D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!

>waaahhh I'm very handsome and have a large penis and people like to be around me and beautiful women want to have sex with me all the time
>please feel sympathy for me

Attached: Boo Hoo My Life Sucks Balls.jpg (600x330, 58K)

classic Yea Forums culture

taking this pasta seriously for a second, I agree. how am I supposed to feel sorry for a guy who is successful in every way?

Great film, rewatched it a few times.

Why is it so hard to understand that basically everyone is fucking miserable, regardless of economic class. If you actually watched the movie and didn't understand that he was completely fucked up then you are actually retarded

sex and money are not some golden ticket that suddenly make you happy, despite how unhappy the lack thereof makes you

>waaahhh I'm very lonely and horny and have a large gut and people hate to be around me and beautiful women don't want to have sex with me
>please feel sympathy for me

You've really played into their hands, haven't you?

Attached: Goyim, Please.png (574x600, 65K)

Why cant Brandon just find a fellow sex addict or nympho to establish a relationship with?

because he's an addict, his entire life is nothing but getting his fix, which doesn't even make him feel good.

unironically my favorite pasta and recurring thread on Yea Forums

I give that movie an 8/10. I would give it a 10/10 had he fucked his sister when she clearly wanted him to.

If not having sex is your main frustration life you are literally autistic

Shame is unironically a movie that incels will never understand

>gloomy filter
its a film not an instagram post

He has no actual reasons to be so miserable
Hundreds of millions of people grow up with a fucked up childhood and don’t end up having what he does
He’s a little bitch

>10/10 had he fucked his sister when she clearly wanted him to.

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Not every movie was made specifically for you. Get over it, and understand that there ARE people who can and DO relate to these themes.

what surprises me is that the OP doesn't use Mad Men instead, where that is actually a legitimate criticism.

he'd already been in there, m8

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it was time to return

I concur. He needed to go back for us.

How do you think film is processed?