This movie looks like it will be synthwave as fuck.
This movie looks like it will be synthwave as fuck
>it will be
Will there be unicorns in this movie?
It's April 5th already?
It premiered 9/11 2017
>It premiered 9/11
but her feet...
>synthwave as fuck.
No it doesn't
no it hasnt
>middle aged woman wearing overalls
going by that stupid childish cliche and the glitter paint, i can only assume this movie appeals to the infantile mindset of women and gutless men who have neglected their duty as men. the conclusion being it's garbage
It's a deconstruction of that.
This was the turd that led to mental.breakdown on stage 2 years ago. She was mad nobody liked her movie and she choose to target men
At a film festival, not for the general public.
>she choose to target men
Which worked because apparently it caused men to find her even more hot and men are the ones who went and saw her movie.
There is no general public
This movie looks like Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium except with a feminist message.
>synthwave as fuck
I don't think you know what that is.
>that manjaw
naaaaah. pass.
Thirsty Marvel fanboys that needed their fix before Endgame went to go see it. Speak the whole truth and not your revised version of it.
>Unicore Store
Cute. But that poster looks more like "Rainbow Bukkake"
Worse she dates a beta nigger that comes off as of he really is a homo
>Speak the whole truth and not your revised version of it.
I'm gonna use this.
God what the fuck is wrong win her face
Funny how Americans consider themselves white
How the fuck would you know? Nobody has seen it.
What are french canadians if not white...?
It came out 2 years ago. Netflix is just re-releasing it. Wow with this crowd
But it only came out in a film festival. And I doubt anyone at Yea Forums has been to a film festival.
I don't think you know what he thinks it is.
Negative it was also released at art house for a limited time.
The poster alone is pure kino. Cannot wait!
Can someone shoop that paint on her face into cum?
Asking for a friend.
Okay but what does that mean because yesterday I saw Bohemian Rhapsody described as arthouse. Is that true?
i dont think you know anything about anybody
Just watch the movie if you want to see that.
It looks like it’ll be sickly as fuck.
God damn she looks fuckable when she goes tomboy mode. I wish I'd never seen those foot pics.
She is fuckable user
The feet pics are photoshopped. People are trying really hard to shut her down.
incredible how she survived that TSA encounter and still manages to carry on
I'm sure the issue would have been avoided if she had a gun.
Hi Brie, how's the weather in LA?
74 Fh. Stop posting pics of me naked btw, I can have you jailed.
Be my wife?
Never, I only date niggers, trannies, sneedposters and FUCK JANNIES. (dare I say it)
Holy mother of based.
Why did you lose the old nose? You were cute AF with it.
Did se get gangbanged by unicorns?
Dont care and stop posting
>le netflix movie
into the trash
I think Jay Bauman really likes synth wave
Being described as art house just means its high brow. A huge difference from.actually being released in an art house
it's run of the mill, pseudo-intellectual, masturbatory horse shit.
Another one? Christ.
To be fair, looks interesting judging by the trailer.
>Another one?
What was the first one?