What kino to watch before I commit suicide?
What kino to watch before I commit suicide?
It's A Wonderful Life
Voyage of Time
skip the kino and get to the suicide already dumb alstolfo gaggot
Berserk (1997)
I'd kill myself too if I had such annoying screeching siblings
Some Malick film. I'm sure it will make you enjoy the wonders of nature, the complexity and beauty of life. Have a good travel user.
Every day the scared faggot makes this thread.
Synecdoche New York
>What was once before you - an exciting, mysterious future - is now behind you. Lived; understood; disappointing. You realize you are not special. You have struggled into existence, and are now slipping silently out of it. This is everyone's experience. Every single one. The specifics hardly matter. Everyone's everyone. So you are Adele, Hazel, Claire, Olive. You are Ellen. All her meager sadnesses are yours; all her loneliness; the gray, straw-like hair; her red raw hands. It's yours. It is time for you to understand this.
>As the people who adore you stop adoring you; as they die; as they move on; as you shed them; as you shed your beauty; your youth; as the world forgets you; as you recognize your transience; as you begin to lose your characteristics one by one; as you learn there is no-one watching you, and there never was, you think only about driving - not coming from any place; not arriving any place. Just driving, counting off time. Now you are here, at 7:43. Now you are here, at 7:44. Now you are...Gone.
God this pretentious pile of shit sucked ass
did he died?
>killing yourself where your family would find you
selfish as fuck
Stay strong OP
Helium tank arrives on friday, cumstain.
LAST LIFE IN TGE UNIVERSE. What a plebian board
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
>Watch Ghostbusters 2
>realize what a miserable fucker you are
>turn your life around
Try it, it works
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The Lobster
(dubs and you stay alive)
>can't even spell plebeian
this user here, this is my get too, so you stay alive
Haha, damn close but no cigar.
helium tank is a meme suicide method, like women taking a bunch of over the counter pills. you need a gun or a tall building/rope if you are in a no guns country
Ok OP, now you HAVE to watch Berserk (1997).
Why do you care if a total stranger may or may not kill himself? He means nothing to you. Thousands die every day.
Purple Rain
My bad, point still stands though. Last life in the universe is a great film to watch on the topic
Don't do it you stupid faggot, Christ. Whatever's eating you up isn't as bad as it seems you fuckface, grow some balls and deal with it. Your life is a kino, make it long and interesting instead of boring and short. Stupid fucking idiot, take it from one of the best Yea Forums shows to ever live: youtube.com
its anime time OP
this, people kill themselves all the time
if you're gonna kill yourself take a politician with you
Put your grasses on, OP.
nice boomer tier response fag
Difference is that helium actually works. Tall buildings can leave you crippled.
too much risk involved for not dying and getting sent to prison
how about you grow some balls and accept the morbid truth that some people dont want to remain alive and let them do what they want?
it really doesn't, like I said the success rate is like taking a bunch of tylenol. By the way, asphyxiating yourself can easily leave you braindamaged which will cripple you just as good as jumping if you survive.
The only suicide methods with an acceptable kill rate are guns, hanging, and jumping from a sufficiently high place
Why do you want to kill yourself?
Even guns can be risky.
It's a shame that there is no right to die in a "civilized" society and people have to go to these grotesque extremes.
Watch The Mule.
I get it, but at the same time the big problem is someone unable to make the right choice could choose suicide when they really didn't need to do so, or they could be forced into doing it from pressure / blackmail— much like being trans in today's current climate
I've never hated and then loved a song so much, the ending one is perfect too
dont do it user,your Problem is that you take life to seriously,just do things you like to do and fuck what others think
Go climb an 8000 meter peak. Hypothermia supposedly is a comfy way to die.
guns are literally not risky in a practical sense. A rifle or shotgun round aimed at the correct place will kill 99.9999% of the time, it would take an honest act of god to survive such a thing. The people you hear about surviving suicide attempts from guns always do it wrong, either by completely missing the brain and blasting their faces off, or shooting the frontal lobe of the brain which is largely not critical for life, though a frontal brain shot will still kill the vast majority of the time since brain tissue is inelastic.
You can't even feel any pain since the bullet or shot will destroy your brain faster than the pain signals can even get there.
paint a meme first and then re-evaluate things.
helium can leave you braindead/vegetative if
>tank has normal air mixed in
>bag has some opening
>run out prior to death
>someone finds you in less time than it takes you to die
Wouldn't a shotgun with slugs be enough to end it?
Pretty good!
The Lion King
>Wouldn't a shotgun with slugs be enough to end it?
almost any gun would do the job easily aimed in the correct place (brain stem cerebellum vicinity) though rifles and shotguns are far more reliable to the point of being nearly foolproof.
i understood it completely. i just understood that it sucked. it's a very shallow movie.
>Wouldn't a shotgun with slugs be enough to end it?
Almost always, pretty much the most reliable you can get without true assisted suicide
once you are truly at the edge of Budd Dwyer territory, before you finalise the release from your entrapment, take a moment, a good 10-20 minutes or so to realise that the real entrapment that you've been fooled into building yourself is your own flawed societal system. You can do anything if you acknowledge this system can be replaced by a somewhat minimalist want, this want being whatever you want to do, simply. If you are truly at the precipice you will realise that you can just as easily make the passage if you fail your utmost wants. Most people for example, want to live in the woods but do not believe they can, or it's illegal etc. if you are at peace with exiting the world you should have no problem whatsoever releasing the trap laid out for you by society before you inevitably release yourself later. Sometimes it's as simple as learning an instrument you didn't believe you could or going ice-skating.
Blade runner 2049
You're right user I should watch this again
literally what did he mean by this? talk like a human please
I guess I will go out with a fucking shonen anime then lmao
Cold War, so you can remember as you're dying that you've never felt real love.
Only the fucking morons who point a .22 pistol to the temple run this risk. Placing a shotgun in your mouth is a guaranteed kill.
say that again. see what happen.
At least watch Slaughterhouse Rulez.
I remember that webm of the guy whose fucking face fell off while he was still alive though.
>not posting the version drawn by Yea Forums
More 7s, God wants you to watch Guts and Griffith: Best Friend Adventure
>tfw i finally told old doc about my mental issues after holding it in for 9 years and im now getting neetbux and therapy sessions
Gone are the days when turbo balding manlets could be wasted in mere seconds in trench and line wars.
yeah there are a million pics like it on the internet, it's caused by people flinching as they shoot since they are obviously distraught which pulls the gun forward making the bullet miss the brain
there are two ways to talk.
One, the first being the functional aim.
To be understood.
The second, to use the will of your own language at the behest of the primary function of conversation to usurp meaning into rightful hedonistic meta-symbolism.
e.g. How are you doing Frederick?
Glass bottle 19 WWW. cover bed metallic nothing hello
The more the will to convey purely rises the less you would expect to be understood. Most people conform to normal sentence structure because of their drives to be understood so thoroughly. To speak your mind is chaos, but also the most unfiltered and freeing.
A badass medieval-like buddy cop adventure like Berserk can blow life into anyone's life
>The second, to use the will of your own language at the behest of the primary function of conversation to usurp meaning into rightful hedonistic meta-symbolism.
>tfw I'm going to a gubment doctor on Thursday to figure out how much neetbux I'm gonna get
Yeahhh It's my birthday and I ain't gotta pick up the phone! Yeahhh It's my birthday Y'all should just leave me alone!