muh moral ambiguity, muh cosmic politics, muh shades of grey, muh religion.


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Why did you post such a thing?

>That's a sad story, Jetrel, but let me tell you another one. A man goes back to Rinax after the Cascade. Back to what had been his home, to look for survivors. But the impact of the blast has set off hundreds of fires, and there's nothing there. Just smouldering ruins and the stench of seared flesh. But in the distance, in the middle of all that emptiness, from out of this huge cloud of billowing dust, he can see bodies moving, whimpering, coming toward him. They're monsters, their flesh horribly charred, the color of shale. One of them comes toward him, mangled arms outstretched, and he can't help it, he turns away frightened. But then the thing speaks and he knows by the sound of her voice that she's not a monster at all, but a child. A little girl. Her name was Palaxia. We brought her back to Talax with the other survivors. Over the next few weeks I stayed at her bedside and watched her wither away. Those are consequences, Doctor Jetrel.

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gonna cry?

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Neelix was always the best.

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Curious. I have never understood the human compulsion to emotionally bond with inanimate objects. This vessel has done nothing. It is an assemblage of bulkheads, conduits, tritanium. Nothing more.
>Oh, you're wrong. It's much more than that. This ship has been our home. It's kept us together. It's been part of our family. As illogical as this might sound, I feel as close to Voyager as I do to any other member of my crew. It's carried us, Tuvok. Even nurtured us. And right now it needs one of us.
I respect your decision. Live long and prosper, Captain.
(Tuvok raises his hand in Vulcan salute. Janeway strokes his face.)
>Same to you, old friend.

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Just like real life, I'm somewhere between Kirk and Picard.

>I've seen horrors, horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror! Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. I remember the occupation of Bajor. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile: a pile of little arms. And I remember I...I...I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized, like I was shot — like I was shot with a diamond...a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God, the genius of that. The genius! The will to do that: perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand it. These were not monsters. These were men, trained cadres — these men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who have children, who are filled with love — but they had the strength — the strength! — to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling, without passion, without judgement. Without judgement! Because it's judgement that defeats us.

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>Do you remember her? Her name was Annika Hansen. She was born on stardate 25479 at the Tendara Colony. There's still a lot we don't know about her. Did she have any siblings? Who were her friends? Where did she go to school? What was her favorite color?
(Seven looks at the picture for a while, then slaps it out of Janeway's hand.)
Irrelevant! Take me back to the Borg.
>I can't do that.
So quiet. One voice.
>One voice can be stronger than a thousand voices. Your mind is independent now, with its own unique identity.
You are forcing that identity upon me. It's not mine.
>Oh yes, it is. I'm just giving you back what was stolen from you. The existence you were denied, the child who never had a chance. That life is yours to live now.
Don't want that life!
>It's what you are. Don't resist it.
(She collapses into Janeway's arms. Janeway helps her back to the bunk and holds her.)

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I'm literally shaking rn.

I wish someone loved me as much as Picard fans love gargling cum

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Would be more bearable to look at if she didn't have short dyke hair.

literally watching right now. is there a more feels ep than this?

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He gets way more hate than he deserves. I think he was one of the better characters on Voyager.

Janeway and Belana were the real stinkers.

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it hits you right in the feels every time

I sympathize with Beltran too much to really rank Chakotay as low as he deserves, but he's down there with Belanna. Janeway is complicated, she and Kim are really interesting meta-characters in how weirdly they were portrayed. Janeway is so inconsistent that while she's not easy to summarize her character, it's a super interesting character because of the inconsistency. Kim is just a weird bitch boy with a mommy complex going on and nobody ever acknowledges it in character, but he got some growth too.

if beltran hated the show so much why didn't he just leave

Chakotay was such a squandered character. As a Maquis captain who clashed with Starfleet he could have been a great character that added drama to the show; but instead he ended up being Janeway's lap dog.


Janeway is a hypocrite and frankly a pretty lousy captain who makes dumb decisions despite being very determined and brave. If the show had dealt with that she could have been a good character but instead they just pretend that she's a great leader and she's not.


Kim was interesting in the episode where Voyager got destroyed and he went nuts trying to figure out how to time travel back and fix it. Aside from that he was just dull. He needed to get cynical or jaded or develop and he never really did.

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Because there was fucktons of money in it, apparently. He kept demanding outrageous raises trying to get fired and they kept coughing up money.

Then he should've have kept on trashing the show if they continued to raise his pay.

*shouldn't have

Chakotay was Kim's bitch in that one too, Wong wasn't a very good actor but it was enjoyable. Kim got some great eps like the AI torpedo one and the alien nazi ones, and that one with the DNA trap was okay. On the OTHER hand he also got the clown ep and that one where he caught space aids losing his virginity and janeway demanded he get written permission from her to fuck.

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I mean his character sucked. I can't blame the guy for trying to put some pressure on to have them write something interesting for him to do.


All around the world statues crumble for me
Who knows how long I've loved you
Everywhere I go people stop and they see
Twenty-five years old my mother God rest her soul

I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby
I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby

Dance a little stranger, show me where you've been
Love can make you hostage wanna do it again
There's no time to think about the starting or the end
We'll find out I'm told, my mother she told me so

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Bobby Beltran should be thankful he even got a semi-regular cable television show to be a part of instead of being a bit player in some progressive theatre company in downtown St. Louis.

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He's making bank on the convention circuit now, star trek is a lifetime career.

hasperat commander?

imagine being remembered as the retard with the face tattoos in trek and having to tell people to call you bobby beltran irl

yup it's me the retard with no personality so I tattooed some shit all over my face what's good

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Commander Akoocheemoya, there's probably still people out there that think his injun shtick was legit.

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Gul Macet and Gul Dukat team up.

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Based. I’d literally SOI out if DS9 had a Macet/Dukat episode.

People always ask me if I've seen the Akoocheemoya meme posts. Of course I have! Who hasn't? I really love it. You know, any time someone posts a picture of me and they aren't howling with laughter calling me the retard with tattoos on his face, it just makes my day. Puts me right back in space.

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Get some Moset in there.

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(they don't want bobby beltran they just want the retard with the tattoo on his face be cool bobby beltran mask on mask off just do this and say the akoocheemoya like they like and you can go home maybe pick up a fifth and an eight ball on the way home who knows tonight you're not bobby beltran anymore you're the retard with the tattoo on his face)

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sex criminal

Neelix was so much better than she deserved.

>Katherine, the blankets were laced! They LIED to us!

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This is incredibly accurate.

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>Rainwater low, sky is high. Distant are the calls of the Buffalo but strong is the cool wind on our backs.
>Yeah, whatever you say, Chakotay, just make sure we get those coffee grinds from the Talaxian before 0700.

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>that tfw when god clears his busy schedule so he can make fun of your face tattoos and call you a retard
this episode hit too close to home

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tea, Twinnings, peach & mango.

>Mine's BIGGER

OOF, Red man taking one off the chin (if you'll pardon the expression XD)

>>that tfw when
You're dismissed.

>that tfw when it's happening again just like last time


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If digits it fucking counts

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so close
so far



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neelix, janeway, the doctor, that borg kid, and tupac are the best characters

and 6 of 8

ENT is the best poster reporting in

Osama Bin Laden killed trek

I just fapped to a holodeck program of Valley Forge and Bashirfaggot tribbing and I didn't clean up after myself.


ENT movie should be leading up to Warp or something. Basically Young Archer

I only confess to the Andorrian priest

Trek is death process

>prequel show has even more prequelly prequel movie
And then the reboot can be about Archer's fetus nearly choking himself with his umbilical cord.


Neelix & Tuvok had the best chemistry, super bros.

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I miss Crusherfag

Maybe too good...

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>Alone again on a Tuesday night, pinkskin?

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as long as I have /trek/ I'll never be alone.

Where are the tripfags?

Dickwad's empty so I assume getting high or shoving figurines up Xheir parpholes.


What are some episodes about people with informed opinions replaced by yes men?

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Picard is a pussy

Jellico would have sucked Madred's cock faster than you can say "four lights."

Only because he wanted to

Certainly not Chain of Command.

Jelico was a damned good officer and his strategy disarmed an entire Cardassian invasion force and lead to Picard being freed. Or are you implying Picard is a yes man?

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>Jelico was a damned good officer
Not really.
>his strategy disarmed an entire Cardassian invasion force
The Cardies were in no shape to invade anything, they've never posed a threat to the Federation and on multiple occasions lone Starfleet vessels cut through their fleets like butter
>lead to Picard being freed.
After disavowing him like a coward, using a decorated officer as a bargaining chip. Jellico and his puppetmaster Necheyev are neocon chicken hawks.

/alita/ threads, user.

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is there a non-camrip out?

There is a 720p R5 with shitty spinning ads and Korean subs. The dvd/bluray drops in late May.

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Then yeah /alita/ can go fuck itself.

Look Data
It counts

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Made any profits today?

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Now THAT was a Star Trek show...

Trip got manpreggers from less.

sorry, I don't watch misogynist films.

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Would you fuck Gene if it meant a part in Trek?

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Yes but it wouldn't make me gay because I'd be doing it for money. It wouldn't be gay.

We talking bit part, recurring, or main? Just one time, on the regular, or on demand?

Fucking BASED

Eh, he was not a good leader. He didn't have the ability to inspire those under his command and get buy-in. He just made demands and was incredibly inflexible.

The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.

You don't stream Star Trek episodes do you /trek/? you download them in high quality so you can see Troi's nipples through her shirt....right?

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That would be illegal.


I streamed it all

You're just awful.

How convenient of you.

>Are you ready for Pike and Spock spin off?
If it's handled by the same people who are running STD and Picard into the ground, expect every episode to feature Number One saving the crew of the Enterprise and people talking back at Pike while he stands there silent.

Voyager is too much philosophy.



become the retard
put the tattoos on your face

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Why didn't Akoocheemoya just rape Janeway

did the face tattoos make the retard feel free or did they just end up trapping him?

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sorry bruv only spin off is Section 31

the writers for VOY were consulted by a literal fake Indian... some Jewish guy that larped around Hollywood for decades pretending to be a native. Even tricked Joseph Campbell who was a scholar. He probably just made it all up.

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yeah you know sometimes, when I think, I get a little lost. people come up and they aren't interacting with me, they're talking to the character. like I've been the retard with the tattoos on his face for so long I don't even remember who bobby beltran is. maybe we all feel that way sometimes.

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Based Beltran


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Star trek is leftist or right?

Star Trek used to be largely apolitical with a strong bent towards Classical Liberalism with some Libertarian elements. It is now full Leftist.

Where my gurrl B-train at?

Huge fail on their part

How awful. Hope we can bounce back.

Big win for the conman. gotta love the game, breh.

>the “ladies”
What did Kelly mean by this

he means trans people but it's kind of offensive.

>falling for Jew tricks
Damn, VOY really is the worst Trek

Some Jews are nice tho


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Nah. Progressives won the culture war mang. Jussie Smollet goes free and people still calling for Trump's head despite the Meuller report falling flat. Truth, reqson, and logic are dead when it comes to Western media and culture.

Hey, if those idiots were stupid enough to pay him it really is their fault.

stop it

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Native American “culture” can be learned in about 20 minutes, so Jamake had to fluff it up.

Enlisted bootlickers love Jellico because he reminds them of their abusive fathers.

would you say he had to ja-make it up?

hehe, nice one.

just had my morning cup(s) of coffee and now im ready to give my double middle fingers to the world starting with you /trek/
fuck you /trek/ i am the greatest, suck on my ballz

I pee all over your floor.

Unironically based

Geordi plz

engage in intercourse my friend

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>just had my morning cup(s) of coffee and now im ready to give my double middle fingers to the world starting with you /trek/
>fuck you /trek/ i am the greatest, suck on my ballz
based god

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based vf

>based vf
not him not a faggot sorry, anyone who thinks vf is based is a faggot loser as bad as him

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>anyone who thinks vf is based is a faggot loser as bad as him
This, VF is a creepy faggot.

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who are your favorite /trek/ namefags? Explain why. The more indepth the discussion on infamous /trek/ posters, the better.

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The most based posters are user you dumb bitch.

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okay vf

cringe reddit """trolling"""

Stop what?

in my experience, namefags contribute the most OC, the most rare content, and make insightful and memorable contributions to the Star Trek discussion whilst enriching /trek/ with their compelling and vivacious personalities. I find many to be quite memorable characters. Like our own minor celebrities ;)

Just wanted to hear which ones were you guys' favorites. They always get the thread moving.

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imagine ernestly making that post kek what an autistic loser
i wonder how many faggots will samefag about how much they love their tripfag persona

VF: drinking bros, and we'd watch Trek on the weekends
BF: cute at first and maybe have a crush but eventually get tired of The Communism
MKULTRA: maybe play some vidya with, don't really talk that much
Nordic Wonder: always hosts the best Thanksgiving meals, always invites me over for dinner
Blando: says hi on the bus, is a person

Collagecolon because he doesn’t use a trip


>It's a 200+ post Trek thread
>Too many possibilites to shitreply

I don't know. Just give Jeffery Combs a role in some series, maybe Orville. Should have replaced meme brunette actually.

>shitposters feeling internet famous because three people in a trek thread on Yea Forums recognize their name
lmfao /trek/ ain't shit

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/trek/ is still here while /got/ and /who/ got nuked

okay but that doesn't make it anything close to relevant to the rest of the internet

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Nobody said it did

>okay but
Stopped reading after that tbqh famalam

/trek/ won't die. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

That's infantile

best personality is me
and yet nobody knows who i am
they only know i am the most besed

based vf

Worrying about internet notority isn’t?

imagine thinking you are an internet "personality" because of /trek/

imagine thinking you have a personality because of /trek/

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It's a hat I found 4 years ago in Forever 21. I didnt even buy it. It's a joke on how if you google dragon age morrigan cosplay I'm usually the first or second picture to come up and it's been that way for like five or six years.

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I’m going to do an analysis of your post history to see how many times your posts contain the words “me” and “I.”

True, tbqh. this /trek/ personality is "internet famous" here. Small scale, but still true.

I didn't know fetal alcohol syndrome existed in the future. Look at those lopsided eyes

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>shes the coolest kid in retard class I swear

it's so adorable how you think /trek/ matters to more than five people in the entire universe
it is only a thread on Yea Forums, and not even a good one

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Picard literally did nothing wrong

>let me just find a way to shoehorn my other interests to show that im not some desperate loser who has hit the wall and needs to relive my glory days by displaying myself to a bunch of my orbiters

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It's adorable how your bussy twitches when my benis rubs against your bum.

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that's cool I'm like the top results for shimoneta and ryuko cosplay now I'm more into like performance art and just focusing on making one character my own yeah being an internet legend is pretty cool

time to roll up a joint of this jack herer and be a based god since i called in sick todaaaaaaaaay maybe watch some star trek i dunno maybe if the mood strikes
whats everybody else got plan for today?

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I just quit because it stopped being fun for me and actual hobbies are expensive and get in the way of me taking depression naps on the floor which are free.

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I'm just bein' a bitch today, drinkin' outta cups
Wish I had a puff of that joint tho

>anons cross referencing shimoneta and ryuko cosplay images to try to deduce who you are

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*passes joint* ask and you shall receive

*hits joint* *instant vivid hallucinations* wow that's good stuff

No, because I don't want my asshole sewn up just to be an alien of the week. Gene was notoriously hung like an elephant.

only the best for my fellow /trek/tards *lights up second jointlular joint*

>computer! one jointular joint please.

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everyone here is retarded, depressed, and fucked up on something or another
even if my real name were posted here nobody would do anything because you're all a bunch of useless faggots kek

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>tfw your tolerance is fucked and you can only get high off wax

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I love Bash!

u jelly

>even if my real name were posted here nobody would do anything because you're all a bunch of useless faggots kek
well i honestly dont think anybody cares
but you should try you luck though lol

Bitter, petty, volatile.

nice Trek discussion, lads

Remember that idiot who posted a picture of the cocaine they bought on new years kek
What kind of an idiot has a picture like that saved on their phone for like 3 months
I was just remembering because I was about to post my dank nugs and was like
>no that would be cringe

You sound scared.


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ironic how your post is all those three things

Do you take anti-depressants, B?

This is what happens when you summon the Tripfags

>everyone here is retarded, depressed, and fucked up on something or another
uh projecting much? im neither of those things im just based, thank you very much

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star trek

post ass

Why would anyone here hurt people just because they can?

just post your name already, stop being a lil bitch

Bashirfag has a right to post here, same as you and me.

nothing personell

bad words go away

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>Nah. Progressives won the culture war mang
if the pendelum swings left, it's bound to swing right again, and the more left it was, the further right it will land and back of course.

well, maybe if more people posted positive things about our /trek/ named posters, the discussion would improve. We could maybe even promote them and make them popular in other threads... and then maybe even other boards! ;)

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I don’t like you but I’m having to detox due to a job interview and it sucks.

Didn't say xhe didn't, but the fact remains that the quality of discussion takes a nosedive when the name/tripfags show up because it becomes all about them.

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That cosplay pic of you looks professionally done. Was it like a photo shoot?

40mg of Fluoxetine. That's why I get fucking bonkers and post selfies and then fall asleep like five minutes later at 8pm when I have like two drinks.

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This is wishful thinking at best.

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Marc Alaimo's Height
6ft 0 (182.9 cm)
American actor best known for playing Gul Dukat on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In film he appeared in Total Recall and The Dead Pool. In an interview he said he was "Six Feet".

Why are you trying to hurt us?

but how could that be a problem if they're interesting people that get lots of (you)'s? they keep the discussion flowing. I think our celebrity posters are a good thing ;)

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my name? if you knew that, you'd be as clever as me

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You shouldn't drink in the week, girlfriend.

I made the costume with my husband in our shitty two room basement apartment and then my mom took photos of me in our local big ass cemetery. Nothing I do is professional.

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guys lets all reveal our identities
my name irl is Maxx Power

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My fake name is Richard Chasen

>waaahhh my life is so sad nothing good has ever happened please pay attention to me and my emotions /trek/
you're a faggot

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Cool, it looked good anyway :)

Come on man. At least it's content. This general needs all the traffic it can get.

mak e neu thred

fuck off VF no one cares how sexy you are, stop white knighting an autistic tranny who derails thread with "muh depression"

thats so true
when im not here to shitpost these threads die at 210 posts or even less
i come in and make an outragious shitposts which shakes up the thread and as soon as tripfaggots realize that the thread is moving they come in and try to take the spot light which then inevitably attracts the tripfag-haters
im the glue who keeps this shithole together


and i wrote faith in dukat

im the greatest

suck on my ballz, /trek/

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You shouldn't make fun of depression, dude. That's really mean-spirited.


I’m gonna say it!

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>and i wrote faith in dukat
So did Shatner... So that must mean.... Based.

if you can't laugh at your depression you aren't really depressed, you're just an attention whore tourist


I'm poor and shit and my cosplay has always been like Trek where I try to make a good of a production as I can on a budget of whatever is left after I buy weed and pay my bills. Back when I worked as a dabo girl at the local casino I could make like $200 in cash on a Friday night.

I get drinks when me and my husband go out to eat. Last weekend was my friends birthday and I had a whole crafe of sake to myself.

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>depression is just "feeling sad"

>I’m poor
>I had a whole crafe of sake

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It was like $18. That's about as much as I would spend on a bottle of wine. Usually I buy boxed wine tho.

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Dabo girl is one way to put it.

All horrid creatures. Coincidence? I assuredly think not!

>boxed wine
white trash


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The "labor camps" were actually family holiday centers, built by the Ger- Cardassians for the benefit of Bajor.


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New bread?

>black denim jeans
Don’t you nerds own any slacks? JFC

i just saw a video of these dudes giving an actual chimp a wax hit and getting it stoned
for reals

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>when the whitebois started calling the chimp "my nigga" and passing him the blunt
uh racist much? the chimp took the dab like a champ though kek


no, it's a choice

At least he has the balls to actually go to a con, whereas you sit at home and read about the outside world on you monitor.

This. Crybaby wants more more. Depression is lacking the fortitude needed to be a functioning person.


>waa I’m not happy all the time!

He was obvs going for the "its ironically funny because of how shitty it is" look duh you incels

>The lowpoint?
To me, it's waaahposting

man up and accept your feelings. live with them instead of being controlled by them

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>The low point?
To me, it was when a Starbucks barista started screeching about communism and why she's always crying

