Recast the Witcher this time based on how the char look in the game

Recast the Witcher this time based on how the char look in the game.

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Maisie Williams

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I lol’d at the pic but wasn’t gonna read the text, then figured I would just in case it was funny too

Which one is the game?

heres your jennefer bro

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Just kidding, this is your Jennefer.

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Sophie Thatcher

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unironically this

Anyone else highly aroused by Cockney or British accents in general?

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Jeralt of Rivera

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cockney is the most disgusting english accent, particularly if spoken by a woman

That's not Lucy Boynton.

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No, you're the only one in the history of the world to be aroused by a British accent of any kind. Bearing in mind a well spoken English accent is one of the most loved in the world and their regional dialects are well received by Americans.

at least I’m finally special

would you rather
>black Geralt with white side characters
>white Geralt with black side characters

Idris Geralt obviously, I’m not watching for the man

My proposal

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no makeup needed

giv aryan gf

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The point is to pick actors.